The benefiy in having faith in God


A person with faith have an uplift in spirit in moment if sadness.
A person with out faith , have a bottle of rum ( alcohol ) or have to visit a shrink
A person with faith will less likely have depression , because it puts its faith in God.
A nonbeliever have to recur for pills or visit a shrink.

The people who grew up under the communist regime are showing its dependency in liquor more then other society .
Man that isolate himself from God will become more dependent on liquor and chemicals .

Ready for your flak //////
Oh my, more generalised nonsense.
Are you claiming believers don't drink for comfort? Don't take medication or visit shrinks?

Are you ignoring the economic climate in Russia and the general hardships that are a potential cause for alcoholism?
A starving person would then have to admit that God wants them to suffer.

75% of the Russian people are Russian Orthodox Christians, do you think that started in the 1990's?
A starving person would then have to admit that God wants them to suffer.

75% of the Russian people are Russian Orthodox Christians, do you think that started in the 1990's?

I don't know from which period of time you are quoting
My point is that Russians have probably always been more or less 75% Russian Orthodox. So just because the communist party was officially atheist doesn't mean the people were.
Are you ignoring the economic climate in Russia and the general hardships that are a potential cause for alcoholism?[/QUOTE]

You said it right , so the choice is drink or prey , Drinking the situation gets worse , you spend the money , and the other you are not fit to do your job while drunk
You said it right , so the choice is drink or prey
If only life were actually that simple.

Drinking the situation gets worse , you spend the money , and the other you are not fit to do your job while drunk
Um, part of the problem "causing" the drinking is lack of jobs, or, if employed (especially in the Russian Forces), lack of pay.
It would appear to me that the word "are" (as opposed to "were") would imply the present.

Before the Bolshevik revolution, were perhaps higher then 75 % Orthodox ,
Unless you think in the period ,Stalin to Gorbachev was preaching Christianity.
You said it right , so the choice is drink or prey , Drinking the situation gets worse , you spend the money , and the other you are not fit to do your job while drunk

Why is the choice drink or pray? As if theism were the only spiritual practice in the world! Buddha had some advice about suffering. Yoga is probably effective. Stamp collecting might be a good escape for some...
Before the Bolshevik revolution, were perhaps higher then 75 % Orthodox ,
Unless you think in the period ,Stalin to Gorbachev was preaching Christianity.

Prohibition in the Russian Empire and Soviet Union existed during 1914-1925 (wikipedia). Therefore drinking in the country was not a new problem, or something that only started with the atheist communists.
So this is what theists are reduced to? OK, maybe God isn't real, but at least the lie will stop you from drinking? Maybe so, but that's a pitiful reason for believing it.
The people who grew up under the communist regime are showing its dependency in liquor more then other society .
Russia: a whole 15% more than France.
Is 15% that significant?
6.5% more than South Korea. :shrug:
If only life were actually that simple.

Um, part of the problem "causing" the drinking is lack of jobs, or, if employed (especially in the Russian Forces), lack of pay.

Tell me how efficient was the Russian productivity . During the regime all people were employed ( supposed ) " you work you eat, no work no eat "
but there were many drunk on the job , and you could not fire them .