The Book of Revelations

What do you think of the Book of Revelations?

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i don't know why you would think i do agree with you.

That the revelation about no buying or selling can take place
unless one recieves the mark of the beast (feel free to omit beast if it suits),
is very much a possibility, with the way the world is today.

No need to bust a gut, it's not about religion.

That the revelation about no buying or selling can take place
unless one recieves the mark of the beast (feel free to omit beast if it suits),
is very much a possibility, with the way the world is today.

No need to bust a gut, it's not about religion.


yeah its a possibility, i think that's the extent of our agreement though.

do you live in America or a capitalistic society? Do you need an SS# to earn a living, or are you an illegal of the 'system'?

Did you understand the question?

did the world economy crash just recently based on debt (cashless transactions)?



You do know I'm male don't you? :eek:

if you are within the 'system' and have 'credit cards' you are marked and of the beast! (selfish pursuits within the 'invisible hand')

Your person is marked e.g. Mr Smith.
To be of the beast, you must volunteer.
The idea of restricting the ability to buy and sell, is a ploy to make you pay
your alligiance. This is the point of the revelation.

been trying to assist you jan

Thanks, but I think you're of the mark. No pun intended. :)

perhaps get over the ideas of theology being perfect and try to apply personal responsibility to truth!

You should perhaps get over the idea of thinking you know me, or my mindset. If you want to know what I think, then ask, don't assume.

"the best example of anti-christs are found observing christians'

I find the best examples are those who are against Jesus and his teaching, people like atheists, satanists, humanists, etc..

and the reason i say this is because most are not awaiting 'christ' as they believe the truth already exists and will lie to make sure people know it.

Wow you must have spoken to alot of christians, thousands, if not tens of thousands.

when in reality, even the bible says

Matthew 16:20
Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ.

I don't understand why people don't just read about what Jesus was thought to have said and remove all the religious additions to the theology.

Seems to me he said that to protect his followers from those who are fearful,
and have no understanding, and seek to destroy that which they don't understand.

Basically, most christians don't keep the very precepts of Jesus teachings and have to maintain beliefs over truth, just to exist as a religion pursuit.

And most atheists don't keep to the precepts of logic and rationale.
And the reason for both, is that these are very tall orders to maintain, unless
you actually live the life.

eg... i can be found to say; if the western beliefs had not been so oppressive to knowledge (inquisitions etc).....

we would all be vacationing on the moon by now!

That is the stupidity of gross materialism. Why would you want to vacate on the moon? I'm sure those resourses could be used in a more productive way, in pursuit of real happiness for all beings.


Did you understand the question?
sure i did
kind of mirrors bible stuff eh?

You do know I'm male don't you? :eek:
my magic wand is not working, could not tell without magic

Your person is marked e.g. Mr Smith.
do you mean like in Rev 14: 1

Revelation 14
1And I saw, and lo, a Lamb having stood upon the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty-four thousands, having the name of his Father written upon their foreheads;

do you have your mark?

To be of the beast, you must volunteer.
you volunteeringly defend your position while carrying your number in your wallet and all your banking needs
The idea of restricting the ability to buy and sell, is a ploy to make you pay
your alligiance. This is the point of the revelation.

and not a buck in your earning is without paying homage (taxes)

please correct me if i am wrong

Thanks, but I think you're of the mark. No pun intended. :)

i am............ C-12 running thru my veins as well born in the month/yr.

I find the best examples are those who are against Jesus and his teaching, people like atheists, satanists, humanists, etc..
but them folk don't need to fib to be happy......

the most honest of all the groups are the atheists as they don't fib to stay within a group of friends

But to honor jesus, then you know; HE aint to be called "christ", per his own statement ....... Matthew 16:20

HE aint coming back, HE said another is.... John 14:16

HE aint 'good' as only ONE is; God........ Mark 10:18

HE said, follow the rules (commands) and to be prepared as the truth will come..... Mark 10:17-19

I find HIS works quite pure! (true praise of Good, included in the 'book of life'; the truth)

but i dispise the liars to create beliefs within the teaching of jesus for they create the minds of 'anti christ'...... (them who are not 'awaiting' the christ)

that is the true meaning of 'anti' to me; them you are against the truth!

