Telepathy - read someone's mind

Checked your Facebook page and found you haven't got any good response over the topic for research on telepathy...

Anyway in my view telepathy is a psychic ability to transmit messages from one mind to another and is a natural ability of the human mind(some have strong while others have weak to feel it).
Few years back I read a short story by H.G.Wells (don't remember the name of the story though) where two friends experiment telepathy by sitting in different locations. Atlast they succeed, but one of them loses his mind. Great story. It made me believe that telepathy is true and the way the author supports the concept really makes us believe that there is some scientific support also for it.
Anyway in my view telepathy is a psychic ability to transmit messages from one mind to another and is a natural ability of the human mind(some have strong while others have weak to feel it).
In your view?
Any evidence to support that view?

It made me believe that telepathy is true and the way the author supports the concept really makes us believe that there is some scientific support also for it.
It isn't, and there isn't isn't.
It isn't, and there isn't isn't.

Aha! So there is? Got you now, you doubting Dywyddyr. I am sending a telepathic attack at your mind this very moment, so you'd better have your tin foil hat ready, or whatever the hell it was Stryder figured would work better.
Forcing thoughts to one mind is very possible, and much, much more utilized than people realize, but communicating mind to mind has not been achived yet, but, imo, with the ability to read ones eyes, and face can lead to the ability to read ones mind.
With who? Anybody? Could you do it with me? Can you read my mind?

Can you move muscles on my body from a distance?

How far apart can you be for your telepathy to work? Is distance a factor?

M*W: I've found that being with the same person for 20 years, we do communicate telepathically. I don't know if it is truly ESP or just a heightened sensitivity to each other. For example, I'll be thinking of something, even if it just comes into my head, and lo and behold, my partner/friend will say it out loud. Now, he's not especially sensitive in other areas, but it's as if he anticipates what I'm thinking. Like I said, we don't have to dwell on the thought for very long. I don't know if he's picking up my thoughts or if I'm picking up his thoughts, but the thoughts are usually generated by me (what I want to do, what I need from the store, what's going on with family, etc.). It always amazes me, though.
Mind to mind teleportational instructions

M*W: I've found that being with the same person for 20 years, we do communicate telepathically. I don't know if it is truly ESP or just a heightened sensitivity to each other. For example, I'll be thinking of something, even if it just comes into my head, and lo and behold, my partner/friend will say it out loud. Now, he's not especially sensitive in other areas, but it's as if he anticipates what I'm thinking. Like I said, we don't have to dwell on the thought for very long. I don't know if he's picking up my thoughts or if I'm picking up his thoughts, but the thoughts are usually generated by me (what I want to do, what I need from the store, what's going on with family, etc.). It always amazes me, though.

Hello, and thanks for you sharing your experiences :
What do think this [ picking up of another persons thoughts are ] due to ?
Could it be that certain peripheral aspects of the minds of both of you, due to extensive togetherness over the years, and exposure, along with familiarity over time has forged together, not only a personal mental union but, a mental sphere of commonality, or collective need, to act in the best interest of members of that commonality, namely you and your spouse. And this ( picking up of thoughts ) is justified mainly in the context of doing things out a need of mutual benefit, and that in turn, effectuates a brain wave entwining of frequency intervention on a sub par zone level to bi communicate mutual thoughts together, which you may or may not, both be aware of, and this chemical interaction,action, can be comparative to the mental art form called discussed here known as [ telepathy }?

Opinions cheerfully expressed, whether in consensus or in disagreement, help understanding and
collaboration with one another!

Sciforums, where the impossible is explained!
Hello, and thanks for you sharing your experiences :
What do think this [ picking up of another persons thoughts are ] due to ?
Could it be that certain peripheral aspects of the minds of both of you, due to extensive togetherness over the years, and exposure, along with familiarity over time has forged together, not only a personal mental union but, a mental sphere of commonality, or collective need, to act in the best interest of members of that commonality, namely you and your spouse. And this ( picking up of thoughts ) is justified mainly in the context of doing things out a need of mutual benefit, and that in turn, effectuates a brain wave entwining of frequency intervention on a sub par zone level to bi communicate mutual thoughts together, which you may or may not, both be aware of, and this chemical interaction,action, can be comparative to the mental art form called discussed here known as [ telepathy }?

