The Book of Revelations

What do you think of the Book of Revelations?

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i am educating you on the fact that what is written is not quite the literal but to observe today, then you can observe the truth of the matter

Don't you think it is possible to bear a mark on your forehead, or hand, which
directly interacts with a single financial system?

want life?

Then know life (C-12) as it truly is and not what the fools believe.

What if your belief is foolishness?
Have you actually thought about that, or can you show me the truth?
As for life, I already experience it.

don't forgive me........... as you will be who sees what is true and can either deny or be humble,

I said, one could be forgiven for believing that particular passage.

i suggest you go look in the mirror and look at all your fathers (in the flesh) and say 'thank you, we made it'

I see, your running with that excess evolution theory.
I am not my father, or his father. I am me.
If I suddenly found out that my father was not my bioligical father, guess what? I would still be me.

and then you can begin (feel what being reborn actually means) to understand

If that's your understanding, then go for it.
But i find your whole premise faulty.

the truth has been slapping you in the face for a long time

The truth is separate from me?

best get straight real fast

Thanks, but I'm not gay. ;)

this is my fav part of revelations, though i haven't read all of it. all of the excerpts are chapter 9, i've edited with wild abandon to shorten it, but the descriptions, which are the main feature of the chapter, are basically unchanged.

the shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. on their heads were crowns of something like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. they had hair like women's hair, and their teeth were like lions teeth. and they had breastplates like breastplates of iron. they had tails like scorpions. their power was to hurt men five months.

and thus i saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue and sulfur yellow; [the horses?] tails are like serpents, having heads, and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and brimstone. by these three plagues a third of mankind was killed - by the fire and brimstone... but the rest of mankind [snip] did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.
this is my fav part of revelations, though i haven't read all of it. all of the excerpts are chapter 9, i've edited with wild abandon to shorten it, but the descriptions, which are the main feature of the chapter, are basically unchanged.

the shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. on their heads were crowns of something like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. they had hair like women's hair, and their teeth were like lions teeth. and they had breastplates like breastplates of iron. they had tails like scorpions. their power was to hurt men five months.

and thus i saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue and sulfur yellow; [the horses?] tails are like serpents, having heads, and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke and brimstone. by these three plagues a third of mankind was killed - by the fire and brimstone... but the rest of mankind [snip] did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.

a love of bridges (857 posts)
Yesterday, 09:11 PM #42

was that a phone call?
Don't you think it is possible to bear a mark on your forehead, or hand, which
directly interacts with a single financial system?

you got a social security number right?

What if your belief is foolishness?
if it is, then i am just nuts. (never said that part was impossible!)

Have you actually thought about that, or can you show me the truth?
Yes, and Yes.

As for life, I already experience it.
then whatcha on the forum for?

purpose, intent??
I said, one could be forgiven for believing that particular passage.

you and can forgive and not allow someones action to you be furthered in your next choice but nothing undoes something when it occurs to existence!

"we" can forgive...... (they know not what they do) but nothing undoes an action

God don't undo!
I see, your running with that excess evolution theory.
life evolved from atoms and energy (light)........ not adam and eve (that is first order of truth as well what is 'experienced' in nature; what we can describe without EVER lying about 'how'...)

the How, is what the 'word' assists with

I am not my father, or his father. I am me.
because you are isolating you from existence (your mind believes your identity (self) is your 'life')

If I suddenly found out that my father was not my bioligical father, guess what? I would still be me.
but then you would know where your 'light' came from.

See the difference?

If that's your understanding, then go for it.
But i find your whole premise faulty.
Understanding your life at the level of comprehending the mass and energy in which the depth mirrors the garden (nature) then truth in absolution can be felt and known.

God is not 'elsewhere'. 'He is the garden" and we are intimately associated and a part of existence as HIS creations. (see how the metaphor(s) of old fit reality with absolute fact)

The truth is separate from me?
i know, you are of existence. It is only a person believing in words or definitions that are eroneous can a person be thinking he is separate from even their own parents, ever, at any time, anywhere in the universe

it is consciousness, that allows you to know 'self' (adams apple story; the birth of awareness)

the amount of material in the old literature is huge that does say a bunch

if you really want some good items that are not as confusing, read up on Thoth of Egyptian literature. Much easier dialogue to digest and grounds how all truth is bound to the 'light' of how existence works.