Wow you must have spoken to alot of christians, thousands, if not tens of thousands.

Every weekend Ted Haggart had thousands, and they even slapped people on the forehead and said; 'your saved'............ while he was doing a male in a hotel room on dope;

the lesson: often the leaders of beliefs are the most corrupt (see pedophilia)
Seems to me he said that to protect his followers from those who are fearful,
and have no understanding, and seek to destroy that which they don't understand.

that means learn before believing (destroy the ignorance)

kind of like what i do for a livin

And most atheists don't keep to the precepts of logic and rationale.
please show me ONE

or better still, which atheist on this site does not use logic and rationale?

seems to me and most on the earth, that the complacent acceptance of beliefs over following logic/rationale is the M/O of religious people; not atheist.

for example: copernicus, galilleo, darwin, newton, jesus, confucius, moses.....

looks to me the people who stood up and make contributions to knowledge are completely opposite of what you represented there

it seems the complacent are the suppressors/oppressors (being complacent to a belief over logic/rationale)

the duty-full who seek and 'destroy ignorance' are them who are honest before beliefs. (they give of themselves over needs of acceptance from the 'community')

And the reason for both, is that these are very tall orders to maintain, unless
you actually live the life.
i do but being true has nothing to do with being religious

That is the stupidity of gross materialism. Why would you want to vacate on the moon?
weighlessness procreation would make for an awesome honeymoon

but the point is, the advancements in knowledge would be far more advanced if religious nuts did not burn books, destroy knowledge and murder people of thinking that exceeds the works of theology

ie... what the clergy did to darwin is beyond rude

but i always laugh knowing darwin's the battle and will live in the minds of our children forever (he drew the true picture of the 'tree of life'... read his book)

would be the best of the best I'm sure those resourses could be used in a more productive way, in pursuit of real happiness for all beings.

as i say, the 10% from tithing would be better suited for the population than the art, castles, jewlry and robes of preachers and false teachers who bind, control, oppress and have abused mankind for thousands of years

if 'thou shalt not bear false witness' was maintained; then we would have no problems

but that aint how it is when dealing with the religious!

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sure i did kind of mirrors bible stuff eh?

Well, not the part we are discussing.

my magic wand is not working, could not tell without magic

Are you accusing me of arguing like a girl? :)

do you mean like in Rev 14: 1

Erm... no.
The person (Mr. Smith), is simply an identity that is attached to you (the actual person). You can change your identity to Mr. Poohface Bartholomew is you so desire, register it with the system, and it will carry regardless.
The system is not concerned with your personality, hobbies, or interests, unless it can make money out of you.
The system described in revelation, is interested in the actual you. It seeks to control your very essence. And it will do this by pressurising you into submission, ie, control outlet of necessities of life. That is a different ball-game.

do you have your mark?


you volunteeringly defend your position while carrying your number in your wallet and all your banking needs

Yes, but only the position of Mr.Smith, all the Mr. Smith entails within the system. Not the essential person known as Mr. Smith.

and not a buck in your earning is without paying homage (taxes)

please correct me if i am wrong

That's not the same thing.
Taxes are part and parcel of every culture, in some way or other. That is how
the society develops, or regresses, depending on the leadership.
What we are talking about here, is control of your essential qualities, the actual person (soul, if you like).


but them folk don't need to fib to be happy......

Why don't they?

the most honest of all the groups are the atheists as they don't fib to stay within a group of friends

What a silly perspective.

