the brain hologram system!

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Originally posted by Markquis
Hint: who dares to take the challenge?

First off, that isn't a hint, it's a question, and second you haven't issued any challenge you mentally deficient moron! I think I speak for everyone on sciforums when I say “GO AWAY!” no one wants you here! You can't even speak the language, so just piss off, it's not funny any more.
From what I understand, the very matrices throughout the quanta of atomics, pretty much proves that the brain already works within "holographic contraints".

Atoms if broken completely down are just a mergence of energies, which only when combined give "solidity" and "form".

It's also possible for charges to be entered into the shells of atoms, the problem is that the charges can have a build up effect. This is why something organic can suffer mutations with particular radioactive effects.

I mention that purely because if you look up at a Light tube (say for neon, or just across the roof of the place you work) you'll notice that it works with the process of exciting it's gaseos content with electrical energy, and the lumonisity giving off through the reactions is down to the radiation mentioned above.

The human brain could undergo a similar effect if it's "Wired" to a system wrongly, and in turn this could cause cellular damage, like light sensativity to cells and even fail memory. (Not to forget that certain radiation levels increase the speed of a cells aging rate).

It is however possible to "Project" holographic images to the brain, especially if you consider the wavelengths that can pentrate our skin and understand that 65-70% of our brain makeup is water.

You would have to visualise having a computer system that could project a 3 dimensional hologram into a cluster of glass beads to get a perception of how that would work.

You however would have to calculation the photogenic reaction that can cause chemical composition changes, which release energy enough to incur a change in brain temperature.


This too would cause noticible changes in the size of portions of the brain (since some of the chemicals would be released through excretion) and also noticible changes in the chemical compositions.

(A person might increase temperature enough to use up lipid tissue, in doing so releasing Nitrogen that traps there into the system. This in turn could reaction in a chemical reaction with water to give Nitrous Oxide [NO], which can in a pure form be known as "Laughing Gas". It might very well be the cause of Manic Depression, where a person is happy one minute but suicidal the next. [The body reacts with the NO in the system, and builds up a resistance to the amount produce, this causes the depression because the person isn't getting enough])

Admittedly a map of the human brain into a holographic format would be of use for people to explorer how the brain works in Virtual reality, but this can give reason to a whole new type of hacking where our very brains might not be safe from particular hack tricks.

For instance take a region of stimulii and loop the stimulation through the hologram to your "Victim", and suddenly your victim has to fight an "erge" that he can't win. The outcome is either completely destructive acts of the victim trying to escape the torment or what ever it is you "erge" of them.

(This could be anything from a harmless practical joke of scratching a region in public to attacking someone.)

This is the main reason why a majority of scienticist speak out about the usage of such equipment, purely because of the implications of "What could happen" if the wrong people had control and in certain respects I agree with them too.

Hello, Mystechhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
the word or joining an entry word and its variant form or forms indicate that these forms occur with virtually equal frequency in edited WHO DARE TO TAKE THE CHALLENGE
(look you ass wipe!)
Oh, and when you said I was a "mentally deficient moron" and that "you thought" you were speaking for everybody on scifor and told me to "GO AWAY!" and that no one wanted me there, (you know what you did ["buddy"], YOU JUST GAVE YOURSELF AWAY, OK, MAN! because you just brought me back (there) sonny!, In reminding me how there would always be this one Geek!, that no one wanted to be around and always wanted to be "down" but could never "CUT THE MUSTARD" with anyone, and always wanted to AND tried to boss everybody, and why?
Probably because he was neglected as a child!
Oh, and who would always be picking on the nerds because that's whom all the girls, jocks, and cool kids would come to for the test answers and lessons, because the one leader Geek and his boys (usually didn't have any) were good for nothings, but ridicule. [At least the nerds had the common sense to be smart at their stuff which allowed them to be likeable, but Geeks like you, huh!:eek:

In your response, you said,
Admittedly a map of the human brain into a holographic format would be of use for people to explore how the brain works in Virtual reality, but this can give reason to a whole new type of hacking where our very brains mjght not be safe from particular hack tricks.

which actually lead(s) me to a question [for 'ya], how would or what would someone use as an interface.
Meaning: how human's ability would be able to project these images (w/out holographic equipment) for say... or to influence machine capabilities, and/or machinery networks.
basically how human can move objects (robotic) via, or through or using holographic imagery projections.

if you would prefer a private session, you know how!
due to the (obvious) lack of intelligence in here of course! :)
The question shouldn't really be: "What can be used as an interface?" but more along the lines of "Can an interface be used Safely?".

