Thank God I'm An Atheist (Warning: STRONG Content)

it's worse to lack food mentally than physically. people suffer cos they don't take care of themselves or others. praying won't help ya. jump off a cliff and see how much it helps. if there is a good balancer here, he knows what he's doing, so why would you pray, since god is omniscient and thus always knows best? yeah, yeah.... maybe it's good to pray sometimes, but don't expect miracles, unless you're jesus. you see.... if there is a god, he's within... so let him out, so he can help.... if we don't help ourselves, god will destroy us, so we won't suffer anymore.
Leo Volont....the medieval churchian cult of the Blessed Virgin Mary was FAR from being kosher matriarchal.....To understand why we have to go much further back, and see where Goddess is split in two. She is split, and her wild side is demonized, ie., 'Lilith' the 'Crone' 'Kali' etc, whilst here meek, subservient side is kept, ie., 'Eve', 'Virgin Mary' etc etc...what this splicing patriarchal myth does is make damn sure women know their place and do NOT respond to authoritarian exploitation by men. They ANd Nature (for Nature and the Feminine has always been related) must be as mere receptacle for the 'spirit' 'semen' power of the 'superior' male. This is what their myth has tried to do. Though the IMAGERY is hard to totally subvert, as it is much more ancient, pre-literate, associative and potentially incredibly powerful

This thread is really about those awful images of suffering children. WHy should they suffer. I am saying it is patriarchal
oppression which fears WOMAN...and her anger, and wildness, etc.....Fears darkness, depth, death...NATURE. EVEN when it imagines itself past all of that 'superstition' and calls itself humanist and secualr, the unresoves mythological crises are still manifesting in BEHAVIOUR
Not that I doubt you (in fact, I think you may even be being generous), but do you have a source?

Sure; click

Long list of crimes against humanity by non other than The Vatican;

On Pat;
gold mines
diamond mines

Yea! I think that proves my point. This asshole Pat Robertson is a filthy rich bastard making money off the backs of those same African people, that he indirectly pays penuts for their labor. And lets them starve to death, while we ALL KNOW he could contribute to their plea, of hunger.

Atheists think that there is no such thing as Jesus because there is suffering in the world.
How retarded can you get?
Atheists think that there is no such thing as Jesus because there is suffering in the world. How retarded can you get?

Theists believe that god is benevolent when there is evil and suffering in the world, HOW FUCKING INGNORANT CAN THEY BE?.

top mosker said:
I would much rather be without suffering 100% of the time. It wouldn't get boring at all.

Doubtful. The ancient Polynesians had it all—food for the picking, pleasant temps year round, no worries. So what did they do? They established the taboo system, where the tiniest infraction meant a death sentence. They were bored without suffering, so they intentionally added suffering to their society.

There’s a Twilight Zone episode where a mobster goes to heaven and there gets everything he wants. He soon realizes that it’s really hell.

The Earth is designed for opportunity. For example, opportunity to feel happy or sad, secure or afraid. That is the way we designed it in concert with God. It is simple logic that it would be impossible to feel happiness were it not for sadness. Somebody in our experience must be sad (or we must have a memory of that) for us to be able to feel happiness in contrast.

Ask yourself, if you would much rather be without suffering 100% of the time, why are you here discussing it, not to end it but to enjoy it?
Godless said:
Theists believe that god is benevolent when there is evil and suffering in the world, HOW FUCKING INGNORANT CAN THEY BE?.

Were there no evil or suffering in the world, how could I have the opportunity to end the evil and suffering? What purpose would I have then? Just to sit in a chair until I die?

People get immense satisfaction from evil and suffering. They read about it, watch movies about it, help to end it, help others to avoid it, discuss it like we're doing here, and on and on. If they are the victim of evil or suffering, they get satisfaction from being helped or saved or spared (like how those who escaped the tsunami feel incredibly lucky—why would they feel lucky to have almost died? Answer that one and you’ll see what I’m getting at here). There is nothing ignorant in seeing how such a world is a benevolent creation.
Leo Volont said:
I may not have provided enough substantiation to be utterly boring, but I did offer the hypothesis that Civilized Peoples tend to carry on with a Civilized momentum that appears to go beyond cultural influence. Then I specified the various people's who can be considered as proving my point. Is that NOT substantiation.

What did you or anybody say to refute my point? Nothing. Just rudeness and closed-mindedness, hiding behind current ideas of what is politically correct thinking for Grade Schoolers.