But to honor jesus, then you know; HE aint to be called "christ", per his own statement ....... Matthew 16:20

Correction; he's not to be called christ to those who are fearful of God, because, they create wrath upon themselves and generations by their actions.
"Forgive them Father, for they KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO"

HE aint coming back, HE said another is.... John 14:16

HE aint 'good' as only ONE is; God........ Mark 10:18

Typical milliant atheist stance. You have no idea what you're talking about
but you say it with the utmost assurance of understanding.
Your like a kid who stumbled on something, thinking your the only one
who has discovered that, but upon realising that it is very common among adults, refuse to acknowledge it.

HE said, follow the rules (commands) and to be prepared as the truth will come..... Mark 10:17-19

I bet you think the truth is, that all this was born out of primeval goo.

but i dispise the liars to create beliefs within the teaching of jesus for they create the minds of 'anti christ'...... (them who are not 'awaiting' the christ)

Worry about yourself, you have bought into the biggest lie of all.

Every weekend Ted Haggart had thousands, and they even slapped people on the forehead and said; 'your saved'............ while he was doing a male in a hotel room on dope;

Then he's a fraud, why blame the system of real religion.
I once spoke with a gay guy, who said if he had the chance he would ban
all forms of religion, scriptures, and worship, because, as he sees it, it infringes on his sexuality. This is the nonsense of millitant atheism.

the lesson: often the leaders of beliefs are the most corrupt (see pedophilia)

So what's your point?

that means learn before believing (destroy the ignorance)

Anyone can learn, but understanding is the real sign of intelliegence.

kind of like what i do for a liviin

What's that?

please show me ONE

You, and/or anyone who insists on asking for physical of God, despite
having learned the basic definition of God, the reason why people believe.

or better still, which atheist on this site does not use logic and rationale?

see above.

seems to me and most on the earth, that the complacent acceptance of beliefs over following logic/rationale is the M/O of religious people; not atheist.

You couldn't survive as a human being, if you didn't apply logic, or rationale, to the necessary level required.
People may sound logical, and give the appearance of being rational over and above such levels, but all it takes is a little peak under the surface, and you see it's just a front.

for example: copernicus, galilleo, darwin, newton, jesus, confucius, moses.....

Didn't Darwin (supposedly) become atheist because he felt God didn't answer his prayers regarding the health of his daughter, or something like that?
If that is true, where is the rationale?

looks to me the people who stood up and make contributions to knowledge are completely opposite of what you represented there

To you, they would be, because you are biased, and your dogma will not
allow you to accept certain things.

the duty-full who seek and 'destroy ignorance' are them who are honest before beliefs. (they give of themselves over needs of acceptance from the 'community')

And they just happen to be atheist right?
Or in the case of Jesus, the bible happens to be lying, or on the other end of
the scale; there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of Jesus (said with serious frown to convince the gullible that an intelligent observation has been made).

i do but being true has nothing to do with being religious

Who said it did?

Well, not the part we are discussing.
I meant the part 'we' are living.

Are you accusing me of arguing like a girl? :)
don't believe you deserve a compliment like that
Erm... no.
The person (Mr. Smith), is simply an identity that is attached to you (the actual person). You can change your identity to Mr. Poohface Bartholomew is you so desire, register it with the system, and it will carry regardless.
The system is not concerned with your personality, hobbies, or interests, unless it can make money out of you.
awe the 'invisible hand'............. great examples; Look up thomas edison and the flourescent light bulb tesla built in the first decade of the last century; 100 years and they had patents to save the people money and energy; but chose profit over 'we the people'.....

The system described in revelation, is interested in the actual you. It seeks to control your very essence.
that is something that will never happen; see daniel 7:8............ being a little horny, makes me a nasty one, when the corrupt stand in front of me

you fail to see that choice is the issue. above you point out that willingness was a part of issuem now you suggest the soul is being controlled by an outside entity

perhaps you a little confused? would you like to start over?

And it will do this by pressurising you into submission, ie, control outlet of necessities of life. That is a different ball-game.
business does control you necessities of life; water food clothing income politics

you just don't believe it

imagine New york with no full grocery stores or the water shut off; talk about a panic, you will see things of what people are capable that you never thought possible

Jan, you live in a hen house and the wolfs are circling; you just don't know it.

then is guess you not a part of the 'good guys' mentioned

1And I saw, and lo, a Lamb having stood upon the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty-four thousands, having the name of his Father written upon their foreheads;

i guess what they taught you in religion is far more separated from the bible than you ever knew, eh?

what do you think i have been trying to share?