Cyberneticists have been working on interfacing the brain through the use of Neural implants. Over the years research has been and is still being done on how to get cell tissue to attach itself to the implant, but not just attach but interface with the implant.

The idea is/was that inpulses from neuron clusters could be routed through the implant so that a "Signal" could be read from the implant using antenna receivers outside of the person.

This also provided a method for inpulses to be generated from the implant receiving a message.

(Notibly one variation of this was the Robo-Rodents)

There is a small point to take into consideration in radiological project that is notibly from chaos theory about Entropy.

"Short distances allow order, where longer distances lead to disorder."

It's usage here is that you can have sensors merged with the neural clusters, or sensors Gelled to your head. They will give you more precise information than reading the output from a 3D matrix engine, purely because of the distance the information travels.

Although combatting this problem is about re-timesyncing everything, which is a problem that NASA faces everytime they build a robotic space exploration unit.
(Which I believe is why NASA looks at Artificial Intelligence to deal with the entropy nature of signal delay, or a system of using Information acceleration which could itself cause paradoxes that need repairing.)

In regards to an explanation of "How can a human produce a hologram without the equipment?" I guess you would be relating that to in time, as "How in our past were humans able to produce holograms?".

Well I can't say there is a 100% Scientific answer, as the answer I give could well be fact but will have people responding otherwise. None the less, I speculate it like this.

Matrixing our Planet is one thing, and working out the relationships of movement, distance and time (EPR) but once we have mastered there, would we not turn to Matrixing our universe further?

With a better understanding of Time, would we not perhaps utilise an understanding of the universe to manipulate matrixing of "time"?

(This would give a reasoning that perhaps Future "historians" follow us round everyday, and how some events of our past might have been caused by those very historians.)

You might laugh at that, but I did spy once a group that "claimed" to be working on the use of Projection equipment in the US, where they could visit any time point they wanted to.

[Edit] removed a little because some seem sensative to Fiction Mwhaha!
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Where did you come from, and what the hell are you talking about?

I mean, you're better than Markquis, sure, I mean I can understand most of what you are saying (At least in individual sentences) but you aren't giving us a very clear picture of where all of this is coming from, what exactly your point is, and what you hope to achieve by spouting all of this stuff.

I'm putting you on probation, I don't know if you're just a bad writer, or if you're a genuine crazy. *Gets out his scorecard and his red pen, and watches you closely*

Okay I admit it I'm a bad Scifi writer... real bad that I can't write at present. (I would explain the reasoning, but it's too much of a commentary conquest to embark upon)

Whats the Pseudoscience section for at the end of the day?
Talk about science? Or Pseudoscience? Well it categorised the latter.
Ok, given, I just can't seem to derive any underlying theme or point in your posts, I'm not sure where you're trying to go with them. You pop up, act like you know what Markquis is talking about, spout some technical information, some of whitch, at least I'm familiar with, so I can't say you're just babling on about nothing at all, but when I'm done reading your posts I don't feel I've really learned anything, and can't draw any conclusions about anything you've just said.
Okay you don't think you've learned, Fair enough.
To tell you the truth the post before the one that responded to you was based on what I guessed Markquis was on about.

The question here is "what is it you want to learn?"

I'm not going to be able to give you schematics on systems to project things for one reason or other. (Most of what I know is through reverse engineering)

There is also the moral highground, which was why I "probed" on a particular issue. It's known that particular groups have used systems to "fool" people for "religious purposes", I mention this because although I mention about such systems, I would in no way condone the use of it for those reasons.

My Technical Jargon I know of from research, although it will seem blatently plaguristic of me for not sourcing documents, but in all due respects it's not based on a quotation but working things out from fragments. So occasionally I stumble into areas that have to be "Built" to fix and the reason why sometimes I can seem intensely Scifi.

(The reason for my Research is so I can better explain the theory to hopefully progress towards findings)

I've mentioned before a reasoning that explains how the nature of a connection to a neural pathway using frequencies can cause a mergence of paradoxes and seemingly paranormal side effects.

This is usually refered to as ESP.

People have been studying it for years and notibly at other peoples expense, Anything from a plate flying across a room to a ghost being seen (Doppelgangers, Ufo's, corn circles etc) can be put down to this interaction.

Although the same defensive statement is used questioning "What about before the equipment existed?", to which my answer has probably lost people with an explanation of how it would be possible to cause small information paradoxes in relation to each other. (EPR) So that two "Parallel" universes could exist at different time references and cross overs (manipulating one parallel from another) could occur.

That is though perceivably heavy, and people that aren't too concerned with such things previously will consider it "too far out" to be real.
Oh. . . so basicaly you are drunk and watching a lot of Star Treck? hehe.