Opinions cheerfully expressed, whether in consensus or in disagreement, help understanding and
collaboration with one another!

Sciforums, where the impossible is explained!

Yeah that sound about the same thing several of us have concluded , but in a traditional sense is it really telepathy like we think of by mystical notions , or is it more of a natural instinct to anticipate. Like the base ball player swinging the bat . Does the player really know were the ball is by hand eye coordination or is there other senses involved in perception of were the ball is at a given time . Lets take computer games and the ability to navigate the pit falls of the game. I know skill levels go up the more you play the game , but is it not just ability to anticipate that makes it so and the more you play the better you become at anticipating which way to wiggle the fingers on buttons . Think about the lightening speed in which this all happens . It suggests telepathy to me which I would venture to guess is an anticipation mechanism built into us
Hi, and greetings and salutations , Me-Ki-Gal,
and thanks for sharing your ideas on the subject!

And an interesting one it is indeed, because it is not a concept we should forget about, because in comes into play, we would dare say in ways that are derivative from multiple mental primal instinctive aspects of the human experience.

Yes, the anticipatory, eye to object coordination, heightening of time synchronization of an adept player of the game of baseball, who under duress to perform, might scoop out of his mind, the capability to get the timing just right, to hit an approaching missile incoming fast in the form of a baseball, and make it reverse course, and result in a favorable outcome for him and his dependent team members wishing for him, harmonically, to achieve for them, in a crunch!

And yes, again, gamers mind melding, with the device controller buttons interface, in which it becomes an auto exterior attachment of the body, equal to the fingers the player has naturally, and on top of that the aura of palpable electrical pulses of excitement generated out of the players body, by the desire of the instinctive animal forces to hunt and be victorious at a communal task, based in the intensifying levels of competitiveness, bordering on insanity, exemplified by almost psychotic focusing of the fixed wide eyes look of the gamer, as he ticks away at the games parameters in a mad quest to win at any cost !

But, less we forget the innate obscurated abilities, embedded in our psychic nature thanks to special genes evolutionary selection processes,
that rise up and through our sweat glands to perforate the air by releasing danger laden signals in the form of pheromones that our love ones and neighbors on your side, or tribe, can sense, as in affect, a warning to immediately mobilize, now! ( for example : in a scene out of the wild west where for instance, pioneering setters sense a situation in the air that something is not right, and this is picked up by other members of the team or tribe of people, They communally get a sense of impending danger and instinctively all thats needed to validate that sense, is a sound, or a visual in the distance of impending attackers, and now with their minds attuned and open they can act as sensing receptors, similar to that found in a dog.

Ones thoughts get perceived throughout the senses of everybody, the impulse to stop and drop, what other activities they were doing, and prepare for battle : women gather the babies and retire them, and the men to circle the wagons, the indians , or pirates, or insurgent rebels, or whoever bad are coming! Now activated, they take an defensive posture, to protect their fellow members and them selves, to rush to repel the attackers by arming them selves and without hesitancy, acting to thwart the malicious impending attack of an fulminative and intimidating intruders, by any means necessary! With any weapons possible, a gun if no gun, a sword,if no sword a club, if no club a boulder across the skull till dead, and without even thinking about it, because the animal primal survival mechanisms have been biologically and telepathically activated!

The adrenaline is rising and one must push the peddle to the metal!

