

Registered Senior Member
There are many humans who get an uneasy feeling so once in a while. Then they have to think of someone who is close to them and very often it happens that the one they were thinking of has had a bad experience. Like an accident or something that happened in his/her living surroundings.

Most humans who send these feelings are not aware of having send such feeling, but a loved one, somewhere else, gets suddenly the feeling that there is something wrong. Sometimes they don't even know with who, but it happens often that they immediately have to think of someone in particular.

Question is...Is there someone among you who has had such feelings, which did come true?

How did it happen and how did you get the message?
What I've found with this whole telepathy 'ordeal' that started on sciforums is that I can't force thoughts of what will happen in the future succesfully, at least most of the time. What I have found is that if I at least try to practice the techniques found at this website the feelings come to me more often.

I have proven to myself at least once and for all that I at least have some form of telepathy. A few days ago I walked into a store, and there's a coca cola contest going on, basically if you get a cap that wins you get a free coke. So when I walked inside and went up to the cooler I reached inside to the end and tried to feel if there was a winning coke back there. My hand moved over a bottle and I picked it up, a few minutes later voila! I had a winning coke, and the cap is in my pocket, one that I plan to use today.

Sometimes I can see numbers in other peoples heads, sometimes I can't. If anyone has any other websites like the other that I posted please tell me. Thanx.
My grandmother and I have a fantastic telepathic contact, almost every time I think about calling her, she calls me. And when I beat her to it, she was always about to call me.


Those funny feelings that people often get are very common. But they are coincidences.

I'm sure everybody has had the experience of thinking somebody specific will phone them, and then suddenly the phone rings and sure enough it's the person they thought would phone. Amazing psychic procognition? 'fraid not.

The thing is: people tend to remember the spooky success stories and forget the failures. How many times have you thought somebody would phone you and they didn't? There's nothing amazing about that, is there, so you forget about it. You were wrong.

If you really want to test this effect scientifically, try this:

Keep a small notepad with you at all times. <i>Every</i> time you get a feeling that somebody will phone you, jot down on the pad the name of the person and the time. Do this for a week or two. If a person does ring you soon after you've had one of those feelings, write that down too. At the end of the time, count up the number of feelings which came true and the number which were wrong. How did you go? Remember to write down the time of the feeling and the time of the call (if there is one). What's the average time lag?

I would be interested to see results of any experiment like this posted here - perhaps in this thread. Let's check to see if these effects are real.

PS: You can do similar things with dreams. Whenever you have a dream, immediately write it down on your notepad beside the bed. After a couple of weeks, check how many of your dreams came true and how many didn't? Can you see the future? Or do you just have lucky guesses sometimes?
In her sleep, my daughter learns that certain women in her life have conceived a child that will be born. She comes to me the next morning and says, "Guess what!? So-and-so is having a baby, but she doesn't know it yet."

My daughter has informed me of the thirteen pregnancies of five women before the women themselves knew about them. Two of the women have four children, one has three children and two have one child each. Two of the women are relatives and the other three are close friends of my daughter. Based on the timing of the births, she somehow received and revealed the information to me around the time of conception.

So far, there has never been a false alarm. She's 13 for 13.

There is one exceptional note: One of those women did have an early miscarriage but my daughter did not learn about that conception in her sleep. (Or, maybe she did but did not want to say anything about it).
I've really wanted to get aroun to that, james r, I've been thinking about making a log for my predictions. I keep telling myself that something big is going to happen to me in two years and that I'll get married at 24, that the girl I have a crush on will lose that crush in one month and three weeks. I want to do what you've said but I'm worried I'll just put it off. On the weekend I'll try to get a small notepad and post the results a few weeks later.
Or, the thing is...what you chose to percieve. If all you are interested in experiencing is the physical reality, then that is all you will percieve.
And you can´t go around and writing everything down, then you would have no other life than documenting the documenting.
"Today I write something down, just to see if I can find proof of if I really wrote something down..."

All dreams aren´t future prediction, they can be so much more. Messages from your soul how to solve daily problems, often in a metaphoric form, specially designed for your inner perception parameters.
They can also be meetings with persons from past lives, paralell dimesions and from other places in the universe. Meetings with future, past and alternative present selves.

Blonde cupid, what a fantastic daughter you have. I hope you are encouraging her to explore her dreams further. :)

Telepathy can be used to contact every human you want, once you have good control over it.

It is a matter of feelings and pointing yourself in the right direction. Sometimes you get a Telepathic message from real strangers you really don't know.
What to do with such messages is sometimes very hard to figure out because you just don't know from who it is coming.

That can be very confusing and hard if you 'hear'or 'see' such message in your mind all of a sudden.
Very often it are messages from humans in need, but where and why is sometimes very difficult to figure out.

It happens a lot that you can make it clear after a couple of days, but it can also happen that you never know who it was you got the Telepathic message of...

