the brain hologram system!

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Originally posted by Markquis
ok,mystech,this comprehensible emotional sequecing in which can be interpreted as affectively causality,can be compared to the listening ratiocinate reasoning when redintegration;consovative;conversation;amongs NOBLE INDIVIDUAL LIKE MY SELF!! {sonny}some circumstances be not as a hypocrite who prays before many seeking the adoration of HUMANS but go in secret into your living temple,into meditation;unite your mind,body,and spirit,which is the CHIRST PRINCIPLE,when expressing deep personal emotion or observations.

who is it who comes quietly to you in the night{?!!}it is simply GOD.who is love,and love begets harmony which indeed is peace,whence all your thoughts would spring and form which you hold dear to each other. your acquirement;or attainment needs future investigation {sonny}.complet this process first,then get back to me!!

next generation rules!!!!!

Ok, you seem to be confused. All I did was ask where you are from and what your native language is, your answer should have been stated in the form of "I am from X, and speak the Y language" Wherein X=your nation of origin, and Y=your native language.

It really is just that simple, there's no need to explode and go on a poorly worded sort of religious rant (and I'm just taking my best guess with that description, as I'm not entirely sure what you meant to say). Please get back to me when you're ready to take off that monkey head and act like a real human being.
Originally posted by Mystech
Oh. . . so basicaly you are drunk and watching a lot of Star Treck? hehe.

Paradoxes don't exist in the natural world, only in derived abstract ideas. Contradiction can only happen in your mind.

I don't get drunk or watch too much Star Trek.

You point out that paradoxes don't happen in the natural world, in certain respects I agree but there is a fatal flaw to that logic.
The creation of Humankind could be classed as a paradox in itself, purely because if a paradox is to ever arrive, We would have created it, making us a paradox.

Originally Posted by Zion
Ok.. so basically you are free at home so you wanna fill this forum with crap...

thats very cool,isnt it Stryder?

Actually it wasn't that I wanted to fill the forum with some "crap", I got a little carried away with something and kind of covered my tracks :cool: although everybody knows now... :rolleyes:

(Basically I was allowing a reasoning to emerge, that I have re-engineered over the past week, it would be too much to explain about and would have people of a Skeptical nature up in arms.

That and continuous late nights are "killer", but thats another subject altogether.)

Originally posted by Mystech
Ok, really quick, in one paragraph or less, tell me what the hell you guys think you're talking about?

I was talking originally (not with the postal mistake I made) of how there is the capacity to create a holographic projection within a persons brain, and what problems arise with it.

My basing was on something I have been apart of, so I know full well the capacities, although my understanding of it has to evolve from Reverse Engineering because I wasn't told too many technical details.

I hope that is concise enough for you.

Originally Posted by Spookz
i like deep space 9

That was cool in it's day. Although the Holograms stayed at Quarks. ;)

0k, SU, let us "tango"
and lets get down

before you read this reponse [of mine] go over your 1659 post response (board) again real quick where you replied to me so that you'll better understand this, her, reply. 'Cause it is after all in context to yours
Regarding the statement where you said
(Most of what I know is through reverse engineering)
(as a side comment) I mean, appropriately enough, what other form of engineering is there...(I mean...right) 'cause it goes w/o saying.
Regarding the following paragraph
There is also the moral highground, which was why I "probed" on a particular issue. It's kow that particular grouops have used systems to "fool" people for "religious purposes", I mention this because although I mention about such systems, I would in no way condone the use of it for those reasons.
The focus of the particular points to discuss, relative to it--that of the paragraph, were lost here...[simply put] you lost me right after you said "...reverse engineering."
Also as a(n) mention (and /or a highlight) if you will, where you said,
....but in all due respects it's not based on a question but workings things out from fragments.
I am agreeing with you totally (in saying ) EXACTO, for it is a must if you don't break things down into their parts or fragments (as you said), how else can one understand anything enough, [so as] to the point of ( as you said) "built" from it or to even "fix" of it. hence this is the reason why [as you said, you] "stumble" into things, and areas which needs these "building up" and "finxing up." Reagarding your statement,
(the reason for my research is so I can better explain the theory to hopefully progress towards findings)
let it be known likewise with us, because it very well may be your aims at/or in theorizing that could provide the answers to these findings.
Critically looking at the following statement with a(n) evaluating scope (<hope that was standard english) the following statements
....neural pathway using frequencies can cause a mergence of paradoxes and seemingly paranormal side effects
it brings me to ask you this: (was wandering if...) you have ever heard of the proverb stating knowledge is from w/in. (well now, doesn't that make our mind go places) get it! ...mind going places, which lead me to the underlining point refering how it is a shame that these studies are done at other peoples expenses.