Jesus didn't lie; people of beliefs did/do/are/continue; the monsters (anti-christs)

Yes, but only the position of Mr.Smith, all the Mr. Smith entails within the system. Not the essential person known as Mr. Smith.

you are of submission to the 'invisible hand' and by choice; just as the prophecy said it would be like

but you just don't want the truth or be responsible to observing the errors of bad choices;

you just shared who and what the enemy is; the selfish.

That's not the same thing.
Taxes are part and parcel of every culture, in some way or other. That is how
the society develops, or regresses, depending on the leadership.

Initially the ideology was sound; but look at what is occuring RIGHT NOW on the earth because of your tax dollars.

let's get this straight; the beast will lose! (but i guess you didn't read that part either)

Sorry Jan.... it seems with truth slapping you in the face, your beliefs are too important than being honest with yourself and existence; as you stand.

Like i said; you aint good enough to be woman!
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Why don't they?
because normal people don't need to lie to keep friends or associates
What a silly perspective.
no it isn't..... i would rather have friends i can trust will tell me the truth, then people i know will lie just to be accepted

Correction; he's not to be called christ to those who are fearful of God, because, they create wrath upon themselves and generations by their actions.
"Forgive them Father, for they KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO"
he still said directly to his desciples (per bible);

20Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ.

He knew he was not the christ as he did not have the 'name' of God (the last chapter)

Typical milliant atheist stance.
what's a 'milliant'

perhaps i should just let Jesus tell you

then you can call his "milliant"

mark 10

17And as he is going forth into the way, one having run and having kneeled to him, was questioning him, `Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

18And Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God;

19the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.'

You have no idea what you're talking about
but you say it with the utmost assurance of understanding.
just reading and reminding folk like you, who claim bible, but don't really know the bible or what jesus even said.

heck even he said, the last will remind you

26and the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and remind you of all things that I said to you.

does it bug you to read what is true finding out that what you believed is wrong?

Your like a kid who stumbled on something, thinking your the only one
who has discovered that, but upon realising that it is very common among adults, refuse to acknowledge it.
were you looking in the mirror when you came up with that line

i am no kid as well so happen to be sharing your own theology (which you apparently didn't read)

I bet you think the truth is, that all this was born out of primeval goo.
atoms and energy over the ignorance of;

'from mud or from dust'

the truth only works ONE way and the name is the last word; period!

Worry about yourself, you have bought into the biggest lie of all.
i don't buy any crap i cannot understand.

i know we are equal

you believe you are 'less than'

seems more are believing the lies of beliefs, then know the truth!

Heck even the bible said 144K with the name of the father upon their head

7 billion on the globe and how many are of your religion? Seems perhaps, you on the wrong ark.

Then he's a fraud, why blame the system of real religion.
I once spoke with a gay guy, who said if he had the chance he would ban
all forms of religion, scriptures, and worship, because, as he sees it, it infringes on his sexuality. This is the nonsense of millitant atheism.
never met a militant atheist; but i know Bush was a liar and put our country into war based on lies (i guess he is a good christian to you)

in fact, i see more wars through-out history based on religions, then atheist.

perhaps rethink your statements before writting them

So what's your point?
i wrote is clearly:

the lesson: often the leaders of beliefs are the most corrupt (see pedophilia)

your religion is perhaps based on the corruption of power

because anyone can read Jesus' words per bible and find what the religions teach is against what jesus taught.

kind of basic and what our conversation has led too: putting the bible and its renditions up against the beliefs of the ignorant who follow, rather than understand.

