The benefiy in having faith in God

That will be news to Irish priests.

American Priest too. This one Priest would come over to my one mean as wifes mothers house and pour it down . I was convinced they was fucking too, but I could never quite catch em in the act . Course I didn't try that hard either

The benefit for Me is like a mouse in your pocket . You got someone else to blame for your unhappy shit besides another person . Oh yeah thats what they use Satan for . Well if the jesus story is true it changed . Now we can blame Jesus . He been running the world a lot longer than Bush and Obama . So I got Me little plastic Jesus in Me pocket . Yeah ! He did it . It was not my fault
Tell me how efficient was the Russian productivity
Can you show that Russian productivity was a direct function (or not :)) of alcohol consumption? Don't you think that state interference (and the legacy left) has something to do with it?

During the regime all people were employed ( supposed ) " you work you eat, no work no eat " but there were many drunk on the job , and you could not fire them .
Yeah, and during that same regime deliberate crap was turned out simply so they could claim that "everyone is employed".

The people who grew up under the communist regime are showing its dependency in liquor more then other society
You appear to be talking about now, not during the Communist years.
Religion may indeed reduce the tendency to drink, but so what? That doesn't mean it's true.
Religion may indeed reduce the tendency to drink, but so what? That doesn't mean it's true.

Each of us need a help.
Again what for me is truth may not be for you , at the end of our life we will find out . Unless you have been there ( end ), but again, should I believe you ?
But if you have been there an come back and you tell me it is not true , then you are a lair .
Again what for me is truth may not be for you
Then it's not true.

But if you have been there an come back and you tell me it is not true , then you are a lair .
In other words, regardless of what you're told, and by whom, you're going to believe what you want to believe.
Why is the choice drink or pray? As if theism were the only spiritual practice in the world! Buddha had some advice about suffering. Yoga is probably effective. Stamp collecting might be a good escape for some...

What ever works .

Where are the brothers I need help help against the Infidels on my post !!!!!
Asserting that truth is relative is a self-collapsing statement. Because if truth is relative and all things are equally true, then it is equally true that truth is not relative and some things are more or less true than others. It's a position that, like all of theism, can't be supported logically.
Each of us need a help.
Again what for me is truth may not be for you , at the end of our life we will find out . Unless you have been there ( end ), but again, should I believe you ?
But if you have been there an come back and you tell me it is not true , then you are a lair .

If that's all religion was about, it would be no problem. Personally, I don't think my death is all that critical to how I live my life.
If this were true, and prayer/religion were the key to avoiding drug dependency, then why is it that quitting by yourself without any help has the same effectiveness rate as religious organizations like AA(roughly fifteen percent, by the way)?
Personally, I don't think my death is all that critical to how I live my life.

That is not exactly true. Depending on how you view your future will influence how you will live your present. If someone offered you a good job after college, based on the condition you get at east a 3.5, many students will study harder. If I say, I don't care if you fail and party all the time or get a 4.0, I will still give you the same job in four years. Will all people behave the same in both cases? The answer is no.

The atheists believe they will die (spiritually unemployed) no matter what they you do. The faithful believe they will get that good job in paradise, but this is based on the conditions of righteounesss. You don't think that will influence behavior differently for both?

People will give up cigarette smoking to live longer. Why bother if you will die anyway? The reason is one has faith this change of behaviot will allow one to deny death a little longer. You could get hit by a bus, so it is not a definite thing. But you will alter behavior for the hope of an extended life. Would you give up all your vices to add more days? The righteous shoot for all the way to infinity, and beyond, and need to alter overall behavior to do this.
No, I wouldn't give up my vices to add more days. These are your days, if you aren't living them now, do you think you will live them later? I'm lucky I get to die.
@wellwisher --

The atheists believe they will die (spiritually unemployed) no matter what they you do. The faithful believe they will get that good job in paradise, but this is based on the conditions of righteounesss. You don't think that will influence behavior differently for both?

Of course it affects behavior, it usually makes atheists lead fuller, happier lives. That it comes but once makes this life all the sweeter. However that's not what Spidergoat was getting at. What I took out of it was that Spider knows he's going to die but it isn't all that important because right now he's alive. Spidergoat is focusing on living and experiencing life instead of what most likely won't come after death. How is that "bad"?

The reason is one has faith this change of behaviot will allow one to deny death a little longer.

All other things being equal, we know for a fact that quitting smoking will add days to your life because you're not imbibing as many poisons. This isn't faith in the same way that theists have faith. Theistic faith is belief despite a complete lack of evidence or in spite of contrary evidence. With the smoking thing(or going to a doctor or starting your car in the morning, whichever of the examples you theists seem to favor) we have previous evidence that it will work. This evidence gives us reason to accept that quitting will improve your odds of living longer.

Hardly the same thing at all. Again, the theists come with a flawed comparison.

The righteous shoot for all the way to infinity, and beyond, and need to alter overall behavior to do this.

The righteous assume an infinity which is not in evidence and then try to force the rest of us to live according to rules that they don't even follow. Yeah, save me your pious self-righteousness.
No, I wouldn't give up my vices to add more days. These are your days, if you aren't living them now, do you think you will live them later? I'm lucky I get to die.

Spidey words of wisdom my Man . Life is for the living . Yeah good scriptures right there . About my favorite one . The sole duty of man is to enjoy the fruits of his labor for there is no life in the grave . The dead have no more part in the living . Enjoy the fruits of your labor. So eat drink and be merry . This is the lot of Man .

Your getting to be one hell of a bible banger . The old book of you genetic culture non the less. Amazing Grace
I live in a world were the "truth" may be the truth of one man, and the rest of the people just bought into the fallacy of this one man. The only truth I know happens in front of my eyes.