Jan, are you 'unhappy'?
The theory has been around for 10 years or so, maybe longer, that the address prefix "www" is the 666 Revelations talks about. How the hand/forehead corresponds at all does not add up, but the world being united under one religion and the part about buying/selling does have remarkable similarities.
Regardless of what time in history we are in, that should not have an impact on how we live.
The theory has been around for 10 years or so, maybe longer, that the address prefix "www" is the 666 Revelations talks about. How the hand/forehead corresponds at all does not add up, but the world being united under one religion and the part about buying/selling does have remarkable similarities.

that's the thing about hazy descriptions, you can usually find something to apply them to.

In light of bio-metric technology.

you got a social security number right?

Yes, but I'm not sure how that follows.

then whatcha on the forum for?

Because I like discussion, especially religious, or philosophical, and it gives
me a good idea of how the real world operates mentally.

life evolved from atoms and energy (light)........ not adam and eve (that is first order of truth as well what is 'experienced' in nature; what we can describe without EVER lying about 'how'...)

And atoms and energy evolved from......
And their ancestors evolved from.......

That life evolved from Adam and Eve, is at best an ideology, and when the source of this ideology come under scrutiny, there is no evidence to suggest
that that is the meaning.

because you are isolating you from existence (your mind believes your identity (self) is your 'life')

Please explain.

but then you would know where your 'light' came from.

See the difference?

To be honest, I don't know what you mean.

Understanding your life at the level of comprehending the mass and energy in which the depth mirrors the garden (nature) then truth in absolution can be felt and known.

Nobody understands their life at that level.

can a person be thinking he is separate from even their own parents, ever, at any time, anywhere in the universe

Depends what you mean by "separate".
We are separate from our parents in that we are individuals, and our lives
are ultimately our own. The body, the material, is not entirely separate, and remains so for the duration of life, afterwhich it is transformed into earth, pooh, or ashes.

it is consciousness, that allows you to know 'self' (adams apple story; the birth of awareness)

What is consciousness, and how did it evolve?

the amount of material in the old literature is huge that does say a bunch

Jan, are you 'unhappy'?

Are you?


How the hand/forehead corresponds at all does not add up,

I think it has something to do with the tempreture at these points in the body
is more or less stable enough to act as a constant source of energy.

...but the world being united under one religion and the part about buying/selling does have remarkable similarities.

It sure does.

Regardless of what time in history we are in, that should not have an impact on how we live.

Ideally you are correct, but somehow I don't think it will be the case.

In light of bio-metric technology.
they can't even get a concensus right in the US, think of 7 billion people.

Yes, but I'm not sure how that follows.
you numbered to the 'invisible hand' of capitalism; can't earn, but or sell without paying into the system (beast)

When rev was read, then didn't know about bio-meteric tech but they knew the 'invisible hand'..

And atoms and energy evolved from......
mass energy time; the trinity; existence itself! (alpha/omega; mother nature)

And their ancestors evolved from.......
better than................"and magic did it, duuuuude!"

That life evolved from Adam and Eve, is at best an ideology, and when the source of this ideology come under scrutiny, there is no evidence to suggest
that that is the meaning.

theology is an ideology

Please explain.
conscious life can be led to believe it is not a part of everything else, by words!

nothing else can

To be honest, I don't know what you mean.
your biological dad is a part of you, His light, lives in you. (hence the EXACT meaning of raising the "fathers"... is that each can know exactly how life works and that they are their fathers 'in the flesh')

Nobody understands their life at that level.
what do you think i am doing here?

that is the last chapter! (the revealing)
Depends what you mean by "separate".
We are separate from our parents in that we are individuals, and our lives
are ultimately our own.
awe but you can choose to be of self, but cannot truly exist as a self........ you are of your parents, your environment and what you have learned is often what allows you to think you are separate.

The body, the material, is not entirely separate, and remains so for the duration of life, afterwhich it is transformed into earth, pooh, or ashes.

but what you do will still continue, or not

make a baby, you live on


plant a tree

you live in what you do beyond being awake talking about it

What is consciousness, and how did it evolve?
coherance of energy associating the senses, mind and body to sensory perception of a self;

that coherance is not within a part but of the collective life of your body; kind of like you aura.

the amount of material in the old literature is huge that does say a bunch

sure but from people with an education quite limited to convey material within the level of this period in time.

sure the metaphors were good but the literal interpretations are less that good

ie.......... we (mankind) can go to space, but how many can define life?

priorities have been lost
What's the point of not doing? And should we wait for, and accept official explanations like the Iraq war, and 9-11?

there's so many vague prophecies in religious scriptures, you could waste enormous amounts of time checking events against prophecies. most importantly imo, if the bible is gonna be right about anything, you'd hope its that you don't need to worry about any part of your life other than being a good christian.

i don't think you need to accept official explanations for wars, but just accept that wars and terrorist attacks happen. find any prophecy in the bible, and i bet it can be applied to the event within any century since the book was written. i bet people have feared the apocalypse for centuries.

