Terrestial Compostion of Ganymede

Read-Only. What use is any knowledge? Dwayne found a use for this knowledge and you started showing your ignorance in an effort to show him wrong. I just helped you show your ignorance.

I had hoped that you might be able to provide meaningful debate but you just seem to be a nasty character who pretends intelligence so he can insult everyone else here.

Just a note here; "knowledge" and "imagination" actually mean two very different things. If dwayne has provided us with any "knowledge" whatsoever I must have missed it. Could you provide a post #?
Read-Only. What use is any knowledge? Dwayne found a use for this knowledge and you started showing your ignorance in an effort to show him wrong. I just helped you show your ignorance.

I had hoped that you might be able to provide meaningful debate but you just seem to be a nasty character who pretends intelligence so he can insult everyone else here.

People cannot have "meaningful debate" when there is only nonsense being submitted.
Here's odd, Kaneda is posting on other threads, but not responding to this one. Do we think this is a silent admission by Kaneda that his statements are indefensible? ;-)
Well Certainly i have provided plenty of knowledge to disscussion: only a lose and undecicated mind would be so versitle in the manner of jibberish that exist in this topic as to the orientation of the compostion of a lunar bodie (mainly Ganyamede).
Lets be simple, you have to want to have a disscusion about terrestiial compostion not just gab at the mouth like a infant. Really it seems that several of you are more teenagers with nothing to do. So I take it that you find your awnsers to science in your ability to say no thats not true, simular to a school girl that belives the moon is made out of blue cheese. Honesty i know that none of you have done the math in any concern regarding the terrestial composition as it takes to long and if confronted with such a suggestion as mine for the compostion of ganyamede you would have more liberation with exspression of certain conditions that have some oppostion to may inference of the compostion of ganymede.

Be cause the lot of several of you agree to post phrases of disagreance as poetry it does not make you correct, well in end you guys might feel better but your science is still trying to boil water.

Aside from the usual hecklers, I have calculated the compostion for jupiters and its satilites it appears that of the 64 bodies of jupiter, 46 of the lunar moons listed by NASA are radioactive material and decay products.

Ganymede is much simular to Io, Europa, and Callisto. Size was the main difference in compostion of these four lunar moons of jupiter. It is size also that gives us a different feature of behavior seen on the four lunar satilites, currently we see a dramatic difference from Io to Callisto, Io and europa Are volcanic or appear more active and ganymede and callisto are relativly silent but they have the same compostion or near compostion as Io and Europa.

Something to think about.

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Aside from the usual hecklers, I have calculated the compostion for jupiters and its satilites it appears that of the 64 bodies of jupiter, 46 of the lunar moons listed by NASA are radioactive material and decay products.
So you're saying you will not share with us how you are arriving at these numbers correct?
Well, Grandtheftcow
To be plain i am writting a book on the terrestial composition of the solar system, which includes the composition for the planets and their lunar bodies. Sharing some of what i was able to learn from my new calculation, or now just getting around to asserting those prior calculation to my personal use, I kind of would like to keep the calculation process to my self untill I my self can make good use of it. Where also the calculations for the composition of earth and other planetary bodies(including lunar bodies) seem to be accurate in depth to composition and composition effect on structure of the planetary bodies, thier still remains some mastering as to accuracy throughout the solar system of which i am working on trying to define how to determine
the level of accuracy through out the solar system.
The accuracy level for earth was perfect in exsplaining earths compostion,facts already gained by other reserchers help to determine that accuracy, other facts tabulated such as the compostion of meteroids and asteroids helped to confirm the reaching accuracy for distant solar space.
I am currently looking at suggestions from NASA who has a actual speculation and data on different compositions of planetary bodies within the solar system. And I am open to opinions from other people on the issue of composition.
The Calculations really need solid confirmation and that appears to be what I am getting from existing Data. As well the calculation is one that was designed to be used as a means of Calculating the compostion of planetary bodies in any solay system, ours or a distant solar system as i inaddition have a tendency to calculate the solar systems within the local group of star (159 local stars) so i kind of think of it as a special formula.

Even so its accuracy needs to be defined fro the solar system, for example the for main lunar bodies of jupiter are really of the same compostion, but yet of different volumes of each periodic element. For the largest moon, Ganymede the most abundant element was Phosphourus. For the smallest of the four, Europa the most abundant elements was Phosphourus. yet the two moons have different appearances.
As i understand it, it has been thought that europa may be a moon with lots of water according to some speculation, I did not find that to be the case. europa has a surface area of 9,880,299.509 square miles to give it a fairly uniform surface in appearance, it then requires at least that much material give it that appearance.
There are only a few atomic elements given my calculations on compostion that could be the atomic element that gives europa that appearance. they are as follows:
With Zinc its abundance was 145,076,917 cubic miles located from the 26 mile depth mark to the 42 mile depth mark. Zinc is probally just about where we would define the end of a mass that would become the surface crust.
It seems that several other elements may define the crust in a compound chemical for the surface crust, the moon europa also conatined in composition 1,738,710 cubic miles of heavy gas Xeon, at the 6.3 mile depth mark as well 7,82,462 cubic miles of iodine near the same level of depth.

Oh you people ! Dwayne has clearly stated how he gets his data, can't you guys read !?

