The Collapce of the theory of evolution in 20 questions

Godless said:
However these nomads didn't know didly of star dust, the formation of the universe, earth, excetera, and evolutionary theory. So no! these people meant it as they wrote it. Literally.

Actually they knew more about the universe and themselves than we do today and what we will do in the future.
Godless said:
Hmmm Lets see, I've been in three diferent denominations,
I've been in a score or more swimming pools, it doesn't make me a ****ing fish.
Godless said:
Hmmm Lets see, I've been in three diferent denominations, I had enough of stupidity training yes.
In short, what does being in a denomination (or thirty of them) have to do with studying theology? I'll save you the trouble of answering: bugger all.
Have, you or have you not studied theology? Your simplistic and rigid view of how Christians interpret the bible suggests that if you have studied it, you weren't paying much attention.
Godless said:
Well perhaps that's a changing trate(sic) I have not been familiar, I've been an atheist for over 23 years.
Congratulations. How long have you been a dickhead?
Godless said:
So I've been out of the loop of the now accepted way of thinking for these theists, they do change their mind with every new scientific discovery that can't be refuted very well.
You really need to do a better job of picking your friends, enemies and casual targets of your debating techniques. Your characterisation might well be applicable to fundamentalists: but, as I have pointed out, it does not describe the majority of Christians in Western Europe. And quite possibly, not the majority of Christian's globally, since the two largest denominations have no trouble with evolution or a host of other scientific theories.

Godless said:
You haven't been on these boards very long have you? Havent you seen Christian claim that "not everyone who claims to be christian is a christian?" Self proclaimed then is the correct way to address these people, specially when there's about 33000 different denominations of Christianity.
Your obvious contempt for any variety of Christian (these people reeks of it) does credit to your desire to demonstrate exactly what the results of narrow minded prejudice are. That was a lengthy, convoluted sentence. Did I make my meaning clear? Your own distaste for Christianity and theism has deprived you of any measure of objectivity.

Godless said:
Do tell, these nomads were slaves, illiterate, and most just used stories of other groups to come up with their notions.
Now you are moving onto new ground, wherein you lay bare your own ignorance. So far it is a rather plain garment, but I suspect you will soon ornament it with unexpected delights.
The oral tradition, by which tribal myth and history and a sense of society were retained, is an ancient one which the term 'illiterate' fails utterly to properly encompass. The memory of the bards of these pre-literate socieities were impressive on both a quantitative and qualitative scale. [I believe I read some research recently where it was demonstrated that there were fewer copying errors in verbally transmitted traditions than in written.]
You seem completely unaware of these aspects, preferring to allow your distaste for theism to colour, yet again, your appreciation of some very great skills.
Godless said:
Even Plato thought of poetry as stupidity.
Appeal to authority! I thought I told you cut out the cheap sophistry.
I shall leave to others the judgement on what seems to be your opinion also. May I repeat. I feel emboldened to do so.
Godless thinks, like Plato, that poetry is stupidity.
Godless said:
However these nomads didn't know didly of star dust, the formation of the universe, earth, excetera, and evolutionary theory. So no! these people meant it as they wrote it. Literally.
That simply does not match reality. You really haven't studied Christian theology, or you would be aware of the rich metaphoric and poetic character of Hebrew.
Your loss.
Godless said:
Why thank you, however my stand still stands from observation of being here for apx 6 years debating Christians on these boards and many others!
You will be much more succesful at it if you temper your criticism with a little knowledge. Trust me. It wont be painful.

Godless said:
Go figure they have claimed that god lives outside of time even.
That is hardly any more remarkable than claiming that time began with the Big Bang. Indeed, it seems to be almost identical to claiming that.

Godless said:
Who exactly am I supposedly following? I am expressing my own views, influenced certainly by the society I find myself in, the knowledge I have acquired, the insights I have gained. But I don't see where the 'lemming' appellation fits. Perhaps you would care to explain.
i was cheering for his vigor.
you are the lemming on this spiritually empty board.

Now now, i think lemmings are becoming greatly misunderstood creatures ;).
I quite agree with you. I spoke to one once, but it replied in Swedish, I think. I completely misunderstood it.
You don't speak Swedish do you?
Ophiolite said:
I've been in a score or more swimming pools, it doesn't make me a ****ing fish.

when have you found a fish in a swimming pool ever?

Ophiolite said:
In short, what does being in a denomination (or thirty of them) have to do with studying theology? I'll save you the trouble of answering: bugger all.

why would you study theology? its the study of a religious doctrine that uses the history and beliefs of the religion to create a description or clarification of it. if you reject the idea of theism, you dont study theology because you know that its basically the intellectual equivalent of chasing your tail. you cant get a clear picture of anything that a particular christian might believe by studying theology and furthermore, you gain even less insight into what the "average christian's" lifestyle may have been in practice at any given period throughout history. all you know are the doctrines they were supposed to be observing, not whether they chose to disregard certain ones entirely or give undue emphasis to others.
Have, you or have you not studied theology? Your simplistic and rigid view of how Christians interpret the bible suggests that if you have studied it, you weren't paying much attention.

