The Bible is Bullshit

I actually had a dream last night. It was the first time in my life that i had a poetic dream. Never experienced a dream where a poem was read out to me for me to contemplate. The poem was like a riddle with vision preceding it. The message i got from it was that the final players are now in position for the end of History of this world as we now know it. And that history as we know it will continue until the final player in the game is taken away. The anti-christ. I think i know who that person is. We shall see.
Reminds me of Battle Star Gallactica. You may be a Cylon....

I love that series :)
Yeah you do, you just don't recognize it. Everyone on this earth is influenced by spirits, the holy spirit being one. I've had people who don't believe or recognize say very prophetic and meaningful things to me in regards to my spiritual experience. They had no idea; just making conversation.

OK, so you over interpret the mundane. You are a significance junkie.

To me, a conversation is just a conversation, and a rock, just a rock.

A rock doesn't prove God exists. In fact, a geologist could use it to disprove several biblical lies.
Reminds me of Battle Star Gallactica. You may be a Cylon....

I love that series :)

I loved the old battle star galactica series a bit corney but thats normal for US scifi of the time. The modern series was a bore.

Cylon. hummm, no i don't think i can identify with anyone in that series.

The guys trying to free people from the Matrix in the movie of the same name, i identify with them more. without the guns. :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Guys, when you see one, or interact with one, or have one inhabit your body for a while, or wad shit up on your coffee table right in front of you, well then I suppose you'll check yourselves into some hospital and douse yourselves with drugs. :p

If that were that case, we probably would. Why haven't you?

Interesting video. Seen it before, and I quite agree. The Bible is fraught with problems, and it shouldn't be taken 100% literally. In fact, most Christians don't consider it inerrant; the larger Christian sects often look at big parts of the Bible as metaphors or myths rather than something literal.

As a non-Christian and polytheist, it doesn't really concern me. But it is interesting nonetheless.
OK, so you over interpret the mundane. You are a significance junkie.

To me, a conversation is just a conversation, and a rock, just a rock.

A rock doesn't prove God exists. In fact, a geologist could use it to disprove several biblical lies.

There was nothing to over interpret. I'll give you a couple of many examples.

My spiritual experience told me I was a queen. Yes, a queen, which was a hard thing to understand. So I'm at work one afternoon, waitressing at applebees, and one of my coworkers says to me "lori, you're a queen." of course he was referring to my behavior, not my experience. Just a coincedence.

My spiritual experience involved rock stars who had made a deal with the devil so to speak and ended up deceived and spiritually dead. During that time one of my friends was telling me about one of his fave books "the hitchhikers guide to the universe" and gave me another of the authors books to read. It was about a rock star who made a deal with the devil and ended up dead. My friend didn't know. Just a coincedence.

That's like 2 of 1000 examples.
I loved the old battle star galactica series a bit corney but thats normal for US scifi of the time. The modern series was a bore.

Cylon. hummm, no i don't think i can identify with anyone in that series.

The guys trying to free people from the Matrix in the movie of the same name, i identify with them more. without the guns. :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yeah, the old series was OK... but no way, the new series was kick ass great :)

Those guns in Matrix were just an illusion so it's OK to use them :p
My spiritual experience involved rock stars who had made a deal with the devil so to speak and ended up deceived and spiritually dead. During that time one of my friends was telling me about one of his fave books "the hitchhikers guide to the universe" and gave me another of the authors books to read. It was about a rock star who made a deal with the devil and ended up dead. My friend didn't know. Just a coincedence.

And you know that the guy that wrote those books, Douglas Adams, was a prominent atheist? He's the guy that came up with the 'Puddle Analogy';

". . . imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, 'This is an interesting world I find myself in, an interesting hole I find myself in, fits me rather neatly, doesn't it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!' This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, it's still frantically hanging on to the notion that everything's going to be all right, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for."

But anyway, your experiences prove you are a significance junkie.

Dr Susan Blackmore has used statistical techniques to examine superstition, coincidence, and significance of events, and found that generally people over estimate the odds of a coincidence, so when it happens think something rare or mystical has occurred.

For instance, on average, you only need about 23 people in a room to have a 50% chance of two of them sharing the same birthday. That's not many is it? Fewer that you'd have guessed, and if you only remember the positives (because people will always remember their own birthday) you could think that you have a popular birthday, because it matches so many people. Cosmic, eh?

So you have the word 'queen' pop into your head, one of your colleagues uses that word in a sufficiently short time frame from this event, and you connect the dots. Except, well, you are linking random events and looking for sense in them.

It's also a case that you often find what you are looking for. That's the point of looking, after all. So you have this word 'queen' in your head, looking for a match. You could have heard a song on the radio by the rock band 'Queen' and attached significance to that. Or walked past a furniture shop that sold Queen sized beds. Or seen Queen Latifa on MTV. Or seen the Queen of any nation on the news.

So maybe the day after you had the word 'queen' begging for a match, one of your colleagues called you a 'star', but it didn't match, so it was discarded. As was every other compliment, until randomly, you got a match.

It's a well known technique used by mediums, that people forget the mismatches, and concentrate on the hits, so much so, that a 'reading' can be by far a majority of mismatches, but the person being read will see some significance in the correct guesses.

It's all just statistics.
The marvelling over unexpected juxtapositions is at once the mark and the diversion of banal minds, and most of them do not require very remarkable happenings to constitute coincidences.
Philip Ward - The Dictionary of Common Fallacies
Guys, when you see one, or interact with one, or have one inhabit your body for a while, or wad shit up on your coffee table right in front of you, well then I suppose you'll check yourselves into some hospital and douse yourselves with drugs.

My spiritual experience told me I was a queen.

My spiritual experience involved rock stars who had made a deal with the devil

Day dreams or night dreams? :rolleyes:
Not dreams.

Lori, it's well known that parts of your brain can sleep while the rest is awake, this happens in various sleep disorders. When that happens, people can experience things that just aren't present in reality.

Now, which is more likely, that due to stress, or some disorder, you had a less than perfect experience of reality a few times, or that your reality is 100% and allows you to see into a spirit realm?

There is only one sane answer.
Lori, it's well known that parts of your brain can sleep while the rest is awake, this happens in various sleep disorders. When that happens, people can experience things that just aren't present in reality.

Now, which is more likely, that due to stress, or some disorder, you had a less than perfect experience of reality a few times, or that your reality is 100% and allows you to see into a spirit realm?

There is only one sane answer.

The spirit realm interacted with me, and maniplulated my environment. I am sane, and have no sleeping disorders.

I know that unless you've been through it, its very difficult to imagine, but its not so difficult to imagine the possibility.
I am sane, and have no sleeping disorders.
I absolutely have no intention to be rude or patronising, but seriously, how do you know this? don't many sane people think themselves to be sane? And how can you be sure you don't have a sleep disorder of the type suggested by Phologisitician?

You are probably right on both counts, but how would you verify that scientifically?
The spirit realm interacted with me, and maniplulated my environment. I am sane, and have no sleeping disorders.

I know that unless you've been through it, its very difficult to imagine, but its not so difficult to imagine the possibility.
M*W: Hollywood is looking for some good, creative writers.
And is it possible to call it something other than the "spirit realm"? You know, so you sound less crazy?

Like what?

I think its crazy not to believe in the possibility of a spiritual realm. And given what I've experienced I'd have to be completely insane not to.