Temporal Stasis

Crunchy Cat said:

I want to ensure the question was seen as it looks like multiple people have
asked now.

Q: Can demonstration of this ability be posted (perhaps in AVI or MPEG format)?



So um... AFRO,

Is the request ever going to be acknlowedged or will it be perpetually
ignored. I must say there is an effort to help you establish credability
and it's being rejected quite nicely.

SkinWalker said:
If a baseball were thrown, could you stop it? Just briefly? Causing the batter to swing too early?

Do you have a video of your "balloon" freeze? AVI/MPEG?
afrodisiac, are you going to answer this question?
The fact that he is ignoring all questions and/or curiosities involved with his so called "power" tells me that he has no intention of demonstrating, explaining, defining in a better way or actually proving to anyone that he can freeze things. Mainly because he's crapping on I would assume.
Well I'm still available to show my ability to freeze a desk, a 1,000 pound weight, a parked car, a mountain, and my house completely still. :)

- N
I can freeze anything I want. Just give me a machine that enables me to change the temperature to absolute zero.
guys what do you really think is the motivation of someone who wants to come onto a forum and share what they beleive. He has described a most unusual ablility. He is obviously not here to flame or spam. What do you think he is wanting to achieve by telling us all what he has told us?
Quantum Quack said:
guys what do you really think is the motivation of someone who wants to come onto a forum and share what they beleive. He has described a most unusual ablility. He is obviously not here to flame or spam. What do you think he is wanting to achieve by telling us all what he has told us?

The possibilities may include:

* To feel special.
* To express fantasy.
* To find creative friends.
* To see if any people with real paranormal abilities exist.

I've seen many shows come and go where someone has the ability
to freeze / do something with time. It's a very attractive idea and
I think AFRO is embracing that attractiveness in the form of a fantasy.
I am guessing it's healthy behavior for his age and his interpretation
of sciforums may be 'science-fiction forums' rather than 'science forums'.
What do you think he is wanting to achieve by telling us all what he has told us?

Escape from a boring normality of everyday.
But it is boring only if you preceive it so, if that aspect of it becomes the dominant.
But he chose not to preceive another aspect of reality, he chose to make up a reality.
And that just doesn't happen.
He will blame the rest of the world because of that, but he should blame himself.
BTW, trhis reminds me of a question I wanted to pose and maybe a discussion as well......
It is often teh lament of teh skeptic that scientific proof si not available to suppoort all these claims that frequently surface in all societies around the world.

What is proof is only available in hind sight. Example: A medium shows police to crime scens with regular accuracy and this is recorded over time and shows she has a record of success that is 100 % [hypothetical scenario OK]

Would a record of success be proof enough of ESP.? Or would you wish for evidence that can be predicted? If our hypothetical medium leads police on occassions only determined by herself at the time and can not offer predictable results but over time has for example 20 correct demonstrations would this be evidence enough for the skeptics?
Quantum Quack said:
BTW, trhis reminds me of a question I wanted to pose and maybe a discussion as well......
It is often teh lament of teh skeptic that scientific proof si not available to suppoort all these claims that frequently surface in all societies around the world.

What is proof is only available in hind sight. Example: A medium shows police to crime scens with regular accuracy and this is recorded over time and shows she has a record of success that is 100 % [hypothetical scenario OK]

Would a record of success be proof enough of ESP.? Or would you wish for evidence that can be predicted? If our hypothetical medium leads police on occassions only determined by herself at the time and can not offer predictable results but over time has for example 20 correct demonstrations would this be evidence enough for the skeptics?

If a 'medium' is accurately finding crime scenes over and over again then
it becomes a irrefutable fact that the person has repeatedly found crime
scenes. Call it event 'A'.

The believer may conclude that event 'A' is a result of ESP. The non-believer
may investigate event 'A' in an effort to understand it.
The believer may conclude that event 'A' is a result of ESP. The non-believer
may investigate event 'A' in an effort to understand it.

So in other words, a believer stays a believer,
a non-believer may become a knower.
But if the non-believer is not intelligent enough to do investigation-proper and understand it, he unwillingly becomes a liar.
Why should one change the mind of a skeptic?

There is absolutely no reason for it. I think you knew so before you asked. There's nothing that will convince a skeptic.

Why is Afro here? It doesn't matter. He (I think it's a she, but whatever) wanted to see if there are others with the described ability, saw null. And now people rant and clutch each other's hair about beliefs and non-beliefs. But Parapsych isn't about believers and non-believers, it's really about those who know and those who like to have their heads in the sand.