That's just it ophi, there's so many denominations because they don't all agree in the interpretation of the scriptures.

Congratulations. How long have you been a dickhead?

ad-hominem, now was that really contributing to the discusion, or perhaps you did it to boost your ego?

You really need to do a better job of picking your friends, enemies and casual targets of your debating techniques. Your characterisation might well be applicable to fundamentalists: but, as I have pointed out, it does not describe the majority of Christians in Western Europe

I live in the USA, perhaps there a bit behind here. But if this is so, do you have some evidence to back up that claim?

Your obvious contempt for any variety of Christian (these people reeks of it)

Listen retard, what else I'm suppose to call a group of people other than "these people"? Hence they all have a commonality, hence they all believe in the same theology, properly it's these people!. :rolleyes: BTW you don't know me, you never been with me, you don't know didly to judge any of my characters towards others.

Now you are moving onto new ground, wherein you lay bare your own ignorance.

So you read a few of my posts, and think you know what I know, or that I don't know shit? good for you it shows the contempt for adhominem since you do have a weak case.

Appeal to authority!

Plato an authority? LOL.. Please.. I only stated as fact, most poetry is rediculous and serves no purpose. Now do notice I say most, not all poetry. This you are dwelling in aesthetics thus each chooses it's own taste, I choose not to like poetry at all, it serves no purpose in my life, other than get laid occasionally. ;)

That simply does not match reality. You really haven't studied Christian theology, or you would be aware of the rich metaphoric and poetic character of Hebrew.

Well basically I didn't study theology in Hebrew, perhaps my loss, but even then it's just as boring in Latin, and that is correct it basically is metaphor, as it's not based on reality as it is, but on generalizations. Thus the belief of flat earth, and the geocentric theory all these false notions came from generalizations not accurate observation.

You will be much more succesful at it if you temper your criticism with a little knowledge.

Again adhominem, what is it with you and your contempt? I don't know you and sure as hell you dont know me, therefore you can't judge my knowledge in any given field. I have seen some amazing hoop jumping in my time, were all sorts of claims have been made. I once called myself Christian, and now I don't call myself any religious denomination, other than my disbelief, atheist. thus the name Godless represents that I don't believe in theism. So when a person calls himself Christian, or Hindu, or any other variation of theism, or even atheism it's "self proclaimed".

That is hardly any more remarkable than claiming that time began with the Big Bang. Indeed, it seems to be almost identical to claiming that.

Haven't you being paying attention? I don't adhere to the BB theory. So time is eternal and no BB ever happened, as new observations are being demonstrated in plasma cosmology.

Who exactly am I supposedly following?

Scratches head? :confused: This was not meant for you Ophi but for TDI

**you are the lemming on this spiritually empty board.**

I follow no one, however if this board is "spiritually empty" for you what the hell are you doing here?

Godless said:
ad-hominem, now was that really contributing to the discusion, or perhaps you did it to boost your ego?
The length of time you have been an atheist had little or nor relevance to the discussion. Your generally cavalier attitude certainly raises the possibility you are a dickhead. I wanted to determine how long this had been the case.

Godless said:
I live in the USA, perhaps there a bit behind here. But if this is so, do you have some evidence to back up that claim?
Yes. Visit Europe. Speak to some Christians. While you are here you can also have some decent beer.

Godless said:
BTW you don't know me, you never been with me, you don't know didly to judge any of my characters towards others.

So you read a few of my posts, and think you know what I know, or that I don't know shit?
I know exactly what you have conveyed by your posts: unless of course the point of your posts was to convey no information whatsoever. Have I touched a tender point here?

Godless said:
I choose not to like poetry at all, it serves no purpose in my life, other than get laid occasionally. ;)
Yes. I already covered that with my fascinating observation. After a little emotional outburst like this you still maintain I know diddly shit about you. I know a great deal about you Godless. You are quite transparent.

Godless said:
Again adhominem, what is it with you and your contempt? I don't know you and sure as hell you dont know me, therefore you can't judge my knowledge in any given field.
My contempt is reactionary. It arises whenever I witness strong contempt in another. You ignorantly initiated what you thought was a clever attack on a Christian's belief in both the Bible and evolution. You did it in a contemptuous manner. You did it with no apparent understanding of the facts involved. You got called on it.

Given I don't know you, it's quite remarkable how easy it was to push your buttons.

And for the future, try to remember there is a difference between and education and wisdom.
im here. thats all that matters, godless.

the fact is: you are a follower in a trendy fashion of nihilism.
simple as that.
you follow the masses.
Your generally cavalier attitude certainly raises the possibility you are a dickhead.

