Terrestial Compostion of Ganymede


Registered Senior Member
From the center of ganymede to the near surface, the following list is the compostion of ganymede exstending the radius. Neon is the center where Gallium is near the surface.

576.88 miles Neon
140.98 miles Sodium
93.420 miles Magneseium
181.02 miles Aluminium
7.6100 miles Silicon
20.000 miles Phosphourus
198.93 miles Sulfur
14.630 miles Clorine
27.000 miles Argon
47.800 miles Potassium
71.200 miles Calcium
32.500 miles Scandinium
1.0000 miles Titianium
5.0000 miles Vanadlium
6.5000 miles Chromium
10.500 miles Manganese
2.2500 miles Ferrum(iron)
0.4000 miles Cobalt
0.3000 miles Nickel
10.480 miles Copper
3.4000 miles Zinc
15.900 miles Gallium

All other atomic elements exist in the remaining 26.7 miles of the surface of Ganymede.
It would appear that ganymede is a rather heavy moon, as well that ganymede is soild from its surface untill a depth of 261.37 miles where the soild nature of ganymede is interrupted by a layer 27 miles thick of Argon, most likly any terrestial motion is due to the disturbance of the Argon layer.

Ganymede has a radius of 1,494.886364 miles, a total of 603.37 miles of that radius is composed of gases, with the remaining half 891.51 miles being composed of solids (as known on earth). This distribution seem to present ganymede as not only a heavy moon but also a subject of interest in balanced motion.

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Well Q I have to think a little bit when you say provide sources, most of the calculation were preformed by me, however various sets of facts where gathered from different soruces, such as the diameter for the planets of the solar system ect...
I would say that observation by satilites, and suggestion from that data seem to provide a match, The Terriestial compostion of Io and Europa appear to be simular to speculation based upon satilite data from various space agencies (Nasa).

The compostion of the solar systems bodies that i have calculated are based upon stars of the Local Group of Stars and that of the planets of our solar system and their formation of atomic structure (effect on atomic structure).

Ladies and Gents it appears that Q a moderater has preduices, and behaves rather childish when dealing with subjects of calculation preformed a indivdual. or ideas of a individual

Q you could not be a real scientist

Ladies and Gents it appears that Q a moderater has preduices, and behaves rather childish when dealing with subjects of calculation preformed a indivdual. or ideas of a individual

Q you could not be a real scientist


So, pulling numbers out of your ass is scientific? :shrug:
Ladies and Gents it appears that Q a moderater has preduices, and behaves rather childish when dealing with subjects of calculation preformed a indivdual. or ideas of a individual

Q you could not be a real scientist


There are several professional scientists here and not a ONE of them (nor anyone else, I suspect) accept ANY of your sheer nonsense.

Why don't you develop a new hobby??? Perhaps following in Madam Curie's footsteps? :D That one would be beneficial for the people here. ;)
for unknown reasons I did the sum you total at 1467,700 miles with is 269 km short... It's also unlickly that a gas would be on the inside and a solid metal (galium) on the outside.

Further on Ganymede is a interesting moon/planet (they chould really make up a special name for moons that would be clasified as planets if they didn't revolve around a other planet)
It's glaciers and tectonic evidence give a interesting surface. It's theorised liquid ocean gives with its potential for life (not liklely) gives it a interesting subsurface and it's magnetosphere gives it a interesting core.
Neon at the core? Perhaps the creator god "designed" it that way.:rolleyes:
Otherwise that idea flies in the face of everything that we know about the formation of planets amd moons. As orcot said " unlikely". I'd say physically impossible.
Neon at the core? Perhaps the creator god "designed" it that way.:rolleyes:
Otherwise that idea flies in the face of everything that we know about the formation of planets amd moons. As orcot said " unlikely". I'd say physically impossible.

And I would agree with you. All that "information" is nothing more than the idle ramblings of a mind with no responsibility to the truth and with nothing else to do. What a waste and disgrace!!:mad:
Well guys i guess i give a little entertainment,

For starters the rarest atomic element on Ganymede is Lutetium

Lutetium presence on Ganymede 69,882.5 cubic miles, which is just about the size of the country Syria.

The most abundant element on Ganymede is Sulfur. Sulfur comprieses 22.4% of the terrestial compostion of Ganymede or 3,138,245,367 cubic miles.

It is very likly that the white feild lines, streaks in ganymedes surface are those of Calcium deposits. Calcium has a very large presence on Ganymede, just about 1,604,468,601 cubic miles (calcium) which has a normalization depth of about 70 miles below the surface, calcium is the third most abundant atomic element on ganymede At 11.4% of the terrestial compostion.

However the white streaks on ganymedes surface maybe Potassium
as potassium also has a very large presence on ganymede.(7.2%)

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Well guys i guess i give a little entertainment,

For starters the rarest atomic element on Ganymede is Lutetium

Lutetium presence on Ganymede 69,882.5 cubic miles, which is just about the size of the country Syria.

Now that's a pretty dumb statement! How can anyone possibly compute the CUBIC size of a country?!?!?!?!?!?:bugeye: