The Collapce of the theory of evolution in 20 questions

The Devil,

invalid according to scientific standards?
if so, then the ball is still in the air, as science has yet to debunk G-d.
what do you think?
What do you think might be the opening premise for the argument that a god exists?
that we have no idea where all the energy and mass in the universe comes from, and since the law of conservation of mass says it cannot be created or destroyed.....well that leads one to believe that at one time, something was outside our known laws of physics. right?

and the opposite then? id like to hear a premise for the non-existence of god. :)
The Devil Inside said:
that we have no idea where all the energy and mass in the universe comes from, and since the law of conservation of mass says it cannot be created or destroyed.....well that leads one to believe that at one time, something was outside our known laws of physics. right?

mePPPPonlyif you cant take that matter-energy ISterenal. whay, for example DOESit have to come from some where?....andas i keeps saying. it is not ONLY matter-energy. THAT idea is materialism.................yes? i am saying that along with eternal matter-energy is eternal consciousness. tht matter-energys is sentient. so we don'yt NEED any 'supernatrual' outside agency--a 'GOD' behind....AS IT WERE. THATS A SPOOK INIT?

and the opposite then? id like to hear a premise for the non-existence of god. :)
all depends what you mean by 'god' you mean the biblical god? or a sense of depth, which is our past has been called 'god'?
The Devil Inside said:
that we have no idea where all the energy and mass in the universe comes from, and since the law of conservation of mass says it cannot be created or destroyed.....well that leads one to believe that at one time, something was outside our known laws of physics. right?

and the opposite then? id like to hear a premise for the non-existence of god. :)

Well it seems pretty logical that things can not exist without life creating those things... but using that same logic to the universe doesn't get you anywhere, it seems like we are unable to think 'outside the box' in that respect.

Time is the hardest thing for me to get around, time is all we know, so if there is a God, who created God etc... The mind just bawks at the idea of time not existing.
The Devil,


that we have no idea where all the energy and mass in the universe comes from,
But that isn’t quite accurate. It implies energy and mass came from somewhere and ignores the logical possibility that it has always been.

and since the law of conservation of mass says it cannot be created or destroyed.....well that leads one to believe that at one time, something was outside our known laws of physics. right?
That doesn’t follow does it? If something cannot be created or destroyed then that indicates it is infinite, right?

So no valid opening argument for a god there, agreed?

and the opposite then? id like to hear a premise for the non-existence of god.
That’s quite a different issue. Trying to argue for such a negative is generally accepted as impossible.
The Devil Inside said:
i mean the infinite, duendy.

not an old man on a throne. i mean that which we can have no knowledge of in this "meat prison".
So you have effectively defined "God" as "everything of which we can have no knowledge".

And you worship this God?

Is this "God" worthy of praise?
Why call it God? Why give it religious connotations?
Why ascribe any personification to it?
Can it interact with us?
Can we interact with it?
Does it affect us when we die?

That which we can not know is absolutely irrelevant to us - and the logical equivalent to something that doesn't exist.
Cris said:
But that isn’t quite accurate. It implies energy and mass came from somewhere and ignores the logical possibility that it has always been.
how is it logical, given what we know of say that physical things have always been?
Cris said:
That doesn’t follow does it? If something cannot be created or destroyed then that indicates it is infinite, right?
we already know what i think on that from the above statement.
Cris said:
That’s quite a different issue. Trying to argue for such a negative is generally accepted as impossible.
i am an open minded fellow, and i am prepared to hear it. to say that it is impossible, is a cop-out. impossibility implies limitation. to imply limitation is to say that you know how far something goes. is that too convoluted? sorry if it is...i try to make sense but sometimes my brains get all scrambled when i try to make coherent sentences :D
Sarkus said:
So you have effectively defined "God" as "everything of which we can have no knowledge".
in another post (i dont remember which, but it was recent), i stated that i cannot define G-d. i stand by that statement.

Sarkus said:
And you worship this God?
nope. i worship no G-d.

