The Aim of Feminism

Originally posted by tillich
Another case is that female try to act casually and freely like males in the life, especially in the sexual affairs, which neglect all the criteria of the virtue.

i would just like you to clarify what virtue you meant here? if i read it correctly then women should not be able to be sexually agressive, that they should all be good little children and wait for marriage or true love or some other media influenced bullshit. please correct me if im wrong.

Originally posted by tillich
the characters of male or female, such as tenderness, considerate, aggressive.

i have to argue this. spend ten minuets with me and you will not find a tender or considerate bone in my body. i am by nature a cold-hatefull-bitch. when i find things i want or goals i with to achieve i persue them fully and aggressivly, i dont expect special treatment because im a woman. you stated that men are generally cabable of being physically superior to women (if both are adequately trained) but does this make women somehow less valuable, that we should have to sit at home and sew? i now nothing of domestic arts of any kind. i can t cook, i cant sew, i can keep my damn room clean. but i can tear a computer apart and when its back together it will work better than before. i have a logic based mind and i excell in math and science, why should i (or more to the point any woman) be denied the option to become whatever their individual talents lead them to. (sorry i just had to give the domestic bit) i have one last little comment and ill be done. i have joined the u.s navy. i leave for boot on july 16. im tired of hearing about women in the millitary.
riddle me this: would you rather have women who want to be there serving or men who will run at their first chance? remember you freedoms depend on the success or failure of the millitary to protect them from outside aggression.
Seriously, though, do you think that some people just inherently don't deserve certain liberties?

Not at all. I think that what America's founders called "inalienable rights" are a good thing, but I don't think they are at all inalienable.

Freedom is taken by the sword and maintained by the sword.

the characters of male or female, such as tenderness, considerate, aggressive.

Whoa, missed this. Fucking idiot stereotype, no offense. I've got a tender and considerate streak (somewhere in my black little soul) but it ain't much at all.


Nice fucking post. Hope you'll post more, and welcome to here.


Nice website.
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If you'll read up successful civilizations, chastity is rarely considered one of the major virtues. If there is an ideal of chastity, it is usually an ideal only, not a reality.
If you'll notice the world around you, and its history, you may see that today's dominant culture had, as part of its development, chastity as an ideal of virtue.

It was most likely more an ideal than a reality in the period in which it was proclaimed a virtue, yes.

Chastity is also useful for any slaveowning society because one sublimates all that energy that would be put into fucking into rowing boats, building things, or making Nikes.
Can you give any example to back this up? Any statistics?

Not to mention that for most people, their first real experience of power is through sex. If one wants docile slaves, obviously the sex drive has to be regulated.
Personally I think the first experience with power comes in normal childhood social interaction. Bullies and victims, cliques, gossip, the cool kids and the outcasts, all the usual kindergarten games.

If one wants docile slaves, one should keep the slaves reasonably content, allow them to shag each other as much as they want, allow them to breed and produce more slaves.

I happen to know two girls, rivals you might say. Well, one feels herself a rival of the other, and that other doesn't really care.

Girl 1: Is a virgin. She dates rarely, only the guys she finds intellectually stimulating. She could screw anyone she wants; she's gorgeous. She makes the conscoius choice to hold it until she's married, to suit her own beliefs. Chastity, in this case, hardly seems to have anything at all to do with slavery.

Girl 2: Has had sex with dozens of people, most very short term deals. She knows the guys only want her for a shag. She knows she is nothing more than a Kleenex tissue to them. She screws all these guys who don't give a danm about her, not because she wants sex, but because she is driven by a need for acceptance and approval. She needs to be loved, but shagging every other guy is the only way she knows to get it. So on she goes. Meanwhile, she is jealous of the other girl, who can have any guy she wants, but has the luxury to absolutely choose her own course. Her fears and desperate needs drive her, and she is a slave.
adam, on girl one and two:
i am a geek. i get good grades i can hold a conversation with anyone i want. i can move up or down to whatever level i need to. i wouldnt know if i could have anyone i want, but ive yet to be rejected by anyone i persue. personally i dont think of myself as beautiful or even pretty, i just am. ive also had several one night stands and am now in a relationship that probably wont be much more than the sex (which is very good :p ) i know my worth, and chastity is not even an option for me. i am not a slut, or a tissue. i have no desire to be accepted by anyone who feels i have to be someone other than who i am. but i dont have to wait untill marriage to have sex because of some vague idea society has about women in general. (oh and trust me these people know its only that night, im not so cruel as to lead someone on like that, despite the male abilty to do the same) i dont feel chastity is a virtue. it is how a woman carries herself, what she knows her worth to be, not whether or not she has sex and who with. so why does society think that all women have to fall neatly into one of those little categories? life is not black and white. and i dislike the notion that chastity gives a woman more worth or value, if you're a king trying to marry off your daughter then yes, you litterally sell her virginity. but in today's world who gives a rats ass?

and thanks Xev for the welcome.
If you'll notice the world around you, and its history, you may see that today's dominant culture had, as part of its development, chastity as an ideal of virtue.