A herd of buffalo burst forth running at the smell of the lion in the wind and the instinctive telepathic warning signals have been transmitted to the herd. A burst of birds jumping into sky to escape, as a black wolf approaches suddenly out of bushes, and the wolf bestowed by nature with array of sensing tools is well prepared too, to do what he must do. So too man has these innate inherited flight or fight genes, along with other instinct based attributes, often they lay dormant, only to rise to occasion, when deadly situations suddenly warrant them.
A mental processes could be formatted along these lines : mentally and emphatically an intense line of thinking must first must clarified in the minds eye, decide upon a grave priority inside of you , this mental priority takes president over all else to make perfectly understandable to you what you must do, that a thing or act must or must not occur!

This thing , then, if it is harmful to a love one, you immediately flex the brains muscles and mobilize a positive thought of action, this brain wave is sent out to your mind by you, to notify a family member of a danger that is pending, or informing him or her to not do something that which you feel will bring them harm !

What are the probabilistical chances of a successful telepathic communication ? It is dependent on ones ability, whether that ability is gene inherited, or instinctive inherited, or by verbally instruction heard, and actively pursued, to develop capabilities regardless of peer criticism, or personal self doubt, which comes naturally to the conscious mind, to reach the goal set, which is attain fluency in telepathy.

Does it work ,sometimes, but the percentage of success rates are debatable. Honestly, not unless you have practiced and practiced with adroit discipline, seriously perfected yourself in it, sometimes yes, right off the bat, other times you got to repeat the process several times, often the stupid human ego gets in the way, making the person forget, that this ability is for one which is in favor with nature, and one who is also in with harmonies of life forces of the mother earth, to which he must respect, and not be subject to be boasting about his ability, in a proud manner. But be humble about it, realizing you have been chosen. When you get it right and the message has been teleported, you know it, and no way in hell, you're gonna believe it was a coincidence!

The downer is 1.
To be termed scientific, a method of inquiry must be based on gathering empirical and measurable evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning.
But that, when you're being tested by non believers this effects you, and weighs on your mind, making you nervous, and being that they want to effectuate proof conclusive by record keeping, and there is unfortunately, an aura in the air of negativity ,making you predisposed to fail.
Because the observers are negative or are without they're knowing it, are emitting negative signals, which distort your concentrative abilities, and hamper, if not destroy the success of the transmissions.

The thing to take into account, telepathy, this ability is from an evolutionary time based necessity in environs conducive to its optimal utilization, of an instinctive ability to communicate when no phones existed, or riding of horses or beating of drums, to tell someone something, that way was not an option. In other words, this ancient art mental form of communication which was promulgated at a time of hostile environmental conditions of primitive people, and this mental ability is a lone remnant surviving just barely, in the Twenty First Century world, where it is not needed and that evidence empirical references, are not coming forthwith, but that's life, we accept it for what it is. Only a few personages are born today strong with the ancient ability!

Now, the practice is carried on still today, often without one knowing it : often exemplified in this kind of telepathy are thoughts transmitted by a young mother to her infant child, to assure the baby that although she might not be in the same room, she is nevertheless there, and that the child need not fear, or feel alone or be scared. This kind of mental state is relationship based with the child!

Failure in telepathy, by no means or implies the observer is to blame, if the ability was truly strong, the thought would be passed along regardless of the presence of witnesses.
So it seems, although everybody would like to demonstrate it works to the scientific community, working alone, and in relative secrecy is more productive, and less embarrassing when failure occurs!

Opinions cheerfully expressed, whether in consensus or in disagreement, help understanding and collaboration with one another! Peace Be with you .

sciforums : where the impossible is explained
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...But that, when you're being tested by non believers this effects you, ...which distort your concentrative abilities, and hamper, if not destroy the success of the transmissions...

lol, that is a classic defense mechanism used to avoid the reality of something not existing.

sciforums : where the impossible is explained

Nice footer from someone with 4 posts. It gives you away rather nicely.
Empirical evidence is not possible with measuring devices we have. If someone had tried to explain wave and particle theory 300 years ago they probably would be laughed at.

So the only methods available for proving telepathy and such is with laws of probabilities. All skeptics can ignore the probabilities because our scientific model is not set up to accept probabilities.

However there are hundreds of quantifiable tests (yes! i will be asked to link them by some idiot) that have shown that probabilities of psychic phenomenon have influenced the results.

Blogs such as these threads carry with them many "trolls". These are people who like to peruse "parapsychology threads" and poke fun where they can.

I fail to understand the glee this must instill in them, but suggest they can have more fun trolling in online games. Why would a skeptic even be in the paranormal sections of sciforums?

However; for some of us who accept the "law of probabilities" and would like to understand the how and why of what we observed, just think the trolls are close-minded idiots. That is another term for skeptic.

James Randi will be remembered for hindering mindkind, There are currently more people who believe in the law of probabilities than in science based only upon empirical evidence. So the skeptics have lost, except for the few die hard losers who troll the paranormal threads.
As with Occum's Razor, it's usually suggested the simplest answer is more likely to be the most accurate, the main problem is that it's often used with the wrong questions being answered.

Let's break it down simply, so those that usually deny with no knowledge can at least get an idea of where they are failing.

If Telepathy is possible, How is it possible?

Through magic or divine intervention?... Well considering that "Magic" is illusion and "divinity" it's just delusion, it can be suggested that these "para-psychological" variants are not likely. (In fact I would go all out and say "Not Possible")

Through evolution or natural?... Again you can consider this a no, for the most part we humans do communicate, if it's not through words, it's through actions or cold read "tells". For instance it's possible for siblings or other family members to communicate messages to one another with nothing more than a few eyebrow motions and facial distortions, even a guy in a bar can ask "Do you want a drink?" with a simple hand motion.

Through Science and/or Technology? Well the answer here is yes, if it's a goal to achieve it, then it can be achieved scientifically and this has already been proven through the use of BCI (Brain Computer Interface) systems to either aid the disabled or enhance human capacity further (For instance the initial BCI usage in such projects as the Eurofighter to remove the need of a pilot having to negotiate 'G' physically to cause actions.)

Through Falsities, Lies, and deception? The Illusion can easily be created and has been done many times by various people in the Entertainment industry, however it's not "Real".

So the Verdict is that it can only be possible if Science and Technology en-devours to make it so.

So how would it actually be done?

Well the idea of telepathy is the capacity to take an output from one location and deliver it to a receiver through through a communications medium (not the spiritualism mumbojumbo type)

One method works like this:
Both Sender and Receiver are "Matrixed" by radiology for an undisclosed time period, the "Matrixing" is done by an active doppler array which incidentally can be done through many already used frequency types (Like Mobile networks).

These results of the Matrixing are used to produce "Emulated" models of both subjects, during their "initialisation" phase they are subjected to both human operative input as well as artificial intelligence systems. These are done to construct a medium between the real human mind and the artificial emulated symbiont.

Both artificial emulated brains over time can be used to manipulate and manifest neurological action within the brain through the active doppler matrixing. From the undisclosed time period of initialisation the system would have learnt how to not just manipulate random, sporadic or non-interprettable inputs but potentially altered the entire way information is stored within the human mind (since it would impart place it's observed and recorded information into the emulated symbiont.)

Telepathy would be possible if the inputs of one human to it's emulated state, could be converted to trigger the other humans emulated state to manipulate an output in their brain.

This method of course has drawbacks, like for instance;
  • the effects of radiology on the individuals
  • The undermining of privacy (Which in turn undermines Human and Civil Rights)
  • The concern over corruption (After all if both human subjects don't have the capacity to control the dataflow between the emulation or themselves, it could drive them crazy by having irrational output constantly "spammed" into them as an observable output) There is also the concern that it could be used to brainwash or manipulate, after all imagine a government manipulates people at the polls to vote one particular way or a particular fascist government manipulates it's people to become more fascistly inclined, it could be a repeat of World War II, Even the simpler method of just manipulating the head of a particular state to not even know they are acting in the interests of a foreign national would be problematic.
  • Dangers of doppler alterations due to weather, equipment synchronization, sabotage or other unknown factors.

