The atrocities of Christianity

I mean you can't tell me that you haven't noticed all these atrocities of christianity that people are harping on about occurred about 5 ecumenical council's ago?

Oh please. Per current statistics, about a half of the abortions in the West are by Protestant women.
And shall we go into discussing the religious people who eat meat?
Oh please. Per current statistics, about a half of the abortions in the West are by Protestant women.
And shall we go into discussing the religious people who eat meat?
probably a separate topic - I was talking specifically about the atrocities people are harping on about in this thread
Why does a hostile, aggressive Christian get to believe in God, but I don't get to believe in God?
belief is related to action. Action is related to desire. hence a hostile theist gets to believe in god, a somewhat mellow theist gets to believe in god, a hostile atheists doesn't and a somewhat mellow atheist doesn't etc etc and everything in between
belief is related to action. Action is related to desire. hence a hostile theist gets to believe in god, a somewhat mellow theist gets to believe in god, a hostile atheists doesn't and a somewhat mellow atheist doesn't etc etc and everything in between

What action?

What desire?
Do you know anyone who doesn't have a low threshold for competition?

Like I said Christians had a low TOLERANCE THRESHOLD for competition. I know of lots of people who relish competition and tolerate it. I don't know of many so insecure that they can't TOLERATE the mere existence of competitors.
Like I said Christians had a low TOLERANCE THRESHOLD for competition. I know of lots of people who relish competition and tolerate it. I don't know of many so insecure that they can't TOLERATE the mere existence of competitors.

So all or most Christian's have a low tolerance threshold for competition? Where does that come from? Where is your supporting evidence or are you just pulling this out of the aether like the the rest of your claims?
So all or most Christian's have a low tolerance threshold for competition? Where does that come from? Where is your supporting evidence or are you just pulling this out of the aether like the the rest of your claims?

I'd say most Christians believe that everyone who does not accept Jesus' bloody sacrifice for their sins deserves to be tortured in hellfire for all eternity. That is a fundamental theologically-justified intolerance for those outside your own faith--that people who simply disagree with you are absolutely evil and worthy of eternal torture. Are you denying they view nonchristians this way? Does it affect how they behave towards them? The history of christian intolerance and cruelty says "yes".
A very good example were the Cathars. The Cathars were Christian Gnostics and considered by the Catholic Church to be dangerous because of their ideas. Were they dangerous? From:

Here is a small part of what happened (wikipedia):

Wow. Thanks for that account. I often encounter in these debates people who lose all sense of the evil of these sorts of atrocieties. Many have the audacity to play numbers games: "oh it wasn't 9 million...only maybe 1 million." lol! But when you read these grisley firsthand accounts it makes it all real again--the power of religion to totally divest people of all their humanity.
belief is related to action. Action is related to desire. hence a hostile theist gets to believe in god, a somewhat mellow theist gets to believe in god, a hostile atheists doesn't and a somewhat mellow atheist doesn't etc etc and everything in between

What action?

What desire?

Are you in any way suggesting that a person is by nature, inherently, permanently, either a theist or an atheist, and that's that?
Can there be any doubt that Christianity is, historically speaking, one
of the most murderous religions that has ever existed?

I like the way you have handled this thread, and your points of view are refreshingly realistic.

Historically there is no worse (religious) persecution than under the 1200 years of Papal reign, but when it comes to numbers including politics, only communism has surpassed the Catholic record. Of course, we cannot discount protestantism for its contribution, and also the British Empire which operated under the influence of the C of E.

Either politics or religion are typically bloody, and a careful study of history shows that both these fields are under the same powers of evil, hence the human race is always subject to a short confusing and oppressive life style, but thankfully it is opposed by half decent people who seek to make life prosperous and worth while, and these kinds of people are simply genuine about peace and freedom, regardless of their profession of faith or lack of it.

Most people do not know what the Bible says about these issues and so throw it out as well, but it says enough to expose religions and all the major political powers to show that none of them have anything to do with God and His government. The Jews killed the old messengers and then Christ, and the religious and political powers have ever sought to destroy the genuine few who are prepared to die for the sake of freedom. Rome did it, the Papacy killed over 60 million, communism kills any half decent human being. Fascism killed non conformists. And the last world empire will do the same. And guess what? it is religious after a type of Christianity!

I've often wondered why religion and fascism seem to have the same devastating results. I think religion, particularly of the monotheistic type, contains certain fascist elements in its teachings. The idea of unconditional submission to a higher will. The demonization of minorities or outsiders as bestial or dirty. And the driving belief in a coming earthbound utopia all made possible by the outright massacre of the majority of the human race. Is it any wonder that we see the same intolerant behavior being inspired by BOTH belief systems?
Strangely enough, historians credit the long life of catholicism (just as an example) to its ability to adapt to changing social norms.