If you still must resort to name calling, means you have a weak argument can't think of anything better? Does this boost your weak ego? I've not attacked you in any way, I didn't call ddovala any offencive name. Why then must you believe that I attacked her beliefs, by simply pointing out that they contradict scripture beleifs?

Yes. Visit Europe. Speak to some Christians. While you are here you can also have some decent beer.

If Christians there are that more modernized than they are here, then it would be a good idea. I don't drink beer, hard liquor is my poinson. ;)

I know exactly what you have conveyed by your posts: unless of course the point of your posts was to convey no information whatsoever. Have I touched a tender point here?

No! what you have done is perceived contempt from my part for questioning the validity of contradicting beliefs of another.

My contempt is reactionary. It arises whenever I witness strong contempt in another. You ignorantly initiated what you thought was a clever attack on a Christian's belief in both the Bible and evolution.

They contradict, and I only questioned because I want to get more insight of christians who have contradicting views of their reality. It is well known here in the US that Genesis contradicts evolutionary science. BTW I see it as a positive that people of christian denomination are coming around to accepting scientific fact, other than do what they have done throughout all of human history, which is to prosecute those who spoke against their beliefs.

Yes. I already covered that with my fascinating observation.

Oh! please feed yourself some more ego boosting shots, while your at it!. The only thing fascinating is that I took the time to refute your misquided observations!. :rolleyes:

After a little emotional outburst like this you still maintain I know diddly shit about you.

This is a fact, as I've been here for over 6 years, and this one time is the only time you even coresponded with me directly. There's no emotional outburst my friend, this is again is your preconsived false notiong of knowing anything about me.

Given I don't know you, it's quite remarkable how easy it was to push your buttons.

LOL..LOL, thanks for the good early morning joke. which is what you made yourself to be, with false ideas of my character. The only button I may have reacted is to laugh at a complete ignorant bafoon, who believes that knows me. :D

the fact is: you are a follower in a trendy fashion of nihilism.

I'm not a nihilist.

Nihilism: as a philosophical position is the view that the world, and especially human existence, is without meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value. Some philosophers are considered nihilists if they hold the philosophical position that either (1) nothing exists (all there is is nothing), (2) the reality we humans experience does not exist at all as we see it, or (3) reality is unknowable, and thus the pursuit of objective understanding is pointless.

Objectivism: Objectivism is a philosophical system developed by Russian-born American philosopher and author Ayn Rand. It encompasses positions in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, politics, and aesthetics. Objectivism holds that there is a mind-independent reality, that individual human beings are in contact with this reality through sensory perception, that they gain knowledge by processing the data of perception using the method of reason or "non-contradictory identification," that the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness, and that the only moral social system is laissez-faire capitalism. The different branches of the philosophy, Rand claims, all hierarchically link back to its metaphysics and epistemology, and are found by establishing the logical results of its position in those two.

Rand also characterizes Objectivism as a philosophy "for living on earth," grounded in reality and aimed at facilitating knowledge of the natural world and harmonious, mutually beneficial interactions between human beings.

I'm an objectivist. This is why you see "objectivist mind" under my name.

Ophiolite said:
August 1968 or 1969. I don't recall which.

right, the point being that youve been in a score of swimming pools and have only seen a fish in one once. dont you think that kind of kills your little theology-fish analogy or whatever you were going for there?
To Godless:
your original post to ddovala was wholly lacking in any sarcasm or cavalier attitude;
your comprehension of Christian theology is exemplary;
your obectivity is a shining beacon in a sea of delusional self indulgence;
your perception that I could not have formed an accurate opinion of you by reading your many posts is of course true;
your inability to read a sentence in which fascinating is picked out in italics is absoutely the responsibility of the author;
your interest in the purported egocentric behaviour of others has no bearing on your own limitations;
your observation that name calling must reflect a weak argument and not a distaste on the part of the name caller, is, of course precise.

I could go on, but I am sure I have said enough to set your mind at ease. It remains only for me to apologise for having taken up so much of your valuable time.

To No One in Particular:
Some people think they are Hank Reardon, when they are actually Jim Taggart.
charles cure said:
right, the point being that youve been in a score of swimming pools and have only seen a fish in one once. dont you think that kind of kills your little theology-fish analogy or whatever you were going for there?
Wrong. I was fishing for Godless, and caught a cured mackerel instead. My reading of the odds were 50% that no one would notice that fish are rare in swimming pools (unless you are a real country boy and a swimming pool or hole is just that). 45%+ that Godless would call me on it. And about 5% that someone else would grab it. I lucked out.
What's wrong with materialism? Matter is magical! It walks and talks, turns into rock and then into a giraffe, then into energy, then a rock again... It creates thoughts and feelings, desire and death, it can even know it's own nature to some degree.