The Bible. Myth or Reality?

It seems to me that the only people who dispute the existence of Israel or the right for Israel to exist are other religious people.
There are some philosophical aspects to modern science. But unlike religion, science is much more aggressive and less passive in its methods. Scientific beliefs are stated and then tested and models are developed. If beliefs fail scientific testing, they are tossed or viewed as incomplete and ammended. One generally doesn't test religious precepts in order to validate their veracity as that would violate the principal of faith.

But both religion and science attempt to explain our world and our role in that world.

I agree I believe science is attempting to explain what we physically see or touch and religion is trying to explain the spiritual domain
What are you trying with that that is an other opinion . To me, if some one who make such a general statement is wrong or have an objective .
What us wrong with literature or prophesy . Are you going to argue that Israel did not existed because it is written in the bible ?

If the bible is taken as fictional literature, like other mythologies, there is no problem. But bible believers, particularly literalists, take the bible as a factual and historical account. That raises problems, like the occurrence of miracles and primitive accounts of planetary events like creation and the flood. There is also no evidence the Israelites originated as slaves that were divinely liberated from Egypt. Such magical events and accounts conflict with science and history.
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If the bible is taken as fictional literature, like other mythologies, there is no problem. But bible believers, particularly literalists, take the bible as a factual and historical account. That raises problems, like the occurrence of miracles and primitive accounts of planetary events like creation and the flood. Such accounts conflict with science and history.

Before becoming critical on time, you have to think when a time piece ( instrument )was developed,. Then if you stand on evolution then read Genesis 1 You should apreciate the sequence of events which starts with vegetation and ends with man and woman. you have to remember when the Torah was written . perhaps you would like it should be written on present chemical and biological nomenclature.
Ah the flood . do you accepts the writing of Gilgamesh . then you should have less doubt about the Noah flood .
How does science describe the synthesizing the DNA , RNA, and here is something simpler why ribose is dextrorotatory and the amino acids in our body are levorotatory . I can ask more questions
The Bible says nothing about evolution. The plants are said to have been created a day before the sun, moon and stars were created. Note the sun, moon and stars are placed in the "firmament" or gap between the waters above the earth and the waters below the earth. This is an ancient misconception dating back to the Sumerians. See the diagram below:


Note also the description of the creation of humans. It starts with the creation of Adam from dirt that is filled with God's breath. That's not what science says. Adam is then put to sleep and a rib is removed to create woman. That's clearly a myth. There is simply no evidence of this in history or in our knowledge of the human body.

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
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The Bible says nothing about evolution. The plants are said to have been created a day before the sun, moon and stars were created. Note the sun, moon and stars are placed in the "firmament" or gap between the waters above the earth and the waters below the earth. This is an ancient misconception dating back to the Sumerians. See the diagram below:


Note also the description of the creation of humans. It starts with the creation of Adam from dirt that is filled with God's breath. That's not what science says. Adam is then put to sleep and a rib is removed to create woman. That's clearly a myth. There is simply no evidence of this in history or in our knowledge of the human body.

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

That is your picture not mine . The present understanding the moon is a fragment of the earth . Think if the moon is a fragment that means the earth was there before the moon come into place .. It could well be the Earth arrived from an other place before it come into our solar system and after the collision the creation of aquatic life was formed then the birds then mammals the man .The case of Adam could be a metaphor to show how disobedience come in and the consequence. Think the sons of Adam have taken wives that means there were other human , or perhaps in your scientific view they got themseves Chimps for wives .
Your picture is not more then stupidity.
I agree I believe science is attempting to explain what we physically see or touch and religion is trying to explain the spiritual domain
Can you show that the "spiritual domain" actually exists, before you attempt to explain it?
If you can't, of what value is an explanation?
That is your picture not mine . The present understanding the moon is a fragment of the earth . Think if the moon is a fragment that means the earth was there before the moon come into place .. It could well be the Earth arrived from an other place before it come into our solar system and after the collision the creation of aquatic life was formed then the birds then mammals the man .The case of Adam could be a metaphor to show how disobedience come in and the consequence. Think the sons of Adam have taken wives that means there were other human , or perhaps in your scientific view they got themseves Chimps for wives .
Your picture is not more then stupidity.

No.. according to your ancient book of goatherder fables the sun, moon, and stars were created on the 4th day, and placed in the gap underneath the big ocean in the sky. That's a bunch of horseshit. We know the stars and the sun were here long before the earth was, and long before plants evolved. We also know there is no ocean somehow floating up above them. And the creation of Adam is described as happening from dirt all at once. No evolution involved and no metaphor. That's the hebrew myth. The bible is full of such superstitious poppycock.
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Can you show that the "spiritual domain" actually exists, before you attempt to explain it?
If you can't, of what value is an explanation?
It exist in me and in many people . Can you provide me 1 gm of dark matter us there an analytical instrument that can demonstrate , beside the so called lenzing which is questionable
It exist in me and in many people . Can you provide me 1 gm of dark matter us there an analytical instrument that can demonstrate , beside the so called lenzing which is questionable
Dark matter is merely theoretical, wonderfully open to the possibility of not existing at all (although then we would need to come up with another explanation for the observations we have).
The spiritual domain... I'm guessing it's not open to being "wrong" and not existing at all?

Therein lies the difference that your rather simplistic response fails to address.
Feel free to try again, though. ;)
Dark matter is merely theoretical, wonderfully open to the possibility of not existing at all (although then we would need to come up with another explanation for the observations we have).
The spiritual domain... I'm guessing it's not open to being "wrong" and not existing at all?

Therein lies the difference that your rather simplistic response fails to address.
Feel free to try again, though. ;)

Israel is a miracle predicted by prophets who were righteous man trough God have spoken . One of the prediction that He was going to bring them back to their land and in 1948 the prophesy was fulfilled and there are many others , inclusive in my life . I understand for you it is not possible to believe, because you have chosen to be a non believer.
Israel is a miracle predicted by prophets who were righteous man trough God have spoken . One of the prediction that He was going to bring them back to their land and in 1948 the prophesy was fulfilled and there are many others , inclusive in my life . I understand for you it is not possible to believe, because you have chosen to be a non believer.
Self-fulfilling prophecies are dime a dozen, given enough time and a broad enough prophecy.
As for what I have "chosen"... I have not chosen to be a non-believer... I simply am not one. Although if you care to prove that belief in God is simply a matter of choice???
Self-fulfilling prophecies are dime a dozen, given enough time and a broad enough prophecy.
As for what I have "chosen"... I have not chosen to be a non-believer... I simply am not one. Although if you care to prove that belief in God is simply a matter of choice???

It is a choice to believe in spiritual entity . . I if I did not had my experiences, I would be a secular person. I believe in scientific method. I believe in point on a cure tells me a chance , but 3 or 4 points on a curve vs time tells me there is a direction . Generally people working in science are skeptics , and question things . bible was not written in the 21 century but in the bronze age for people of that age.
It is a choice to believe in spiritual entity . . I if I did not had my experiences, I would be a secular person. I believe in scientific method. I believe in point on a cure tells me a chance , but 3 or 4 points on a curve vs time tells me there is a direction . Generally people working in science are skeptics , and question things . bible was not written in the 21 century but in the bronze age for people of that age.
And this shows how it is a choice to believe... how, exactly? Where in what you have written is there convincing evidence that it is an actual choice to believe in such things?
Israel is a miracle predicted by prophets who were righteous man trough God have spoken .

It was also prophesied that the Messiah would conquer all of Israel's enemies and set them up as Zion, a divine kingdom that would gloriously reign over all men. When did this ever take place? Jesus failed miserably in fulfilling the OT prophesies of the coming Messiah. He aspired to be the Son of God and got himself executed for it. Your Bible is a pathetic litany of false hopes and failed predictions. 2000 years later christians are still waiting for Jesus to come to rule the nations with an iron rod. When are you people going to give up and start "living for today"?
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And this shows how it is a choice to believe... how, exactly? Where in what you have written is there convincing evidence that it is an actual choice to believe in such things?

I think you are asking if I would would be born in a secular environment and then become a believer . I have heard from several people been born during the USSR in secular family and the have become believer un God . I believe they are people on their testimony .
Now is up to you to accept their testimony trough a second hand.
Please don't presume to guess what I am asking.
I am suggesting that one may not truly choose to believe or not. One either is compelled to by their own internal thought strucure or they are not, when provided with information (truth or otherwise).
Two people growing up with the same information not "choose" to believe in separate things: they are cimpelled to throughtheir own internal workings.
As an example: my twin brother, who received exactly the same education I did, is devoutly religious,believes in God etc. I don't. I didn't choose not to any more than he chose to believe. It is just in our make up as to which way we actually believe. Yes we can provide lip-service to one or the other, but our true belief or lack might not be simply a matter of choice.
It was also prophesied that the Messiah would conquer all of Israel's enemies and set them up as Zion, a divine kingdom that would gloriously reign over all men. When did this ever take place? Jesus failed miserably in fulfilling the OT prophesies of the coming Messiah. He aspired to be the Son of God and got himself executed for it. Your Bible is a pathetic litany of false hopes and failed predictions. 2000 years later christians are still waiting for Jesus to come to rule the nations with an iron rod. When are you people going to give up and start "living for today"?