Uses however could be:
  • Make a public official like a Politician, Completely Transparent. (No more lieing scumbags in Office, the world could be shown an output of what they think, when they think, how they think forcing them to live both a pious and transparent lifestyle.)
  • Identify Terrorists, Killers, Rapist and Paedophiles for who they are. (Evidence can be found if it's known what is being looked for and what better source than straight from there head)
  • potential replacement to mobile phones, tablets or any other technology. (If of course the radiation concerns are lesser than using a device.)

Of course any "Applets" that would be created would run on the Emulated Symbiont and "merged" with the persons brain through matrixing, so it would be possible to learn languages, increase mathematical skills, operate robotics remotely, search entire libraries of information from the mind, As well as message people through just a thought.

Whether all this will be possible however is totally down to it's reception, after all if everyone had the capacity to have such brain apps, the output would be that hackers would attempt to gain access, it would no longer be a computer system suffering damage or data being destroyed, it would be people placed into hospitals due to what is currently deemed "Mental health issues", it would be the destruction of peoples capacities to function and this is one of the main reasons why it currently hasn't been pushed as a Commercial Venture. (However this doesn't rule out various governments interest in the potential of manipulating people)

In essence "Telepathy" isn't just potential, it's already existent to an extent, it's just through science and technology, no other variations exist.
Empirical evidence is not possible with measuring devices we have.

I am assuming you mean empirical evidence of telepathy. Of course it is. Put a sender in one room, a receiver in another room, and some video cameras in both. It ain't rocket science.

If someone had tried to explain wave and particle theory 300 years ago they probably would be laughed at.

I don't think there was evidence available to model "wave and particle theory" 300 years ago, so it's kind of a silly statement.

So the only methods available for proving telepathy and such is with laws of probabilities. All skeptics can ignore the probabilities because our scientific model is not set up to accept probabilities.

Science employs probabilities in many areas, so that's kind of a false statement.

However there are hundreds of quantifiable tests (yes! i will be asked to link them by some idiot) that have shown that probabilities of psychic phenomenon have influenced the results.

You must be talking about meta-analysis of ganzfeld tests. Thos same tests we're re-done many times with better controls and surprise surprise... those slighly above expected probabilities disappeared.

Blogs such as these threads carry with them many "trolls". These are people who like to peruse "parapsychology threads" and poke fun where they can.

These threads aren't blogs; however, it is true that "believers" will often get the shaft :).

I fail to understand the glee this must instill in them, but suggest they can have more fun trolling in online games. Why would a skeptic even be in the paranormal sections of sciforums?

Being a paranormal section doesn't detract from the fact that this is a science site. If bold claims that something is true are made then there had better be some bold evidence to back it up.

However; for some of us who accept the "law of probabilities" and would like to understand the how and why of what we observed, just think the trolls are close-minded idiots. That is another term for skeptic.

It's funny. Believers call people who don't believe "close minded". Evidence based thinkers call people who ignore evidence "close minded". The issue of course is values. Someone who values truth will go the path of evidence and that is what's at the core of science.

James Randi will be remembered for hindering mindkind,...


There are currently more people who believe in the law of probabilities than in science based only upon empirical evidence.

It's funny that you consider them so seperated.

So the skeptics have lost, except for the few die hard losers who troll the paranormal threads.

Sounds like some heavy cognitive dissonance.
From Crunchy Cats post

I am assuming you mean empirical evidence of telepathy. Of course it is. Put a sender in one room, a receiver in another room, and some video cameras in both. It ain't rocket science.

