

Registered Senior Member
is there any known case of telepathy , someone who could really read other people's thoughts or even to communicate with others , any links , anything ,
:confused: :D
no, not that I know of. And if you try to say that you're telepathic all the skeptics here will jump down your throat. btw, i've experienced the above :) Now all you skeptics, just leave me alone, please :)

It was probably a coincidence, but I'm sure it seemed real.
well.. there might be. As far as i'm concerned, anyone who says they can read minds is probably joking. But as for subconcious telepathy, more like intuition... i see it as a possibility.
Telepathy is not real.

All forms of communication require a mechanical or electromagnetic or biochemical medium.
This is because all data are mechanically or electromagnetically or biochemically recorded observations; all knowledge must have a physical existence.
Since it has no known medium, telepathy is not a real form of the transferral of information.

[EDIT] I forgot genetics, so I had to add "biochemical" to the list.[/edit]
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Since it has no known medium, telepathy is not a real form of the transferral of information.

The key words there are no known medium. You don't say there isn't one, you just say people haven't found one. Thus there could still be a way that people either just don't have the proper means of discovering or that they don't want to think about because it is too similar to magic or the occult.
Originally posted by Dearprudence

I had an _extraordinary_ experience involving my cat. At the time, I wasn't into boozing or smoking or doing up around my cat, so no one can accuse me of being under the "influence". I was very sober during his short life with me.

Anyway, he was always summoning us to open the door to let him out and on this particular afternoon I decided to keep him indoors and ignore his little authorized requests, although he was being so cute about it. No, I was busy and I had just let him out 5 minutes ago. The darling wasn't pleased! And just as I walked across the room -- and this **did** happen -- I heard him meow while simultaneously hearing words!!! "You don't want me going into the garden," he cried. I swear, time stood still for several seconds while I gaped and shook my head...
I believe you. I don't care what anybody else says. I think that is so cool that happened. It sounds so cute, too. I can just "hear" him saying/crying "you don't want me going into the garden!" That is so neat. So it sounds like you'd be receptive to one of MY stories :) My husband and I were working in the garden. I was on my knees weeding the flower bed and he had just finished mowing and was going around the edges with the weed whacker. I was barefoot and when he got to me and started to go around I thought IN MY HEAD "dont cut my heels." He turned off the ww and said, "what did you say?" and I said i didn't say anything. and he said, "yeah you did. you said 'don't cut my heels.'" And I (amazed) told him I only thought it, i didn't say it. He said, "Yeah you did. I heard it." And I said, "Look, I know when my lips move and when they don't. I did not say it out loud. Besides you wouldn't have heard me over the ww anyway. I would've had to yell." He realized I was right and he thinks it's really cool that we had that little telepathic experience. Now, all you skeptics. Please don't harrass me about this. I don't care if you believe it or not. I'm not going to argue with you or try to convince. So please just leave me alone. Thanks.
If you want to be left alone, don't force us to look at the eye-sore of your posted supernatural experiences, you dumb broad.
Dear Prudence, it's pretty sad isn't it, that some people (for whatever reason) think it's okay to be cruel and rude and abusive. I mean, what if I was this guy's sister, posting under an alias, and he directed those words at me? I don't think anybody has ever called me a dumb broad before, at least not to my face. I actually think I'm a very intelligent woman. I just ignore these people now. They can say what they want, I just won't respond to them or get drawn into any kind of verbal battles. It's not worth my time. I actually left the board for a few months because I was so sick of all the abusive posts directed at people who just wanted to share some interesting experiences. So, as I said, I just ignore people like this. Get this- I can predict the future. This guy, the one who called me a dumb broad, is just waiting for me to respond to him so he can heap more abuse on me. And here's another peek into the future. I'm not going to respond directly to him. Sure, his words might be hurtful, but I suppose there's a reason he's a mean person. I kind of feel sorry for him. But I'm an optimist, and think there are more open-minded people here than close-minded. Well, having got all that off my chest (because I wouldn't be human if it didn't hurt my feelings for someone to call me names) I'll respond to your post :) Here's my theory on how telepathy works - if you and I were standing next to each other it would appear that the space between us is empty when, in reality, it's filled with molecules of oxygen, nitrogen, etc. Energy lies at the heart of atoms inside the molecules. Thought is energy. This energy can travel across the "medium" between us from my brain to yours. Where the 'receptors' are I have no idea and haven't given much thought to. But that's what I've come up with so far. What do you think? And it obviously doesn't do any good to politely ask skeptics to not harrass me, so to those of you who feel it necessary to be abusive, I guess I can't stop you, but could you just try to restrain yourself? Just a little? thanks and ttfn dear prudence.
All forms of communication require a mechanical or electromagnetic or biochemical medium.
Oh, so I'm not using my biochemical/bioelectrical brain to interpret the electromagnetic signals travelling through the medium of "air" to my biomechanical/bioelectrical eyes?
Ahh, so this is all a figment of my imagination:eek:
When i was thinking for reading human minds Ive gone mad for a long time, now im better but still suffering from side efects. So whats the difference, so what if its true, so what if you can do it? I dont care, go read someone elses mind, not mine, you wont find anything revolutionary in me nor someone else.

Everything is already seen and everything is already found. Go find something else, if you keep doing this and if you read my mind some day you will probably go mad, just like me long time ago!

The best telepathy is talking with people, talking about feelings and dreams and other important stuff, not this. You would be amazed for what lies here, maybe a revolution of your mind!