Anyone can learn, but understanding is the real sign of intelliegence.

then what happened to you?

i made a point that knowledge destroys ignorance; you are learning now, but choosing to follow the beliefs over the facts... so what is your problem?

do you feel alone while living within God (existence itself)?
You couldn't survive as a human being, if you didn't apply logic, or rationale, to the necessary level required.
i agree and why following beliefs of 1700 years ago over the reality of science and understanding, is practically stupid!

People may sound logical, and give the appearance of being rational over and above such levels, but all it takes is a little peak under the surface, and you see it's just a front.

that is why you and i are bumping heads; you just WILL NOT accept reality when it slaps your face.

you are unfolding your depth as being less than skin deep

Didn't Darwin (supposedly) become atheist because he felt God didn't answer his prayers regarding the health of his daughter, or something like that?
If that is true, where is the rationale?

Darwin was NEVER and atheist; that is what religious people do; they lie about most everything they don't understand.

Darwin never even used the word 'evolution' in his book but most don't even know that and it was the religious nuts that imposed the adversity to observing the FACT: he just wrote about what he observed in nature.

He didn't create anything; he gave of his time, energy, life; to give back; share what he saw.

the religious quacks are who are 'anti' against truth and will lie about most every subject to keep it that way

then i wrote

looks to me the people who stood up and make contributions to knowledge are completely opposite of what you represented there

and your response was
To you, they would be, because you are biased, and your dogma will not
allow you to accept certain things.

you the religious holding onto ONE book you apparently haven't even read, and you suggest i am holding onto dogma

you funny (and a pig at the same time; swine)

And they just happen to be atheist right?

Jesus believed in God (per the books) but he did not submit to the beliefs of the church.

doesn't make him an atheist; it shared his integrity to reality over the idiots of religion

He shared what is true, and the religious nuts don't like it because it ruins what they have been taught to believe.

you on the wrong side of the war
Because I'm genuinely curious as to what other people think of it.

It reminds me Neon Genesis Evangelion. The whole story is weird, but the last bit just stands out, because it's a total shift into an even newer realm of the surreal and batshit crazy. Mostly due to the director being psychologically depressed and quite off his rocker at the time (or shortly before). But people love it anyway, so it's considered as part of the canon of Essential Stuff.

In a way, it's the same situation here. The guy that wrote it (who may or may not have actually been the guy they claim wrote it) was possibly a bit smacked off his tits, to say the least. He probably meant it as an allegorical tale, but his target audience completely missed the point.
So his book became ridiculously popular; the critics loved it, the people loved it, and the thinkers loved it, for various reasons. Since there wasn't really any ecumenical council that actually stated what books were in the bible until much later, it just got stuck in the biblical canon gradually. It soon became useful as a convenient way to explain away the dissonance between Jesus' obviously apocalyptic tone and the fact that everything was still, you know, around. So when the popularly-accepted canon was finally confirmed in the early 400's, Revelation was already entrenched anyway by the theologians and bishops privately agreed canons. So, there really wasn't a lot of executive meddling. Despite the fact that most people, Christian and non-Christian alike, agree that the actual events of the book are completely insane.

So, I'm going with political satire that completely went over the audience's head.

don't believe you deserve a compliment like that

Why would you see it as a compliment?
Why wouldn't I deserve that compliment?

jan said:
The system described in revelation, is interested in the actual you. It seeks to control your very essence.

that is something that will never happen; see daniel 7:8............

That is what IS described in revelation;

"....And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:" you suggest the soul is being controlled by an outside entity

I said; "And it will do this by pressurising you into submission, ie, control outlet of necessities of life".
You should try reading what's actually written.

imagine New york with no full grocery stores or the water shut off; talk about a panic, you will see things of what people are capable that you never thought possible

At this moment all people in New York have access to those, in some capacity or other.
Accepting the mark of the beast seems to mean you will
still have access to those BECAUSE you have pledged an alligiance.
Not accepting means you have NOT pledged an alligiance, so you will NOT have access to these regardless of whether you can afford them or not.
See the difference yet?

then is guess you not a part of the 'good guys' mentioned

Apparently not.

i guess what they taught you in religion is far more separated from the bible than you ever knew, eh?