For nearly 2000 years, some have feared & some have looked forward to the Apocalypse.
It's been predicted for every century end/beginning & many other times.
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there's so many vague prophecies in religious scriptures, you could waste enormous amounts of time checking events against prophecies.

The vagueness, if there is any, is on our part, not the scripture.
It may be a waste of time for you.

most importantly imo, if the bible is gonna be right about anything, you'd hope its that you don't need to worry about any part of your life other than being a good christian.

This is faith.
Are listening Bishadi. Not the nonsense default "belief in anything without evidence"

i don't think you need to accept official explanations for wars, but just accept that wars and terrorist attacks happen.

Who are the terrorists?

find any prophecy in the bible, and i bet it can be applied to the event within any century since the book was written. i bet people have feared the apocalypse for centuries.

So, explain to me, how in the sixties, we (ordinary folk) could have imagined a cashless society, that still uses money to buy and sell. And how it would be possible
to NOT buy and sell, save you having a mark of somekind.

The vagueness, if there is any, is on our part, not the scripture.
It may be a waste of time for you.

i disagree, of the few prophecies i've seen, i've thought them exceptionally vague and obviously construed.

This is faith. Are listening Bishadi. Not the nonsense default "belief in anything without evidence"

faith is belief in anything with or without evidence.

Who are the terrorists?


So, explain to me, how in the sixties, we (ordinary folk) could have imagined a cashless society, that still uses money to buy and sell. And how it would be possible to NOT buy and sell, save you having a mark of somekind.

my explanation is, people made a bunch of crazy prophecies, and if none of them had come true it wouldn't have mattered, because none of them say when they will happen. in that amount of time you can say anything, and it will have happened.
i disagree, of the few prophecies i've seen, i've thought them exceptionally vague and obviously construed.

faith is belief in anything with or without evidence.


my explanation is, people made a bunch of crazy prophecies, and if none of them had come true it wouldn't have mattered, because none of them say when they will happen. in that amount of time you can say anything, and it will have happened.

1) which as I said, the vagueness is on the part of the individual.

2) you taking belief as faith. You do not have to have faith to believe in something, and faith come into being through action. You inadvertantly gave
a perfect example of faith when you said;

"if the bible is gonna be right about anything, you'd hope its that you don't need to worry about any part of your life other than being a good christian."

While the christian was not absolutely certain of whether the bible is right, he/she would hope that there is nothing to worry about.
That they believe in God, is irrelevant. This analasys is based on your quote.

3) i want to see if your understanding is the same as the official explanations. Your right though, its not really relevant.

4) Okay, forget all that. What about the mark of the beast prophecy.
Do you think its just some crazy making stuff up, or do thing that this might
just be pulled off?

So, explain to me, how in the sixties, we (ordinary folk) could have imagined a cashless society, that still uses money to buy and sell. And how it would be possible
to NOT buy and sell, save you having a mark of somekind.


do you live in America or a capitalistic society? Do you need an SS# to earn a living, or are you an illegal of the 'system'?

did the world economy crash just recently based on debt (cashless transactions)?

darlin............if you are within the 'system' and have 'credit cards' you are marked and of the beast! (selfish pursuits within the 'invisible hand')

perhaps notice what that means

“Virtue is more to be feared than vice, because its excesses are not subject to the regulation of conscience.”- ADAM SMITHAdam Smith

Philosopher, 1723 - 1790
Adam Smith was born in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland. The exact date of his birth is unknown, however, he was baptized on June 5, 1723. Smith was the Scottish philosopher who became famous for his book, “The Wealth of Nations” written in 1776, which had a profound influence on modern economics and concepts of individual freedom.

In 1751, Smith was appointed professor of logic at Glasgow university, transferring in 1752 to the chair of moral philosophy. His lectures covered the field of ethics, rhetoric, jurisprudence and political economy, or “police and revenue.” In 1759 he published his Theory of Moral Sentiments, embodying some of his Glasgow lectures. This work was about those standards of ethical conduct that hold society together, with emphasis on the general harmony of human motives and activities under a beneficent Providence.

Smith moved to London in 1776, where he published An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, which examined in detail the consequences of economic freedom. It covered such concepts as the role of self-interest, the division of labor, the function of markets, and the international implications of a laissez-faire economy. “Wealth of Nations” established economics as an autonomous subject and launched the economic doctrine of free enterprise.