Sarkus said:
Is this "God" worthy of praise?
to give praise is to assume i am in a position to do so. so, no.
Sarkus said:
Why call it God? Why give it religious connotations?
because "Frank" doesnt do the idea justice, i dont think.
Sarkus said:
Why ascribe any personification to it?
i believe that ascribing personification is probably the most disrespectful thing we can do, as it brings such a lofty idea down to the level of my meager brains.
Sarkus said:
Can it interact with us?
the fact that we are existing says "yes. it can."
Sarkus said:
Can we interact with it?
not in a traditional sense, no. i dont think so. maybe im wrong though. who knows?
Sarkus said:
Does it affect us when we die?
everything that ever happens affects us at every moment of existence, whether we are alive on this earth or not.

Sarkus said:
That which we can not know is absolutely irrelevant to us
thats idiotic. sorry. i usually dont resort to that kind of mudslinging, but really...examine that statement, and tell me that you are serious. i hope it was a typo.
Sarkus said:
and the logical equivalent to something that doesn't exist.
maybe. but i learned a long time ago to never say never.
The devil,

to say that it is impossible, is a cop-out.
Until we can examine every corner and aspect of the universe and beyond and potential parallels then we can never be sure that the imaginary item does not exist in some form, unless you can show that the imaginary item is logically impossible, i.e. has contradictory properties.

impossibility implies limitation.
In this case our inability to search everywhere.

sorry if it is...i try to make sense but sometimes my brains get all scrambled when i try to make coherent sentences
Yes I’ve noticed and I will try not to hold that against you but it may well cause some misunderstandings if I misinterpret your statements sometimes.
The devil,

how is it logical, given what we know of say that physical things have always been?
Entropy only applies to closed systems, although you’d be hard pressed to construct such a system in reality. But if the universe is infinite, i.e. boundless in all directions then by definition entropy cannot apply.
Cris said:
The devil,

Entropy only applies to closed systems, although you’d be hard pressed to construct such a system in reality. But if the universe is infinite, i.e. boundless in all directions then by definition entropy cannot apply.
would you say, boundless in all dimensions too?
The Devil Inside said:
that we have no idea where all the energy and mass in the universe comes from, and since the law of conservation of mass says it cannot be created or destroyed.....well that leads one to believe that at one time, something was outside our known laws of physics. right?

Actually, NO ,devil ............
According to the latest theories of the origin of the universe :
The universe, that was created from the big bang , was only a small universe created from the energy from the 5. dimension - the small part of energy was there ALWAYS in the big total universe - only transformed by the big bang into this sub universe we inhabit ........
Which means that the dimension (time) has no beginning or end for the energy of the small part of the total universe , that was created at the big bang .........
Energy comes in many forms - one of them matter .........
There is NO beginning or end of time for the energy in the total universe....
There is NO beginning or end of time for the small part of energy, that created the small universe as we know it after the big bang ......
duendy said:
would you say, boundless in all dimensions too?

The total universe is boundless , but the tiny sub universe, that was formed
after the big bang MIGHT have limits in the first 3 dimensions .....
Magic said:
The total universe is boundless , but the tiny sub universe, that was formed
after the big bang MIGHT have limits in the first 3 dimensions .....
hmmmmmmm, well that 'might' dont seem right to me. as te Holographic analogy reveals, what is contained in a 'part' shows the WHOLE. so it'd be limiting to assume a universe such as ours was limited to 3 dimensions. also, always keep in mind, i am never just talking about matter-energy on its OWN, for it ALWAYS is with consciousness.
If matter-energy is non-local, consciousness is not-located
ie., that consciousness is the FEELING of matter-energy
all this speaks to me as , boundlessness
The existence or form of the big bang can neither prove or disprove biological evolution or the origin of life. Move the line of arguement elsewhere.
Magic said:
Actually, NO ,devil ............
According to the latest theories of the origin of the universe :
The universe, that was created from the big bang , was only a small universe created from the energy from the 5. dimension - the small part of energy was there ALWAYS in the big total universe - only transformed by the big bang into this sub universe we inhabit ........
Which means that the dimension (time) has no beginning or end for the energy of the small part of the total universe , that was created at the big bang .........
Energy comes in many forms - one of them matter .........
There is NO beginning or end of time for the energy in the total universe....
There is NO beginning or end of time for the small part of energy, that created the small universe as we know it after the big bang ......

sources? you made alot of very large statements right there, and if you cant back them up, then they are meaningless.