In any case, (just for my info) what the heck is "Doppelgangers," anyway.
last but not least, (in our little question session here)
I need a second opinion here on something (or an expert's opinion--if you will) as it relates to when you said
(EPR) so that two "parallel" could exist at different time references and cross overs (manipulating one parallel from another) could occur.
because, could you mean w/something like or as in when waves are sent out/projected sensors (i.e) satelite (dish) transmitters/receivers.
Originally posted by Stryderunknown
You point out that paradoxes don't happen in the natural world, in certain respects I agree but there is a fatal flaw to that logic.
The creation of Humankind could be classed as a paradox in itself, purely because if a paradox is to ever arrive, We would have created it, making us a paradox.

What kind of wacko are you? That's not a paradox, that's not even a direct logical sequense, and the idea that if paradoxes existed we'd be the ones to make them, are out and out false, seeing how as they can't, and as such you can't say that we'd be the ones to make them, because a fucking rock sitting in the middle of nowhere is just as likely to create one.

Originally posted by Stryderunknown
I was talking originally (not with the postal mistake I made) of how there is the capacity to create a holographic projection within a persons brain, and what problems arise with it.

Creating a hologram in someone's brain? What exactly are you smoking? You understand what a hologram is, right? Some light that looks like a pretty little picture of something, I don't see how projecting one into someone's brain of all places would matter one bit in the scheme of anything, and also don't see how there are any problems which could arise with it, unless you perhaps drilled some holes in the persons head in order to let the light shine in there.

Originally posted by Stryderunknown
My basing was on something I have been apart of, so I know full well the capacities, although my understanding of it has to evolve from Reverse Engineering because I wasn't told too many technical details.

Why don't I beleive you?

Quit spamming here, we're on to you, now.

the second reality level.
moving your visual body or projecting your image to common points,by charging your physical body with fifth force energy.then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you.then move your visual body or [mental image] to the left/right persion using telekinesis and power of thought.
reality,spirit assist the physical body and transforming those two elements into a weapon {?!!}

Look, you say you are on to me but I know what you are up to...

Hunting the boards to find people to target with your skeptical banter and to plagurise some scifiction from.

My explanation for paradox was simple, you say "there are none in nature apart from what we create", and yet we are apart of nature, so if we create one does it not exist within nature?

Simple answer: Paradoxes Exist.

As for your insessive behaviour towards anything posted in "Pseudoscience" (Please note thats PSEUDOscience) I frown upon how you react, because your not here for discussion, just a FLAME WAR.

Which brings me onto my explanation of holographic projection, The human body is not a LEAD solid which means it can be penetrated by frequency (Notibly UV), this leads to the explanation of how a "hologram" (A matrix of light) can be projected into an individual.

As for reasons of why it would be of use, Ever known anyone to be sucked into a comma? Well if you could restabilise thought patterns you just might be able to save them from a fate of death.

If you can't work that out from this, then obviously you should refrain from outputting commentary.

BTW, hows your Twin??? :bugeye:
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poor fucking mystech. so full of himself. self appointed dragonslayer of sciforums! you have a lot to offer these boards but are ruining it by strutting around here like a frikking pompous old cock.

reform thy wayward ways and all will be well

YO' SPOOKZ! heads up!!!!


hey yo' bro, we should have lunch....sometimes

'cause, it took you and whomever else, out here reiterating the same old shit, we been trying to tell that Mystech*edited: profanities do not add anything to the dicussion*--Banshee [just what you said bro]
which is
he is shooting himself in the foot.

'cause he seems like a very fundamental train-a-thought kinda guy, but as u said, because of his pompousness, tha old cockrocker just refuuuuse, to open his eyes, close his asshole and see the light!!
but anyway..let keep this going,

p.s let's have lunch..:m:
Originally posted by Stryderunknown

Look, you say you are on to me but I know what you are up to...

Hunting the boards to find people to target with your skeptical banter and to plagurise some scifiction from.

Plagiarize some scifi? What the hell would even make you think I'm a scifi author? And honestly, if I were to write something along those lines I would certainly not get ideas from here, as I'd want to create a coherent path of thought for my readers to at least make the technology make sense, or have some clear and unmistakable purpose.

I've heard the rantings of people high on god knows what drugs who's words made more sense than your own technobabble, honestly what kind of middle school science class did you have to flunk to come up with some of this stuff, and then expect somehow that anyone could interpret it as if any of it lead in a coherent path toward any end at all?

Originally posted by Stryderunknown
My explanation for paradox was simple, you say "there are none in nature apart from what we create", and yet we are apart of nature, so if we create one does it not exist within nature?

