The Bible is founded on ASTROLOGY!

no, because the bible says so. but god is also the zodiac. read ezekiels first chapter and you can see that when he describes his vision of god he describes the zodiac. the zodiac created everything and it is in everything. god is everything, because jesus said that he is life/everything.

Uhm the zodiac are just stars that only seem arranged in a particular way from our earth, but mainly because of our imagination.
no, because the bible says so. but god is also the zodiac. read ezekiels first chapter and you can see that when he describes his vision of god he describes the zodiac. the zodiac created everything and it is in everything. god is everything, because jesus said that he is life/everything.

So you believe that the Zodiac is god? Interesting, sorta backs up my assertion in an unusual way.
In the Jesus story after Jesus [the Sun], visits John the Baptist [Aquarius] the Bible says, “After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee,....” (Mark 1:14; Matthew 4:12; Luke 3:20; John 3:24). Suddenly John the Baptist is "put in prison", and Jesus just goes on his merry way! There is no further explanation in the Bible, which seems quite strange if John were a real person. We want to know why he was "put in prison." What crime was he accused of? Who threw him in prison? Was there a trial? Did Jesus attend the trial and speak on his behalf? No. Nothing more is said. Jesus just continues on his journey and appears unconcerned about John the Baptist.

This is all very strange and hard to understand if interpreted as a story of real life events, but it all makes perfect sense when understood as an astronomical allegory. John the Baptist being put in prison is merely an allegory for the constellation Aquarius at sunset moving lower and lower until it is below the horizon at the end of the month and can no longer be seen. It is a natural phenomenon that requires no further explanation, and that is why there is no further explanation in the Bible.

Jesus, the Sun, continues on his way into "Galilee". The word "Galilee" literally means "circuit". The original Greek word is γαλιλαις {gal-il-ah'-yah} (Strong's Greek #1056. Click here to see the verse in Greek), which is a word of Hebrew origin לילג {gaw-lee-law'} (Strong's Hebrew #01551). A "circuit" is a closed, usually circular path. The ecliptic is the circuit the Sun travels along during the year. The ecliptic is a great circle inscribed on the celestial sphere. The ecliptic is also a circle on a planisphere. Jesus, a personification of the Sun, continues on his way along the ecliptic, or "Galilee".

Source here.
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall

The moon (Humpty) is in conjuction with Orion's Belt, making it look like Humpty is sitting on a wall.

Humpty Dumpty had a big fall

The moon falls below the horizon.

All the king's horses and all the king's men,
couldn't put Humpty together again.

All the nights that follow, the moon does not appear above Orion's Belt again.

I'm not particularly good at this..; the point is: you can make astrological allegory out of anything. That doesn't prove that it was created as astrological allegory.
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall

The moon (Humpty) is in conjuction with Orion's Belt, making it look like Humpty is sitting on a wall.

Humpty Dumpty had a big fall

The moon falls below the horizon.

All the king's horses and all the king's men,
couldn't put Humpty together again.

All the nights that follow, the moon does not appear above Orion's Belt again.

I'm not particularly good at this..; the point is: you can make astrological allegory out of anything. That doesn't prove that it was created as astrological allegory.

The Jesus allegory is infinitely more complex than yours. So by that logic it is mathematically impossible for it to be coincidence!

If the glove fits you have to acquit! :D
jesus is a personification of the sun, and the sun is a symbol of god.

QuestionEverything said:
So you believe that the Zodiac is god?

all myths say that it is god. the greek myths say that the 4 elements create everything. the 4 elements are the zodiac.
BlueMoose, Sly1, M*W,

Here's a question for you that has me perplexed:

Saturn or Chronos was depicted as a god with a sickle at least back as far as the Greeks (probably circa ~ 500BC), it may go back much further. This sickle is well known as a metaphor for the rings of Saturn...

Keeping that in mind, can one of you please explain to me how the ancients knew that Saturn had rings? I've never seen them without aid of a telescope have any of you? The first telescopes were supposedly invented in the early 17th century.

So what's up with that? Any ideas?

I have a couple ideas yes. :D

Ancient Sumerian culture have tablets that depict the sun as the center of the solar system. Not only that but they knew of all the planets.

Thousands of years later however, people went stupid when their history was somehow erased from their knowledge.......and the earth became the center.....not only that but it was flat.
jesus is a personification of the sun, and the sun is a symbol of god.

all myths say that it is god. the greek myths say that the 4 elements create everything. the 4 elements are the zodiac.

If you say that the Sun is your god I will fully support that. It is at least an unmasked version of modern religion! So I have absolutely no beef with your Sun worship. I only have a problem when people worship the Sun and are deluded that it is something it's not. :thumbsup:
I have a couple ideas yes. :D

Ancient Sumerian culture have tablets that depict the sun as the center of the solar system. Not only that but they knew of all the planets.

