
Originally posted by MRC_Hans
Plus, as I also mentioned above, we KNOW that the human brain is not sensitive to EM waves, because if it was, you would "hear" radio signals.

So put those two things together:

Transmitted signals are so weak they are drowned out by noise
No receiver sensitivity
No communication.

Again: There is no physical mechanism that could support telepathy.

Who's been lying to you? Of course the brain is sensitive to EM waves, it's not even a matter of speculation anymore, hasn't been for years. It's observable fact. Countless government funded studies by the worlds biggest nations, including ours, has already reconciled this. It's the reason many european countries have instituted laws regarding an age limit for possessing a cellular phone: The EM radiation from cell phones has been linked to cancer; brain tumors in children especially because their brains, having not fully developed, are more sensitive to the effects of the EM waves. Just one small example.

There are organically synthesized magnetite crystals located in the sinuses of the human ethmoid bone. R. Baker, 1983. Just one among other many experiments conducted regarding the human body's ability to detect electromagnetic phenomena. Experiments have been conducted in which the hypothesis was tested stating that these crystals are used(by the numbers of nerve endings in the immediate area) by the brain to orient itself to the poles.

If you don't know anything about the DC perineural system and it's electromagnetic fields, then you really need to read up. It's existence provides the only theory of parapsychology that's amenable to direct experiment. It yields hypothesis for almost all such phenomena.
<i>The EM radiation from cell phones has been linked to cancer.</i>

I don't think so.
EM radiation has been linked to cancer.... but you'd need one really big cell phone.
Originally posted by James R
I don't think so.

I think so.

A university of Washington study exposed rat brains to microwave levels at the smae level emitted by cell phones resulting in breaks in the DNA associating with increased free radicals and increased cell death, and cancer. It has been found that people who sleep with a cell phone by their bed have poor REM sleep, relating to melatonin reduction, which is commonly linked to cancer. Leif G Salford of Lund University Hospital in Sweden found that cell phone radiation caused the blood brain barrier to break down. His continuing research shows 2 percent brain cell destruction in rats, like the study mentioned above. Many of the rats were exposed to a level much less than the normal cel phone peak radiation level. 70% of people experience a change in biological rhythms due to cell phone radiation.

Salford, L.G., Et al. In press. Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones. Environmental Health Perspectives. Abstract available.

Also, four times the radiation emitted from the cell phone has been found to come from the little handsfree earpiece people buy.

Best of Show:

Researchers in Sweden found a 30% increased risk for brain tumors in regular cell phone users. I'll let you read it for yourself;

And while you're at it, browse around that last site for a bit if you need a little more convincing.
For all you skeptics out there, telepathy is real..

How so:confused:, You ask?

The way our body functions is that of our brain sending signals (impulses) throughout our body. The theory of metaphysics is that if our brain can send these signals throughout our body, why can't we project them outside of our body? Think about that, y'all.
Allow me to embelish a bit on The Avatar's explanation. What I believe he is trying to say is this:


As you know, everything is made up of molecules. Everything. The human body is controlled by having the brain send electrical signals to separate parts of the body, having them react in the way desired. So, if the brain can send signals to the body, why can't it send electrical signals through the air, to alter reality outside of the body? I.E. Altering the properties of something, perhaps speeding up the molecules in an effort to make it faster. Why not? Even air is made up of molecules?

[I know the theory needs a bit more work, but bear with me here]


I know the Avatar personally and introduced this concept to him...I presume he was trying to resonate it in the above post.

Not sure if that theory is entirely correct for this applies a bit more to Telekinesis than Telepathy...but with a bit o' word-twisting you might be able to mold it to Telepathy, as well.


Edit: I shortened my original paragraph...cutting it down to the core issues. The whole 'paragraph' can be found on the following site: Abilities.html
Perhaps this thread is a bit too old to revive, but.. (I'm not such a frequent visitor here).

Sure, EM waves have effect on the brain (like possible cancer generation), but that is not what we are talking about. We are talking about passing information from one brain to another, and not even just over a short range; most anecdotes about telepathy involve considerable distances.

There is no mechanism for this known to science. You can always hypothesize that some perfectly natural, yet undiscovered mechanism exists, but that remains pure speculation.

Science is quite cabable of handling the unexplained: If it exists, you can test it. So with telepathy; even with absolutely no knowledge of HOW telepathy might work, it is perfectly possible to design experiments to test IF it works.

Such experiments have been carried out, but all fall in at least one of the following categories:

- Negative results.
- Inconclusive results.
- Flawed protocols.

About the brain communicating with the body:
Yes, the brain communicates with the body. We know the ways it does this in great detail, it happens mostly by electrochemical signalling and with hormones.

Neither of these travel through the air. ....... Actually that is not quite true: Some hormones result in the production of pheromones, scent materials, which can be used for certain communication between persons. This, however, does not fall within the normal definition of telepathy.

Originally posted by MRC_Hans
This, however, does not fall within the normal definition of telepathy.

As I said before, Hans:

Originally posted by Ozymandias applies a bit more to Telekinesis than Telepathy...

I know my former post was kind of off-topic, but I was just trying to elaborate on The Avatar's first post...nothing wrong with that, right?

I would like to present a scenerio. Let there be two people. Perhaps they know of each other, perhaps they don't. One has lost his keys. The other finds them. Is is so hard to believe, that a sub-conscious mind can communicate with another sub-conscious mind?

