The benefiy in having faith in God

A person with faith have an uplift in spirit in moment if sadness.
A person with out faith , have a bottle of rum ( alcohol ) or have to visit a shrink
A person with faith will less likely have depression , because it puts its faith in God.
A nonbeliever have to recur for pills or visit a shrink.

The people who grew up under the communist regime are showing its dependency in liquor more then other society .
Man that isolate himself from God will become more dependent on liquor and chemicals .

Ready for your flak //////

I'm not even an Atheist and I think that's a load of crap.
Spidey words of wisdom my Man . Life is for the living . Yeah good scriptures right there . About my favorite one . The sole duty of man is to enjoy the fruits of his labor for there is no life in the grave . The dead have no more part in the living . Enjoy the fruits of your labor. So eat drink and be merry . This is the lot of Man .

Your getting to be one hell of a bible banger . The old book of you genetic culture non the less. Amazing Grace

Yes, enjoy life. Your soul may burn for the things you have done.
@Knowledge --

What our senses detect is not a very good guide to the truth. Leaving aside, for the moment, the fallibility of our sense organs themselves, the way our brains piece the information received together is far from satisfactory, with the brain having to fill in many gaps and missing bits of data itself.
Yes, enjoy life. Your soul may burn for the things you have done.
What's a "soul"?
Do you have any evidence for one?

I live in a world were the "truth" may be the truth of one man, and the rest of the people just bought into the fallacy of this one man. The only truth I know happens in front of my eyes.
Then it's not the truth.
Hard luck.
Asserting that truth is relative is a self-collapsing statement. Because if truth is relative and all things are equally true, then it is equally true that truth is not relative and some things are more or less true than others. It's a position that, like all of theism, can't be supported logically.

Stop your fancy jargon, the situation in life is practical, I am not impressed by philosophical arguments.
Asserting that truth is relative is a self-collapsing statement. Because if truth is relative and all things are equally true, then it is equally true that truth is not relative and some things are more or less true than others. It's a position that, like all of theism, can't be supported logically.

Stop your fancy jargon, the situation in life is practical, I am not impressed by philosophical arguments.

Wait I have to take care my chicken I will be back
How about this then: in practice it is impossible to have separate truths for two (or more) different people.
It's not fancy jargon, and it's not semantic bullshit either. This is an insurmountable logical flaw in your reasoning. While your reasoning may allow you to live with others, that doesn't make it right.
Using religion to deny bad situations isn't productive. The whole thing about god providing, or praying for least a non-believer realizes that it's up to them to initiate change.

Some people may live better lives with religion, some don't. Some might need that crutch, some can live without the need for that belief. But the claim that religion always makes things okay for all is ridiculous.
@Knowledge --

What our senses detect is not a very good guide to the truth. Leaving aside, for the moment, the fallibility of our sense organs themselves, the way our brains piece the information received together is far from satisfactory, with the brain having to fill in many gaps and missing bits of data itself.

Your senses are not my senses, the truth is depend from the point from were you are looking.
My brain pieces information according to my experince in life so does your
@Knowledge --

My eyes might not be your eyes(and you should probably be thankful for that) but our brains all work in the same way when it comes to interpreting sensory data.
It's not fancy jargon, and it's not semantic bullshit either. This is an insurmountable logical flaw in your reasoning. While your reasoning may allow you to live with others, that doesn't make it right.

Well please tell me how should reason.

and tell what is my insurmountable flaw
@Knowledge --

My eyes might not be your eyes(and you should probably be thankful for that) but our brains all work in the same way when it comes to interpreting sensory data.

It depends on what is the objective you are interested and the objective I am looking .

Example I am selling a car and you are my customer
A person with faith have an uplift in spirit in moment if sadness.

Are you saying this is true for every single person with faith?

A person with out faith , have a bottle of rum ( alcohol ) or have to visit a shrink

Are you saying that every single person without faith turns to alcohol or psychiatry when confronted with a moment of sadness? Are you saying that every single person with faith does not turn to alcohol or psychiatry when confronted with a moment of sadness?

A person with faith will less likely have depression ,...

This is a true statement. People of faith are less likely to have depression.

...because it puts its faith in God.

That's circular reasoning; however, the correct (albeit simplistic) reason is that faith makes them feel good.

A nonbeliever have to recur for pills or visit a shrink.

Are you saying all depressed non-believers have to use psychiatrists and drugs to overcome depression? Are you saying that all believers don't use psychiatrists and drugs to overcome depression?

The people who grew up under the communist regime are showing its dependency in liquor more then other society .

Communism trained them into bad habits apparently.

Man that isolate himself from God will become more dependent on liquor and chemicals .

Do you mean people who don't believe in 'God' or people who don't practice religion?
@Knowledge --

My eyes might not be your eyes(and you should probably be thankful for that) but our brains all work in the same way when it comes to interpreting sensory data.

not exactly . Some one with down syndrome is not going to interpret the same . People with perfect pitch also . Which I have heard said is 1 out of a 1000. Savants and the likes . Autistic people . The list goes on and on . People with cross senses too . Have you heard of them . It would be like people that can smell color . Yeah . Ever heard of that ? Yeah they will see a specific color and get a taste association with it . Me for a while in my 30s when I would feel happiness I would get the taste of Budweiser beer in my Mouth . No Dyw I was not drinking it . Maybe anticipation of drinking it . No that was not it . It was a taste I would get when I was happy . The best way to describe the taste was Budweiser . I would get this joyful feeling and a particular taste would come in my mouth and when it did I thought to my self " That taste is like Budweiser. No I was not puking up day old beer from the drunk the night before .