Of course it stands as accepted by mainstream! That is a fact that your continued ranting on a remote science forum, from a position of ignorance, will never change..
That indeed is a fact!
No, it's ignorant to not a think that it is misinterpreted in the first place, and I posted above what is it misinterpreted, instead of common sense and rationality scientists use hickory dickory doo pseudo-interpretation, shame on them, they don't accept interpretations that are based on the real-world examples and the real world-interpretations, they create ones that do not exist in the real world, they use imagination of concepts that do not exist in the real world-that's not science, that's crackpotism.
It is ignorant to even think or imagine that space can be bent, just because mathematics says it so, and everyone forget how many times the mathematics has been wrong in the past, and had to be re-written, I mean when the math creates singularity, inflation, dark matter and dark eenrgy concepts that do not exist and can never be proven, than it's time to rewrite it, a common sense and rationality demand it does, but insead of that physicists simply ignore this, and they believe in it, even though everything what it says about these above mentioned concepts is wrong, since there is not and there will never be a single indication that they exist-mathematics should be based on real-world evidences and on real-world interpretation with common sense and rationality, something that it's not in use for a quite some time, for a 100 years.
*yawn* Again, your nonsense rhetoric will change nothing. That is a fact.
If you had anything of any concrete nature then you would not be here..another fact!
It's not rethoric it's based on facts when it comes to the meaning of interpretations, and the very fact that you don't even want to read those facts, it proves how much blind and how much great religious fanatic you truly are when it comes to mathematics and science in general, instead you should always be critical about science and everything else as well.
Scientists always say we must have criticial thinking, but when you critisize science, it's like attack on the church?
Yes, critical thinking is always welcome, but who is going to criticize science and scientists nd their works, they are treated like gods....