Smith laid the intellectual framework that explained the free market and still holds true today. He is most often recognized for the expression “the invisible hand,” which he used to demonstrate how self-interest guides the most efficient use of resources in a nation's economy, with public welfare coming as a by-product. To underscore his laissez-faire convictions, Smith argued that state and personal efforts, to promote social good are ineffectual compared to unbridled market forces.

been trying to assist you jan

perhaps get over the ideas of theology being perfect and try to apply personal responsibility to truth!

You are already a part of the beast and to fib and misrepresent shares a comment i find most true across the board

"the best example of anti-christs are found observing christians'

and the reason i say this is because most are not awaiting 'christ' as they believe the truth already exists and will lie to make sure people know it.

when in reality, even the bible says

Matthew 16:20
Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ.

I don't understand why people don't just read about what Jesus was thought to have said and remove all the religious additions to the theology.

The literature has the answers about many of the unaswered items and the first item of reality is; that Jesus was not the last to come!

Even Jesus is mentioned saying the same thing:

John 14: 15 `If ye love me, my commands keep, (and that means no fibbing)

16and I will ask the Father, and another Comforter He will give to you, that he may remain with you -- to the age;

17the Spirit of truth, whom the world is not able to receive, because it doth not behold him, nor know him, and ye know him, because he doth remain with you, and shall be in you.

Most don't keep the 'truth' as the reality to be held as rule A1!

Jesus lives in what he left (the knowledge) but no one is coming back.

That is proof positive, jesus was not the messiah/christ/bringing of peace/ kalki, adi buddha, pahanna, quetzacoatl........... the morning star!

Basically, most christians don't keep the very precepts of Jesus teachings and have to maintain beliefs over truth, just to exist as a religion pursuit.

eg... i can be found to say; if the western beliefs had not been so oppressive to knowledge (inquisitions etc).....

we would all be vacationing on the moon by now!
1) which as I said, the vagueness is on the part of the individual.

2) you taking belief as faith. You do not have to have faith to believe in something, and faith come into being through action. You inadvertantly gave
a perfect example of faith when you said;

"if the bible is gonna be right about anything, you'd hope its that you don't need to worry about any part of your life other than being a good christian."

While the christian was not absolutely certain of whether the bible is right, he/she would hope that there is nothing to worry about.
That they believe in God, is irrelevant. This analasys is based on your quote.

3) i want to see if your understanding is the same as the official explanations. Your right though, its not really relevant.

4) Okay, forget all that. What about the mark of the beast prophecy.
Do you think its just some crazy making stuff up, or do thing that this might
just be pulled off?


1. no, i was specifically saying that its the prophecy itself which is vague. agree to disagree?

2. my point was that if you believe in the bible, prophecies are irrelevant. if you don't believe in the bible, they're not prophecies, they're bullshit.

3. should i take it you're into the conspiracy theories then? i don't know who was responsible for all the different parts of the attack.

4. could you give me the relevant passage? i think all prophecies in the bible are likely a crock of shit. unless they're common sense: "he who standeth in shit shall have feweth friends". do they offer any advice for when the prophecy comes to fruition? other than 'put more in the collection plate. lots more'.

1. no, i was specifically saying that its the prophecy itself which is vague. agree to disagree?

Fair-dooz. :)

2. my point was that if you believe in the bible, prophecies are irrelevant. if you don't believe in the bible, they're not prophecies, they're bullshit.

Do you think your hypothesis would be validated by a person who actually
believed in the bible?

3. should i take it you're into the conspiracy theories then? i don't know who was responsible for all the different parts of the attack.

It's funny how most of us cannot function in a discussion without having to
categorise, or listen to music without having to categorise genres.
No I'm not into conspiracy theories. There is no need, the shit is being played
out in front of our eyes.

4. could you give me the relevant passage?

Nah, you know what I'm talking about, and further more you agree with me.
You just won't admit it.

Fair-dooz. :)

Do you think your hypothesis would be validated by a person who actually
believed in the bible?

It's funny how most of us cannot function in a discussion without having to
categorise, or listen to music without having to categorise genres.
No I'm not into conspiracy theories. There is no need, the shit is being played
out in front of our eyes.

Nah, you know what I'm talking about, and further more you agree with me.
You just won't admit it.

1. sweet.
2.i'm not sure, even if a person thought the bible is the word of god, they might interpret revelations as metaphorical or something.
3. i wasn't trying to use the connotations conspiracy theories have against you, i should have clarified that. i don't have the knowledge of physics/the military/aircraft etc. needed to make an informed decision though, so i let it be.
4. in all honesty, i'm not even sure what you think i agree with you about. i think perhaps you're fooling yourself to add a notch to your belt and walk away. other than my relatively polite posts (by religion thread standards) i don't know why you would think i do agree with you.