IOW religion, by its very nature, is constantly in a state of introspection, reformation, etc.
I mean you can't tell me that you haven't noticed all these atrocities of christianity that people are harping on about occurred about 5 ecumenical council's ago?

That is one thing about Catholicism that I admire, it is whatever the Pope says it is. But I do seem to remember a couple months ago a preacher advising his flock to smack any boy that acted the least bit feminine, even in jest.
Do you realize that Christianity would never have existed if the Romans had not tortured and crucified Jesus? Where were all of the atheists when the Romans were committing atrocities? I'll tell you where. They were hiding. They were too cowardly to stand up for what was right. Atheists then, and today, are too scared to fight, suffer and die for freedom, for human rights and for what is right. So when you attack Christianity for its mistakes just remember: you atheists did nothing to stop oppression. You're too busy saving your own skin.
Do you realize that Christianity would never have existed if the Romans had not tortured and crucified Jesus? Where were all of the atheists when the Romans were committing atrocities? I'll tell you where. They were hiding. They were too cowardly to stand up for what was right. Atheists then, and today, are too scared to fight, suffer and die for freedom, for human rights and for what is right. So when you attack Christianity for its mistakes just remember: you atheists did nothing to stop oppression. You're too busy saving your own skin.

What the hell?

You didn't think this one through when you wrote it, did you?

It's official. I've read the stupidest post, ever.
Do you realize that Christianity would never have existed if the Romans had not tortured and crucified Jesus? Where were all of the atheists when the Romans were committing atrocities? I'll tell you where. They were hiding. They were too cowardly to stand up for what was right. Atheists then, and today, are too scared to fight, suffer and die for freedom, for human rights and for what is right. So when you attack Christianity for its mistakes just remember: you atheists did nothing to stop oppression. You're too busy saving your own skin.

Yes, Mazulu, it is true. As a card carrying member of the Ancient Order of Atheists I know the shame of this cowardly act we all committed. All of us in the AOA are directly responsible for not standing up to those murderous Theists over 2 millennia ago. We are all deeply sorry. (the LOL-spasms are beginning to hurt).
Do you realize that Christianity would never have existed if the Romans had not tortured and crucified Jesus? Where were all of the atheists when the Romans were committing atrocities? I'll tell you where. They were hiding. They were too cowardly to stand up for what was right. Atheists then, and today, are too scared to fight, suffer and die for freedom, for human rights and for what is right. So when you attack Christianity for its mistakes just remember: you atheists did nothing to stop oppression. You're too busy saving your own skin.

If we had a Wall of Shame, this post would be a shoe-in.

There weren't many atheists back in Roman times, so I don't know why the onus was on them to stand up for anyone. Where were all the theists? Oh, right, they were killing him. Or did you not know that Romans were religious? Judging by your posts, I'm going to guess you didn't.

It's fun enough to laugh at such insane ignorance, but I have to draw the line at you calling modern atheists cowardly. What must an atheist do to be considered brave in your view? Are the atheist social workers in war zones cowardly? How about the atheist soldiers? Or the atheists fighting for civil rights on behalf of others? Or for themselves, for that matter. In other words, which orifice do you pull this crap from?
Yes, Mazulu, it is true. As a card carrying member of the Ancient Order of Atheists I know the shame of this cowardly act we all committed. All of us in the AOA are directly responsible for not standing up to those murderous Theists over 2 millennia ago. We are all deeply sorry. (the LOL-spasms are beginning to hurt).
If you are honest about Christianity and the Gospel, then standing up to oppression was pretty much the point. You can certainly argue that early Christians may have missed the point. To be truly honest, atheists also miss the point.
Do you realize that Christianity would never have existed if the Romans had not tortured and crucified Jesus? Where were all of the atheists when the Romans were committing atrocities? I'll tell you where. They were hiding. They were too cowardly to stand up for what was right. Atheists then, and today, are too scared to fight, suffer and die for freedom, for human rights and for what is right. So when you attack Christianity for its mistakes just remember: you atheists did nothing to stop oppression. You're too busy saving your own skin.

Jesus, if he even existed, was executed by religious leaders for the sin of blasphemy. This is just another example of the wretched affects of religion on normally congenial humans. And the sin of blasphemy comes straight out your bible. It was the justification for ripping out the tongues of many during the Dark Ages.
If you are honest about Christianity and the Gospel, then standing up to oppression was pretty much the point. You can certainly argue that early Christians may have missed the point. To be truly honest, atheists also miss the point.

Good Mazulu, I am glad you are willing to stand by your statement. Remember, when the cards are all crap, never fold your hand. Bluff.