The bible rewards the rapists!

Originally posted by Flores
............. The suicide bomber is ......... but that doesn't speak any truth of a religion or a god, just speaks truth of the person belief.......

If it is not to do with religion, why then, are so many islamics & muslims nuts? I hear about waves of suicide bombers from the islamic world, but not too many atheist bombers. Face it, religion is hatred and rejection of other ideas. The fact that any one religion proclaims itself as above others shows this. Islam especially. Imagine dressing up in silly outfits to bring you closer to god, bowing to Mecca at all times of the day, completely nuts. Mind control at its finest! God could not care less about such pathetic rituals.
Originally posted by Flores
"If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives. (From the NIV Bible, Deuteronomy 22:28)"

There's just one problem: we don't use shekels.....or do we?? Well, one of you said it's what happens when people translate the bible, ,but that would actually be manipulating.....
I accept the doctirn of original sin mainly because even if you put most of this world in paradise they will still be sinful.

If it is not to do with religion, why then, are so many islamics & muslims nuts? I hear about waves of suicide bombers from the islamic world, but not too many atheist bombers.
I believe that the Qur'an says that suicide is haraam. However in cases of wartime it may be necessary. For example if your going to die anyways inflict the most harm on the enemy.

Original sin is not something that we commited, it is the lack of grace from our forefathers. As was written, "Cursed be the ground because of you! In toil shall you eat its yield all the days of you life. Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to you, as you eat of the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face shall you get bread to eat. Until you return to the ground from which you were taken. For you are dirt, and to dirt you shall return." Jesus took up our infirmites, by wearing the crown of thorns, by praying in the garden of Olives until his sweat droped like blood and by his death.

Face it, religion is hatred and rejection of other ideas. The fact that any one religion proclaims itself as above others shows this. Islam especially. Imagine dressing up in silly outfits to bring you closer to god, bowing to Mecca at all times of the day, completely nuts. Mind control at its finest! God could not care less about such pathetic rituals.
Most religions are against hatred and consider it sinful. The only thing I have against muslims in here is that it is one sided. Also ritual if done for love of God is alright, however ritual for the sake of ritual will not be.
Originally posted by okinrus
And "the woman shall encompass a man with devotion". Why are you assuming that in bibical times woman were looked bad upon? It was a woman whom Jesus said had faith greater than all of Isreal. Besides rape has always meant stoning.

Do you have any evidence that rape meant stoning? No dictionary will support you. Ask anyone what "rape" means. It means sexual intercourse forced upon a wo/man.
Now were getting a bit to literal. Does jumping off an airplane mean death? However if we look closely there's an archaic definition of rape: to seize and take away by force. By stoning were seizing and taking away life itself. Therefore stoning falls under rape.
Of course jumping off a 10,000 foot high airplane means death. You are making things up to suit yourself.

I see no evidence or references for your definition of rape. As for mine, all the dictionaries in America are my references.
If it is not to do with religion, why then, are so many islamics & muslims nuts? I hear about waves of suicide bombers from the islamic world, but not too many atheist bombers. Face it, religion is hatred and rejection of other ideas. The fact that any one religion proclaims itself as above others shows this. Islam especially. Imagine dressing up in silly outfits to bring you closer to god, bowing to Mecca at all times of the day, completely nuts. Mind control at its finest! God could not care less about such pathetic rituals.

Seems your full of shit Jeremy , you obviously fail to distinguish cause affect , and link things with eachother based on relevance .

Should I even bother commenting ? What the heck

1)their interpertation of religion only brings in the question of martyrdome what implies own death , otherwise the same oppressed peoples that commit acts of violence against fascists would detonate bombs from a distance like IRA or ETA (Im not arguing their legitimacy , just pointing out tactic) .

2)many atheists however do kill other peoples without killing themselves , if you point out the suicide as stupid , I couldnt agree with you more .

3)You dont , you point out religion as hatred .... so you prove my point perfectly here .

4)Islam especially ? What does clothing and the Salaat have to do with anything ? Do you know anything of both ? No ? Then shut up please

5)God could care less about pathetic rituals ? What God ? That one in the sky who's looking down ? Let me let you in on somethin .......... doesnt exist .

There's just one problem: we don't use shekels.....or do we?? Well, one of you said it's what happens when people translate the bible, ,but that would actually be manipulating.....

