The Atheist Bully Lecture

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spiritual_spy said:
No you can post what you want but if it is unreasonable it will be debated with reason. and i think this little qoute fits this situtation nicely. Reason is to theists as fire is to everything else. It burns.
Fanatical atheists have no concept of reason. They only wisht to impose their bigoted beliefs on others.

Empty threats by empty headed morons.
cool skill said:
Fanatical atheists have no concept of reason. They only wisht to impose their bigoted beliefs on others.

Empty threats by empty headed morons.
Sure. what ever helps you sleep at night. :rolleyes:
cool skill said:
I can point to your retarded thread threatening to grief people that want to discuss Noah's relationship with Jesus. This is not debate. It is not intellectual discussion. It is fanatical bigotry.

Such griefing is not in the least bit intellectual discussion. It is fanatical extrmist caviling in efforts to impose your way of discussion on others. You impose your own ideas about how YOU want topics to be discussed on others. You do this through griefing people that wish to have normal religious discussion.
You rationalize that you are merely debating.
Typical atheist delusional self righteous fanatic.

In conlcusion:
Atheists are indeed morons.
NOTE: This is a religion sub in a science forum. A scientific perspective will undoubtedly be brought to any religious discussion here. There are many boards, as I mentioned, for the sympathetic discussion of Noah's relationship to god. Why is this so hard for you to understand? If you start discussing Noah at all, the few theists here will chime in and so will the atheists. I do not, and would not, go to a religious board and start demanding evidence to support noahs ark.

A theist that comes here and demands complete credulity from the science-minded here is just as guilty as the athiest demanding proof on a religion board. You, sir, are the arrogant one. How dare you come to a science board and try to impose your mindless way of discussion on the rest of us?

Any theist that comes to the religion sub of a science forum is either

1) confused
2) looking for a fight
3) genuinely interested in the scientific view of religion as a phenomenon

I think I know which you are skill boy.
cool skill said:
I do not care if Atheists are aware of it.
There is a difference between acknowledging your own fanatical selfrighteousness and delusionally believing you are not in the least bit fanatical.

Because they are self righteous bigoted fanatics, Atheists do not say things such as:
Welcome to Sciforums Religion Section. Please feel free and comfortable to talk about any religious topic, and as intellects, we will be sure to treat all atheists and theists equally and respectfully with an open mind. We want all members to feel comfortable, and free to talk about their beliefs without being attacked or griefed for them...

Cool Skill,

Thanks for the detailed answer. In my opinion, the atheists aren't the problem. It's the way people on the forum tear assertions to pieces without regard to the human relationships. I would speculate that you are seeing this behavior most frequently in atheists, but if you look around the other categories of sciforums, you can see theists engaging in the same behavior.

It's typical for public 'intellectual discussion' / debate to put a far lower value on peoples feelings. You have to be strong and have 'thick skin' or you might run into problems. Look at what happened to Muslim in the 'War in Heaven (No Atheists)' thread. He literally freaked out because he wasn't emotionally equipped to deal with a public science forum. I have to be truthful and say that your behavior isn't much healthier. You can't change the fundamental behavior of people nor the thought processes and values of the common evidentualists.

Rather than fall inito the negative spiral of caustic presence (which will have no upside for you), why not lobby for something that is missing? This is just an idea. May SciForums can have a section called 'Safe-Zone', a place that values (by sub-forum rules) equality, welcoming, safety, and whatever else is needed? It's just an idea and if it was me that wanted this, I would probably rally some virtual signatures from the SciForums population for the creation of such a forum category. I am sure the SciForums staff would be open to the idea backed by the documented desire of many of its members.

A downside to that type of forum category is that it would be very moderation intensive.
Crunchy Cat said:
Cool Skill,

Thanks for the detailed answer. In my opinion, the atheists aren't the problem. It's the way people on the forum tear assertions to pieces without regard to the human relationships. I would speculate that you are seeing this behavior most frequently in atheists, but if you look around the other categories of sciforums, you can see theists engaging in the same behavior.

It's typical for public 'intellectual discussion' / debate to put a far lower value on peoples feelings. You have to be strong and have 'thick skin' or you might run into problems. Look at what happened to Muslim in the 'War in Heaven (No Atheists)' thread. He literally freaked out because he wasn't emotionally equipped to deal with a public science forum. I have to be truthful and say that your behavior isn't much healthier. You can't change the fundamental behavior of people nor the thought processes and values of the common evidentualists.

Rather than fall inito the negative spiral of caustic presence (which will have no upside for you), why not lobby for something that is missing? This is just an idea. May SciForums can have a section called 'Safe-Zone', a place that values (by sub-forum rules) equality, welcoming, safety, and whatever else is needed? It's just an idea and if it was me that wanted this, I would probably rally some virtual signatures from the SciForums population for the creation of such a forum category. I am sure the SciForums staff would be open to the idea backed by the documented desire of many of its members.

A downside to that type of forum category is that it would be very moderation intensive.
My first reaction is that that's not such a bad idea.
superluminal said:
NOTE: This is a religion sub in a science forum. A scientific perspective will undoubtedly be brought to any religious discussion here. There are many boards, as I mentioned, for the sympathetic discussion of Noah's relationship to god.
Thank you proving my point.

Atheist dogma: A scientific perspective is the atheist perspective. Religious diecussion in a science foum should abide by the atheist perspective.

Atheists are bigots that wish impose their self righteous ideas on how religion should be discussed in a science forum.

If you do not abide by the way Atheists want you to approach a religious discussion, you will be trolled by Atheist bullies.

