The Abu Ghraib files

Zakariya04 said:
come off you moral high ground Baron...

When the fuck have I ever been on a "moral high ground"??????

And, Zak, I'm coming to realize that you do the same things as Sam ...suck people in with a nicey-nice attitude, then .......KABOOM!!

Baron Max
Vega said:
Alright Baron let's lock and load we got pork fearing terrorists to take out!!!

Hell, I've been locked and loaded for a long, long time now. What the hell are you waiting for? An unloaded gun is nothing but a very poor club!

Baron Max
You'll have a long, silent wait, Sam ....course the popcorn will probalby make you fatter and uglier than you already are!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
You'll have a long, silent wait, Sam ....course the popcorn will probalby make you fatter and uglier than you already are!

Baron Max

The show has already started.

American Pie-ranoia is the latest international bestseller.

And my popcorn is not buttered, its the lowest calorie snack there is!
Baron Max said:
You'll have a long, silent wait, Sam ....course the popcorn will probalby make you fatter and uglier than you already are!

Baron Max
baron you are indeed amazing

how do you know sam is fat and ugly as to imply something will make somebody fatter and uglier means they are already fat and ugly

unless of course you are some sort of a magcian or sam has posted a photo
Zakariya04 said:
baron you are indeed amazing

how do you know sam is fat and ugly as to imply something will make somebody fatter and uglier means they are already fat and ugly

unless of course you are some sort of a magcian or sam has posted a photo

I posted a pic in the boobs thread, but it was too R-rated, so I took it down. :eek:

Not sure if the Baron saw it though, from his description. :p
Vega said:
Sam and Zak, what comes first for you.... religion or country?

Neither. I would support neither my countrymen nor my religious brothers in wrongdoing.

I stand for myself.
samcdkey said:
I posted a pic in the boobs thread, but it was too R-rated, so I took it down. :eek:

Not sure if the Baron saw it though, from his description. :p
is there a boobs thread

shit i missed that one!!!!
Vega said:
Sam and Zak, what comes first for you.... religion or country?
Hi Vega,

i am a british citizen , who follows Islam as religion.... Luckily unlike in many so called muslim states i have the freedon here to practice my religion th way i want too..... I can not see any reasons why religion and country should ever be in conflict for me to make such a decision..

Taking current events into account i would never go to afghansitan to fight for the taleban or alqueda, or i would never fight for the iraq insurgency.. However i would not fight for the british army in these circumstances either...

however if an enemey was attackign Uk soil then i will be first in the queue to join up to the army...

I just do nwhat i think ios right at the tiome
funny sam, when muslim torture muslim you don't seem to care but when infidel does it...
it's a big deal!

Hey, Sam, do you have any files on Muslim's torturing westerners and even other Muslims? I'm sure that most of us would be highly interested. Or aren't you an equal opportunity poster?

The big difference is that Muslims aren't trying to force morality on everyone where we are. We say terrorists and all them are bad for doing those acts yet we do the same thing. We wanted to take Saddam out of power because he's oh-so-bad to his people torturing them, then we go in and do the same thing. While Muslims may be violent, at least they're not hypocrits in morality. Everyone knows they're gonna do those bad deeds where we say we don't and call others bad people when we do the same things!

Sam and Zak, what comes first for you.... religion or country?

Myself? Neither. My community comes first, not my country. Then I'd say my county, then my state, and lastly in terms of "for my people", country.

The Midwest, South, and all them are different countries to me. They have a different lifestyle than I over in SoCal. We gotta send our aid to those poor states just like we do to poor countries. We gotta send you our oil which is the 3rd state that produces the most oil yet we have the highest prices in the country thanks to having to give you all our resources.

What other people do in their own states has little effect on me as people in other countries thanks to states having different laws from one another. Those states are as different to California as Canada and the UK are. The only common bond is that we're all Westernized and/or American, but that's it. They have a completely different mindset otherwise.

