the brain hologram system!

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Originally posted by Markquis
the possession or the exercise of reasoning power suitability as it relate to the reasonable review,practice,and logical natural connection of [that] same reasoning in maitaining a fixed phase relationship with regards to origim or root in a complete or basic manner.which is thoroughly,fundamentally,expanding the functions {fns} of the mammalian brain at far-reaching,unlimited levels to achieve full acceleration.

i and the other crackpots on this board have to commend you on reaching new heights of insanity! you give us inspiration!

onward brave soldier!


the master levels.[which levels are you on?!]
the eneragy patterns or what will be included.have a collection as tutorials or basic neural functions {fns} such tutorials should be appropriat for course in basic neural processes,by implanting biological foundations of behavior and emtion into the nanobot.

insanity,no my friend the reality of ones quest.
a human neuron fires at around 200 times a second {200hz},and there are 100 billion of them in the human brain operating in parallel.a powerful pc at present can operate at 2ghz,or the eqivalent of 10 million neurons.that means we would have to link 10,000 pcs together to achieve human brain equivalence.
my friend "cris" then also stated that
well we can't quite do that yet.but in 10 years we should have a computing chip of around 200ghz.
regarding the 2012 deadline achievement of the PC in rivaling the human brain, (it goes w/out saying,) but I know there might a(n) miscalculation there. But that is irrelevant to the case and point at hand. Tell me, though, what the hell do you think about what said above Re: the implantations of the biological foundations of behavior and emotion, 'cause thats what the hell is up. I need feedback my motherf@ck#ng man, feedback I say!!
write back heads up!
oh, as a starting point/aid, start from the following:
the mind project the image or key element within the visual cortex. The image is the behavioral control (kinda like a fuel, if you will) of emotions, whereby the mind transmits energy waves or magnetic field that surrounds all elements which are about the body's luminescence or ora, and this projected M.field is in turn complemented by the very air molecules which acts as the pressures, temperatures and volume changes common to Charle's Law.
alright, c'mon hit me off man!
'am waiting!
The blueprint is here!
Originally posted by spookz
i and the other crackpots on this board have to commend you on reaching new heights of insanity! you give us inspiration!

onward brave soldier!

Heh, it's about time you recognized him as your leader!

Let me put it like this:

The matricing of the Brain is an occurance within the scientific community as Research and Development.
The interfacing of small chips (S.Qu.I.D.) with cellular tissue is a reality.

Semi-Conducting Quantum Interference Device, even your Processor in your Computer can be called that.)

One such experiment envolving Prof. K. Warwick and his wife @ the Department of Cybernetics , Reading University, UK. Although this experiment is not implantation into the brain it is still an experiment that provides awareness of interfacing.

A nice addition to this is a link for what seems a collection of people (Meaning companies and Academics) that are working on Cognative sciences.

I'll just explain one other thing to you Mystech. I have been studying a small amount into Neuroscience purely because I was interested in Artificial Intelligence design, Notibly Neural Networking. My intension was to consider the ability to Matrice between man and machine to help formulate an Intelligence system based on that form of interface with man. (I say man, but it could be woman or any other living creature for that matter)

The explanation of matricing through RF antenna arrays is just another version on this. If it was proven to be successful (Namely non-lethal/non-hazardous) the uses of the equipment would range from better IDing and interfacing with electronics equipment (e.g. ATM's, automated help services etc) and far better security. (Although Human Rights would have to be REMODELLED because you would lose your Privacy)

The overall COMMERCIAL aspect is astounding, meaning that if it became mainstream in society large companies would evolve even larger profits.