Besides, who am I supposed to be prejudiced against. While African's and Mongolians might recent my calling them Barbarians to the bone, certainly the Hindus and the Chinese would be flattered that I am calling them admirably Civilized. You don't hear me being a White Supremacous, do you. So you are calling me prejudiced only because that is the worst insult that a Politically Correct sixth grader can think of.

Also, while I was thinking about it, I was wondering about Egyptians. Unlike the Persians who were almost entirely wiped out by the Mongols, they have largely survived. Egyptians also were once the core pioneer group of Christian-Catholic ascetics. So I would expect to hear more from Egyptians. I don't have much to prove it, but with their history of being Civilized, I would suppose they could do well in the future, if they could ever get out from under Barbarian Domination.

Then I was thinking of the Persians, who were sourced out of the Oldest Civilizations. They were almost entirely annihilated by the Mongols... the men that is. Then I thought of the women, and girls who were taken back to be slaves in Mongolia. Hmmmmm. Women and Girls have babies. It may be that Mongolia, today, is carrying some of the Civilized Blood of Ancient Persia... and of China too, as many Chinese were taken to be slaves in Mongolia.

The sword of Slavery cuts both ways. Civilizations who import barbarian slaves often end in paying a high price for introducing barbarism into their midst. But Barbarians who carry off Civilization, may find themselves being Civilized by those who they thought were their inferiors.

You spout nothing but hateful bigotry. And then you have the nice little cop out of calling it a "hypothesis". So very clever. And I must wonder out loud again, what does this have to do with God allowing the suffering of the children in spite of His promises?
Godless said:
Theists believe that god is benevolent when there is evil and suffering in the world, HOW FUCKING IGNORANT CAN THEY BE?.


Bravo on the retort comrade! ;)
Jenyar said:
Yes: what you call the "Christian God"... you are practically worshipping Him from the "outside", like some detestable idol. You are still evading the question, so maybe I should rephrase again: without being an "atheist with respect to the Christian God", how do the deaths of thousands fit into your current worldview?

They don't.
zanket said:
They do come to pass here on Earth. Just look at all the enjoyment y’all are getting here out of those bloated kids. That’s what you asked for from God, and that’s what you are receiving.

Aah! In other words, when we ask God to starve kids, He does it for our pleasure. If there ever was a more asinine..
Instead of being hostile (as usual)

I'm not generally hostile, and if I am then it's my nature. I cannot change that anymore than I can change what I had for dinner yesterday.

you would understand that there is no reason for people to be hungry in the world today

Kindly show me where I implied there is a reason for people to be hungry. However, you seem to think it requires no more than one rich person picking a wad of cash out of his pocket and it's all resolved, which is far from the reality of it. My country gives hundreds of millions annually to the starving, and those less fortunate than ourselves. But in the light of this debate and topic, it can only be said that we did not cause their plight, we did not force abject suffering upon them, and your only argument boils down to god being meaningless. Humans can solve natural problems - god is nothing. You say little more than that.

But then how dare you even try to commend god, to try and put such love on a being that when it comes down to it - is invisible, and hiding from the realities of the life he created for us. Of course it's easy for you to say to me, given that we both enjoy certain luxuries - but sit down and tell that to one of these children.

It has always been funny (not in a HA HA way) that people need a license to drive a car but not to have kids.

I fail to see the relevance.

and our sports athletes make wwwaayyyy to much money (a Quarterback named Micheal Vick just signed a 100million contract how many hungry people would that have fed).

And the pope? My old house was bought by a priest for over half a million British pounds. That is some serious earnings, and this guy wasn't even high up on the chain. Where does his money go? For the sake of this topic, should he not be giving all he has away? Why waste around £580,000 on a house when a £20,000 cupboard would do, and the rest could save the starving? Well?

Tell me why you decided to settle on a "sportsman" as being rich while ignoring the religious leaders who piss and poop money and yet do nothing to aid those in need?

What I'm saying is that these people dont have to be hungry if we did our share.... but thats just my opinion......unlike you I dont claim to have all the answers

They don't have to be, and wouldn't be if the planet wasn't created by your god to be so fucking inhospitable to human life. If the sun didn't bake those kids to death, kill the crops and the livestock, cause disease etc, then we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place.

Regardless to what you think, man did not create the environment, nor did he sit down and create the numerous diseases that kill these children in the most disgusting and obscene manner imaginable. So I ask you: who did?

The children are not guinea pigs, but if they and other bad stuff did not exist then our lives would suck.

