
I know I am risking being laughed out of here....

But I hope you won’t. This is a sincere post about something I truly believed was real, at the time. I will relate a personal experience that occurred about thirty years ago. This will be a necessarily long recital, because it is necessary to include my train of thought at the time, and how I arrived at the conclusions that I did.

Everybody, I suppose, has "thought" something and then the person next to him says the very same thing. It had happened to me occasionally before, and I generally wrote it off as big deal.

But during a period of a week, I was experiencing this phenomenon several times a day. I was curious as to why this was happening and tried to figure it out. I rejected body-language as a cause, because often the people were not in my direct view when this would occur. Then I began to consider telepathy as a possibility, but I had problems with that scenario.

For one thing, the thoughts I was having that were being spoken by others were "my" thoughts. I mean, they were in "my" voice, so far as one has a sound to one's thoughts. So I considered that perhaps I was somehow projecting my thoughts to others, and they were subconsciously picking them up and blurting them out. But this did not make sense, either. In fact, the thoughts I am referring to seemed to not be part of my own train of thought at the moment, but rather foreign to whatever was on my mind.

My next move was to question what another's thoughts would sound like were I to receive them directly into my mind. Would they sound different; would there be a tonal quality difference, for example, would a woman's thoughts be higher pitched in my mind than a man's? I decided that they would all probably sound alike and impossible to differentiate from my own thoughts based on "sound", so if it was indeed telepathy, it was useless.

Buy then I had an idea. I decided to pay very close attention to <i>what</i> I was thinking. In other words, every minute or so I would stop and review my train of thought, seeing how one thought led to another, etc. And when a thought popped into my head that seemed to not be the result of my current pattern of thought, a red flag went up and I waited.

To my great surprise, it worked. A great majority of the time when this occurred, someone in the room would soon say the very words I had picked out. I still could not tell <i>who</i> the thought was coming from, but I was making progress nonetheless.

I was young, in my twenties, and I began showing off this "talent". Nobody really believed me, I'm afraid, so one day one of my skeptical friends was visiting and I had a small notepad and pencil in my hand while we were chatting. I was doing my mental exercise during this conversation when one of those foreign thoughts entered my head. I quickly wrote it down, and sure enough my friend said those very words. I instantly handed him the paper. He read it, turned white, got up and left. I never saw him again.

I realized then that what I was doing might not be such a good thing: people could get very upset and feel violated if they thought someone could hear their personal thoughts. It upset me so much I stopped trying, and have not done it intentionally to this day.

But I still believe that it was real, and I further believe that I could do it again if I tried. I'll go even farther and say that <i>anybody</i> should be able to do this. I would suggest that any interested try my formula and see if it works. It does require some concentration, something I am usually lacking in these days,
but I think it would be worth a try to anyone that really wanted to check it out. I would be interested in any positive results.
Hi John L!

First of all, if anybody laughs or worse just take it with a grain of salt; you're entitled to your opinion and to express it freely. I've had a lot of experience with what you're describing and one time in particular I remember hearing somebody's words in my head. What happened was I thought they spoke the words out loud and then instantly realized I hadn't heard them with my ears. I don't know how else to describe it. Another time I thought something at my husband when we were both working in the garden. I was kneeling in front of the flower bed and he was going around the edge of the lawn with the weed-whacker. When he went around behind me I thought, "Don't cut my heels." (I was barefoot.) He turned off the w-w and said, "What did you say?" And I said, "I didn't say anything." And he said, "Yes you did, you said 'don't cut my heels'" And I said, "No I didn't, I only thought it, but I didn't say it out loud because I knew you wouldn't hear me." He was still skeptical and I said, "Hey I know what it feels like when I move my lips. I did not say the words out loud." He believed me then. So he actually heard my thoughts in his head. That was kind of cool. I've had that happen a lot where I'll think something and then somebody will say it. I, too, have thought, "Did I pick up on their thoughts before they spoke them or did I somehow project my thoughts and they said them?" Your experiments are very interesting, I don't know if I have the discipline to monitor my thoughts like that. I do agree with you about respecting someone's privacy, so I don't try to make it happen, project or receive, and I stopped saying, "I was just thinking that!" a long time ago because I was just saying it too often :) Well, now we're probably BOTH going to get laughed at or worse. I've come to expect it here and my skin's a little tougher now. I remember when I told "them" I could make dogs stop barking. oh boy, did I get a load of **** for that. LOL
John L
You did not violate their privacy. What you got was something they planned to say. That is they had formed the intension to say it. Your mind just saved them the trouble of verbalising the thought.

Not always. There were a few times I "heard" things that were not vocalized, and if I "heard" correctly, for good reason. But since they never confirmed these particular things by orating them, I can never be 100% sure if it they were real or I imagined them.
John L,

It can happen that you receive information that someone for some reason does not say but that still is not a violation of their privacy. It is more like an inadvertantly overheard conversation. The information was in their public mind or it would not have leaked.

It becomes an invasion of privacy if you delibertly try to access information someone wishes to keep secret. Such information is usually not floating around in the public mind but held in guarded parts of the mind but strong psychics can sometimes force their way into others private areas.

As long as you are not forcing yourself into private areas do not worry about any stray impressions you get. It is probably best not to tell some closed minded types that they are leaking. They really can not handle the information so it is kinder to leave them uninformed.