Not! There is not a hope of convincing any skeptics with this sort of experiment. There was a sleep telepathy experiment used to influence dreams. It was the double blind - lab coats - locked doors type of study.
They had "hits" that defied 75000:1 odds

Now Seriously! Does that change your mind? You would rather look at the simple experiment you described as either a) flawed or b) that the 1 chance it was fluke is the fact. I was not thinking of ganzfield experiments, and am unsure as to what they are. I can see where a few groups of skeptics in 2 rooms with video cameras would fail to send messages through the walls. I would think that in the first instance the people would participate in the experiment as should be expected, and the same experiment repeated with fellows like yourself might make for a decent card game instead.

So yes! I do not see how "laws of probabilities" will affect skeptics. I did say however that most people agree with the "laws of probabilities so the skeptics have lost. Yes that means you. I just think of you as a troll here, and thought i'd take the time to tell you.

I don't think there was evidence available to model "wave and particle theory" 300 years ago, so it's kind of a silly statement.

Now wasn't that the point i was trying to make. Are you arguing for me?
I would argue that if someone started a thread about wave and particle theory 300 years ago it would have to be in the paranormal section. It would also receive its share of skeptics browsing by and making idiotic comments.

Then young comes along with the double slit experiment and poof! Everyone is happy to be on board with it.

by cranchycat
Being a paranormal section doesn't detract from the fact that this is a science site. If bold claims that something is true are made then there had better be some bold evidence to back it up.
I have seen people come up with theories and ideas before. Thumbing your nose at people hiding behind accepted facts does little to impress people who have participated in psychic experiments. Accepting reduced odds is less tempting when you have witnessed the results yourself. It is unfortunate others cannot experience the feeling of knowing that there is a higher self, and we are all connected.

So yes! I feel sorry for them/you.

I do not agree with all the claims in many of the threads, but I can avoid piping in negativity just for negativities sake. I think that sort of behaviour is more suited to children (and obviously yourself).
Not! There is not a hope of convincing any skeptics with this sort of experiment. There was a sleep telepathy experiment used to influence dreams. It was the double blind - lab coats - locked doors type of study.
They had "hits" that defied 75000:1 odds.

Influencing dreams? Dream recall is difficult for most people and that would probably be the worst platform I can think of for trying to demonstrate the existence of telepathy. Maybe your description isn't representing the experiment correctly so if you would like to use it as a point of evidence I would be happy to review it.

Now Seriously! Does that change your mind? You would rather look at the simple experiment you described as either a) flawed or b) that the 1 chance it was fluke is the fact. I was not thinking of ganzfield experiments, and am unsure as to what they are. I can see where a few groups of skeptics in 2 rooms with video cameras would fail to send messages through the walls. I would think that in the first instance the people would participate in the experiment as should be expected, and the same experiment repeated with fellows like yourself might make for a decent card game instead.

One of the things to keep in mind about telepathy tests is that often the people being tested are self-proclaimed psychics who actively produce results. Think about it this way, I claim that I can make 30 successful free-throws in basketball. I try and instead make 15 successful free-throws. The important part is that both myself and my observers know when I have missed. Now enter a psychic. They claim they can successfully read 30 minds. They try and get 1 hit; however, while the observer knows this when it happens, for some reason the psychic is utterly oblivious as to whether or not they actually hit.

Now, what do you experiments that involve regular people and produce "above expected results"? Like 28% out of an expected 25% chance. Review it of course. See if there are controls out of place, see if there is any chance of information leakage, check if the RNG is valid, etc. In all cases I am aware of that has been the case and after fixing the issues and re-testing, chance success was achieved.

So yes! I do not see how "laws of probabilities" will affect skeptics. I did say however that most people agree with the "laws of probabilities so the skeptics have lost. Yes that means you. I just think of you as a troll here, and thought i'd take the time to tell you.

What you are saying doesn't really make any sense. I don't know of any "skeptic" who disagrees with probability and statistics. Those are symbolic representations of observable and repeatable outcomes.