Their lives do suck. Ok, you need to see some kid rotting in the desert so you can enjoy playstation, but that is the most perverse notion to a sane and rational man. I don't need to know about coffee ice cream to like rum and raisin ice cream.

We’d have no way to assess the good stuff as “good.”

Of course we would. You're giving the fools argument, and it falls apart under scrutiny.

That we have what we want is an indication that God is charitable.

Yeah, tell that to the kids fucking starving to death. Easy for you to say sitting in your warm house heh?

Were the hunger problem resolved we would focus our attention on the next most bad thing on the list and over time see that as just as bad as we did the hunger problem. Were thousands of problems resolved this way, to the point where a stubbed toe was the worst problem, whenever we stubbed our toe we’d wail, “Why me God?! What did I do to deserve this?!”

Luckily it wont come to that because god causes enough bad shit to keep us busy until this world and all on it will perish in the most obscene manner imaginable.

God didn't "cause" any of these things.
If anything, humans are more to blame for several reasons.
Global Warming.
Overpopulation of areas that can not sustain that level of life (animals move or are nomadic).
Not to mention the fact that with the scientific and agricultural advances we have at our fingertips and the vast resources we have to put those technologies into action, NO ONE on Earth has to starve of hunger or thirst (regardless of God).

It is weird to see the religious folk finally relent and state god is completely irrelevant to life. That is all you're saying. All the praying, all the chorus and cheer is fucking meaningless. People will rot, and the only ones who can change that are humans. People will happily starve and it's upto the world to undo what god has done. It is upto us to fight against the viciousness and evilness of this being you worship. With every move, with every £10 we donate, we are fighting your god hand for hand. Goodbye god, you're worthless to humans, (except comfortable humans).
§outh§tar said:
Aah! In other words, when we ask God to starve kids, He does it for our pleasure. If there ever was a more asinine..

Who says God is a he? God is a collective consciousness; i.e. us, not some dude on a throne. So yes, when we ask for kids to starve, they do. If that did not happen, then how could we then expect the kids to be sated when we ask for that instead? Either we have free will or we don’t. It can’t be something in between.
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zanket said:
Who says God is a he? God is a collective consciousness; i.e. us, not some dude on a throne. So yes, when we ask for kids to starve, they do. If that did not happen, then how could we then expect the kids to be sated when we ask for that instead? Either we have free will or we don’t. It can’t be something in between.

God is a collective consciousness? Where did you get that definition from? What does it even mean, if it even has a meaning?
SnakeLord said:
Their lives do suck.

I said our lives, not their lives. Of course their lives suck. And so would ours if theirs did not.

I don't need to know about coffee ice cream to like rum and raisin ice cream.

You need to have tasted something other than rum and raisin ice cream, or be able to empathize with someone who has tasted that something other. Otherwise the flavor of rum or raisin has no meaning in regards to taste. Something has meaning only in relation to something else.

Of course we would. You're giving the fools argument, and it falls apart under scrutiny.

If it’s a fools argument then it should be simple for you to show how it falls apart rather than just claim it does. You can start by telling me how you can like rum and raisin ice cream when you’ve tasted nothing else.

Yeah, tell that to the kids fucking starving to death. Easy for you to say sitting in your warm house heh?

It is the kids who are being charitable. They fulfill the request that some of us have to enjoy sitting in our warm houses in comparison. They fulfill the request that some of us have to have starving kids to help. They are heroes. We can thank God for them.

The elegance of this setup is hard to fully appreciate if you think the kids just have a miserable life and die and that’s it. But that is not all there is. We are those kids in other lives, providing the charity or being helped. We are all in this life together, and life is eternal. Someone has to step up to the plate to be the unfortunate. Over many lives everyone participates in the unfortunate role.

How can you know this? Go see a hypnotherapist who, with minimal prompting, can help you to re-experience past lives, which you will experience in vivid detail. You can go back to the hypnotherapist again and again and the re-experiences of your past lives will not alter, but rather be filled in with ever greater detail, as far back as you dare to go.

Luckily it wont come to that because god causes enough bad shit to keep us busy until this world and all on it will perish in the most obscene manner imaginable.