So in the search i found a lot of gold, none of them so far are 50% gold, I have been to Uranus,Neptune and Jupiter just doing spot checks for gold, it seems that if a soild gold lunar bodie (or a lunar bodie that surface crust is made of gold) is to exist it will have to be in the orbit of Saturn, i have not checked Saturn as of yet, and to mention I have only did a random check. ( this is not done by computer so it takes time)

Well Enmons here is a a little bit on gold in the jupiter sector of the solar system, this might also be of interest to Orcort.
It appears that IO a lunar moon of jupiter just might be covered in gold amoung other things, Io has a abundance of gold equal to 1,002,825.73 cubic miles of gold which was located at a depth of 3.2 miles from the surface, it constitutes a layer of gold 396 feet thick covering the sphere of the planet at that depth. Given Io's geological activity it is quite possible that this gold has been brought to the surface, as a suspect we would exspect that molten flow of material would come from such a depth on Io,(perhaps deeper) 3.2 miles is less than the distance to the top of Mt. Everest, but deeper than the oceans on earth. Humans have only been able to dig about two miles in depth into the earth, so the gold still would have orginally been deeper than humans can dig, gold
have a low melting tempiture and mallablity may have over time been worked to the surface of Io.
If all the gold in the moon Io was on the surface it would be slightly less that 325 ft. thick covering the entire Moon.

One thing remains about Io that is not consistant with speculation about the mooons composition, that is the presence sulfur, sulfur on the moon Io was calulated to be a abundance of 108,259,346 cubic miles located at a depth of 276 miles, in other words actually very deep in the Moon interior.
There remains a lot to look at in the structure of the galliean moons but the most dominate atomic element in the surface region was gold increasing the possiblity that what we are looking at on the surface of Io is gold.
Atomic Element that could exist as a crust for the entire moon Io are as follows
Indium 11,344,523 cubic miles
Molybdeium 11,856,418 cubic miles
Bromine 26,944,047 cubic miles
Selenium 31,497,320 cubic miles

The Mantel is surfaced with zinc, being a layer 15.9 miles thick, it also appears that bromine and selenium are the most likly suspects for the appearance of sulfur, exspecial the selenium, selenium is located at the 23.7 miles depth mark and bromine at the 21 mile depth mark, the bromine appears to be uplifted by krypton, where the Krypton layer is just above the bromine depth mark, the krypton layer is 953 feet thick.
However the Xeon depth mark is the same from all the galliean moons and has a layer of simular thickness as that of krypton, xeon layer thicknes is 942.48 ft. located 6 miles from the surface.
other fluid dynamics existed such as that of the atomic element Mercury which was 802,365 cubic miles of the Moon Io's Composition it has a depth mark near that of gold in this case being just abotu 3.1 miles from the surface, and so there exist a means of fluid dynamics by which gold could have been brought to the surface. mercurys layer thickness was 316.8 feet thick.

And there you have for the Gold sighting....

In other news in the solar system it appears that the black grey surface of Ganymede just might be that effects of Iodine.

I think he (and me too) has more of an issue with the fact you claim to have BEEN to all these places.
Exactly lol :D

Aww, c'mon, folks! When you have nothing better to work with than a highly exaggerated imagination, you are free to 'go' anywhere and 'do' anything you like! Perhaps he will next tell us what he "learned" from visiting the very core of a black hole. :D
Aww, c'mon, folks! When you have nothing better to work with than a highly exaggerated imagination, you are free to 'go' anywhere and 'do' anything you like! Perhaps he will next tell us what he "learned" from visiting the very core of a black hole. :D

That would be so interesting lol
Well ladys and gents, it is a phrase in that i have calculated the bodies of theose planets, and understand the terresital composition of them.
At any rate i have to say good bye to you folks the subject has not generated any interesting conversation, which was mainly the reason for posting the topic.

Good luck in your understanding of the planets and moons within our solar system.

Well ladys and gents, it is a phrase in that i have calculated the bodies of theose planets, and understand the terresital composition of them.
At any rate i have to say good bye to you folks the subject has not generated any interesting conversation, which was mainly the reason for posting the topic.

Good luck in your understanding of the planets and moons within our solar system.


Thank you. We'll happily wait for the people who do this sort of thing for REAL instead of listening to someone's made-up pipe-dreams.
You are with out fortune Read-only, as I do it for real, and it is your sorry mistake. As I have told you before your ignorance is clear. I hope that you do go on ignoring the things i have lent for conversation that way you will not prosper in furthur intelligence and you can recivie your just reward of ignorance, really you had nothing when you statred but poetry.

good luck nutcase.

You are with out fortune Read-only, as I do it for real, and it is your sorry mistake. As I have told you before your ignorance is clear. I hope that you do go on ignoring the things i have lent for conversation that way you will not prosper in furthur intelligence and you can recivie your just reward of ignorance, really you had nothing when you statred but poetry.

good luck nutcase.


Wow - look who's talking!:D
You are with out fortune Read-only, as I do it for real, and it is your sorry mistake. As I have told you before your ignorance is clear. I hope that you do go on ignoring the things i have lent for conversation that way you will not prosper in furthur intelligence and you can recivie your just reward of ignorance, really you had nothing when you statred but poetry.

good luck nutcase.


Nutcase ? I don't even see how that is an insult.. lol