Terrestial Compostion of Ganymede

From the way this thread reads, Dwayne miscommunicated what he'd actually done and Enmos picked up on it. It seems from that point you guys got a little out of hand with Dwayne and chased him off into the sunset.

Admittedly Dwayne's calculations do seem nonsense because for one thing he hasn't exactly explained how he reached his figures. (In essence for figures to be put forwards you have to be prepared to put forwards your mathematics for others to check to see if they arrive at the same conclusion or not.)

Usually such calculations and speculation would be done with a College/University, if you are doing calculations and speculations outside of an academic schema then the likelihood is that you will find it incredibly difficult getting people to accept your work, which has been all too readily proven here.

Dwayne, if you are still listening out there I'd suggest you look to approach Amateur Astrophysics enthusiasts but do be prepared to find out there are things wrong with your calculations or speculations, otherwise you'll enter into hostility with people for the wrong attitude.
I'm not Enmos, but I'll tell what I want - tell us, in ordinary but precise terms, exactly HOW you came up with all of those silly numbers!

If you can do so, and with something to substantiate your method, I'll be more than happy to apologize.

I second that.
I will apologize now for that joke I made.. it got blown out of proportion a bit though..
My apologies.