The 2nd Coming... Islam Style

What qualifies anyone as an islamic theologian???? I can read the words of the quran they are clear enough. But you seem to have a problem with seeing what is before your eyes.

:) Is it not revealing to you that your "Dear M*W" respects your religion? A person who claims that the Messiah Jesus is a myth....that the God of Abraham is a delusion... The servants of satan know who their friends are don't they Zak.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Dear Adstar

thank you for your comments and feedback.

So you can read, translate and understand Arabic? excellent, what, do you live in the middle east or something?
if you can't do the above then it would be great (i know its a bit of a struggle for you as i have been asking for a couple of days now or so) if you could tell me who translated the quotes from the Quran you posted a couple of days ago.
If you don't know, i find that rather puzzling as it would mean you accept anything as cannon EVEN if you dont know the author.

Surely this can't be true!!

Take care