What do you mean by "Religion"?

what do you think i have been trying to share?

Based on the discussion so far, I doubt you understand what it is to share.
But we will see how things unfold.

Jesus didn't lie; people of beliefs did/do/are/continue; the monsters (anti-christs)

Jesus didn't believe we all come from primeval goo.
And he talks and teaches about what would be termed today as the supernatural.
You believe we are a product of goo, and you believe there is nothing
outside of matter.
What is it exactly that you like/admire about Jesus?

you are of submission to the 'invisible hand' and by choice; just as the prophecy said it would be like

Well, i do have to trade, whether or not this invisible hand is present. So the submission is not to the invisible hand, but to the maintenance of my body, despite my personal beliefs, and it's effects, which is the duty of all living entities.
The type of submission in revelations is different in that you cannot have access to these basic principles, no matter where you live, or how rich you are, unless you worship the beast.
That is one step up from what you keep banging-on about.
Do you understand that? :)

but you just don't want the truth or be responsible to observing the errors of bad choices;

Bishadi, your talking nonsense.
Pull yourself together, and actually read what I'm writing.

Initially the ideology was sound; but look at what is occuring RIGHT NOW on the earth because of your tax dollars.

Which is why I said that it depends on the leadership.

let's get this straight; the beast will lose! (but i guess you didn't read that part either)

That's not the point of the thread or the discussion.

Like i said; you aint good enough to be woman!



because normal people don't need to lie to keep friends or associates

So people who believe in God, aren't normal?

i would rather have friends i can trust will tell me the truth, then people i know will lie just to be accepted

Why do you think that theists wouldn't

what's a 'milliant'

A millitant atheist seeks to reform, to put their belief in action, in the same manner a millitant theist would.

just reading and reminding folk like you, who claim bible, but don't really know the bible or what jesus even said.

I wish you would stick to what I actually write.
I haven't claimed anything, i am discussing with you, a particular section of the bible.

...does it bug you to read what is true finding out that what you believed is wrong?

All you know, is that I believe in God.
The rest is your own inference.

i don't buy any crap i cannot understand.

So because you understand it, it must be true?

never met a militant atheist;

There are loads here.
Open your eyes.

but i know Bush was a liar and put our country into war based on lies (i guess he is a good christian to you)

Why would I think Bush is a good christian?
And there are christians who believe that Bush isn't a christian.
So what say you now? :)

in fact, i see more wars through-out history based on religions, then atheist

You see what you want to see, you've made that clear by how
you respond to my posts.

perhaps rethink your statements before writting them

I'll tell you what, you ACTUALLY read them, then I'll think about rethinking.
them. Can't get much fairer than that.

your religion is perhaps based on the corruption of power

I don't recall discussing religion with you, what to speak of my religion.
Are you mixing me up with someone else?

because anyone can read Jesus' words per bible and find what the religions teach is against what jesus taught.

I'm not disputing that.

i made a point that knowledge destroys ignorance; you are learning now, but choosing to follow the beliefs over the facts... so what is your problem?

The problem that is presented in this discourse is your arrogance.
jan said:
You couldn't survive as a human being, if you didn't apply logic, or rationale, to the necessary level required.
i agree and why following beliefs of 1700 years ago over the reality of science and understanding, is practically stupid!

Bish, for some reason i think your okay, but you don't-half talk some shite.

that is why you and i are bumping heads; you just WILL NOT accept reality when it slaps your face.

Lower the vale of arrogance and you will see that it is YOUR reality that I don't accept.
And please do not tell me that your reality is universally correct. :)

you are unfolding your depth as being less than skin deep

Are you aware of how insulting you have been throughout this discourse.

Darwin was NEVER and atheist; that is what religious people do; they lie about most everything they don't understand.

