The conditionality of Gods Love

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
is Gods love conditional?

I would say no but I think most religions would say yes.

What say you?
From what I hear of the Christian God, no, He loves everyone unconditionally.
Athelwulf said:
From what I hear of the Christian God, no, He loves everyone unconditionally.

Didn't jesus say that "none may come to the father but thru me"
A muslim can correct me if I am wrong but I think islam says that non-believers (people who aren't people of the book) will burn in hell too.
First i would question your premise--"God"

what do you MEAN when you use that term? an old due with a long white beard in the sky---a force, what?

and then what does unconditional love mean? that anything is forgiven. that we are all loved unconditionally. what about the children now getting abused by adults? their parents? are they being loved unconditionally by "God"? if so, why woldn'y 'he' put a stop to it, Or not have let such evil happen inthe first place?

so, what i'm saying is, there is something wrong with the question/premise--for me anyhow. it doesn't seem right. it presumes straight off

We are responsible for OUR actions. when we abuse others, WE are doing it.

let me explain it this way. in our past, A masculinized he-god oppressed the understanding of a goddess. With her, there was no 'problm of good and evil. everything was inclusive within her. death was accepted as being natrual consequence. this was represented in her triple aspect--symbolized by the moon's phases, of Maiden, Mother, Crone. The dark moon is Crone, which includes DEATH...
the patriarchs demonized the Goddess, but ESPECIALLY here Crone aspect, becauwe they sought to escape death--eventually

whats all this to do with your question? well, love would INCLUDE love of Nature, which we have lost due to patriarchal dogma. yet with Nature you have all manners of events, including death. that is love. that things die and their death gives life.
not accepting this we have created an ugle environemt with losts of damaged minds and evil. that aint love. that's confusion. the losing of the source of Love
path said:
Didn't jesus say that "none may come to the father but thru me"

I have no idea . . . I'm not a worshiper of God.

duendy said:
what about the children now getting abused by adults? their parents? are they being loved unconditionally by "God"? if so, why woldn'y 'he' put a stop to it, Or not have let such evil happen inthe first place?

Which is exactly why I don't accept God, in case anyone is wondering.
it is true that I make the presumption of the existence of God. It is also true that I personally do not belive in the existence of a typical God or should I say a God as described by most religions.
When younger it was part of religious indoctrination to accept that to have Gods love one must Love him. i found this reprehensible that I should some how construct a love for something demanding it.

To get to heaven one must believe and love me this is fully conditional and a fraud, the belief is itself demeaning the object of that belief.

Suffice to say that if god exists his love woudl be immaculate and not dependent on or conditional to being loved in return.
Quantum Quack said:
Suffice to say that if god exists his love woudl be immaculate and not dependent on or conditional to being loved in return.

edit: as people who know me have come to realise I often take all sorts of perpectives in my threads and responses.....
and THAt is why i want to know what you mean by "God"....IF it is what has been handed down to us since kids, that 'God' is this all-loving father-figure, then i can understand yours and others total confusion

not only is his so-calle all-loving-ness called in question the Bible, with its zillion contradictions....culminating in the New Testament where on one hand we are to 'love our enimies' and 'neighbours' yet on the other are killin all the 'heretics' 'witches' ANY one who dont agree...more like the fukin mafia

but IF you throw out THAt made-up-by-authoritarian-males god. does that mean you've thrown away the original FEELING of awesome deep felt power

let me briefly explain what i mean this way

there has been a development over the centuries. AWAY from Nature, and ecstatioc communal ritual in Nature inspired with all forms of ecstatic ritual, especially with hallucinogens....TO, dry meaningless authoritarian dogma. dogma which has led to our feeling split from Nature, form our bodies, and from each other. THAT, not "God" has caused the abuse
a perspective that some will take is that "God's" love allows us to fix our own mistakes and problems. As any good parent allows his children to find their own way in life.