Blonde Cupid, great daughter you have there. Hope everything will go well for her in life...;)

How many pregnancies has your daughter told you about which turned out to be false alarms? Do you remember and keep track of those ones? ;)
Thanks Bebelina and Banshee.


***How many pregnancies has your daughter told you about which turned out to be false alarms?***

As I said previously:

"So far, there has never been a false alarm. She's 13 for 13.

There is one exceptional note: One of those women did have an early miscarriage but my daughter did not learn about that conception in her sleep. (Or, maybe she did but did not want to say anything about it)."
Just a joke...Banshee, I can see that you now have 999 posts, if you turn the number around, what will you get?????
Oh nooo, the "demon number"!!!!:D :D :D

Still sceptical...sorry.


That does indeed sound impressive. 13 out of 13. Wow!

But, I'm still sceptical. The evidence is anecdotal. I'm not saying you're making up stories, but perhaps you just don't remember the times your daughter was wrong. Or maybe she hasn't really done this as many as 13 times.

Perhaps your daughter has special powers. Or maybe it's all coincidence, luck and selective memory. It's too early to tell yet, and the evidence is insufficient to judge, at least from my point of view.
When your reality is constructed of intangibles anything intangible will work.

When your reality is contructed of tangibles anything tangible will work.

And then there's the little pig who built his house out of sticks.
Let me just start by saying PLEASE do not rip on mr. g. He's just posting his opinion, and when he's on the sciforums it's his godgiven right.

I'm not coming from a skeptics view, but banshee, if you can talk to anyone telepathically why don't you tell bush to stop launching missiles at missiles and to start funding schools and social security rather than his star wars shield or this worthless war on terrorism.

By the way I heard that on the end of Ramadan (which is in early January I think) there's going to be another terrorist attack, the sources were sketchy (it was that john walker guy) but since it's such a prominent day on the Islamic callender I'd just keep yer eyes open.

Well put, Mr. G, but I believe that intangibles can turn into a tangible product. Take life on Earth, for example-we have no idea how it started but I've heard from my old science teacher that one of the more prominent theories is that life actually came from lifeless matter, that something incredibly powerful was made out of something totally useless, at least in an organic sense.

Tell me I'm right?
Yes, the intangible becomes tangible and vice versa.

About telepathy then, you can never force yourself into someones head and tell them what to think and how to act. That would be a violation of that persons integrity.


Bebelina, I stopped yesterday on purpose at the 999 post. What do you think...? It was such a nice number.;)

Shrike, you are not allowed to go and break in to somebody's mind.

And then, bush is probably to closed minded to be in telepathic contact with.:p To busy with his secrecy plans to terrorize the world. Haven't you heard about the terrible 'things' the security guards and the police of the United(??????) States do to foreign inhabitants of this country? Not in the least to speak of how they treat the origal inhabitants, the Native Indians at the moment?

Not the topic about the war on terrorisme.

Telepathy is a useful ability which can help to have contact with a human you know of and who needs help, in any way. It is not coincidence because coincidence does not exist. Everything happens for a reason.

The young daughter of Blonde Cupid has obviuous a Telepathic abilty. She tells it right every time but in one case, in which the pregnancy was false. Perhaps she has felt it like an uneasy feeling which she couldn't tell clearly.
It happens often that a human with Telepathic ability gets messages from others and can tell how and what and where. The daughter of Blonde Cupid is a very good example of this.

There are occasions also in which the Telepath gets a message and does not know from who or how and where and what.
Then you can figure that out. But most of the times you come to the solution and you know about a lttle time.:)
Coincidence does not exist. Everything happens for a reason.

ALMOST the exact same words of Fred Durst.
~*No, not from the movie I've been bragging about*~

My words are a little vise versa.
Whitout reason, nothing happens.
It's the same or totally different, it's how your perspective is.

To fall back on the coincidence, I don't belive in it completely.
Maybe there are 1 or 2 things that are coincidence, but so rarely that telepathy is more common and mistaken by coincidence.

Banshee, do you remember what I told you about my mom and dad?
I think I have a broader emotional and telepathic band whit my dad than my mom.
Last saturday, he said again the exact same words as I was thinking, about 1.5 seconds later :D

And last sunday, I was at my brothers for computer engenering ;)
My mom didn't know where I did go to...
I said, *That's mom, I know it for sure* she thought that I would be there.

Somewhat later, an hour or 2, I tried to purposly sense it.
I didn't say it loud, I thought, that's mom, when I heard my "sister-in-law" speak, I thought false alarm...
My feelings got clouded by thought, and started to assume "That's Sheila".
She hang's up, she said that it WAS my mom and that she wanted to remind something...

I don't think so...

Well, what do you say about that James R.?

correct = 1
false = 0
optioned = 0.5

1st case: Mom -> Dad & me : correct
2nd case: Dad <-> me : correct
3rd case: Mom calls <- me : correct
4th case: Mom calls 2nd time <- me : optioned

3.5 out of 4, that's 87.5% accurate.

Be honnest, not bad huh?
I've had more things, lately it's clearer to me...

But I gotta go.