Let me ask you were did he say so give me his quote .
There are people who expect this to be physically I don't . I look that he reign in me spiritually, and if He does so in us we will have peace in the beautiful earth.
Now Jewish people are expecting the Messiah. As for me he come 2000 years ago , and I believe he will come again.
Do you think if He would have not come 2000 years ago we would be in better shape . What believe would we have . Don't blame Jesus for misconduct of christians , jews or muslims.
Let me ask you were did he say so give me his quote .
There are people who expect this to be physically I don't . I look that he reign in me spiritually, and if He does so in us we will have peace in the beautiful earth.
Now Jewish people are expecting the Messiah. As for me he come 2000 years ago , and I believe he will come again.
Do you think if He would have not come 2000 years ago we would be in better shape . What believe would we have . Don't blame Jesus for misconduct of christians , jews or muslims.

The prophecies of the OT indicated the establishment of Zion as the literal kingdom of God on earth. It never happened. That's why the Jews don't believe Jesus was the Messiah. It was to be a literal establishment of Israel as God's reign on earth. Christians in the mean time pine for the 2nd coming of Jesus to establish his kingdom on earth. Read Revelation. 2000 years later there's no such kingdom in sight, neither for the Jews or the Christians. How many more years will they keep hoping in a lie? It'll never happen. Move on.

"The future Jewish Messiah to come is thought to be a human leader, physically descended from the paternal Davidic line through King David and King Solomon. He is thought to accomplish predetermined things in only one future arrival, including the unification of the tribes of Israel,[9] the gathering in of all Jews to Eretz Israel, the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, the ushering in of a Messianic Age[10] of global universal peace, and the annunciation of the World to Come.[4][5]"===
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Please don't presume to guess what I am asking.
I am suggesting that one may not truly choose to believe or not. One either is compelled to by their own internal thought strucure or they are not, when provided with information (truth or otherwise).
Two people growing up with the same information not "choose" to believe in separate things: they are cimpelled to throughtheir own internal workings.
As an example: my twin brother, who received exactly the same education I did, is devoutly religious,believes in God etc. I don't. I didn't choose not to any more than he chose to believe. It is just in our make up as to which way we actually believe. Yes we can provide lip-service to one or the other, but our true belief or lack might not be simply a matter of choice.

Well presume due to the input U get but that option always can change can change if clarifications are made . In my family I always was a black sheep . but times have changed..
The prophecies of the OT indicated the establishment of Zion as the literal kingdom of God on earth. It never happened. That's why the Jews don't believe Jesus was the Messiah. It was to be a literal establishment of Israel as God's reign on earth. Christians in the mean time pine for the 2nd coming of Jesus to establish his kingdom on earth. Read Revelation. 2000 years later there's no such kingdom in sight, neither for the Jews or the Christians. How many more years will they keep hoping in a lie. It'll never happen. Move on.

"The future Jewish Messiah to come is thought to be a human leader, physically descended from the paternal Davidic line through King David and King Solomon. He is thought to accomplish predetermined things in only one future arrival, including the unification of the tribes of Israel,[9] the gathering in of all Jews to Eretz Israel, the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, the ushering in of a Messianic Age[10] of global universal peace, and the annunciation of the World to Come.[4][5]"===

I believe Jesus said the kingdom of God is inside in you .
Your second paragraph : So the first coming was from the line if David. Coming the second time He does not have to be born again, He is here in Spirit in us . The Jews can rebuild the temple and I hope they will
It will be interesting to live and see, I definitely will not make any interpretation what is written in revelation . My life is day to day, I believe because interpretations we have to many branches
in you first paragraph : The first believers were Jews they believed Yeshua ha Masshiah ( the mashiah ) . Remember God is not God to the humanity . But politically different groups think God belongs to them.