Actually they do nowaydays , in ISRAEL . Insane right ? Indeed .
Yes translation is manipulation , sometimes without the manipulator even knowing it :p
Originally posted by okinrus
Besides rape has always meant stoning.

That's what it meant.
If you stone a woman (the intention and usual result of which was death) then you must marry her and can't divorce her till she dies.

That makes a great deal of sense. :bugeye:

Grasping at straws again, I see.

Don't you get weary from constanly twisting the meanings of passages to fit your personal views and justifying your faith?
No you don't understand. Removing a stone from the earth causes the earth to loose her virginity. That's rape. No doubt about it.

Don't you get weary from constanly twisting the meanings of passages to fit your personal views and justifying your faith?
I'm not sure what your talking about. Flores was using a different translation than me.
okinrus says stoning is the same thing as rape!

Originally posted by okinrus
No you don't understand. Removing a stone from the earth causes the earth to loose her virginity. That's rape. No doubt about it.

I'm not sure what your talking about. Flores was using a different translation than me.

Stone a woman, you take her life.
Rape a woman, you take her soul.
Re: Prechosen?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
The way I see it--anyone who has set foot on this old Earth was 'chosen' to be here by their Creator--by whatever name we call our Creator, there really is only One Creator, and we are Co-Creators with our Creator. Therefore, when we are born into this world, this has guaranteed us 'salvation,' if you can even call it that. We really don't need to be 'saved' from anything since we've come here to learn what we didn't in the past and to build the Spirit we share with God and the human race. So, we are all chosen for a reason. We each have a purpose in life, but it is our duty to find out what that purpose is while we're here. There may be some kind of master plan that we, as humans, don't understand, but we are totally in charge of our destiny because we are given free will. God is not someone 'out there' sitting on a cloud, striking lightning bolts at us sinners. God is inside each of us to varying degrees. Therefore, we knew before we were born that we would come here. We're here, so we wanted to be here. That is because we are Co-Creators with God. Unless humans realize this, they will have missed their calling in this life. How dangerous religions are! They teach you to worship some old white-bearded man in the sky, but they fail to teach you that you are God's representative on Earth. True 'salvation' comes when you realize the Power of God is Within each of us!

This is what I believe:
Philippians 2
5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
6Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
7but made himself nothing,
taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
8And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death--
even death on a cross!
9Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
Originally posted by Jeremy
If it is not to do with religion, why then, are so many islamics & muslims nuts?

There are billions of nutz, one only has to watch Japanese TV. :D
But seriously, how many people have been killed by suicide Islamic fundamentalists, in the last 30 years, by people who have claimed their acts.
In just the US, alone, how many people have been killed through, guns, rapes, drugs, greed, jealousy, envy, alcohol, police brutality, gangs, prisons and pointless wars, where there has been no claims from Islamic fundamentalists, in the last 30 years.
As much as you claim Islamic or religious texts and teaching for murders, violent films, literature, clubs, groups, scientific advancement, music and patriotism, can be seen in the same way as religious teaching, from your perspective.

I hear about waves of suicide bombers from the islamic world, but not too many atheist bombers.

Waves? As I have challenged above, tell me how many people has been killed by Islamic fundamentalists who have claimed their actions, in comparisson to non-muslim, murders and suicides.
People who don’t believe in God (atheists) do not have any reason to express themselves in such a manner, even though some do murder and commit suicide, and bring innocents with them.
Are the atheists in America oppressed?

Face it, religion is hatred and rejection of other ideas.

Face it, you are hatred, when you make these kind of baseless, ignorant claims. You should first read the instructions as set by the said religion (Islam), then see if any of these minority groups (terrorist) are actually in accordance with Allah, before citing such ignorance.

….nor kill(or destroy) yourselves;
indeed Allah has been most merciful to you.
Al-Quran, chapter 4, v29

In adition to the above verse of the Qur’an, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has warned that anyone who commits suicide will be deprived of Allahs mercy on the Day of judgement.

“In the time before you, a man was wounded. His wounds troubled him so much that he took a knife and cut his wrist and bled himself to death. Thereupon Allah said, ‘My slave burried in the matter of his life, therefore he is deprived of the Paradise.’”
Al-Bukhari, Muslim

The acts of suicide bombers have nothing to do with the real Islam. They have other agendas and are using the name of Islam, to give their cause credibility. People will always want to cling to something which has credibility, and will act under such guises.

