The Bible is founded on ASTROLOGY!

M*W: This is a MUST READ site for everyone who wants to learn the truth once and for all.
M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the Day:

"Civilization will not attain to its perfection, until the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest!" ~ Emile Zola
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M*W: This is a MUST read site for everyone who wants to learn the truth once and for all.
M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the Day:

"Civilization will not attain to its perfection, until the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest! ~ Emile Zola

It's all about having an open mind. Closed minds allow no entry.

Thank you for reading it. Now if we can get one of the sheep to look at it we will have accomplished something!
It's all about having an open mind. Closed minds allow no entry.

Thank you for reading it. Now if we can get one of the sheep to look at it we will have accomplished something!

I have to say it all sounds very logical, seems a very good explanation :)
I am not a 'sheep' though, sorry ;)
I have to say it all sounds very logical, seems a very good explanation :)
I am not a 'sheep' though, sorry ;)

Actually I didn't mean you, and I'm glad you read it. I'm only doing what I can to enrich peoples' understanding of their theology, but I can't force it on anyone.

That the Bible is based on astrology is not a theory, but a fact. Anyone who follows this line of research will see how well the glove fits.

The Bible is also based on fertility worship, and drugs like mushrooms. John Allegro, the agnostic philologist who was a member of the Dead Sea Scrolls translation team has pointed this out in his book "The Sacred Mushroom and the Christian Cross".
Actually I didn't mean you, and I'm glad you read it. I'm only doing what I can to enrich peoples' understanding of their theology, but I can't force it on anyone.

That the Bible is based on astrology is not a theory, but a fact. Anyone who follows this line of research will see how well the glove fits.

The Bible is also based on fertility worship, and drugs like mushrooms. John Allegro, the agnostic philologist who was a member of the Dead Sea Scrolls translation team has pointed this out in his book "The Sacred Mushroom and the Christian Cross".

Very interesting. I've always known it was something like this but never took the time to research it.
P.S. I knew you didn't mean me :)
The Bible is rip of so many things, but the main thing is that it has it roots in Egyptian religion, and in Egypt it was the stars, sun, moon and planets which were big mystery and therefore they interpret them to be something beyond from this Gods.

Sumeria predates egypt and even SUMERIAN mythology parallels most of what is said in the bible/gensis. If were going back into history for answers might as well go ALLL the way back right?
-I asked Adstar this one, havent get answer yet, maybe you could help me ?

-Can you please tell me then what is Christian anyway, what does it mean.
For example our homeland was converted by force to be a Christian.
-If I believe that Jesus was a real person and prophet of somekind, like Buddha and others, but he was just a man,then, am I Christian ?

Christianity has come to mean believing in a set of assumptions about Jesus and the OT. He died for our sins, rose on the third day, Jesus is devine in nature, etc...

So, no, if you believe as the Jews and as I do, that Jesus was a man with interesting philosophical ideas, then you aren't a Christian.
Sumeria predates egypt and even SUMERIAN mythology parallels most of what is said in the bible/gensis. If were going back into history for answers might as well go ALLL the way back right?

Actually sly1 it may go back even further than that. Some research suggests the pyramids are exceedingly old. Even Manly P. Hall admits that his fellow Masons were the ones who created the phony inscriptions in the Great Pyramid dating it to the time of Kufu. What did they want to hide?

In fact if you follow the line of research that suggests the Giza complex is actually representative of the Belt of Orion, and then go back in time to when those stars were in that configuration... Well now you're getting into some seriously crazy shit!
Christianity has come to mean believing in a set of assumptions about Jesus and the OT. He died for our sins, rose on the third day, Jesus is devine in nature, etc...

So, no, if you believe as the Jews and as I do, that Jesus was a man with interesting philosophical ideas, then you aren't a Christian.

Jesus' philosophy predates him, so now what?
Actually I didn't mean you, and I'm glad you read it. I'm only doing what I can to enrich peoples' understanding of their theology, but I can't force it on anyone.

That the Bible is based on astrology is not a theory, but a fact. Anyone who follows this line of research will see how well the glove fits.

The Bible is also based on fertility worship, and drugs like mushrooms. John Allegro, the agnostic philologist who was a member of the Dead Sea Scrolls translation team has pointed this out in his book "The Sacred Mushroom and the Christian Cross".

I take issue with your assumptions about the "base" of the Bible. I don't deny that aspects of previous religions are either mentioned or incorporated into biblical myths, but that is different from the theology actually being based on them.

This is due in no small part to their being no one author of the Bible. There were dozens of authors with different takes on what they thought would be important or "stick" with the readers.
This is due in no small part to their being no one author of the Bible. There were dozens of authors with different takes on what they thought would be important or "stick" with the readers.

BINGO!! And each author was nothing more than an initiate of the Egyptian Mystery Schools. This is why the different authors agree on most aspects of their theology. They were not originators of the information, only regurgitators of it.
Actually sly1 it may go back even further than that. Some research suggests the pyramids are exceedingly old. Even Manly P. Hall admits that his fellow Masons were the ones who created the phony inscriptions in the Great Pyramid dating it to the time of Kufu. What did they want to hide?