Thousands of years later however, people went stupid when their history was somehow erased from their knowledge.......and the earth became the center.....not only that but it was flat.

Yes I've begun to watch the Enki documentary you sent me. If those tablets are for real that would certainly explain a LOT!
based on Astrology? How does 2 verses in Job make the Bible founded on astrology?

WOW! This guy, from his posts, does not seem to be a Christian. But, he obviously is able to realize that two little verses do not determine the whole mean of the book. It would be nice to have people more like him.

If you read verses before it:
From whose womb comes the ice?
And the frost of heaven, who gives it birth?

30 The waters harden like stone,
And the surface of the deep is frozen.

31 “Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades,
Or loose the belt of Orion?

32 Can you bring out Mazzaroth[a] in its season?
Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs?

33 Do you know the ordinances of the heavens?
Can you set their dominion over the earth?

34 “Can you lift up your voice to the clouds,
That an abundance of water may cover you?

This is actually God saying that He is the creator of the earth, and He has the power to change it. And that God, can protect you.

Why are Christians, Jews, and Muslims taught that astrology is evil? Could it be because if they understood astrology they might understand something else? Like their scriptures!
Obviously, QuestionEverything, it's you who does not understand the Bible.:eek:
It would be best if you would read the whole book of Job. For many who are trying to learn more about the Bible, and want to prove it wrong. I suggest you read a book called "The Case for Christ". The author was an atheist who was trying to prove that the Bible contridicts itself.
WOW! This guy, from his posts, does not seem to be a Christian. But, he obviously is able to realize that two little verses do not determine the whole mean of the book. It would be nice to have people more like him.

If you read verses before it:
From whose womb comes the ice?
And the frost of heaven, who gives it birth?

30 The waters harden like stone,
And the surface of the deep is frozen.

31 “Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades,
Or loose the belt of Orion?

32 Can you bring out Mazzaroth[a] in its season?
Or can you guide the Great Bear with its cubs?

33 Do you know the ordinances of the heavens?
Can you set their dominion over the earth?

34 “Can you lift up your voice to the clouds,
That an abundance of water may cover you?

This is actually God saying that He is the creator of the earth, and He has the power to change it. And that God, can protect you.

Why are Christians, Jews, and Muslims taught that astrology is evil? Could it be because if they understood astrology they might understand something else? Like their scriptures!
Obviously, QuestionEverything, it's you who does not understand the Bible.:eek:

This god you refer to is the Sun. Why else would it be so easily associated with the stars? Stars in the Bible are kings and lords. So naturally the Sun would be described as the "King of kings" and "Lord of lords" as that is what you call the most prominent star in the sky.

Don't take my word for it see for yourself.
It would be best if you would read the whole book of Job. For many who are trying to learn more about the Bible, and want to prove it wrong. I suggest you read a book called "The Case for Christ". The author was an atheist who was trying to prove that the Bible contridicts itself.
... and this author found out he was retarded in the process apparently.
It would be best if you would read the whole book of Job. For many who are trying to learn more about the Bible, and want to prove it wrong. I suggest you read a book called "The Case for Christ". The author was an atheist who was trying to prove that the Bible contridicts itself.

I have read the Bible from cover to cover, have you?

Job is nothing but a story of how Satan uses God as a tool to destroy one of his own followers. God's pride in his mind control of Job is displayed while he destroys all that Job holds dear. If I were you I wouldn't use Job as an example to promote your God. If you do I will whip out the full scripture of Job in this forum and tear your arguments to pieces. So please if that's what you want, bring it on! :deal:
Job 1:8-12 (King James Version)

8 And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?
God is bragging about his favorite servant Job, isn't pride a sin? :scratchin:

9 Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought?

10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.

11 But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.

Satan baits God to tempt him and see if he can get permission to mess with Job. Whatever happened to "Tempt not the lord thy God"? Oh that's right it's Satan we're talking about here! :mufc:

12 And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD.
God fails this test of temptation and says, "alright it's a bet! But don't kill him, if you kill him he can't live to still prove you wrong by not turning on me!" And thus the tragedy begins. Yet God who is omniscient already knew Job would not turn against God so why bother persecuting Job? To prove to Satan what God already knows, that's why. Confirmation of God's pride! :D
No, God is an anthropomorphism of the Sun.

jesus is similar to the sun because god is similar to the sun. it shines unconditionally with its warmth (love) on all people. people worshipped the sun because it was similar to god.

The Sun exists, God does not.

jesus (god) said that he is life. life exists, therefore god exists.