Temporal Stasis

Your point appeared to center around, "No body and I mean no one here seems to accept anything, unless they can prove it by some scientific means."

This says a lot about your own intelllect. Science is the only logical process by which to "know." Science is conducted by people every day, they make observations, apply those observations to experience, make expectations based on those observation, etc.

Driving a car on the freeway is a science. You observe over time the driving habits of others and, over time, are better able to apply these observation to your own driving habits so as to be able to anticipate problems in driving on the freeway. After a few years of driving, you come to expect being cut off.

But some people are better scientist than others simply because they remain more objective and make fewer a priori assumptions, and focus on their own habits with an attempt to improve. Others could care less about whether their driving habits are genuinely positive. Their speed, lack of use of the turn signal to change lanes, etc. are considered to them to be "good" habits. This is merely fallacious, but they believe themselves to be objective, good drivers.

To "know" something is to practice science. There are those, however, that say things like, "I know god," or "I know there is ESP," or "I know there is more than this life," but what they are really saying is that they believe these things and hope they are true, based on poor science. They draw correlations that don't necessarily imply causations. They fall victim to confirmation bias. They see the "hits" and totally ignore the "misses" that far outnumber them. They fall victim to the Principle of Large Numbers where given a large enough set of people, coincidences will occur and these will be seen as significant and meaningful.

Saying "if Moses or Jesus were to appear today" is meaningless. These are two mythical characters from a work of literature that is in excess of two thousand years old. It was written by people that had a far different worldview than we do today, one that mostly doesn't apply now. Moreover, these people, if they ever existed, are long dead. To go around saying you are someone who is long dead would rightfully earn you a skeptical eye.

But these sorts of people aren't placed in mental institutions any more. There's no health care to pay for it, so they wander the streets of temperate cities and become that city's indigent and homeless, unable to afford their medications because they cannot get jobs; unable to get jobs because they cannot afford their medications; pushed aside by the working public that just rolls up their windows and says, "I hope he doesn't come over to me. Maybe he won't if I pretend not to see him."

Let me ask you: if you were at a traffic light near a highway overpass and an indigent looking person walked over and said, "I'm Jesus Christ," what would you do? Would you just say, "bless you," and give him a dollar out of pity (or just in case he's telling the truth)? Or would you park your car, give away all your worldly goods and follow him right there on the spot?
You seem to be the expert with these comments, what the hell would you do. You obviously are no where near spiritual. You exist only to serve your own means. If you had half the faith, spiritual, awareness, as you have scientific know how, I might consider you a fairly smart person. Since your only task is to run down anyone or anything that might have a view or belief that is in no way proven by science, you spit on it...I feel deeply sorry for you skin deep walker. You are as translucent as your comments...try to understrand the unexplainable. Be tolerant of others is totally out of your narrow, scientific mind. I do think you are one of those the bible was written for. Read it and be truly enlightened :)
Oh, be sure, I've read the bible. Unlike most, however, I haven't stopped there and have read entire, or portions, of other sacred texts as well: Popl Vuh, vedic texts, I ching, Mesopotamian texts, Greek texts, etc, etc.

Being spiritual doesn't mean you accept, without question, every wild claim that comes along. I think even you would have to agree that the alledged ability to "freeze" time is a wild claim.

I'll quote a comment I made in private to another member:

True enlightment comes from accepting that the universe is knowable even though you may never know it. The universe adheres to understandable and inmutable rules even though you may never learn them all: ignorance of the laws is no excuse.

True enlightment cannot be had from the lies and deciet of those that fail to see the TRUE magic in the knowable universe. Those that create magical explanations or maintain the belief in paranormal "energies" and "powers."

Consider this poem:

There are the rushing waves
mountains of molecules
each stupidly minding its own business
trillions apart
yet forming white surf in unison

Ages on ages
before any eyes could see
year after year
thunderously pounding the shore as now.
For whom, for what?
On a dead planet
with no life to entertain.

Never at rest
tortured by energy
wasted prodigiously by the sun
poured into space.
A mite makes the sea roar.

Deep in the sea
all molecules repeat
the patterns of one another
till complex new ones are formed.
They make others like themselves
and a new dance starts.

Growing in size and complexity
living things
masses of atoms
DNA, protein
dancing a pattern ever more intricate.

Out of the cradle
onto dry land
here it is
atoms with consciousness;
matter with curiosity.

Stands at the sea,
wonders at wondering: I
a universe of atoms
an atom in the universe.

--- Richard Feynman
There's no need to believe in magic that cannot be observed or measured. That which is and can is stunning enough!
You have the world in text walker but still you lack substance. cause you are so scientific or analitical you will never see the truth. You read holy scripture and read only as one that looks to disprove it....you will never see the truth of it...you see and still are blind....no matter how much you proclaim to have read.
I came to this forum for liberated minds and here I find the worst case of narrow minded thinking I have ever witnessed.
You have so many posts and now I understand why...If you spent 1/10th of the effort to find truth and spiritual enrichment and all your efforts to disprove things ..you may really get it...but you spend ever effort to disprove things. If in truth you read the bible and other self enriching documents you would never talk as you do. For the books you proclaim to have read , you act as a moron that never cracked a book...try not being the bully of the forums here and start helping people instead of degrading them... I looked at your list of posts....where is your spirituality, where is your compassion, where is your religion, where is your true belief....I see nothing that even resembles anything close to it....You have read alot of good documents and even the bible, but you have learned nothing.. I can take all of your posts and see nothing that is spiritualy redeeming or no edification there, in the least. I will respond no more to these forums or this post so if you have the last word so be it. I truely feel sorry for you. Must be a cold and lonely planet you live on, but hey you have your pitiful veiw of a scientific world and a blind perception of what the true word might bring. I understand you maybe afraid of things you can't prove but need to be taken in faith. Here is a good final thought for someone like you...prove or disprove the existence of God. Should keep you tied up and busy for the next life time. Thar way you won't be so busy bashing other peoples posts.
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I think we should all just take a trip to Mexico and have a few beers. RKpulley i understand what you're sayin and I understand wat you're sayin also invert so I'm not taking sides. I have a question though SkinWalker.... are you insecure? Answer truthfully please. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im bored
rkpulley said:
You have the world in text walker but still you lack substance. cause you are so scientific or analitical you will never see the truth.

