Ten reasons that I am an atheist

The OP brought many reasons why he or she is Atheist but their reasons focused on religions and not why there is no god .
You can disbelieve in all religions and see them as a little crap of folklore but the issue of a god or no god is another matter .
Believing that all religions are a hoax would not imply that there is no god .

I think your subconscious is far more powerful than most people realize. It is this resource that is tapped by practices like prayer and meditation. It can solve all sorts of problems that your conscious brain is unable to navigate. Since it doesn't feel like the same kind of thinking we are used to, it is percieved as another personality. But it's you.
I think your subconscious is far more powerful than most people realize. It is this resource that is tapped by practices like prayer and meditation. It can solve all sorts of problems that your conscious brain is unable to navigate. Since it doesn't feel like the same kind of thinking we are used to, it is percieved as another personality. But it's you.

or it could be god. :)
I should be more specific. There is nothing explained by the concept that cannot be explained in a more parsimonious and less supernatural way by mere matter.
I should be more specific. There is nothing explained by the concept that cannot be explained in a more parsimonious and less supernatural way by mere matter.

Yes but don't you see to speak of mere matter is to discount the notion of spirit all together.
What is it? You ask the question as if there is no debate as to whether there is such a thing as the spirit. So state what it is and give some evidence to weigh in favor of your definition.

I can't define it, but I think when I say that word most people have an idea of the concept of it at least.

Lots of people have had spiritual experiences. Lots. Maybe its some kind of energy, maybe you don't have to have a body to be alive.

I've had so much evidence presented to me that I would have to be out of my mind not to perceive what I call a spiritual realm, and I guess until I do get a definition that's what I'll continue to call it.
I should be more specific. There is nothing explained by the concept that cannot be explained in a more parsimonious and less supernatural way by mere matter.

Ok, then what happened on my coffee table that afternoon?
I can't define it, but I think when I say that word most people have an idea of the concept of it at least.

Lots of people have had spiritual experiences. Lots. Maybe its some kind of energy, maybe you don't have to have a body to be alive.

I've had so much evidence presented to me that I would have to be out of my mind not to perceive what I call a spiritual realm, and I guess until I do get a definition that's what I'll continue to call it.

But a definition is important, you have to be able to describe what it is on some level or its meaningless in discussion. You say we all know what it is and that when you say it everyone knows what you refer to but since they also seem unable to come up with a definition there is no way to know if you are all speaking of the same thing. I use the word spirit as in 'spirit of the age' or the spirit of a man but it is only used in connection with the living, so for example when a woman told me that she believed in the 'spirit' because when her father died she looked at him and 'he' was not there, I replied that he was not there because he was dead. My idea of spirit relates to energy, the energy of the time, the energy of a man in terms of essence but this 'essence' is only viable in terms of life, in terms of the living and animated. It is not something separate from the body, it doesn't exist when I die just like my thinking process will no longer exist when I die. So when i speak of 'spirit' I mean an age in action or a man in action, not something that is separate from body and mind and the material and lasts regardless of death and so on.

You say lot's of people have what they have decided was a spiritual experience but this does not give rise to evidence that there is any such thing as a spirit.
Yes but don't you see to speak of mere matter is to discount the notion of spirit all together.

And to speak of spirit is to discount the startling complexity and form that matter/energy is capable of manifesting.

I can't define it, but I think when I say that word most people have an idea of the concept of it at least.

Lots of people have had spiritual experiences. Lots. Maybe its some kind of energy, maybe you don't have to have a body to be alive.

I've had so much evidence presented to me that I would have to be out of my mind not to perceive what I call a spiritual realm, and I guess until I do get a definition that's what I'll continue to call it.
I accept that there is a part of human experience we call spiritual, just like there is something we call sports.

Ok, then what happened on my coffee table that afternoon?
I don't know is a better answer than jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions.
sometimes its just not possible to believe in Gods. Try to convince yourself Xenu is real - it's just not possible.
I believe in Xenu. I saw him from afar many years ago outside of the Church of Scientology "headquarters" in Los Angeles. He did appear to be somewhat similar in form to those giant UnderDog balloons that appear in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade every year, but who am I to question the nature of the Lord of the Galactic Confederacy?