The Atheist Bully Lecture

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Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
Your thread is in the religious section of a science forum.
Therefore, atheist fanatics shall troll and attack it with the utmost discrimination and bigotry in our efforts to dismantle an intelligent community, and impose our own personal Atheist Dogma on other members of the intelligent community.
From now on all members shall post discussions in the Religion section according to Atheist and only Atheist bigotted perspective. Anybody that does not do so will be subject to Atheist fanatical bigoted attacks.

What is Atheist Dogma?
Atheist Dogma is any improvable belief about religion and theism considered to be absolutely true. There are many specific principals of Atheist Dogma that Atheists fanatically impose on others. These are some of the principals.

Atheists may abide by any combination of the following principals:
1. The belief that all the bad things in the world are caused by religion.
2. The belief that religion is a threat to mankind.
3. The belief that people should not be free to practice their religious beliefs in public. (They should do it behind closed doors like sex.)
4. Atheist Supremacy. The belief that Atheists are superior to theists in various aspects such as intellect, character, and respectability.
5. Prejudice/Discrimination. Prejudging somebody based on the fact that they have a theistic belief. An Atheist might prefer to perform experiments with a chemist that is atheist over a chemist that is theist regardless of qualification. Such prejudice is a violation of law when hiring people for work.
6. The belief that fanatically imposing your beliefs on others is rude and abominable.
7. Bias. One who grants privileges to atheists, and singles out against theists.
8. Watered down Atheism. (Beliefs in convoluted notions such as weak/strong atheism and lacks of belief.)
9. Active desire to separate theism from science.
10. Emotional animosity towards anything with religious connotation.
11. Desire to eliminate religion from as many places as possible.
12. Abuse. Abusive acts against theists in real life or online.

13. The desire to bully others in the religion section of the science forum into discussing things according to their and only their perspective.
There is no set atheist dogma. We arent an organized religion. We may share a few common ideas but atheism is free thought so its up to the individual to decide what they want to do.
spiritual_spy said:
There is no set atheist dogma. We arent an organized religion.
Yes there is, and yes you are. Learn how to read.
Atheists are self righteous fanatics that wish to impose their dogma on others.
What is Atheist Dogma?
Please see the first post in this thread.
Cool skill: would you go to similar lengths to type about the abuse of skeptics towards Astrology?

Why does the irrationality of religion deserve special treatment over things such as Astrology?
cool skill said:
Yes there is, and yes you are. Learn how to read.
Atheists are self righteous fanatics that wish to impose their dogma on others.
What is Atheist Dogma?
Please see the first post in this thread.
Sure. What ever helps you sleep at night.
cool skill said:
1. The belief that all the bad things in the world are caused by religion.
2. The belief that religion is a threat to mankind.
3. The belief that people should not be free to practice their religious beliefs in public. (They should do it behind closed doors like sex.)
4. Atheist Supremacy. The belief that Atheists are superior to theists in various aspects such as intellect, character, and respectability.
5. Prejudice/Discrimination. Prejudging somebody based on the fact that they have a theistic belief. An Atheist might prefer to perform experiments with a chemist that is atheist over a chemist that is theist regardless of qualification. Such prejudice is a violation of law when hiring people for work.
6. The belief that fanatically imposing your beliefs on others is rude and abominable.
7. Bias. One who grants privileges to atheists, and singles out against theists.
8. Watered down Atheism. (Beliefs in convoluted notions such as weak/strong atheism and lacks of belief.)
9. Active desire to separate theism from science.
10. Emotional animosity towards anything with religious connotation.
11. Desire to eliminate religion from as many places as possible.
12. Abuse. Abusive acts against theists in real life or online.
13. The desire to bully others in the religion section of the science forum into discussing things according to their and only their perspective.

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. Somewhat true
5. False
6. True
7. False
8. Huh?
9. True
10. Somewhat true
11. Public places. True
12. False
13. Somewhat true

I'll give you four TRUE out of 13, three SOMEWHAT TRUE, five FALSE, and one WTF?