Now wasn't that the point i was trying to make. Are you arguing for me?
I would argue that if someone started a thread about wave and particle theory 300 years ago it would have to be in the paranormal section. It would also receive its share of skeptics browsing by and making idiotic comments.

Then young comes along with the double slit experiment and poof! Everyone is happy to be on board with it.

The point you are trying to make is non-sequiteur. You are saying that some person 300 years in the past magically acquired the knowledge to form paricle and quantum wave theory (and then presented it and got trolled). Seeing as miraculous knowledge and presentation like that have never occured it's a very poor example but the real part of the fallacy is trying to equate failure to demonstrate the existence of a phenomena with it.

I have seen people come up with theories and ideas before. Thumbing your nose at people hiding behind accepted facts does little to impress people who have participated in psychic experiments.

Ideas aren't facts and theories are models based on facts. As psychic phenomena is not fact, you can't really make a model on it. Additionally, nobody really cares if a psychic participants is impressed or unimpressed, it's utterly irrelevant.

Accepting reduced odds is less tempting when you have witnessed the results yourself. It is unfortunate others cannot experience the feeling of knowing that there is a higher self, and we are all connected.

So yes! I feel sorry for them/you.

A "feeling" doesn't make something true; however, in this case you are incorrect. TMS applied to the some parts of the brains can result in reduced blood flow and produce an experience where the distinction between self and other disappears. You feel connected with everyone... "you are god, I am god, we are all god" type of stuff. But again, it's a feeling not actual truth; however, again it comes down to values. If you value how you feel over truth then science isn't really your thing.

I do not agree with all the claims in many of the threads, but I can avoid piping in negativity just for negativities sake. I think that sort of behaviour is more suited to children (and obviously yourself).

Again that's values coming up. You would rather avoid appearing negative then calling someone out on lies, delusion, misinformation, misrepresentation, etc... i.e. "non-truth". If that works for you then that's fine; however, it's rather silly to for you to think that someone who values truth above "appearing negative" would actually care about your behavioral judgments.

The interesting part of this whole thread is that there is only one known objective phenomena that produces any "psychic-like" result that is consistent, and I don't think anyone has even mentioned it.
Thank-you for supporting my argument so well. I believe you have added towards my arguments.

I will emphasize one point you just made as most of what was said, as most of what you said referred to some sort of psychic experiments you seem to have heard about.

I would like to commoent on thsi though.

by cranchycat,
Those are symbolic representations of observable and repeatable outcomes.

Exactly! Science must have repeatable outcomes to be accepted.

I am assuming you are a bit of a slow learner so I will explain things a little slower.

When I say science does not accept probabilities as fact, even if the odds of it being fact are a trillion to one. That is what I meant.

Probabilities is the "science of uncertainty" so it does have a place in science, but not the type of science we are discussing.

You have mistaken it for the science that is used to calculate insurance rates, and big banking. The world of finances is governed by such "science", as well as things like engineering (will a plane fly into this building).

For a scientific experiment to gain approval it must be an experiment that can show "repeatable outcomes" exactly as you just stated.

It has been my argument that psychic "hits" that suggest telepathy is real should have support if they have hits that defy the odds to a great degree.

This is not so. Mr Cranchycat; you can repeatedly argue that it is already a reality, but this will continue to make you look foolish.
Crunchy poses logical and thought out arguments, and kwhil waves his hands a lot, stamps his feet, and repeats, is not is not is not.

Must be a liberal arts major. If he made it that far.
Crunchy has more than 7100 posts, and after looking at many I have not found any with any non-negativity or productive in any way. This spells troll in my books.

If you want to make an alias to congratulate yourself on a troll well done go ahead Crunchy.. I mean Alexg. I mean crunchy. omg..

Crunchy simply link one productive post out of your 7100 posts, and I will recant what i said about you being on here solely for the purpose of trolling.
Kwil, link to one post of yours which has any scientific content, and I'll withdraw the label of crackpot from you.
