The Bible is founded on ASTROLOGY!

Christianity has come to mean believing in a set of assumptions about Jesus and the OT. He died for our sins, rose on the third day, Jesus is devine in nature, etc...

So, no, if you believe as the Jews and as I do, that Jesus was a man with interesting philosophical ideas, then you aren't a Christian.

-That does mean that I will burn in hell for eternity no matter how good human I try to be while being here in earth ?
-Any Christians, I would like to hear your take on this one ?

"He died for our sins, rose on the third day, Jesus is devine in nature, etc..."

-So like Horus in Egypt, (and the sun in winter solstice) now I´m really confused :D Was He the same God ? Reincarnation ?
-So if I do everything Jesus said, but I dont believe him to be a God, I´m doomed in hell ? Thats pretty sick. So its all about submit myself to authority of Pope, given by God, since he is close pal with God/Jesus.
-Christianity is pretty damn hard to understand I may say ;)
-That does mean that I will burn in hell for eternity no matter how good human I try to be while being here in earth ?
-Any Christians, I would like to here your take on this one ?

"He died for our sins, rose on the third day, Jesus is devine in nature, etc..."

-So like Horus in Egypt, (and the sun in winter solstice) now I´m really confused :D Was He the same God ? Reincarnation ?
-So if I do everything Jesus said, but I dont believe him to be a God, I´m doomed in hell ? Thats pretty sick. So its all about submit myself to authority of Pope, given by God, since he is close pal with God/Jesus.
-Christianity is pretty damn hard to understand I may say ;)

Correct, according to orthodox Christianity, good works are not enough. Other Gods with similar demands don't count towards the Christian heaven either.
-That does mean that I will burn in hell for eternity no matter how good human I try to be while being here in earth ?
-Any Christians, I would like to hear your take on this one ?

"He died for our sins, rose on the third day, Jesus is devine in nature, etc..."

-So like Horus in Egypt, (and the sun in winter solstice) now I´m really confused :D Was He the same God ? Reincarnation ?
-So if I do everything Jesus said, but I dont believe him to be a God, I´m doomed in hell ? Thats pretty sick. So its all about submit myself to authority of Pope, given by God, since he is close pal with God/Jesus.
-Christianity is pretty damn hard to understand I may say ;)

well like i said earlier.......the much more useful in its current false state, getting you to kneel/obey/fear/conform.......than an astrological aspect.

The bible is being abused for control over the sheeple. Its hilarious to me actually only becuase they literally tell you, that your nothing but a sheep to be hearded......and yet people salivate,praise, and cheer this idea......if there ever is a definition of brain washed, that is it.
However I am very hesitant to claiming ownership of any "TRUTH" I will agree that the astrological aspect of the bible does indeed make more sense out of things. There is now a connection between what is being said and what you can see/experience/test where as before it was ALL on faith......

Why though so much "beating around the bush" ?? Why muddle up astrology with irrelevant mislabeling and mysticism?

It's been used to create a system of control, and one of the most lucrative businesses in the world.

If you are looking for motive that should more than suffice!
Actually sly1 it may go back even further than that. Some research suggests the pyramids are exceedingly old. Even Manly P. Hall admits that his fellow Masons were the ones who created the phony inscriptions in the Great Pyramid dating it to the time of Kufu. What did they want to hide?

In fact if you follow the line of research that suggests the Giza complex is actually representative of the Belt of Orion, and then go back in time to when those stars were in that configuration... Well now you're getting into some seriously crazy shit!

-I have been reading on that too, also the ancient race of giants, could that
have some connections, since how those pyramids was made is still a mystery ?
The bible is being abused for control over the sheeple. Its hilarious to me actually only becuase they literally tell you, that your nothing but a sheep to be hearded......and yet people salivate,praise, and cheer this idea......if there ever is a definition of brain washed, that is it.

The concept of people as "sheep" was derived from Aries the Ram, as the concept of people as "cattle" was derived from Taurus the Bull.

Of course now that it's the Age of Pisces, they can just "school the minnows" as it were. :)
The bible is being abused for control over the sheeple. Its hilarious to me actually only becuase they literally tell you, that your nothing but a sheep to be hearded......and yet people salivate,praise, and cheer this idea......if there ever is a definition of brain washed, that is it.

-Yes. Most disturbing thing is that when you enter church first thing you see
is your tortured God to be crucified to death ~ installing guilt, we killed our God...but it was because of our sins ! They wanna make you feel guilty ?
Doesnt they say that we are all sinners from begin, was it original sin or what was that they called it ?

-I have been reading on that too, also the ancient race of giants, could that
have some connections, since how those pyramids was made is still a mystery ?

There's some pretty wild theories about the giants out. I would guess that it's still more astrological allegory, but on that I don't know for sure.

The Great Pyramid is not just perplexing because of the size of the stones, but also the cutting precision. I haven't been there but it is said that the stones are cut so precisely that you can't fit a sheet of paper between them. If you think about that and imagine the supposed tools of the day, well, you'll realize it just doesn't add up at all! But as I said, I haven't been there. Maybe it's all just cram packed full of sand.
-Yes. Most disturbing thing is that when you enter church first thing you see
is your tortured God to be crucified to death ~ installing guilt, we killed our God...but it was because of our sins ! They wanna make you feel guilty ?
Doesnt they say that we are all sinners from begin, was it original sin or what was that they called it ?


Yes guilt is an excellent form of control! My mother used it on me for years.
I laugh a bit inside whenever I see a church with the pagan zodiac cross atop it (and there are plenty).....they really are clueless, which is why after I laugh I am suddenly saddened.
BlueMoose, Sly1, M*W,

Here's a question for you that has me perplexed:

Saturn or Chronos was depicted as a god with a sickle at least back as far as the Greeks (probably circa ~ 500BC), it may go back much further. This sickle is well known as a metaphor for the rings of Saturn...

Keeping that in mind, can one of you please explain to me how the ancients knew that Saturn had rings? I've never seen them without aid of a telescope have any of you? The first telescopes were supposedly invented in the early 17th century.

So what's up with that? Any ideas?
BlueMoose, Sly1, M*W,

Here's a question for you that has me perplexed:

Saturn or Chronos was depicted as a god with a sickle at least back as far as the Greeks (probably circa ~ 500BC), it may go back much further. This sickle is well known as a metaphor for the rings of Saturn...

Keeping that in mind, can one of you please explain to me how the ancients knew that Saturn had rings? I've never seen them without aid of a telescope have any of you? The first telescopes were supposedly invented in the early 17th century.

So what's up with that? Any ideas?

-Thats interesting, have to look up for sure. I´ve been thinking that there must have been civilizations in way back that we dont know about, the pyramids, the crystal skull and this one. Could the information survive while civilizations vanishes. Atlantis ?
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-Thats interesting, have to look up for sure. I´ve been thinking that there must have been civilizations in way back that we dont know about, the pyramids, the crystal skull and this one. Could the information survive while civilizations vanishes. Atlantis ?

It does make you think doesn't it? Either the telescope has been invented and lost before, which is certainly possible, or a whole civilization has been lost. It's questions like these I believe people should be asking.
Because your pastor and fellow christians said so. :bugeye:

no, because the bible says so. but god is also the zodiac. read ezekiels first chapter and you can see that when he describes his vision of god he describes the zodiac. the zodiac created everything and it is in everything. god is everything, because jesus said that he is life/everything.