Not very good Mr. Skill.
Oh, I get it! This is a poll and cool skill is actually trying to collect data. My turn:

Cool Skill said:
1. The belief that all the bad things in the world are caused by religion.
2. The belief that religion is a threat to mankind.
3. The belief that people should not be free to practice their religious beliefs in public. (They should do it behind closed doors like sex.)
4. Atheist Supremacy. The belief that Atheists are superior to theists in various aspects such as intellect, character, and respectability.
5. Prejudice/Discrimination. Prejudging somebody based on the fact that they have a theistic belief. An Atheist might prefer to perform experiments with a chemist that is atheist over a chemist that is theist regardless of qualification. Such prejudice is a violation of law when hiring people for work.
6. The belief that fanatically imposing your beliefs on others is rude and abominable.
7. Bias. One who grants privileges to atheists, and singles out against theists.
8. Watered down Atheism. (Beliefs in convoluted notions such as weak/strong atheism and lacks of belief.)
9. Active desire to separate theism from science.
10. Emotional animosity towards anything with religious connotation.
11. Desire to eliminate religion from as many places as possible.
12. Abuse. Abusive acts against theists in real life or online.

13. The desire to bully others in the religion section of the science forum into discussing things according to their and only their perspective.

1. False
2. Somewhat True
3. False
4. Somewhat True
5. False
6. Somewhat True
7. Somewhat True
8. ?
9. True
10. Somewhat True
11. Somewhat True
12. Somewhat True
13. Somewhat True

7% - True
93% - Not true (63% Somewhat True; 23% False; 7% - WTF)

Not exactly a perfect match, but alot of solid fuzzy relationships.
cool skill said:
Your thread is in the religious section of a science forum.
Therefore, atheist fanatics shall troll and attack it with the utmost discrimination and bigotry in our efforts to dismantle an intelligent community, and impose our own personal Atheist Dogma on other members of the intelligent community.
From now on all members shall post discussions in the Religion section according to Atheist and only Atheist bigotted perspective. Anybody that does not do so will be subject to Atheist fanatical bigoted attacks.

What is Atheist Dogma?
Atheist Dogma is any improvable belief about religion and theism considered to be absolutely true. There are many specific principals of Atheist Dogma that Atheists fanatically impose on others. These are some of the principals.

Atheists may abide by any combination of the following principals:
1. The belief that all the bad things in the world are caused by religion.
2. The belief that religion is a threat to mankind.
3. The belief that people should not be free to practice their religious beliefs in public. (They should do it behind closed doors like sex.)
4. Atheist Supremacy. The belief that Atheists are superior to theists in various aspects such as intellect, character, and respectability.
5. Prejudice/Discrimination. Prejudging somebody based on the fact that they have a theistic belief. An Atheist might prefer to perform experiments with a chemist that is atheist over a chemist that is theist regardless of qualification. Such prejudice is a violation of law when hiring people for work.
6. The belief that fanatically imposing your beliefs on others is rude and abominable.
7. Bias. One who grants privileges to atheists, and singles out against theists.
8. Watered down Atheism. (Beliefs in convoluted notions such as weak/strong atheism and lacks of belief.)
9. Active desire to separate theism from science.
10. Emotional animosity towards anything with religious connotation.
11. Desire to eliminate religion from as many places as possible.
12. Abuse. Abusive acts against theists in real life or online.

13. The desire to bully others in the religion section of the science forum into discussing things according to their and only their perspective.
1.not all but most things.
4.Partly true. We obviously use reason and we dont need crutches to handle our problems.
5.Flase. i have plent of theist freinds.
7.Flase. but were i live theists do that to themselves.
11.Partly true.
12.False but theists have a habbit of threating and abusing atheists in real life.
Crunchy Cat said:
Why do you care so much?
I do not care if Atheists are aware of it.
There is a difference between acknowledging your own fanatical selfrighteousness and delusionally believing you are not in the least bit fanatical.