The American attitude towards chastity has always been so hypocritical that calling chastity an ideal of ours is - overstepping things.

Can you give any example to back this up? Any statistics?

The American Soulth. Christianity was foisted upon the slaves.
The European Dark Ages.

Statistics? They don't really keep statistics from back then.

Personally I think the first experience with power comes in normal childhood social interaction. Bullies and victims, cliques, gossip, the cool kids and the outcasts, all the usual kindergarten games.

Emphasis on real.

If one wants docile slaves, one should keep the slaves reasonably content, allow them to shag each other as much as they want, allow them to breed and produce more slaves.

History doesn't exactly agree. The upper classes have tended to regulate the morals of the lower classes. Bah, I'm not going to bother with this.

Girl 2: Has had sex with dozens of people, most very short term deals. She knows the guys only want her for a shag. She knows she is nothing more than a Kleenex tissue to them. She screws all these guys who don't give a danm about her, not because she wants sex, but because she is driven by a need for acceptance and approval. She needs to be loved, but shagging every other guy is the only way she knows to get it. So on she goes. Meanwhile, she is jealous of the other girl, who can have any guy she wants, but has the luxury to absolutely choose her own course. Her fears and desperate needs drive her, and she is a slave.


Maybe she's just masochistic and needing to be loved has nothing to do with it. The feeling of being used and discarded by a total stranger is most piquant, from what I hear. Indeed, as long as it's nobody who means anything, I can imagine that'd be wickedly fun to be kicked out of bed post-coitus.

Even your term "Kleenex" expresses the degradation in a most charming way, for which I salute you.

I mean, how would you know? It's fashionable to label a whore as "needing acceptance", yet it's not always the case.

Girl 1's chastity isn't the issue. It's the fact that she chose that path of her own free will. Whereas Girl 2 is a slave, and shags anyone. Thus chastity and mental slavery can not be intrinsically linked.

In this example:
Chastity = a free choice.
Shagging = slavery.
A free choice != slavery.
Chastity != slavery.
Whereas Girl 2 is a slave, and shags anyone.

Whoring does not make one a slave to one's libido. It can easily be an expression of self-assurence.

For example, I have a sort of acquaintance who won't sleep with a man until she's gone on at least four dates with him. No exceptions. Why? Because she knows that men are more likely to be interested in the unattainable. So she holds out to keep their interest.

Another woman, call her X, will put out at the slightest sign of interest her boy makes, and at her own slightest whims. Why? She knows that he'll be interested in her mind no matter how satiated he is with her body.

Thus chastity and mental slavery can not be intrinsically linked.

Damn, you said something intelligent! Heavens, next there'll be peace in the mid-east.
"Girl 1's chastity isn't the issue. It's the fact that she chose that path of her own free will. Whereas Girl 2 is a slave, and shags anyone. Thus chastity and mental slavery can not be intrinsically linked."

And I know a chick that fucks every guy/gal she finds attractive because she enjoys sex. Thus making her free (in the sense we are discussing).

But that's anecdotal evidence and therefore completely useless in a debate. Right, Adam?

Yet the logic remains, that chastity does not equal slavery. It was a faulty assertion easily nullified.

"Thus chastity and mental slavery can not be intrinsically linked."

doesnt girl two's lack of chastity prove a link? even if it is the reverse.
Yet the logic remains, that chastity does not equal slavery. It was a faulty assertion easily nullified.

Since nobody has asserted it, I wonder why you bothered?
"Yet the logic remains, that chastity does not equal slavery"

And who claimed this?

"It was a faulty assertion easily nullified."

By an anecdote? Adam, this is going in the records. You can guarantee I pull this out next time you tell someone that an anecdote is not evidence.
Hate to say it Tyler, but you'd be wasting your time. Adam doesn't pay all that much attention to little things like "consistency" when arguing.
It sounds to me like the problem with Girl 2 is self esteem issues, not her promiscuity. The promiscuity is a symptom, not the cause, you've got it backwards, putting the horse before the carriage.
*Yawns lazily, resenting being up before 1pm for work*

Am I the only one who sees the "low self esteem" argument as a sort of barely concealed jealousy?
Originally posted by Xev
*Yawns lazily, resenting being up before 1pm for work*

Am I the only one who sees the "low self esteem" argument as a sort of barely concealed jealousy?

Ok, explain this to me, she goes out and has sex with a bunch of guys who just want to fuck her, all because she just really wants to be accepted by others and is looking for approval. . . what the hell else would you call it? If it isn't a poor self image, than what is it? And who's jealous of what, I didn't quite understand what you're trying to get at, here.
I personally don't think much of girls who shag to their hearts content to begin with... and I think they are just as slaved as a girl who has low self-esteem. If she's just a nymfo and she enjoys sex, she is a slave to the impulses of her biology, and a slave to her own gluttony.

There is no difference in my mind between a Nymfo and an alcoholic. Both are doing what they are doing for gratification.