In fact if you follow the line of research that suggests the Giza complex is actually representative of the Belt of Orion, and then go back in time to when those stars were in that configuration... Well now you're getting into some seriously crazy shit!

Well I know egypt has been dated to roughly 10,500 years ago alternativly to the 5 thousand due to the alignment of the constilation orion with the pyramids and leo with the sphynx. So quite possibly it could be older than sumeria.....however egyptians were much more advanced in communication and building than the sumerians which I can only conclude that sumeria would predate egypt.

I could be wrong though. Anway back to topic
Please repost that link to the tablet info doc. I think you need to delete everything from the first "&" to the end of it in order for it to come through properly.
Yes, but...
Here is all the proof you could ever ask for.

If you can't understand the connection to astrology at that point you never will.
M*W: There are other references that I will post. They are:

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, by Acharya S. (1999).

Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled, by Acharya S. (2004).

Jesus Christ, Son of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism, by David Fideler (1993).

Symbols, Sex, and the Stars, by Ernest Busenbark (1949).

The Heavens Declare..., by William D. Banks (1985).

Astrology: The Ancient Conspiracy (originally titled The Origin of Heathendom), by Ben Adam (1963).

Stars, Signs & Salvation in the Age of Aquarius, by Bjornstad and Johnson (1971).

Astronomy of the Bible, E.W. Maunder (1908).

Mazzaroth: Or, The Constellations, by F. Rolleston (1875).

Parallel Myths, by J.F. Bierlein (1994).

The Hero With A Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell (1973).

But these are just few of the well-researched astro-theological texts. If anyone has any questions or comments about the astro-theological interpretation of the bible, let us know.
M*W: There are other references that I will post. They are:

The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, by Acharya S. (1999).

Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled, by Acharya S. (2004).

Jesus Christ, Son of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism, by David Fideler (1993).

Symbols, Sex, and the Stars, by Ernest Busenbark (1949).

The Heavens Declare..., by William D. Banks (1985).

Astrology: The Ancient Conspiracy (originally titled The Origin of Heathendom), by Ben Adam (1963).

Stars, Signs & Salvation in the Age of Aquarius, by Bjornstad and Johnson (1971).

Astronomy of the Bible, E.W. Maunder (1908).

Mazzaroth: Or, The Constellations, by F. Rolleston (1875).

Parallel Myths, by J.F. Bierlein (1994).

The Hero With A Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell (1973).

The Complete Works of Josephus, translated by William Whitson

But these are just few of the well-researched astro-theological texts.

AWSOME!! You rule M*W! :cheers:
Well she's a bit of a nut. The Zodiac was shorthand for astronomical features. It doesn't attribute any special powers to them, especially over God. Criticize the Bible all you want, but at least make it accurate.
M*W: Well, I guess you could have called me something worse. The signs of the zodiac do have physical features or animalistic features. You are correct in that they have no special powers that come with them. It's all about the myth of sun worship. Human beings gave them many shapes and forms and wrote stories (myths) about the characters in the night sky. I've never ever stated anywhere that I believe in astrology or in any astrological attributes. However, interpreting the bible (both OT and NT) is the ONLY accurate interpretation of MYTH. It's all myth and it's always been myth. I certainly don't promote it as a religion. I'm an atheist, and maybe a "nut" as you say, but you can't just call me a "nut" because I don't believe in any of that crap anyway. Maybe I KNOW about it, but I don't promote it as something to be believed in... like the ancients did. It is very clear to me that there is no god, no angels, no kings, no virgin births and no kind of salvation except for the sun coming up in the morning.
M*W: Well, I guess you could have called me something worse. The signs of the zodiac do have physical features or animalistic features. You are correct in that they have no special powers that come with them. It's all about the myth of sun worship. Human beings gave them many shapes and forms and wrote stories (myths) about the characters in the night sky. I've never ever stated anywhere that I believe in astrology or in any astrological attributes. However, interpreting the bible (both OT and NT) is the ONLY accurate interpretation of MYTH. It's all myth and it's always been myth. I certainly don't promote it as a religion. I'm an atheist, and maybe a "nut" as you say, but you can't just call me a "nut" because I don't believe in any of that crap anyway. Maybe I KNOW about it, but I don't promote it as something to be believed in... like the ancients did. It is very clear to me that there is no god, no angels, no kings, no virgin births and no kind of salvation except for the sun coming up in the morning.

I'd be nuts too if I had to put up with being the only one talking truth on a forum full of ignorant people unwilling to look at the facts I displayed for them. If being a nut is being allied with truth, then I'd gladly be called a nut!

Cheers fellow nut! :cheers:
I'd be nuts too if I had to put up with being the only one talking truth on a forum full of ignorant people unwilling to look at the facts I displayed for them. If being a nut is being allied with truth, then I'd gladly be called a nut!

Cheers fellow nut! :cheers:

However I am very hesitant to claiming ownership of any "TRUTH" I will agree that the astrological aspect of the bible does indeed make more sense out of things. There is now a connection between what is being said and what you can see/experience/test where as before it was ALL on faith......

Why though so much "beating around the bush" ?? Why muddle up astrology with irrelevant mislabeling and mysticism?