THANK GOD for the earthquake


Valued Senior Member

omfg i cant stop laughing at the irony here.. perfect example of why some religious are nuts.. using the bible for the scape goat but whats the funniest thing to me is?

the guy everyone praises "god/jesus" wouldnt judge people because they are murderes, rapist pedafiles, homosexual. he doesnt promote that behavior by anymeans but from what i understand a sin is a sin all on an equal scale. unless your catholic of course

just another example of the religious using god as a scapegoat to kill injure and destroy hundredes of thousands if not millions of lives the saddest part of all of this is that this nut is happy that it happned

id like to end this post with.
be encouraged my brothers and sisters, god does answer prayers look at japan.. that is a direct answer to our prayers.. im so overjoyed i cant even contain my joy.. /end sarcasm
if it takes death at the hands of calamity to make people more god conscious, why is that a problem?

everyone dies anyway, don't they?

That girl is fucked.

Well, probably not actually fucked. That would run countercurrent to her theme. I mean she's a Nazi freak.
Its more that I can't see what you are having a problem with.

Death visits everyone, doesn't it?

if you really dont see what i have a problem with its really not worth explaining. but i know you do see what i have a problem with and are only trolling

and i explain what my problem is in the same post
if you really dont see what i have a problem with its really not worth explaining. but i know you do see what i have a problem with and are only trolling

and i explain what my problem is in the same post
So if someone dies from old age or slips on the soap in the bath tub, you feel that these instances exonerate god from any involvement?

But if they die in an earthquake, it doesn't?

How does this work?
And even if there were, what are you trying to prove here?


proving what is already know religious people are crazy detached from reality not all of them but some of them

and it also proves how thoes same people use the bible and religion as a basis or excuse if you will. on which to commit genocide as they have in the past.
So if someone dies from old age or slips on the soap in the bath tub, you feel that these instances exonerate god from any involvement?

But if they die in an earthquake, it doesn't?

How does this work?
Did you even watch the video? :bugeye:
So if someone dies from old age or slips on the soap in the bath tub, you feel that these instances exonerate god from any involvement?

But if they die in an earthquake, it doesn't?

How does this work?

all your doing is trolling LG this is my last response to you on this topic