No, there is not, at this time, empirical evidence which gives the proof skeptics need. However, I believe the problem is with the experiments. Telepathy, as far as I see, is hardly a consciously directed affair. But when experiencing instances, such as the one above, the simplicity becomes obvious.

Just my two cents.
Originally posted by MRC_Hans
There is no mechanism for this known to science. You can always hypothesize that some perfectly natural, yet undiscovered mechanism exists, but that remains pure speculation.

Yes, there is. No hypothesis needed. ELF waves travel consistently the length and breadth of the world without dying out. They are the only electromagnetic waves that do so undisturbed. Very weak signals that ALSO relate to the DC perineural system as far as strength of signal. So, the electrical system that makes our body work and our cells communicate to each other works on the same level of ELF waves that can travel the world unhindered and undiminished by outside effects. Doesn't take much of a leap of faith.
<i>Let there be two people. Perhaps they know of each other, perhaps they don't. One has lost his keys. The other finds them. Is is so hard to believe, that a sub-conscious mind can communicate with another sub-conscious mind?</i>

Why is it so much harder for some people to believe that coincidences can happen?
Originally posted by James R
<i>Let there be two people. Perhaps they know of each other, perhaps they don't. One has lost his keys. The other finds them. Is is so hard to believe, that a sub-conscious mind can communicate with another sub-conscious mind?</i>

Why is it so much harder for some people to believe that coincidences can happen?

I don't deny that this is certainly a possibility. And very well may have been in the instance noted above. However, what is the point of a pursuit of knowledge if we cannot at least entertain the idea, as your quote suggests?

I don't want to debate with you. I know I need to be more of a skeptic, but.. in the same thought, I believe to have seen too many coincidences for them all to be coincidences. And I like seeking possibility. With this, the simple becomes clear, the mystery is no longer. Since we are uncertain to the magnitude of the potential of the mind, we can continue to entertain these possibilities until the 'answer' is found.
If you are interested in learning about telepathy I recommend YOUR SIXTH SENSE by Belleruth Naparstek.
So just because we cannot currently measure them why can't they be significant? Because this is not just a question of equipment sensitivity. Everywhere around us there exists a noise floor, that is, even if we turned off all man-made radio sources, there would be a thermal noise background coming from the Sun, the Universe, and even from Earth itself. Any EM waves emitted from the brain are several orders of magnitude weaker than this noise floor. This is the reason we cannot measure them; they are drowned out by noise.
Measure the brain, what do you find? Noise.
I would actually think that the more powerful EM waves are easier to sort away by the brain, what we think of as weak can easily be changed by the brain, so that the weak signals becomes great signals and vice versa.

Ok, so then we have alot of weak signals some from other minds, some from natural sources (like the background radiation), now picture that the brain has a kind of receiver, that picks out the signals that carries a certain pattern, or a certain frequency (or both) then we have the means of telepathy.

My personal belief though, is that each part of the brain, doesn't know what the other part is thinking. I think everything is guessing. Each part receives a environment-feeling (closely linked to atmosphere) from that feeling it has to guess what it has to do. When the part get it wrong then the atmosphere changes negativly, when the part get it right, then the atmosphere changes positivly.

When we talk to another person it is exactly the same thing, we feel a atmosphere and guess what the other person means based on the atmosphere, when we get it right, when we know what the other person meant then we get a positive atmosphere and we feel somehow "connected" and happy :).

Our mood controls the atmosphere as much as the atmosphere controls our mood (this is mostly visible when many people talk about something), haven't you had the experiance when the atmosphere changes and everyone felt it? The atmosphere is the link between persons and judging from the atmosphere we can guess what the other persons are thinking (the same way as the parts in the brain).

There is a higher level of being, and we are the parts, while we do what we think is for our own good it has another purpose (both for our own good however) and we are "blinded" from the truth, because it's dangerous for the truth to be known (cause then we could really make a mess, there are bad people out there).
I said that there are "bad people" out there, but what I really meant is that there are bad actions and the ignorance to avoid what's good for everyone. There are no "bad people", there's hope for everyone.
HAHAHA, i love it, i read one comment here which summs up what science thinks of things that cant or havent been explained yet.

It aint possible cause bubba, me and that fella over there say so.

Honestly, everything is possible, there are just more efficient ways of going about things.

For the lady that posted that she had a psychic experience, good for you. Dont listen to other people that tell you you're either lying, and idiot, or it never happened. Who cares? it was your precious experience. Altough you should try doing it over distances and i think it'll work just the same.

Science doesnt like saying, we cant prove it, but it might be possible. Science would rather say we cant prove it, therefore its not possible.

There is so much to learn, so much to discover, yet everybody just dismisses things such as "psychic', energy healing, people talking to angels.

Have an open mind, if you dont believe in it, dont bother shooting other people down over it.
Another thing that bothers me, is that people reject something just because of the sound of it. That's probably the real reason why people dismiss these things without even thinking much about it.
If you have questions about the existance of telepathy as well as other parapsychological topics, go to It even has some pictures and movie clips of people performing some of these things...This isn't spam, its just that theres too much information and theory (and theoretical information, lol) about this topic to make one post...hope this helped some :)
I thought that the general scientific view of psychic powers, particularly telepathy was "if people do have telepathy, we are pretty sure that it is not an electromagnetic phenomenon."

That's the only hard science I've ever heard on telepathy - it's probably not electromagnetic. A good scientist does not try to explain something that they don't know about.