The fact that any one religion proclaims itself as above others shows this.

No, the fact is that there is only one religion, and that religion is to surrender to God, any other so-called religion that does not aspire to this oneness is bogus.

Islam especially. Imagine dressing up in silly outfits to bring you closer to god, bowing to Mecca at all times of the day, completely nuts.

You are an idiot with next to nothing understanding. :(

Mind control at its finest! God could not care less about such pathetic rituals.

Don’t get me started on mind-control using the latest scientific technological developments :D


Jan Ardena.
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Originally posted by Jeremy

If it is not to do with religion, why then, are so many islamics & muslims nuts? I hear about waves of suicide bombers from the islamic world, but not too many atheist bombers. Face it, religion is hatred and rejection of other ideas. The fact that any one religion proclaims itself as above others shows this. Islam especially. Imagine dressing up in silly outfits to bring you closer to god, bowing to Mecca at all times of the day, completely nuts. Mind control at its finest! God could not care less about such pathetic rituals.

Your observation is correct jeremy, but it still have nothing to do with the religion. It have a lot to do with the religion vulnerability to be used as a tool to brain wash people to satisfy agenda. Religion could always be used as hanger and solution for people's problems and that's not the right way to view religion.

A suicide bomber or the Islamic have many problems in life, economical, social, political, you name it they got it. How to make sense of all this maddness in their lives would take a Hercules to figure out. It's easy to brain wash people like that with religion, to paint a pretty picture in their heads to justify their suffering and give them fake motivation to do horrible deeds in the name of goodness and religion.

Atheists by nature are repulsed with brain washing and doctrines, and so am I. That protects them greatly from being abducted in cults, but at the same time, their total denouncing of spirituality is taking away from them extremely valuable elements that would make them great people.

Balance my friend, it's a narrow rope, and not too many people know how to stay on top.
Originally posted by Quigly
It completely makes since why you do not entertain the thought about predestination. It is because you do not believe in the original sin. Why then does the god you serve require good works? Original sin talks about the fact that we were born into this world with a sin nature.

You are utterly confused like the masses of millions. You say that we are created in the image of god, which I don't believe by the way, we are a creation of god and not in his image and meant to be followeres and never equivalent. But still I'll use your wrong assumption that we are created in the image of god. How can an image of god be sinful born with tendencies to sin? Is god sinful? Come on now? Your concepts of god are totally wrong and I don't know where to start because the corrupt bible have intentionally inserted a spider web with no way around it but to compelety start fresh over.

A tendency toward sin. Look at children.. Before they can even talk they can manipulate parents into getting what they want. Then they can become rebellious and throw fits... Kids get a little older and continue to be influenced by their own nature. Why? Sin is in them whether they like it or not. Christians have a baby dedication to where they dedicate the baby to God and charge the parents to uphold christian principles and teach their children until the age of accountability. Please help me understand why you do not believe in Original Sin.

What kind of religion uses the innocent children to justify it's agenda....Only modern evangeligal beliefs my friend with women and children at the bottom of the food chain. Jesus christianity was so pure, I just wish the christians can start honoring him for real and freeing his message from paganism. Obviously, you have never been a parent, becuase if you have, you will discover that a child is pure and whatever a child do that might appear wrong is due to a parent mistake or negligence. If you over deprive your kid, it'll attempt to be manipulative, not because it knows right from wrong and doing wrong on purpose, because it's testing it's free will and abilities.
It is not sin that makes kid do what they do. It's their experimentation with their own free will. They have to make the mistakes to learn what is good for them. God doesn't judge the minors because he knows they are still learning and their mishaps are not sins, they could be mistakes of the elderly that are not paying the correct attention to them.

I don't believe in the original sin simply because I don't believe in a prejudice god that prejudge his creation before creating it. It's us that elect to sin and not god doing that causes us to sin. Sin is a choice and not a default creation. Even Satan sinned by choice and was not created that way. I'm an avid believer that you earn your sin and your spot in hell, you are not born with it.
Originally posted by Flores
Atheists by nature are repulsed with brain washing and doctrines, and so am I. That protects them greatly from being abducted in cults, but at the same time, their total denouncing of spirituality is taking away from them extremely valuable elements that would make them great people.
Such as?
