The 2nd Coming... Islam Style


Registered Senior Member
The term Mahdi is interpreted to mean “the Guided One.” Though (according to some Muslims) not specifically mentioned in the Qu’ran, the belief of a coming Mahdi is rooted in Islamic hadiths, or traditions, based on its teachings. According to these hadiths, the Mahdi is to be descended from the prophet Muhammad’s family (from Ishmael, of the Old Testament). At age 40, he is expected to appear on the scene suddenly at the time of the end, a period when the world will be filled with injustice and tyranny, and believers (of Islam) will be under oppression. Preceding his appearance will be various signs such as a great earthquake and green grass growing in desert lands. Receiving knowledge directly from Allah, the Mahdi will rule over the Muslim community for seven (some say nine) years, spreading brotherhood, equity and devotion among Muslims. It is also believed he will bring justice to the Earth, uniting Arabs and other peoples under Islam.

These events occur prior to a second physical coming of Hadhrat Isa bin Maryam (Jesus, son of Mary), who Islam believes was a prophet of God from the lineage of Abraham, and the prophesied Messiah. According to some hadiths, Jesus and the Mahdi will co-rule for a short time. At Jesus’ return, he will fight and overcome the Dijjal (the “antichrist”), will rule according to the laws of Islam, and cause the peoples of the world (Jews and Christians) to embrace Islam, heralding in a time of justice, peace and prosperity. During his 40 years on Earth, he will be married for 19 years, have children, and then die and be buried in a grave next to the holy prophet. He will also be victorious in a battle against Gog and Magog (nations also mentioned in the Old Testament).

These events are said to happen before all believers die prior to the Day of Judgment, during which a resurrection of the dead, involving judgment and punishment, occurs. It is after this that Allah establishes his kingdom on Earth, with Islam as the worldwide religion.


Thoughts anyone?
That was written about 500 years after the Apostle John wrote the Revelation.

M*W: Okay, smart one, prove John wrote Revelation. Who was John? What is the basis of what John wrote? When did John write Revelations? Where was John when he wrote it? Why did John write Revelations? Who was John, really? Give us some esoteric shit, please.
Jesus is a muslim

He was a yew that got nailed to a cross for preeching such idiocy like let's al be friends and dont kill each other.

M*W: Jesus is a metaphor for the sun. Lucifer is a metafor for Venus, the brightest star in the sky. You do the math.

lucifer means light-bearer altough a more apropriat translation is morning star or Venus
Interesting tought Jezus and the devil where both named morning star on ocasions.
Yeah Zak, how do you know Mohammad didn't just pick one out of a hat?

(Sorry in Advance, Allah, if I offended you).
So Allah is some pagan God

Don't you see the resembles between god and Zeus?
I believe the devil is a bit of a combination between pan, triton and proberly a lot of others.

annyway the church started to go coucou the moments the guys started to wear dresses and stopped having sex for some bizar reason

Further the Islam will never accept jezus as the son of god but they might see him as some sort of prophet
Actually Jesus is a Bahai'..

Haaa! Just kidding - Jesus is Mormon.. any Mormon can tell you that much!

OK OK he's a known John Frumian :)

Haa! The "Great" monotheisms ... Pfffff Hilarius!

Seriously, Egyptian Gnostic Xians were the only ones that truly knew who and what Jesus was exactly - an allegory.