The Abu Ghraib files

spidergoat said:
Samcdkey, why do you hate 'Merica? ;) ;)

So if I spoke up against caste discrimination and oppression of Dalits by landowners, I hate India?

Or if I speak up against the Sauds and Pakistani militants funding the Wahabi madrassas and contributing to the rise in extremism, I hate the Middle East and Pakistan?

Stands to reason I must hate all the Americans for their role in contributing to the rise in extremism, yes?

Boy, I sure hate a lot of people, don't I? :p
Baron Max said:
Would you accept those tactics if the US military started using them, Spider? If the US Army and the US Marines just went into a little village and blew everyone and everthing to hell and gone?

You like and approve the tactics by the terrorists, why not for the US military?

Baron Max
It doesn't work for non-natives. It would work in the US if we were invaded.
Neildo:The big difference is that Muslims aren't trying to force morality on everyone where we are. We say terrorists and all them are bad for doing those acts yet we do the same thing. We wanted to take Saddam out of power because he's oh-so-bad to his people torturing them, then we go in and do the same thing. While Muslims may be violent, at least they're not hypocrits in morality. Everyone knows they're gonna do those bad deeds where we say we don't and call others bad people when we do the same things!

I post alot of stupid thing's on SciForums but this is intentional, Neildo is showing the mental capacity that is relished by cult leader's and mind controller's the world over....keep up the good work Neildo :rolleyes:

It is a waste responding to Sam's post's because there is no free thought or rational thinking, just a blind follower.

This whole thread is pathetic.
John99 said:
It is a waste responding to Sam's post's because there is no free thought or rational thinking, just a blind follower.

I'm going to steal some of spurious words cos they express exactly what I want to say here:

spuriousmonkey said:
There are many sides to an issue but you can look at an issue objectively.

Needless to say I do not really do this in political discussion because I have to counterbalance the lunacy of the opposite side. That forces me to radicalize my viewpoints because if ever a consensus is going to be reached my arguments and views will end up being watered down. The fact that I am radical is merely a reaction to this radical world.

Hope this makes my position clearer.
Spuriousmonkey is full of shit, this doesn't necessarily make him a bad person but he is still full of shit.

To me the realization that someone would post about Abu Graib in light of these event's happening on a daily basis or the epidemic of rape and genocide in Africa makes someone wonder----WHY :D
John99 said:
Spuriousmonkey is full of shit, this doesn't necessarily make him a bad person but he is still full of shit.

To me the realization that someone would post about Abu Graib in light of these event's happening on a daily basis or the epidemic of rape and genocide in Africa makes someone wonder----WHY :D

I don't think spurious is full of shit.

I think Americans are in denial.

Why doesn't the US want to save the Sudanese? Why only the Iraqis?

What is worse? Saddam or Darfur?

After all they (unlike the Iraqis) are asking for help:
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samcdkey said:
So if I spoke up against caste discrimination and oppression of Dalits by landowners, I hate India?

Or if I speak up against the Sauds and Pakistani militants funding the Wahabi madrassas and contributing to the rise in extremism, I hate the Middle East and Pakistan?

Stands to reason I must hate all the Americans for their role in contributing to the rise in extremism, yes?

Boy, I sure hate a lot of people, don't I? :p
You're either with us, or against us. Don't try to confuse me with your fancy French logic!
O.K so you admit that U.S is trying to save the Iraqi's...that's good. Now maybe when the killing in Iraq is over and a kid can walk to school without getting blown up something can be done in Sudan......Isn't that violence being perpetrated by Muslims? why dont the Islamic countries help the U.S in stopping it? What about Eorope? In addition to sending celebrities what do you suggest Sam?

Hey how about India helping out.

You know if anything is to be done in Sudan it will be by U.S and G.B, not because of it's power or money but because it is the right thing to do. Do you see anyone else helping.
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John99 said:
O.K so you admit that U.S is trying to save the Iraqi's...that's good. Now maybe when the killing in Iraq is over and a kid can walk to school without getting blown up something can be done in Sudan......Isn't that violence being perpetrated by Muslims? why dont the Islamic countries help the U.S in stopping it? What about Eorope? In addition to sending celebrities what do you suggest Sam?

You know if anything is to be done in Sudan it will be by U.S and G.B, not because of it's power or money but because it is the right thing to do. Do you see anyone else helping.

Yes you have used that and other ploys to avoid an issue.
samcdkey said:
C'est le coup de foudre bébé!
Google translator :
It is the thunderbolt baby!

After google translation back and forth across multiple languages:
Electric light that is shock of the baby!
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The big difference is that Muslims aren't trying to force morality on everyone where we are. We say terrorists and all them are bad for doing those acts yet we do the same thing. We wanted to take Saddam out of power because he's oh-so-bad to his people torturing them, then we go in and do the same thing. While Muslims may be violent, at least they're not hypocrits in morality. Everyone knows they're gonna do those bad deeds where we say we don't and call others bad people when we do the same things!


I post alot of stupid thing's on SciForums but this is intentional, Neildo is showing the mental capacity that is relished by cult leader's and mind controller's the world over....keep up the good work Neildo

What, so you disagree that the 2nd biggest reason for invading Iraq, aside from the non-existant WMDs, is to help liberate the people of Iraq from their "cruel" leader Saddam and that Abu Graib never happened?

- N