The U.S. is just too damned big. Trying to make a huge country work isn't an easy task. What I do doesn't really effect people elsewhere. The only things I can do is affecy my community as that'll have the biggest impact. It's easier to make my community and city a better place than to make our doomed entire country as a whole. This is why I wouldn't mind seeing the U.S. break up into smaller areas as it'd be easier to run and maintain a higher quality of life.

I love it here. Been all over the U.S. and no place compares to where I live thanks to focusing on our community and not some redneck hickville in the Midwest or South or some black community like New Orleans and Atlanta. Different mindsets and we can't make those places a better place over here in Cali other than the money and resources that they take from us to support them. I only wish we could keep all our money in this state. By having to support those lesser states, you lower our quality of life. We have the economy here that's better than most countries, but since America is supposedly "united", we gotta share our wealth in a pseudo communistic way which only degrades us.

So the next time Americans complain about spending so much money on aid to victims on the other side of the world and not here, remember what I said because I feel the same way having to give our money to other states.

- N
Neildo said:
The big difference is that Muslims aren't trying to force morality on everyone where we are.

Ahh, but that's where you're dead wrong!! That's exactly, precisely, what the terrorists are trying to do by imposing their ideals of Muslim law onto the entire Middle East, then onto the rest of the world! Where have you been, Neildo?? They've been making those exact statements over and over on public tv, on website videos and in the newspapers all over the entire fuckin' world!

Baron Max
Where have those Muslims been hypocritical in what they were trying to do? They say destroy America so they attack it, not preserve it. They say death to Israelis so they attack it, not preserve it.

What has America done? Saddam is bad cause he tortures guys, let's do Abu Graib. Saddam had WMDs, he's bad, so let's use chemical weapons in Fallujah. Iran is trying to develop nukes, so let's use mini-nukes on em. Terrorists are bad, so let's continue to fund Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, the people behind the attacks. Iran is trying to develop nukes, it's bad, so let's give India more nuclear technology of ours. America is the land of the free, so let's create more restrictive laws that hinder our freedoms like spying on our populace. Freedom is what it's all about, so let's overthrow democratically elected leaders in Iran, Chile, Venezuela, and Haiti. Child predators are evil, so let's make one the head of our agency that combats it, etc etc etc..

At least those Muslims don't have to try and fool anyone when wanting to do what they wanna do. If you sign up for Al Qaeda, you know full well you're gonna combat the West. If you sign up for the U.S. military, you're doing so thinking you're to liberate and help and spread freedom throughout the Middle East, when in turn you're a pawn to corporations making a buck. Everything told to you was a lie and you wind up doing the exact opposite of what you thought you were. Do terrorists have better morals than we do? Man, they kill innocents, but we do too. At least they don't have to lie to acheieve their goals unlike we do. ;)

- N
Neildo said:
Where have those Muslims been hypocritical in what they were trying to do?

I'm assuming that you're talking about "Muslim terrorists", not just "Muslims", right?

If so, then the Muslim terrorists ARE hypocritically in their methods ...they pretend to be innocent civilians and then when people let down their guard, they kill and maim and blow up everyone and anyone in their path! ...including other Muslims who ain't done nothin' to 'em!

That's nothing but, and perhaps worse, than shooting your friends in the back! How could anyone approve of those methods?

Neildo said:
At least those Muslims don't have to try and fool anyone when wanting to do what they wanna do.

No, that's exactly, precisely what they do! They fool us into thinking that they're innocent Muslims, then the strike with bombs and planes which indiscriminately killing anyone and everyone in the blast path ...even their own Muslim countrymen!

As I see it, the only way to stop that is to assume that all Muslims and people who look Arabic or Palestinian are the enemy ...and not nice ordinary, peaceful, innocent civilians.

Baron Max
Would you accept those tactics if the US military started using them, Spider? If the US Army and the US Marines just went into a little village and blew everyone and everthing to hell and gone?

You like and approve the tactics by the terrorists, why not for the US military?

Baron Max