Truth can be known in no other way. Analytical science and logical positivism are the bedrocks of understanding and knowing. Guessing and gut feelings, while they can be substantial and lead to truth, aren't in themselves "true." Belief in the extraordinary for the sake of honoring the extraordinary isn't truth. Nor is it truth to suggest that spirituality can only exist outside of science and only within those predisposed to believe in the supernatural.

I maintain a progressive worldview without supernaturalism. My worldview is a rational one informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. Being free of the supernatural, I recognize that humanity is a part of nature and I recognize that human values —be they religious, ethical, social, or political—have their source in human experience and culture (AHA).

rkpulley said:
You read holy scripture and read only as one that looks to disprove it....you will never see the truth of it...you see and still are blind....no matter how much you proclaim to have read.

What is true within these scriptures and texts? Everything? Some of it? My readings of ancient texts informs me culturally. I have a respect for the cultures of mankind that goes beyond belief and faith because I see the truth in them. I see the hidden meanings of taboos; the cultural significances of laws and codes; the beauty and poetry in creation epics; the magnificance of man's ability to describe his universe in terms that were meaningful to him in antiquity that are completely lost to you in modernity; and, at once in descriptions of battle, the adventure, the marvel, and wonder, and the horror of what man was capable of even then.

rkpulley said:
I came to this forum for liberated minds and here I find the worst case of narrow minded thinking I have ever witnessed.

I would disagree, but then I am biased by my belief that I'm looking into the world of belief instead of from within. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I believe it is the opposite: the unconditional believer is more prone to be narrow-minded, but of course I can understand why they think the opposite. To them, their beliefs are all they know.

rkpulley said:
If in truth you read the bible and other self enriching documents you would never talk as you do.

I wouldn't if I had read them and believed the literal truth of them without considering the contexts of the cultures they originated from.

rkpulley said:
For the books you proclaim to have read, you act as a moron that never cracked a book...try not being the bully of the forums here and start helping people instead of degrading them...

Please accept my apologies if you feel bullied by me. That was certainly not my intent. But I'm of the opinion the helping isn't synonymous with encouraging them to avoid critical thinking. I realize that zealous believers in the supernatural/paranormal such as yourself won't be swayed, but I also recognize that far more people visit forums such as these without posting and participating and that many of these are open to both sides of the argument for/against the supernatural/paranormal.

rkpulley said:
I looked at your list of posts....where is your spirituality, where is your compassion, where is your religion, where is your true belief....I see nothing that even resembles anything close to it....You have read alot of good documents and even the bible, but you have learned nothing.. I can take all of your posts and see nothing that is spiritualy redeeming or no edification there, in the least.

My humanist worldview exists without the necessity of religion, belief in the supernatural and paranormal. I don't need to believe that a god "breathed" the literature you consider holy in order to learn from it. Indeed, the lessons I learn from religious texts are cultural, anthropological, and, occasionally, archaeological. I need not believe a deity spoke to Moses through a burning bush to accept that it is wrong to kill another human being or covet the material possessions and bling-bling of my neighbor.

rkpulley said:
I will respond no more to these forums or this post so if you have the last word so be it.

That would be a shame, but only that you are unable to verbalize your worldview in a meaningful manner and yet still cling to it unconditionally and without question. Please note that I'm not suggesting I know what your worldview is, it's only evident that I've offended in some way that you don't feel you can effectively defend it.

rkpulley said:
I truely feel sorry for you. Must be a cold and lonely planet you live on, but hey you have your pitiful veiw of a scientific world and a blind perception of what the true word might bring. I understand you maybe afraid of things you can't prove but need to be taken in faith.

Don't feel sorry for me. I get by. Quite happily, I might add.

rkpulley said:
Here is a good final thought for someone like you...prove or disprove the existence of God.

Why would I bother with that?
i do believe people have the ability tk, which can in some cases slow down or agitate molecules and electrodes, but sucj things can rarely be controlled. such as u may be very emotional and cause some 1 to be thrown across a corridoor, even though u may only of tapped her (this actually happened to me, i swear, it really did. not in the beam of light which hurls girl ten thousand feet in the air, it just made her go further, and i was 13 she was 15 and i didnt push her hard. she sorta went flying.)
this usually happens when such mentally strong and able Crystal children feel threatened or angry.
Squeak22 said:
Or you just don't know your own strength, or she tripped, or she's acting.

Now now, it's entirely possible that he's really a telekenetic crystal kiddie... :rolleyes:
Why is it that the grammatically challenged are always the ones with special abilities?
I have been recently researching into Temporal Stasis. I'm usually quite clumsy and I keep almost dropping things, but they freezing mid-motion almost like a panic effect. But then my parents have always said I was rather odd. I have a pretty keen intellect when it comes to emotions and future scenes (though the future part is in dreams) Almost like Empathy and I dunno, Forsight stuff. It's strange but I don't know how many people have similar problems, well, not problems, gifts would be a better term. Anyone else?