Because they are self righteous bigoted fanatics, Atheists do not say things such as:
Welcome to Sciforums Religion Section. Please feel free and comfortable to talk about any religious topic, and as intellects, we will be sure to treat all atheists and theists equally and respectfully with an open mind. We want all members to feel comfortable, and free to talk about their beliefs without being attacked or griefed for them.

An atheist is one who fiercely believes that imposing one’s beliefs on others is absolutely abominable. In an atheist’s view, imposing beliefs is bigoted behavior, and is a major factor of their disdain towards religion. Many atheists even believe that imposing beliefs on others brings about conflict and wars.

Most of all, atheists are characterized by a great deal of delusion regarding their own fanaticism. They truly and completely believe that they as “rational atheists” would never fanatically impose beliefs on others. They believe such abominable behavior is only limited to bigoted irrational theists. Atheists are in psychological denial of their own self righteous dogmatic fanaticism.

The fact is, Atheists are extremely fanatical about Atheist Dogma, and wholeheartedly impose these principals on others with just as much fanatical fervor as a witnessing theist if not more so.
Atheists strongly deny that they impose their dogma on others, and furthermore, have major animosity towards people that do impose beliefs on others.

Although Atheists are some of the strongest opponents against individuals fanatically imposing beliefs on others, they are unaware that they impose their own dogma as fanatically as theists do if not more so.

Atheists are also characterized by extreme bigotry and denial of the existence of any Atheistic Dogma. Although such dogma is not what Atheism should be about, Atheists arrogantly view such principals as credible aspects of Atheism that is not in the least bit bigoted dogma.

Although Atheists are some of the strongest opponents against individuals abiding by doctrine that is not credible, they are unaware that many of their views are very bigoted Atheist Dogma.
Instead of welcoming others to Sciforums, and approaching topics openly as an intellectual, these bigots fanatically impose their self righteous control over the way members discuss “personal” beliefs. Atheist bigots want others to have discussions in accordance to THEIR own views about how members of a science forum should approach religious discussion. If members do not abide by the views of the Atheist bigots, they will be griefed by these bullies.

An atheist or any individual that is an intellect would not set out to grief others. An intellect would not create a thread informing others that if they do not abide by the way the Atheist bigots want things to be, than the bullies will grief them.
Of course they never say:
“We will grief you.”
They say”
“You will be griefed.”

This is part of their own delusion that they are not the cause of all the malice.
cool skill said:
I do not care if Atheists are aware of it.
There is a difference between acknowledging your own fanatical selfrighteousness and delusionally believing you are not in the least bit fanatical.

Because they are self righteous bigoted fanatics, Atheists do not say things such as:
Welcome to Sciforums Religion Section. Please feel free and comfortable to talk about any religious topic, and as intellects, we will be sure to treat all atheists and theists equally and respectfully with an open mind. We want all members to feel comfortable, and free to talk about their beliefs without being attacked or griefed for them.

An atheist is one who fiercely believes that imposing one’s beliefs on others is absolutely abominable. In an atheist’s view, imposing beliefs is bigoted behavior, and is a major factor of their disdain towards religion. Many atheists even believe that imposing beliefs on others brings about conflict and wars.

Most of all, atheists are characterized by a great deal of delusion regarding their own fanaticism. They truly and completely believe that they as “rational atheists” would never fanatically impose beliefs on others. They believe such abominable behavior is only limited to bigoted irrational theists. Atheists are in psychological denial of their own self righteous dogmatic fanaticism.

The fact is, Atheists are extremely fanatical about Atheist Dogma, and wholeheartedly impose these principals on others with just as much fanatical fervor as a witnessing theist if not more so.
Atheists strongly deny that they impose their dogma on others, and furthermore, have major animosity towards people that do impose beliefs on others.

Although Atheists are some of the strongest opponents against individuals fanatically imposing beliefs on others, they are unaware that they impose their own dogma as fanatically as theists do if not more so.

Atheists are also characterized by extreme bigotry and denial of the existence of any Atheistic Dogma. Although such dogma is not what Atheism should be about, Atheists arrogantly view such principals as credible aspects of Atheism that is not in the least bit bigoted dogma.

Although Atheists are some of the strongest opponents against individuals abiding by doctrine that is not credible, they are unaware that many of their views are very bigoted Atheist Dogma.
Mr. Skill,

You are badly confusing forum debate with "fanatically imposing beliefs". Please point to an instance, in the real world, where atheists have imposed a belief on another that forces them to act in a way that offends or disenfranchises them. Can you do this?
You are free to post what you like and talk about what you like but expect it to be rebuked if there post is in anyway illogical or lacking of reason. id expect the same to be done to me if i posted errors.
cool skill said:
An atheist or any individual that is an intellect would not set out to grief others. An intellect would not create a thread informing others that if they do not abide by the way the Atheist bigots want things to be, than the bullies will grief them.
Of course they never say:
“We will grief you.”
They say”
“You will be griefed.”

This is part of their own delusion that they are not the cause of all the malice.
Wow. My thread really "griefed" you didn't it? I was just trying to clarify what you could expect by raising non-scientific aspects of religion in a science forum. If you begin to discuss the attributes of angels or the way god influences your bowel movements, we will question you on your facts. Simple really.
I can point to your retarded thread threatening to grief people that want to discuss Noah's relationship with Jesus. This is not debate. It is not intellectual discussion. It is fanatical bigotry.

Such griefing is not in the least bit intellectual discussion. It is fanatical extrmist caviling in efforts to impose your way of discussion on others. You impose your own ideas about how YOU want topics to be discussed on others. You do this through griefing people that wish to have normal religious discussion.

You rationalize that you are merely debating.
Typical atheist delusional self righteous fanatic.

In conlcusion:
Atheists are indeed morons.
spiritual_spy said:
You are free to post what you like and talk about what you like but expect it to be rebuked if there post is in anyway illogical or lacking of reason. id expect the same to be done to me if i posted errors.

superluminal said:
Wow. My thread really "griefed" you didn't it? I was just trying to clarify what you could expect by raising non-scientific aspects of religion in a science forum. If you begin to discuss the attributes of angels or the way god influences your bowel movements, we will question you on your facts. Simple really.

The above 2 examples shows that atheists delude themselves.
Claiming that you are free to post what you like.

Then, followed by a claim that you are not really free to post what you like because if you do post what you like you will be trolled if it is not in accordance with what the bigots like.
cool skill said:
I can point to your retarded thread threatening to grief people that want to discuss Noah's relationship with Jesus. This is not debate. It is not intellectual discussion. It is fanatical bigotry.

Such griefing is not in the least bit intellectual discussion. It is fanatical extrmist caviling in efforts to impose your way of discussion on others. You impose your own ideas about how YOU want topics to be discussed on others. You do this through griefing people that wish to have normal religious discussion.

You rationalize that you are merely debating.
Typical atheist delusional self righteous fanatic.

In conlcusion:
Atheists are indeed morons.
umm give me a link. if your gonna call call people fanatics why not show some proof?
cool skill said:
The above 2 examples shows that atheists delude themselves.
Claiming that you are free to post what you like.

Then, followed by a claim that you are not really free to post what you like because if you do post what you like you will be trolled if it is not in accordance with what the bigots like.
No you can post what you want but if it is unreasonable it will be debated with reason. and i think this little qoute fits this situtation nicely. Reason is to theists as fire is to everything else. It burns.
cool skill said:
What is Atheist Dogma?
Atheist Dogma is any improvable belief about religion and theism considered to be absolutely true.

That's the wrong way round. You just stated that the beliefs of religion which are considered absolutely true are atheist dogma??? Isn't that theist dogma?
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