Not to forget there would be no way to stop ADVERTISEMENTS being sent directly to your mind. (Isn't that what we all want mind SPAM???)

the link information was and is greatly appreciated.
mr warwick [kiven] and i will be having a more intellectual conversation,{not to mention} were on the same frequency network etc.

to improve or to better [yet say].expanding the functions {fns} of the mammalia brain at far-reaching,unlimited levels to achieve full acceleration:cool: thanx!!!
To be honest I have trouble understanding what any of you are saying, I guess I'm just stupid or something.
On the subject of the brain hologram system, some scientists believe a theory that cetaceans(dolphins, orcas etc) can use the sonar part of their brain(which is massive) to send holographic images to eachother.
Considering how little is known about this part of their brains I think it is a very reasonable idea. Perhaps they can create images in their own minds like us but also have the ability to send these images to members of their pod for hunting purposes, protection and maybe even fun.(Maybe a male orca could send an image of himself having sex with his friends girlfriend to his friend just to piss off his friend and have a laugh, its possible:) ).
None of this is unlikely, think about what we as humans can do with our brains, we would use up alot of space on doing things with our hands, but cetaceans don't have hands and their brains are proportionately about the same size as ours. So all that extra brain must be being used on something fairly complicated. Interesting stuff to think about if you ask me, what do you think?
Now everyone, (pay attention, y'all)
Ok, because here is someone whom is using the God-given (spirit of Truth) knowledge and reconaissance that he is supposed to use, as he has been priviliged with it anyways. Now it's guys like u that the owners' group meeting highlights ought to be underlined on, are to be about and list of goals throughout our total G.S.E R&D game plans, implementations and objectives, particularly as it relates to the b.h.S project group.

activation - :} [lesion ?!] receives and transmit mammalia interaction. location: [hippocampus]. network:[primary visual cortex],specail areas of interactive neural acceleration. development:transfroming the human/mammalia brain abilities {not to mention} seeing under optical, vertical, mobility.

look, look, electroimage captured and projected to common gaze interaction etc.,

["experience"]:tapping into the animality ability,location:left cerebral hemisphere.

ummm.......... i'm only 19 and yeah.... it would be cool to shoot someone with mind bullets and all.... but damn..... doesnt talking like a dictionary get boring and make your head hurt though? just reading that and not understanding any of it made my brain tired.
How bout u go to bar and get a few beers and talk to some ladies like "Hi, how are you" or something.... rest the ol mind for a min and take a chill pill.....
I have to agree, Markquis is english your first language? I am honestly finding it impossible to figure out what you're saying. Your posts look like a transcript from a board meeting or like they were swedish and got translated into japanese and then translated into english.
I'll soften the blow by saying I'm probably just retarded ok?
"I'm probably just retarded" there :) Now, lets be happy!

in your last response you had stated that
it is however possible to "project" holographic image to the brain.
[not to mention,that the brain can project holographic image it self:eek: ].

mental body imagery or should i better yet say,"electroimage"

lets find out more {?!}
dr. lou natic

don't start something you can't end
i have to agree makquis is english your language ?
:D now,thats a good one. sir,the only language i speek is [0,1,z].

talk about banking with your friends

:D or should i pay for my new b.m.w.with your new account:eek: no don't fuck with me.

Originally posted by Markquis
the possession or the exercise of reasoning power suitability as it relate to the reasonable review,practice,and logical natural connection of [that] same reasoning in maitaining a fixed phase relationship with regards to origim or root in a complete or basic manner.which is thoroughly,fundamentally,expanding the functions {fns} of the mammalian brain at far-reaching,unlimited levels to achieve full acceleration.

Does anyone remember Damon Wayans' character Anton the homeless guy from 'In Living Color'?

He would use a bunch of big words completely incorrectly, mispronounced or entirely made up.

"Yes, ma'am, but the hyperthalmic radiation of my uteran wall is consequently superceeding the obtuse triangulated dimensions of the barometric pachyderm. That is to say that my falsification of the true hypothetical tangents are intersecting with YOUR ambiguity regarding the aspirational recognices regurgitating with primordiality engaging in radicality. See what I mean?"

For some strange reason I am reminded of his charater while reading this.

