The Abu Ghraib files

funny sam, when muslim torture muslim you don't seem to care but when infidel does it...
it's a big deal!
Hey, Sam, do you have any files on Muslim's torturing westerners and even other Muslims? I'm sure that most of us would be highly interested. Or aren't you an equal opportunity poster?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Hey, Sam, do you have any files on Muslim's torturing westerners and even other Muslims? I'm sure that most of us would be highly interested. Or aren't you an equal opportunity poster?

Baron Max

Unfortunately none of them recorded their tortures for posterity.
samcdkey said:
Unfortunately none of them recorded their tortures for posterity.

No, but they recorded the beheadings of numerous prisoners, didn't they? At least it said so on our national newscasts.

Were those beheadings okay, but the American "tortures" not okay? I'm confused by your one-sided posts, Sam. Care to clarify that?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
No, but they recorded the beheadings of numerous prisoners, didn't they? At least it said so on our national newscasts.

Were those beheadings okay, but the American "tortures" not okay? I'm confused by your one-sided posts, Sam. Care to clarify that?

Baron Max

Surely you are not comparing the US Military to a terrorist are you?

Is there no difference between a legal army and an illegal criminal?

Are they the same?
samcdkey said:
Surely you are not comparing the US Military to a terrorist are you?

Of course not, Sam. Even as you've been trying to teach me, both are isolated incidents, by isolated individuals. But that's not what the post is about, is it?

You've selected the US tortures to talk about, so in the same light, I asked about the terrorists' videos. Same issue, same topic, same isolated incidents.

samcdkey said:
Is there no difference between a legal army and an illegal criminal? Are they the same?

First you make the mistaken assumption that it was normal Army procedure, which it has been proven that it was NOT. Thus we're back to ....isolated incidents for both groups.

You seem to approve of the terrorists' beheadings and torture, but denigrate the entire US Army for the actions of the few Americans involved. Should I do that same thing with all Muslims??????

Baron Max
Here is something that GeoffP put up:

Looks like Iran is doing the same thing as the US.

What do you think about that?

One could easily imagine an innocent Christian (with a family at home) instead of the Iraqis in the video above. And an Irani soldier holding the camera.

Does that make it any different in principle?
samcdkey said:
Looks like Iran is doing the same thing as the US.

Huh?????????? How did you.....? Huh??? What??? Where did you.....????? HUh???

samcdkey said:
Does that make it any different in principle?

What "principle" are you talking about, Sam? You ain't makin' no fuckin' sense ...'course that's nothing usual for you!!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Huh?????????? How did you.....? Huh??? What??? Where did you.....????? HUh???

What "principle" are you talking about, Sam? You ain't makin' no fuckin' sense ...'course that's nothing usual for you!!

Baron Max

Seems pretty straightforward to me:

Iranian secret police arrested a Christian couple in the northeastern city of Mashhad three days ago, forcing them to leave behind their 6-year-old daughter and holding them incommunicado ever since.

Plainclothes policemen who declined to identify themselves demanded entrance into the apartment home of Reza Montazami, 35, and his wife Fereshteh Dibaj, 28, at 7 a.m. on Tuesday (September 26).

Claiming they had “permission” from the proper authorities, the men conducted a complete search of the family’s home. The couple’s computers and various other personal items were confiscated, along with [Ib]all the Christian literature in the house[/b].


Montazami’s family returned Wednesday morning, trying in vain to find out why the couple had been detained. They kept vigil at the IRGC headquarters until officials there sent them home early in the afternoon. “They have given no reason why they have arrested them,” an uncle of the detained husband said. “But please tell people to pray. We believe in the power of prayer.”

Despite repeated inquiries, officials would only say that interrogations were continuing, with documents being prepared on the “exact charges” against them.

Isn't this what the suspension of habeus corpus means in the US?
That suspects can be taken away without being charged?
You're hopeless, Sam! Truly, and truly hopeless.

You blame all Americans, you blame all of the US military, you blame the entire US government, for the actions of a few men at Abu prison, yet you don't want people to blame all Muslims for the actions of a few terrorists. Sam, com'on, ya' can't have it both ways and not seem truly anti-American.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
You're hopeless, Sam! Truly, and truly hopeless.

You blame all Americans, you blame all of the US military, you blame the entire US government, for the actions of a few men at Abu prison, yet you don't want people to blame all Muslims for the actions of a few terrorists. Sam, com'on, ya' can't have it both ways and not seem truly anti-American.

Baron Max

I believe it was the President of the United States who signed for the suspension of habeus corpus?
Vega said:
You living in America, right sam?

Been there, done that, wrote the book, saw the movie, wore the T-shirt. *yawn*

anything on the thread topic?
Vega said:
I guess this thread has reached a dead end!

I'm becoming convinced that any thread by Sam is to avoided at all cost. I'm slowly beginning to realize that to answer any response by Sam is a hazard that isn't worth taking!

She's like many ....she takes from America all that she can, sucks the freedom of the system dry, then denigrates it all at every opportunity.

I'd also say that she seems to have the mentality of a terrorist ....she comes across as being nice and sweet and innocent, but just when you get to liking her, she detonates!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
I'm becoming convinced that any thread by Sam is to avoided at all cost. I'm slowly beginning to realize that to answer any response by Sam is a hazard that isn't worth taking!

She's like many ....she takes from America all that she can, sucks the freedom of the system dry, then denigrates it all at every opportunity.

I'd also say that she seems to have the mentality of a terrorist ....she comes across as being nice and sweet and innocent, but just when you get to liking her, she detonates!

Baron Max


I love you too, Baron. *kiss, kiss*
Baron Max said:
I'm becoming convinced that any thread by Sam is to avoided at all cost. I'm slowly beginning to realize that to answer any response by Sam is a hazard that isn't worth taking!

She's like many ....she takes from America all that she can, sucks the freedom of the system dry, then denigrates it all at every opportunity.

I'd also say that she seems to have the mentality of a terrorist ....she comes across as being nice and sweet and innocent, but just when you get to liking her, she detonates!

Baron Max

hummm baron

come off you moral high ground Baron... you are a right one to talk!! being the one who thinks there's nothing wrong with a few good holocausts!!!
samcdkey said:
I love you too, Baron. *kiss, kiss*

Ahh, thank you, Sam ........."KABOOM!!!"

Baron Max, lying dead and bleeding on the floor along with thousands of innocent babies and women.
Baron Max said:
Ahh, thank you, Sam ........."KABOOM!!!"

Baron Max, lying dead and bleeding on the floor along with thousands of innocent babies and women.