Unfortunately, in a trully free intellectual forum, you will not be griefed by atheist fanatics for talking about Jesus relationship with Noah. Or Muhamads relationship with Allah.

superluminal said:
I do not, and would not, go to a religious board and start demanding evidence to support noahs ark.
Yet you do so here, and use your self righteous dogma that this is a science forum to justify your griefing.
What you atheists do not seem to understand is a very important fact:

Not all people in this forum believe as you do that atheism is more scientifc than theism, and therefore, atheism should take precedence in a science forum.

You cannot expect everybody here to abide by your dogma. Nor is it right to grief others for not doing so.

This is a nondenominational forum. It is open for all beliefs.
There is a difference between nondenominational and nonreligious.
In a non religious discussion, people are not allowed to discuss topics regarding religion.
In a nondenominational forum, people are allowed to freely discuss their religious beliefs. This means no grief from fanatics.

Any intellect can easily approach a topic, and know right away if that topic is meant for debate regarding their beliefs or if they are just approacihing the topic to cavile others for the sake of imposing their dogma.

Have you visited the physics forum here? Have you ever followed any of the "perpetual motion machine" threads? Or the "Einstien was a moron/Reletivity is moronic" threads? If you don't get my point, go read some of them and then come back here and complain about how harsh we atheists are on religiosos. We're sooo mean.
Crunchy Cat said:
deal with a public science forum.
This is typical bigoted attitude about what a science forum is.
This does nothing more than support my claims about atheist selfrighteousness.
Atheists selfrighteously believe and impose their idea of what a "public" science forum is on others. If others do not follow their notions, they will be griefed.

If Muslim was sad about anything it is not because he could not deal with a public science forum. It is because of self righteous fanatics that believe a science forum is meant abide by atheist dogma only, and wish to impose this belief on others.

Unfortunately, this is in no way an atheist forum. If you like, you can lobby for an atheist subforum, therefore, the religion forum can be open to actual intllectual discussion without atheist fantaticism.
Of course atheists would still be welcome to discuss religion, just not with any fanatical attitude about how this is a science forum, and therfore, any religious discussion will be subject to griefing if it does not abide by atheist dogmatic standards.
superluminal said:
My first reaction is that that's not such a bad idea.

The only negative consequence (aside from insane moderation) I could think of at the moment is that if something like that became really popular, the pool of free sociological experiement participants would be harder to access (alot more touchy-feely emotion would have to be invested and some experiments might just be all out inaccessible).
superluminal said:

Have you visited the physics forum here? Have you ever followed any of the "perpetual motion machine" threads? Or the "Einstien was a moron/Reletivity is moronic" threads? If you don't get my point, go read some of them and then come back here and complain about how harsh we atheists are on religiosos. We're sooo mean.
Yes I do visit the physics forum.
And no it is not relevant.
This is not a discussion about the physics forum.
The physics forum could be the most fanatical tyranical psychotics or they could be the most open minded intellects.

It has no bearing on atheist self righteous attitudes and bullying in the religion forum.
Crunchy Cat said:
The only negative consequence (aside from insane moderation) I could think of at the moment is that if something like that became really popular, the pool of free sociological experiement participants would be harder to access (alot more touchy-feely emotion would have to be invested and some experiments might just be all out inaccessible).
Not to mention it most likely becoming deadly boring.
Crunchy Cat said:
'Safe-Zone', a place that values (by sub-forum rules) equality, welcoming, safety, and whatever else is needed?
BTW. What exactly do you mean by safe zone?
I take it your not aware that the entire Sciforums is moderated to the extent of free discussion as long as nobody is griefing others.

1. All people. Theists and atheists alike are free to discuss whatever they want without being griefed.

2. This is not an atheist forum. Atheists may believe that a science forum and an atheist forum are one and the same. That is fine, but treating it as such is disrespectful to others, and is not what intellectual discussion is about.

3. Griefing others for discussing their beliefs is not intellectual discussion. It is not respectful discussion in a science forum.
charles cure said:
that's my summation of every post you have made here.
It is clear that you have no point. I cannot see why you do not get lost.
cool skill said:
Yes I do visit the physics forum.
And no it is not relevant.
This is not a discussion about the physics forum.
The physics forum could be the most fanatical tyranical psychotics or they could be the most open minded intellects.

It has no bearing on atheist self righteous attitudes and bullying in the religion forum.
Of course it's relevant you nutjob! We are not being selfrighteous, dimwit. We are asking for reasonable, scientific support for religious claims. How stupid can you be? Please, try not to demonstrate how much worse you can get.
superluminal said:
Not to mention it most likely becoming deadly boring.

Good point... and I can also see people challenging each other in a friendly fashion. Hey, lets take this discussion to the Life Sciences section... and then they duke it out.
cool skill said:
BTW. What exactly do you mean by safe zone?
I take it your not aware that the entire Sciforums is moderated to the extent of free discussion as long as nobody is griefing others.

1. All people. Theists and atheists alike are free to discuss whatever they want without being griefed.

2. This is not an atheist forum. Atheists may believe that a science forum and an atheist forum are one and the same. That is fine, but treating it as such is disrespectful to others, and is not what intellectual discussion is about.

3. Griefing others for discussing their beliefs is not intellectual discussion. It is not respectful discussion in a science forum.
So why is this sub different from any other sub where conflicting views are thrown around like spears? Hmmm???
cool skill said:
It is clear that you have no point. I cannot see why you do not get lost.

well it's clear that you have no point either, so why don't we get lost together.

oh wait, what i meant to say was - "Look at Cool Skill trying to censor me with his fanatical bigotry! I tried to express my opinion and he contradicted it, so he is supressing my personality, my dreams, my thoughts, and destroying my life! Cool Skill has raped my inner child with his fanatical lies of fanaticism and all proof to the contrary is irrelevant fanatical lying and bigotry!"

there we go.
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