Save that for someone who gives a shit.

you the religious holding onto ONE book you apparently haven't even read, and you suggest i am holding onto dogma

Yes, you are dogmatic, and one way in which it manifests itself is using preset cliches like this when talking to theists, even when it is not relevant.

you funny (and a pig at the same time; swine)

oink! oink! to that :)

Jesus believed in God (per the books) but he did not submit to the beliefs of the church.

Did I say he did?

doesn't make him an atheist;

Obviously he's not an atheist. Duh!

you on the wrong side of the war

Okay, we're brothers and sisters of goo.
There I said it.


Why would you see it as a compliment?
Equality is best, women is better; in my book.

Cells must divide for life to continue; mom rules, not man.
That is what IS described in revelation;
that is what the thread is on.
At this moment all people in New York have access to those, in some capacity or other.
Accepting the mark of the beast seems to mean you will
still have access to those BECAUSE you have pledged an alligiance.
Not accepting means you have NOT pledged an alligiance, so you will NOT have access to these regardless of whether you can afford them or not.
See the difference yet?
sure i do, you think some dude is the beast, rather than notice the 'many heads of selfish intent' is the beast itself.

in other words, you do not look at yourself as being a part of the global 'bad'

the above point was to show you, that PEOPLE are the monsters

Apparently not.
i noticed it awhile back

What do you mean by "Religion"?
Literature is 'good' from the old works; the beliefs created into religious ideal are what has the corrupt teaching folks like you, that it aint your fault;

but it is!

Jesus didn't believe we all come from primeval goo.
what scripture said that?

And he talks and teaches about what would be termed today as the supernatural.
because back then a cell phone is 'super natural'

You believe we are a product of goo, and you believe there is nothing
outside of matter.
reality and truth exceeds beliefs and stupidity; always

What is it exactly that you like/admire about Jesus?
his honesty and ability to be true over following beliefs (completely opposite of people like you)

Well, i do have to trade, whether or not this invisible hand is present.
the seeking of profit......... is why you do it! (that is the 'invisible hand' you goof; the pursuit of gain for self, over anything other)
So people who believe in God, aren't normal?
never even suggested anything remote; you are now cornered and trying to squirm without addressing what you have read

Why do you think that theists wouldn't
talking to you is a perfect example
A millitant atheist seeks to reform, to put their belief in action, in the same manner a millitant theist would.
lots of millitant 'theist'

never even heard or read about an millitant atheist until you......

can you show me which country they come from, maybe which planet even; cause in all the history books, i can't find ONE example

So because you understand it, it must be true?
that is how to ground truth; by understanding what it is

all truth must conform to reality, nature, life, existence; anything outside of the consistancy is suspect.

you know like the stupid stuff; walkin on water, awakening dead people, talking to god and he talks back to you,..... or even raptures and devils, angels and moroni's.......

how about the krishna; little blue guy with 16,000 gopis (wives).... as if any man can service that many; he must be a god!

we can call him the almighty salami

There are loads here.
Open your eyes.
do you mean anyone who don't believe your BS and what you believe is a millitant atheist?

i guess if i said, the holocaust was not the reason of wwII, i guess i am anti semetic too......

Save that for someone who gives a shit.
what a punk!

you called darwin an atheist, i addressed it as being BS by religious quacks and you waddle up that comment

you a stone cold punk
Yes, you are dogmatic,
i ground on facts; you a quack

Dogma is the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology or any kind of organization: it is authoritative and not to be disputed, doubted or diverged from

you the

oink! oink! to that :)

Okay, we're brothers and sisters of goo.
There I said it..

wouldn't you rather understand what you are rather than believe you are not?

all of existence is of the same (the trinity; mass, energy (light) and time)

the corporeal (mass), the spirit (light) the trascendent (time)

if you pulled your head out, you could perhaps smell something other than the crap coming out your mouth

i am not trying to slap your face; but i hate the selfish of arrogant corruption

you will either get straight or you will not!

don't expect forgiveness, as me personally; am not the forgiving type to the selfish.

I would just as soon see the skin melt from flesh and leave more oxygen to the children.
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