Temporal Stasis

It is well possible that both have their heads in the sand.
I think you knew so before you asked.
/smiles/ I know before I speak. But I don't know of it before I have spoken.
Avatar said:
So in other words, a believer stays a believer,
a non-believer may become a knower.
But if the non-believer is not intelligent enough to do investigation-proper and understand it, he unwillingly becomes a liar.

A believer has the option to investigate. A non-believer may botch an
investigation. When confronted with event 'A', a non-believer is not going
to arbitrarily claim ESP whereas the believer may do so.
Any medium that gets her information right "100%" of the time on 100 crimes should be arrested. She must have been in on it.
Why should the believer investigate if he believes as it is?
Is it because the believer may not be content with his status of believer?
Is it because he thinks the belief is not believable?
Or is it because he knows the knowledge is unbelievable?
Or is it simply sand wherever he looks?
So many words, so many worlds..
SkinWalker said:
Any medium that gets her information right "100%" of the time on 100 crimes should be arrested. She must have been in on it.
must have been
Earth must have been visited by gods (ancient india)
Christ must have been a son of the god (medieval europe)

Must have beens are too strict, and there have been many must have beens through the centuries. You just created one more must have been which doesn't have to be a must have been.
A HUGE pot of beans for my dinner, why do I still feel so hungry?
Avatar said:
Why should the believer investigate if he believes as it is?
Is it because the believer may not be content with his status of believer?
Is it because he thinks the belief is not believable?
Or is it because he knows the knowledge is unbelievable?
Or is it simply sand wherever he looks?
So many words, so many worlds..

Maybe the believer wants to learn more about 'ESP' from the master?
Maybe the believer wants to collect data to convince a non-believer?
Maybe it's one of the above options?
Maybe it's something else?
Avatar said:
must have beenYou just created one more must have been which doesn't have to be a must have been.

You must not have noticed my skeptical sarcasm! :cool:

Anyway, you know I'll always drink to evidence, so count me in.

Thanks, interesting responses.

I guess what I am attempting to show is that from my research most "mediums" have no ability to predict when they get their insights so therefore no predictable ability. However in the hypothetical case mentioned the medium has established a record over time that can only be explained using ESP as the premise. Due to the huge amount of variables involved no other possible explanation exists.....worthy of research for sure me thinks...

Certainly a skeptic is under no obligation to change his view. But what if..........hmmmmm.....

edit: Sorry I didn't check page three before posting...damn I do that so often.....
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Avatar said:
must have been
Earth must have been visited by gods (ancient india)
Christ must have been a son of the god (medieval europe)

Must have beens are too strict, and there have been many must have beens through the centuries. You just created one more must have been which doesn't have to be a must have been.
A HUGE pot of beans for my dinner, why do I still feel so hungry?

Well why don't we get all pedantic then. Sheesh, I thought I was a grammar nazi.
Why should the believer investigate if he believes as it is?

Well, the "believer" is usually the person with the ability himself. He investigates further to learn more about his ability: to control + to advance. If he's not the person with the ability, he wants to acquire it.

But why prove it to skeptics, really? Imagine, you tell people you can kick in the head, they don't believe you: what if the person is taller, like 6 ft or more? So suppose you go around the world proving you can indeed kick in the head. You prove yourself to each and all, every child that opens his mouth with a question sees you do it on the spot. And finally they believe you. Then what? You may even want people not to believe you, so that you may catch your opponents by surprize. Similarly, there may be good reasons to keep skeptics in disbelief and believers with their faith. The universe and the human mind work in mysterious ways.

How can you prove E.S.P? There's no way to videotape the dream and then to videotape the event, and without such evidence the skeptic will always find something that will cause him not to believe. I ask, who will believe my word if I recount a dream that will certainly prove I didn't bring about the event myself and it took place in reality?
I think the unbeleivers should be left that way. They are obviously content with
what they know. Contentment is good.

For those who want to beleive, I've found it is prudent to assess how far along they
are and help them to the next higher step.

A remarkably wise person said, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you"
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Even the pharasees sat around and questioned and disbeleived christ, just as some in this forum do...they too thought him to be a quack....this to will pass. Let down your sneaky and suspicious minds, so wrought with envy, that a good possibility and truth could hit you in the head like a brick and still because you don't have it first would only disbelieve someone that possesses a real gift. Shame on some of you.
Like someone said once to me..."If Moses or Christ existed today they both would probably be sent to mental institutions cause of peoples ability to over think, over react, over calculate and over step their boundry." No body and I mean no one here seems to accept anything, unless they can prove it by some scientific means. If all things that happened through christ were analized and disected...would they seem to be less a miracle because you people so state it is bunk?? Ask him for proof of his divine nature and you will get the very same reply as the Afro one....no need to prove anything to skeptics...Can't argue with idiots...first they bring you down to their level...then they beat you with experience..