Simple answer: Paradoxes Exist.

First off you need to define nature if you want this statement to lose it's ambiguity. Not even the FDA has standards for what constitutes "Natural" so don't expect that everyone should understand what you are saying.

I'm assuming that you mean, in a world devoid of man's influence there are no paradoxes, this statement is correct. Then you go on to imply that man creates paradoxes, this is incorrect, man can create anything BUT a paradox (Which I would define as an acctual physical contradiction) the only plase something like this can exist is in hypothetical situations, and in arbitrary reasoning which does not follow the real world. In objective reality there ARE no paradoxes, or contradictions, a thing can BE and NOT BE at the same time. A=A and other nifty slogans like that.

Originally posted by Stryderunknown
As for your insessive behaviour towards anything posted in "Pseudoscience" (Please note thats PSEUDOscience) I frown upon how you react, because your not here for discussion, just a FLAME WAR.

Sorry, it's the ask a stupid question get a stupid answer effect. Where people make stupid comments I feel obligated to go to great lengths making an ass of myself to point out why the statement was stupid.

Originally posted by Stryderunknown
Which brings me onto my explanation of holographic projection, The human body is not a LEAD solid

Uhhh, like led?

Originally posted by Stryderunknown
which means it can be penetrated by frequency (Notibly UV), this leads to the explanation of how a "hologram" (A matrix of light) can be projected into an individual.

As for reasons of why it would be of use, Ever known anyone to be sucked into a comma? Well if you could restabilise thought patterns you just might be able to save them from a fate of death.

If you can't work that out from this, then obviously you should refrain from outputting commentary.

Ok, your "All I need to know about physics I learned from Star Trek" attitude is really starting to disturb me. How, in your opinion can projecting a hologram into someone's brain help them? First off the beams that they send into a person's skull would have to be so powerful that they would undoubtedly burn his flesh like a laser (Unless you're a fan of the good ol' fashion method of drilling holes in peoples heads to let the bad spirits out) And even once a holographic image actually is projected inside someone's skull, what good is it going to do!? This isn't the holodeck! It wouldn't work like Voyager's Emergency holographic doctor, REAL holograms can NOT manipulate physical matter! They can't pick stuff up or move it around, all light can do is make stuff kinda' hot, and illuminate matter, other than that NOTHING zip zero zilch! So your little idea of projecting a holographic brain surgeon into someone's brain to fix a problem isn't so intuitive as you thought, now is it? How are people supposed to understand what the hell you are talking about, when THIS is the way you think?

Originally posted by Stryderunknown
BTW, hows your Twin??? :bugeye:

Ok, refresh my memory, did I ever talk about having a twin brother here on the sciforums, or are you just one of the many freaks I recommended this site to?

I guess if there was an Evil twin, you must be it.

You just don't get it, thats why you start spouting your mouth off about how "SCIFI" it is :bugeye: , and the whole "Startrek"<SUP>TM</SUP> thing is getting beyond a joke.

My basis is upon the usage of radiation levels that by themselves can be used (It's just the very mergence thats a worry).
I didn't pull it for some Science Fiction convention and I don't wear pointy ears, although I would debate the logic in your reprisal.

The reason I have been looking into the usage of radiation and "holographic projection" is due to the fact that a number of people worldwider complain of suffering from "Attacks" that can only be described as being generated by such equipment.

The discussion over it's existance isn't something that should be the concern but the concern should be "Who is there to stop it?".

Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse

You might go to the above site and claim "Look at the person in foil, they must be crazy". In truth what people are facing can't be stopped with Tin foil, but just dressing up like that is making a statement of "Look at me, as silly as I look, I have a plaquard to which you should read".

Just a finer point, There are NO GOVERNMENT BODIES to stop the utilisation or "Research" of the utilisation of equipment.
This means any HAM, Corporate, News Syndicate etc could use the equipment on people and there would be no reprisal.

(Kind of makes you think wether people write about news articles or make the news to write about.)

I don't particularly want to flame with you for the rest of your stay at the forums, afterall it's suppose to be "Debate" (Not to the point of all out fisty cuffs.)
Ok, it's all falling into plase, now. You're one of those crazies that wears tin foil on his head to keep the government/CIA/corporations/communists/aliens from beaming signals into your brain, is that it? Do me a favor and lay down before you hurt yourself.

Get this, there are already countless signals being beamed through your brain constantly all day every day! Radio and television make it so, and we're none the worse for it! They can't control your brain with it, and even if they could maybe you should just let them, they'd probably do a better job of thinking for you than you could do on your own.

haha, that webpage is hilarious by the way.
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blue print

a visual impression captured in a line of verse of or involving the use of projected or displaying picture.

reciprocally the indivivdual can project the image [holographically] from receiving/transmitting information via.