A good parent doesnot demand the love of his children but earns it without condition. it is unfortunate and not to be unexpected that some fail to see the simplicity and integrity of unconditionality. not unexpected because most religious doctrine and ideology allows for no such unconditionality.
I think that God´s love is conditional, at least if this is the christian or muslim god. For both have a "distaste" for unbelievers. God only seems to love those that love him. But perhaps god is not loving at all, since he is perfect he may know that love is not good, or at least not reliable.

Anyway, if God´love would be unconditional, there would be no hell and all that negative stuff like Sodom and Gomorrha or the flood.
Say we take another perspective.....

God the creator has like alot of artists created something. Sure it's pretty big, prety complex and pretty awsome in so many ways.

the universe, life and everything else.

if he was truelly unconditional, what sort of score would you give him out of ten for his artistry and creativity?

do you love his creation and if so are you oblidged to do so?
(maybe we should run a pole) :)
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Love is by definition a set of boundaries, it is not-hateful, not-selfish, not-deceitful etc. So maybe you should define "uncodnitional love".
Love is by definition a set of boundaries, it is not-hateful, not-selfish, not-deceitful etc. So maybe you should define "uncodnitional love".
ahhh and here in lies the problem......."love is by definition a set of boundaries'
thus love is conditional according to those boundaries.....yes?

Unconditional love is simply love with out condition.......something very foriegn to most people......for reasons stated earlier.
So if someone decides to love goats and people, that's a more noble kind of love than someone who loves only people? But it's perfectly possible to love your pets - on the the condition that it's not sexual. See the problem?

I really think you should reconsider whether even unconditinal love has no conditions. If something can be defined, it has conditions.
Jenyar said:
So if someone decides to love goats and people, that's a more noble kind of love than someone who loves only people? But it's perfectly possible to love your pets - on the the condition that it's not sexual. See the problem?

What is wrong with goat love?!

Seriously he is not referring to sexual love. I believe he is referring to the kind of love you have for your infant son or daughter.
I am puzzled.....why is sexual love deemed to be automatically conditional.

By using the word unconditional before the word love does this not qualify the definition of love as unconditional.

Maybe unconditionality is a really difficult concept.....hmmmmm....more so than I thought.
duendy: First i would question your premise--"God"

what do you MEAN when you use that term? an old due with a long white beard in the sky---a force, what?

and then what does unconditional love mean? that anything is forgiven. that we are all loved unconditionally. what about the children now getting abused by adults? their parents? are they being loved unconditionally by "God"? if so, why woldn'y 'he' put a stop to it, Or not have let such evil happen inthe first place?

so, what i'm saying is, there is something wrong with the question/premise--for me anyhow. it doesn't seem right. it presumes straight off

We are responsible for OUR actions. when we abuse others, WE are doing it.

let me explain it this way. in our past, A masculinized he-god oppressed the understanding of a goddess. With her, there was no 'problm of good and evil. everything was inclusive within her. death was accepted as being natrual consequence. this was represented in her triple aspect--symbolized by the moon's phases, of Maiden, Mother, Crone. The dark moon is Crone, which includes DEATH...
the patriarchs demonized the Goddess, but ESPECIALLY here Crone aspect, becauwe they sought to escape death--eventually

whats all this to do with your question? well, love would INCLUDE love of Nature, which we have lost due to patriarchal dogma. yet with Nature you have all manners of events, including death. that is love. that things die and their death gives life.
not accepting this we have created an ugle environemt with losts of damaged minds and evil. that aint love. that's confusion. the losing of the source of Love
M*W: Bravo!
Quantum Quack: It is also true that I personally do not belive in the existence of a typical God or should I say a God as described by most religions.
M*W: This is the problem. In their desperate need to conquer death, human beings have created the image of God. In doing so, they have disempowered the God that dwells within. Then what happens? Societies crumble.
Quantum Quack: Suffice to say that if god exists his love woudl be immaculate and not dependent on or conditional to being loved in return.
M*W: The god humans have created doesn't exist. It's the overall image they wish for in a father figure. But, god as I understand it may have been the dynamic force that created the universe, but it's not a being that loves or feels any kind of emotion, and certainly a force that doesn't judge us humans!