Could it just be me?
Originally posted by Markquis
mapping..the right temporal lobe,that is associated with the hypothalamus gland,which is the central processing unit for the whole hormone that travels between the midline cerebrum hemispheres...can receives telepathic information from the middle is the main switch fore the universal force and place of awaking the..matrix spirit within self.the "indestructable atom," is located in the middle of the subject forehead.the consciousness" awaking centre,represents the "higher mind" or "higher unconscious,"between the ordinary conscious and the superconscious,wherein the self is united with the universal is also associated with the occult-clairvoyant faculty of reading the"aknshic reading" the cosmic-memory imprint of past,present,and future.can the experts develop a chip...that will help control these matters?information from the astral image...can correspodences with the ability to move all physical matters and object!

the human-higher unconscious or upa-soul-a pure,undefild primordail-matrix vehicle;the link between the most high soul and undersoul must cross over through meditation and dreams to unite with the most high soul realm..maintained by the transcendent purusha{higher mind} and the senses of intellect.

what happens when the subject obtain information from the astral spirit image...or may i say the hologram body?

more to come from:robotic-matrix generation!

True, but don't you think that we {AS HUmaNS} already have the capacity (as in OUR inherent ABILITY) to view all existence and hyperkinetically transfer VIA ElectroMAGnetic waves {which incidently are concurrently congruent with the level of the 4th order astral plane :D} (or the 4th DREAM STATE by simply re-AWAKENING the dormant capacities contained within the cell generation and degenrated cell repair ad-hoc ad-hominem contained withIN withSTANDING and WHEREabouts in the innermost regions of the brain stem?

HOWEVER, of course, we have the pre-frontal cortex which can ~PRODUCE~ Complimenatry, supplimentary and destructive wave forces {thereby} presenting the possibility of enhancing ((OR, by definition)) destroying the transfer of such EM WAVES 369º by the EMI \\|\IN EFFECT not in perjoram\\|\ <obviously> by said pre-frontal cortex transmittals.

How do approach THAT problem??????!?!?!?!?!!!!??

Do you agree with me, or are you a complete moron?

(hey, this is FUN, who wants to play along?)
one_ raven

ok, in this section of your post you stated.
true, but don't you think that we {as humans} already have the capacity {as in our inherent ability} to view all existence and hyperkintically transfer VIA ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES {which incidently are concurrently congruent with the level of 4th order astral plane} {or the dream stat were} by imply re-awakening the dormant capacities contained within the cell generation and degenrated cell repair ad-hoc ad-hominem contained within withstanding and whereabout in the innermost regions of the brain stem?

yes,we {as humans} already have the capacity{as in our inherent ability to view all existence and hyperkinetically transfer via electromagnetic waves within our system.

secondly,the 4th dream stat by simply re-awakening the dormant capacities contained within the cell generation.{the dream stat is, just a reminder of who we truely are or was {?!}

the light source is normally built into or inside the brain!. various specific applications of the general sense,1.something applied to the forhead that releast,or transmite motor and sensory information to the brain.[not to mention,fibres vary in thickness from 2 to 15 micrometres,some nerves containing a greater proportion of the small fibres than other?

each has an outer membranous sheath,the neurailemma,within which is a clear white material.the medullary {or myelin} sheath,in the centre of which runs,{as for the pre-frontal cortex}is a layer of tissue that lies just behind the forehead.with neural connections to almost all of the areas of the brain that process sensory VIA ,it is well situated to maitain a flexible store of information relevant to any task? at is also the part of the brain that has grown the most in humans.frist, can you understand how mental image are beening projected into the 3 dimensions plane and by the objective,{intermediate image}.

let's talk "electromagnetic communication" or waves and how the process works!
horizontal section of the cerebrum,that exposes the frontal {anterior} and occipital {posterior}.{well am waiting for your response}.
Are you still psycho-babblin' Marquis? I admit, that your lunacy
has provided me with endless entertainment.

ummm.....some individual or humans have the ABILITY TO UNDERSTAND THEIR POWERS AND SOME DON'T!!!!.
what do you about your ABILITY?!!??!
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