Paradoxes don't exist in the natural world, only in derived abstract ideas. Contradiction can only happen in your mind.
Ok.. so basically you are free at home so you wanna fill this forum with crap...

thats very cool,isnt it Stryder?:rolleyes:


"STRYDERUNKNOWN" your response was much appriated {not to mention}REFRESHMENTS OF MINDS?.but befor {"I"} continue,theres is,some matters or issues {"I'M ABOUT TO ADDRESS"} .pay closs attention,{WHEN I SAY}.INTERMEDIATE-POWER ASSAULT WEAPONS CAN EASLLY BE STOP? by removing negative force from its other words pay negative energy no attention!!

"NOW" in respect towards your response,it have came to my immediate attention that your response hade meat the APPROPRIATE REQUIREMENTS .
the question shouldn't be:"what can be used as an interface?"but more along the lines of "can an interface be used safely?'.cyberneticists have been working on interfacing the brain throught the use of neural implants.over the years research has been and still being done on how to get cell tissue to attach itself to the implant,but not just atttach but interface with the implant.the idea is/was that inpulses or impulses from neuron cluster could be routed throught the implant so that a "signal" could be read from the implant using antenna receivers outside of the person or subject.
the human "NEURONS" on optic fibers/axons receives and transmits signals in the from of microwaves {ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION WITH A WAVELENGTH SHORTER THEN RADIO WAVES AND LONGER THAN INFRARED WAVES}. it is equipped with receivers {which receive a signal}.amplifiers {which enlarg a signal}.and transmitters {which sends a signal back}.eash neurons can handle more than {100b} impulses,at levels to receive and project information and transmites oreject to drive force out;expel,as from a place or position
to transmite and receives via,information that moves psychokentic motions.the receiver must be implanted at the superior cerebellar artery and posterior inferior cerebellar {cerebellum}
what is reality?reality is,paranormal is the reality that ascend or descend the new word transformation i,e.

Ok, really quick, in one paragraph or less, tell me what the hell you guys think you're talking about, because whatever it is, it's not at all scientific, nor is it genuinely technical. . . I think it falls into the category of technobable, you know, like in bad SciFi shows, the words don't mean anything, they just need to say 'em to display that its a future with all sorts of strange and wonderous devices.

the dimension of pain lord MYSTECH i have located the one who escaped us:mad: receiving fiber information from cerebellum by approximately 40 million nerves appreciate what a torrent of information these 40 million nerve fiber,which transmite to the brain the visual information that a human receives via forty times that much information can sent from the cerebral cortex down to the cerebellum,including information from sensory areas of the cerebral cortex,from motor areas.

here is, one finding for you!
"CONSCIOUSNESSRAISING" awareness,my ability to go into a form of mediation and project or eject inner image and thoughts:cool: the power to move thoughts and psychokentic motion or GRAVITATIONAL WAVE that cause a ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD around the human body.

the min/brain receives information from behind the cerebellum area,that cause the ejection and motion to move into reality???
sir,you can't tango with.I'm look for ways to control and assist these matters.

again,than you for your INPUTS it was greatly needed and put in much considerable,consideration;for self exploration.
in regards to an explanation of "how can a human produce a hologram without the equipment i guess you would be relating that to in time as "how in our past were humans able to produce hologram?"

Ok, Markquis, just out of curiosity where are you from, because the whole not speaking English thing is rather annoying, maybe I can have you write something out in your native language, and then find someone to translate it for me. Would that work well for you?

ok,mystech,this comprehensible emotional sequecing in which can be interpreted as affectively causality,can be compared to the listening ratiocinate reasoning when redintegration;consovative;conversation;amongs NOBLE INDIVIDUAL LIKE MY SELF!! {sonny}some circumstances be not as a hypocrite who prays before many seeking the adoration of HUMANS but go in secret into your living temple,into meditation;unite your mind,body,and spirit,which is the CHIRST PRINCIPLE,when expressing deep personal emotion or observations.

who is it who comes quietly to you in the night{?!!}it is simply GOD.who is love,and love begets harmony which indeed is peace,whence all your thoughts would spring and form which you hold dear to each other. your acquirement;or attainment needs future investigation {sonny}.complet this process first,then get back to me!!

next generation rules!!!!!

matrixing our planet is one thing,and working out the relationships of movement,distance and time {epr} but once we have mastered there,would we no turn to matrixing our universae futher?

in processing,you are welcome to explore the wonders and abilities of GOD kids.knock and your doors will be open to new levels of reality{?!!}.ONE
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