The Building of the Pyramids

Okay Norval, you don't need to poorly construct a sentence just to prove a point.
I think I should just mention for those potential future posters, that this thread is about "The building of the pyramids" (Which alot of people have "alterate views" over the reality of) although there is a planet load of historians that only dispute whether pully's on scafolds or piles of sand were used to position the stone blocks.

So if you have something to add about the historic method of how a pyramid was made and you don't go too far along the plot of Stargate, then post your thoughts.
Sorry, can't see to type, the tears from laughing so hard makes it impossible to see the keys. Thanks Stryder,,,,, Just change your name to StryderUnknowing next time,,, FOCL
Simple; stupid kids can't accept that other people could work out how to do it.

That linked vid above was pretty cool, shows just how easy it could have been, given a bit of thought.

As I do belive the building of the pyramids etc were more down to earth than some, I wouldn't call the work anywhere near easy.......The video I posted showed a man doing what seemed impossible; multiply his efforts by a million and you have Giza.

Estimates of a million blocks were moved and hauled into place and fashioned together with precision that is comparable to today's modern architecture.

I dont belive aliens or hidden technologies were used to build the pyramids.......but I do belive a knowledge and aspect of mankind was used that mankind has seem to have forgotten.

If man today was given the task to build the pyramids using ancient technologies, I dont think the task could be completed. Were too preoccupied to make such a collected effort........
The most viable way to move heavy stones quickly is the use of helium or hydrogen ballons.
The presence of linden jars and such vases extra found in eygpt, are very simular to the old meathods used to produce hydrogen in portugal brought to portugal by a brazilian the oringal inventory of the hydrogen ballon.
It is more likly to believe that hydrogen was produce from jars to produce a floating gas to be contained in a ballon used to lift large stones into place and to location.
All of the materials needed to do the job are in eygptian archiology.
It is clear even by the military that there is no better heavy lifter than gas, the only reason it is not used in modern miltary lifting of tanks and heavy artilliary is that the gases is flamable and subject to loss, but there are not air planes equal in lifting power.
The ballon is probally the first flight craft man has ever known, it meets the intution of even primative man, or those that worship the sun and moon, which gives rise to the invention of the gas ballon, any observant person would look into the sky and see the clouds, feel the winds and see the sun and moon in the sky and put togeather that a round object some winds and or gas is needed to take flight. a basic assmebly in observation.
simple things apply such as any society that bottles wine knows that the wine ferments and corks and lids pop off, they take rapid velocity upward. these simple things give us assurance that eygptians where aware of the effects of gases.
The simple DC current batteries found in eygpt are more than enough to create hydrogen.

Simple acid washing of stones would be enough to form smooth surfaces found in the pyramid stone.

It seems that there should be some carving relief that shows gas ballons lifting large stones, unless it was within a common place useage that well known and not worth mention. or the pyramids are built by others and then where later inhabitated by others.

the pyramids were built using magnetic gold tools (anti-gravity, ark of the covenant). iron is not so useful, but if it's alive, magnetized, it's more useful. gold is not useful either, but if it's magnetized, it becomes living gold, which is really valuable. it can make the chi energy (life force) in a human so strong that he can divide the red sea. moreover, it can control the chi in matter to easily cut a block of stone into desirable form, and... much more.

the staff of moses

the magnetism of iron is an invisible energy. the energy is not the same as human will energy. but the magnetism of gold is.
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the pyramids were built using magnetic gold tools (anti-gravity). iron is not so useful, but if it's alive, magnetized, it's more useful. gold is not useful either, but if it's magnetized, it becomes living gold, which is really valuable. it can make the chi energy in a human so strong that he can divide the red sea. moreover, it can control the chi in matter to easily cut a block of stone into desirable form, and... much more.

Where did you get these facts ?
Yorda never has any facts, only fantasies. So it is safe to ignorelist him.
I wouldn't have seen that post, if you hadn't quoted it. ;)
Oh, immensly. I'd have missed magnetic antigravity living gold used by ancient Egyptians to operate with Chi.
the pyramids were built using magnetic gold tools (anti-gravity, ark of the covenant). iron is not so useful, but if it's alive, magnetized, it's more useful. gold is not useful either, but if it's magnetized, it becomes living gold, which is really valuable. it can make the chi energy (life force) in a human so strong that he can divide the red sea. moreover, it can control the chi in matter to easily cut a block of stone into desirable form, and... much more.

the staff of moses

the magnetism of iron is an invisible energy. the energy is not the same as human will energy. but the magnetism of gold is.

So....lets entertain the idea for shits and much gold would be required? How was the gold magnatized? Where is the remnants of the gold tools now?
Well the magnetized gold suggest a change in atomic chemistry, at least amoung the heavier atoms.

perhaps a change in the postion of stars?:shrug:

sly1 said:
So....lets entertain the idea for shits and giggles......

the funniest thing about this is that i'm right.

how much gold would be required?

it depends on how much power you want.

How was the gold magnatized?

with chi of course. but it could only be magnetized (charged) by someone like moses or jesus. just like you can charge a piece of iron with electricity, you can charge a piece of metal with will power. but it has to be a special kind of metal that can be a conductor for the lifeforce...

Where is the remnants of the gold tools now?

they destroyed them.
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