Talking about telepathy is just like talking to pets. Do they get you or just swing their tales?
Imagine that u are a telepath, what do you see? Do you see urself as a part of this world or someone who can change things for better? And how you could do this? By talking or comment about another person? It dont change a bit, everything is still the same, you finnish in a looney house for years and even living in a cave or forrest alone of not beeing capable to stay with others as you could not stand it.
The idea of telepathy should be designed as I think something like traveling to unknown, talking to someone uve never met (higher beeings), gaining experience and in the end coming back as you my friend by realizing this idea have just been stated that you are sick and in need of medical attention!
Dearprudence you talk about telepathy but i cant see a mind of your own reading other peoples minds as u critize me in a worse way as i stated here :
By talking or comment about another person? It dont change a bit, everything is still the same,

For doing telepathy a man just need to have a mental skill for processing all the given data.

Imagine urself in the city, the biggest street you can imagine as you walk by the poeople, do you espect to hear only few people or all of them?

In my opinion it could start by all people and where will you be then? Thats what i stated in my second post and im still behind it.

First goes ur pet, then maybe if ur up to it and seeking knowledge start with people one by one and then, what you think? Well, considering what i stated all stands to it.
Its not something new but there is lots about it.

If i say that I speak with gods, would you believe it?
Do you need any proof? Ill give you the answer:

If you believe I speak with gods, then there is no room for you even if you come there!
If you need a proof, then all I can say is: U will never get there.

As for telepathy it all comes in one package u like it or not. Package may contain lots of colours, but what if it comes to black?
Anyways, what do you see by term black? It all depends on what you see and that is a mental skill for proccesing given data.

And one more thing: go see the doctor, pets anyways dont think in words, have you considered it as ur mind just be playing?
Ignore Them

dearprudence, I don't think there's any scientific proof that telepathy exists, but I still believe in it. I'm not going to try to convince anybody of it because it's a waste of time and I simply don't care if they believe it or not. I don't need for "them" to believe it in order to validate my own beliefs. But I do like hearing other people's stories. Here's one a friend told me - she was doing homework and it was getting late and darkish in the room and she looked at her desk lamp and thought, "I should turn that on." And it came on all by itself! Coincidence? Maybe. Some kind of electrical surge? Maybe. Will the skeptics and rude people here post an abusive response to this story? Maybe. But it doesn't matter. I just don't care what they think. Some people are so close-minded there's no talking to them. But this is a free board and if I want to share a story that I think might interest you, I will. I really do like that one about your cat! Anything else 'interesting' happen to you? I don't care how far-fetched it sounds, I'd like to hear it. And anybody else's experiences with any form of esp. thanks, jane
Noone here is close minded, especially me, well i think so.
But you still dont get it janeelsa, u wont find anything about it from stories of ur friends and from here!
All the stories you say are so minor, think global will you?

Think of god and what he (she) can bring you!
I even wouldnt rely on it!

This can go on and on but you will stay on ur own course as this what you see isnt real, and when it becomes a true reality u will be in the biggest street in the largest city processing given data, not here. THINK GLOBAL
I'd recommend Rupert Sheldrake's new book: The Sense of Being Stared At, for anyone looking for a summary of some recent investigations into telepathy.

Not everything in it is "cold hard" evidence, but he does give some good descriptions of experiments he's been involved in. He also presents a good summary of historical experiments such as those performed by Rhine.

It's fairly clear that if telepathy does exist, it is a process subject to high levels of noise and it is only manifests in statistical tests as the ability for a subject to score better than chance. As such, it is very inefficient as a means of transferring information compared to conventional means.
hi, hehe
you sound like you have a good attitude. I can hear the smile in your words. I'm sorry for being rude. I just get so tired of some people here trying to 'educate' me. I've spent decades of my life philosophising and theorizing about the meaning of life and god/dess, where did we come from, where are we going, how does something work. I am an intelligent woman and I'm always refining my personal philosophy to meet MY personal, emotional and spiritual needs. I don't have all the answers, nobody does. But I can't just sit like a bump on a log and say, "Well, I guess I'll never know so why bother trying to figure it out." I HAVE to think, to try to reason, to logically come up with possible answers to "Why?" But I never try to convince anybody that my way of thinking is the "right" way. I present ideas and theories I've come up with just to share. That's it. And I like to hear other people's ideas and stories because they often give me food for thought. But I don't try to force my ideas on others and I don't like others doing it to me. I guess that's about it. Just wanted to explain myself.
Well, thats better!

I was only saying about people that go far beyond limits as thinking of something, not to loose their minds in it.
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Bike dream

Originally posted by Dearprudence

One experience I had that was also fun but weird, but perplexing at the time, was a dream I had.

[dream] I cycled to the gym for a work-out. Normally, I take the back entrance; rarely the front. On that afternoon I locked-up my bike (Apollo) at the front, where the bicycle stands are located. After my work-out, I returned to the stands but couldn't find Apollo anywhere. I turned and saw someone sitting on the front steps. I asked him if he had seen anyone near my bike. He nodded yes. I woke up. [/dream]

[reality] I cycled to the gym for a work-out, something I rarely did. Normally, I'd take the back entrance; rarely the front. On that occasion I locked-up my bike at the front, where the bike-stands are located. After my work-out, I returned to the stands and like twirled around in circles 'cause I couldn't believe that my beautiful Apollo was nowhere to be seen! I shifted around hurriedly at the front steps. A man was sitting there. I asked him, might have you seen anyone near my bike -- even though I realized it was a futile question. He nodded no. I took the subway back home feeling utterly lonely. [/reality]
It sounds like you had a precognitive dream. Did the real event happen the very next day or a few days later? Did you remember your dream when you woke up in the morning? I'm sorry someone took your bike. That's a real bummer. I dreamt about a plane crash once and then saw it on the news the next day. The scene on TV was the exact same one as in my dream. It was weird. That part about the lights is cool, too. Thanks for sharing :)