The benefiy in having faith in God

Are you saying this is true for every single person with faith?

you know there is newer a 100% but in probability my be so

Are you saying that every single person without faith turns to alcohol or psychiatry when confronted with a moment of sadness? Are you saying that every single person with faith does not turn to alcohol or psychiatry when confronted with a moment of sadness?

please again don't use the word every single person , because there is no 100 %

This is a true statement. People of faith are less likely to have depression.

I would say a good 70%
That's circular reasoning; however, the correct (albeit simplistic) reason is that faith makes them feel good.

and they might be satisfied
Are you saying all depressed non-believers have to use psychiatrists and drugs to overcome depression? Are you saying that all believers don't use psychiatrists and drugs to overcome depression?

again you use the word all
Communism trained them into bad habits apparently.

Trained is a bad word
Do you mean people who don't believe in 'God' or people who don't practice religion?

If you don't believe in God you probable believe in your doctor yourself or in tour family
Just a general note. Your use of phrases in the English language are often in the form of blanket statements (meaning 100% probability). As your response indicates this was not your intend, consider using different verbiage to correctly communicate what you mean.

you know there is newer a 100% but in probability my be so...

...please again don't use the word every single person , because there is no 100 %...

...again you use the word all

Then please let me know what probability you are assigning to these claims as well as the case study showing supporting statistics.

I would say a good 70%

Do you have data to back that up?

and they might be satisfied


Trained is a bad word

It is accurate however.

If you don't believe in God you probable believe in your doctor yourself or in tour family

You are switching definitions of the word "believe". I was referring to existence and then you switched it to trust; however, what you are saying doesn't really make a point for either definition.

Whether or not you believe 'God' exists doesn't change the fact that your doctor or family exists (regardless of whether you actually believe it).

Whether or not you trust 'God' doesn't change the fact that you might or might not trust your doctor or family.
Some one with down syndrome is not going to interpret the same . People with perfect pitch also . Which I have heard said is 1 out of a 1000. Savants and the likes . Autistic people . The list goes on and on .

But the physical mechanisms that are used by the brain to interpret the sensory data are physically the same(or close enough as makes no difference). What you describe are either cases of faulty wiring(the wrong thing sending data to the wrong part of the brain), the brain mechanisms experiencing a fault(firing when no data is incoming), or outliers in the data set(and you should know that you don't establish facts of biology based on the outliers in a data set). No matter how you slice it, our brains are all wired in essentially the same way, even when it comes to things like forming beliefs.

People with cross senses too . Have you heard of them . It would be like people that can smell color . Yeah . Ever heard of that ?

You're speaking of synesthesia, a rare neurological condition in which the activation of one sensory region of the brain triggers an involuntary activation in another. Yeah I covered that already, not only is it an outlier but that doesn't have a thing to do with a difference in the actual sensory interpretation mechanisms of the brain.

None of this invalidates my point.
A person with faith have an uplift in spirit in moment if sadness.
A person with out faith , have a bottle of rum ( alcohol ) or have to visit a shrink
A person with faith will less likely have depression , because it puts its faith in God.
A nonbeliever have to recur for pills or visit a shrink.

The people who grew up under the communist regime are showing its dependency in liquor more then other society .
Man that isolate himself from God will become more dependent on liquor and chemicals .

Ready for your flak //////

the benefits of having faith in God is not in promises that we cannot keep, Ie if you do 'this', God will reward you..this kind of promise is not for man to promise..this is between God and the individual, man cannot make promises for God.

believers are just as susceptible to their own humanity as nonbelievers.
just because you believe, does not make one a better person.
(desire alone is not enough)