God is not outside of ourselves, so to understand better replace “god causes” with “we choose”. If most of us choose that, it will certainly happen.
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duendy: the medieval churchian cult of the Blessed Virgin Mary was FAR from being kosher matriarchal.....To understand why we have to go much further back, and see where Goddess is split in two. She is split, and her wild side is demonized, ie., 'Lilith' the 'Crone' 'Kali' etc, whilst here meek, subservient side is kept, ie., 'Eve', 'Virgin Mary' etc etc...what this splicing patriarchal myth does is make damn sure women know their place and do NOT respond to authoritarian exploitation by men. They ANd Nature (for Nature and the Feminine has always been related) must be as mere receptacle for the 'spirit' 'semen' power of the 'superior' male. This is what their myth has tried to do. Though the IMAGERY is hard to totally subvert, as it is much more ancient, pre-literate, associative and potentially incredibly powerful

This thread is really about those awful images of suffering children. WHy should they suffer. I am saying it is patriarchal
oppression which fears WOMAN...and her anger, and wildness, etc.....Fears darkness, depth, death...NATURE. EVEN when it imagines itself past all of that 'superstition' and calls itself humanist and secualr, the unresoves mythological crises are still manifesting in BEHAVIOUR
M*W: duendy, you NEVER cease to amaze moi! I just wanted to point out that man has always feared and awed the power of womanhood, because they bleed but do not die, and it is women who give birth and life from their innermost feminine creativity. The best thing man could create is a hard-on.
§outh§tar said:
God is a collective consciousness? Where did you get that definition from? What does it even mean, if it even has a meaning?

You can take its literal meaning, a group consciousness. We are conscious beings. We also have a subconscious self (the inner child), which is revealed by a hypnotist. We also have a superconscious self, where we are aware of our union as one entity. When people talk about God they typically refer to this entity even though they may not be consciously aware of its nature. The apparent wall between your conscious self and your other selves is by design. With contemplation (meditation in all its forms) you can become more consciously aware of the nature of God of which you are part. That is where I got the definition.
duendy said:
Leo Volont....the medieval churchian cult of the Blessed Virgin Mary was FAR from being kosher matriarchal.....

That's true... the Catholic Church has had a constant battle within its own ranks from its very conception... between the Pauline Bishops, the forces of Patriarchy, and the Marian Saints and the Marian Religious Orders.

When enemies of the Catholic Church come out and begin abusing all things Catholic, they primarily chose to take on the Church of the Bishops, which is only a tiny minority of The Church. The enemies of the Church never bother to consider the Saints and the Marian Religious Orders which exercise the greater Cultural Influence. The Civilization of the High Middle Ages, in which every Cathedral was called a Notre Dame, was not a product of the Bishops, but represented the groundswell of Devotion to the Mother Goddess Mary.

If you think I am stretching the Truth, just take a look at one of the most recent Marian Icons: Our Lady of Grace. She stands upon a Serpent. It is reminiscent of the Ancient Icons of the Goddess, picturing Her with the Serpent -- The Life Force. Her She stands in Transcendence of the merely Earthly Life, presenting a Spiritual Beacon. But, nevertheless, we have a reassertion of Civilized Feminine Ethics, as opposed to Patriarchal Barbarian War Ethics. Unfortunately there are few Marian Catholics, since the Conservative Republicans hate them and suppress them, and even many of those who hate the Conservative Republicans also, most misguidedly join with their enemies in also hating the Catholic Marians. All of these Secular Atheists claim to disagree with Patriarchal Barbarism, all while they stand shoulder to shoulder with It in combatting the only instance still left alive of Feminine Civilization -- Marian Catholicism.

Just a comment from your posts in general across the thread. YOU are
correct. All the faith and prayer before, during, and after any event
(both negative and positive) does NOTHING. The fact that reality repeatedly
contradicts the 'word of God' is a fine proof that 'God', simply put, does not

Great job in presenting the truth and I must admit that those pictures are
very disturbing (being a Sentient life form in Earth can be pretty fucked
up thing for some folks).
Crunchy Cat said:

Just a comment from your posts in general across the thread. YOU are
correct. All the faith and prayer before, during, and after any event
(both negative and positive) does NOTHING. The fact that reality repeatedly
contradicts the 'word of God' is a fine proof that 'God', simply put, does not

Great job in presenting the truth and I must admit that those pictures are
very disturbing (being a Sentient life form in Earth can be pretty fucked
up thing for some folks).

Absolutely NOT!

The Proof of God is in his Wrath punishing a Sinful World.

After the World killed, murdered, His Son Jesus, has not the World fully deserved all the suffering it gets... and more?

There had been a few good years back during the 90's, and it was THEN that I wondered where God was. Now with God plainly pounding His Fist upon the Earth, He had become very clear to me.

But has it been enough to bring Sinners to Penance. No. Well, we just need more of the same until you Atheists finally get the point.