Would you care to make a WAGER then, and put your money where your mouth is (I don't mean sit on you wallet).

I mention a WAGER because I will bet everything I own that there is equipment that can do as I have suggested, not because I'm crazy but because it is a "FACT".

If you counter this WAGER, then I know for the very same "FACT" you are going to be out of pocket (house/home, car, job etc)

I make the WAGER because people can not walk around day-to-day blinded by their "Shortsighted" convictions. The only reason why people do manage to walk around not seeing what is there infront of their nose is purely because they are "misinformed".

For instance you do not question over "IF's" as your life is all "BUT's", to you your life is not about applying new termonology or rules but taking things for granted set by laws that others put in place.

[NOTE: Werner Heisenberg became renound for his "Uncertainty Principle" although it defied the logic of his Tutor Erwin Schrodinger to begin with, purely because Schrodinger had be taught one school of thought where Heisenberg was fresh to a new field with a new perception.]

Another such instance as the note was that of Albert Einstein who I'm sure are aware of his deeds. One of the main points about his life was that some people within his field thought him crazy purely for some of his conceptions, and yet today some of those conceptions are the basis of Specialised Studies at Academies across the world.

In fact Einstein even tried throughout his life to "prove himself wrong". [There is probably a quote somewhere about Falibility.]

None the less, concise regards to this topic. Equipment exists to pentrate, this is proven just with MRI (Cat scan) equipment. The ability to Probe someones mind is far less fictional than some of the things you hold dear as FACT.

Admittedly the equipment would have to be state of the art, and the only reason why people notice it is because the people doing it are too cheap to "Filter out noise and static" at there end through computers, but increase the matricing's intensity at the victims location.

There is also the small point that if two people are being matriced using some of the same antenna equipment, The person Nearer the antenna will end up with a higher output than normal because of the antenna boosting the signals for the person who's further away.
(This means the more people that are on such a system, the more radiation, pain and suffering is caused.)

Perhaps Mystech you don't understand because your not out there being used or watched, perhaps you just sit watching the television believing what ever is spouted out at you.

None the less, do you care to WAGER?

hey mystech,
i have [100.000 big ones, on this wager].let me be the second one to say that your going loss pal.

if you counter this wager,then i know for the very same "fact" you are going to be out of pocket [house/home,car,job etc]
thats a good one "stryderunknown".{not to mention,his wife will be very upset:mad:
Why are you getting so self righteous all of a sudden? Listen to yourself for a moment, so that you can hear just what a lunatic you are! If what you say is going on, really IS going on, then where are the effects? Who’s doing it and to what end, but more importantly with what symptoms? There is nothing at all for you to base any of this on, you realize this, yes? If there’s nothing there to believe in, then don’t believe in it! If this truly is a deeply held conviction of yours then I urge you strongly to seek professional help, and that is NOT an insult. What you are experiencing sounds to me very much like a symptom of schizophrenia, more specifically the idea that you believe yourself to be stumbling upon hidden truths, yet without either evidence or reason. It’s just like thinking you see coded messages in the news paper, or that the nice old man who lives next door is actually Adolph Hitler hiding out from the world. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get treatment, I’ve had a number of friends and family members with this disorder, and though bile may be burning my throat as I rage at your posts, I wouldn’t wish it on you, and can at least forgive you if you’re only saying all of this because of this disorder. I have nothing but sympathy for you, at least get checked out, if nothing else.

And yes, I am so sure that there isn’t a lick of validity to any of your zany little conspiracy theories that I would be quite willing to wager not only everything I own, but every cent I would be able to borrow with my unfortunately undeveloped credit, to say that you are dead wrong. Try not to focus on these delusions for now, and please do at least talk with a qualified professional, even if you have to stop them on the street.

all talk and no action!

the possession or the exercise of reasoning power suitability as it relate to the reasonable review,practice,and logical natural connection of [that] same reasoning in maitaining a fixed phase relationship with regards to origim or root in a complete or basic manner.which is thoroughly,fundamentally,expanding the functions {fns} of the mammalian brain at far-reaching,unlimited levels to achieve full acceleration.

come on man,what the fuck are you plane old stupid or what {?!!} look around you who do you see:confused:

direct to the fucking piont, ok,wait,stop,paraphsae.
action:{100.000},wager. time,place and come heavlly armed,i trust noone but self.wlecom to the matrix new world order.


computinig power to rival the human brain/nanobots
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