Telepathy - read someone's mind

But then, in everyday life, you don't go documenting every time it happens and if you would, people would call the mental institution and have you locked away. That's how the system works.

I've posted quite a few critiques from time to time on the way western mental health systems handle their patients and the criteria used to justify their confinement and treatment. But no, it's not true in any western system I'm personally familiar with that you would be locked away for having paranormal beliefs. If that were true, to be consistent they would have to lock away the leaders of every religious or spiritual institution in the west. The typical western mental health system (at least in principle) can only detain you and force treatment on you if you're deemed an imminent threat to yourself or others.
A simple way to analyse why people are sceptical about such claims is to look at it a little differently.

If you have two computers in a room that do not have cables connecting them together or wifi capacity,...
Can the two computers send information between each another?

If they are stand-alone units then the likelihood of them being able to transfer data between each other is not feasible, after all to get around the inability to communicate requires designing a "Medium". (Not the type that attempts to communicate with "spirits", since that would require a posed non-corporeal non-existent pseudo-manifestation to have physical properties.)

The only way the two computers can communicate is by developing a medium, this means using a cable/fibre connection or wifi.

There is a potential in the future that perhaps non-locality will offer a medium of communication without the need for wave propagation over distance. (Very handy in the situation of removing "delays" in regards to distance no longer having to convey a message over time, so landers on Mar's might one day roam around with no delay between them and Earth control.)

Non-locality used in this manner is definitely something to be looked at when designing a Quibit[Q-bit] Computer.

The application of Non-locality as a medium for data transmission is obviously an "Artificial Construct", it's not something that would naturally occur.

Thus any super-natural event of Telepathy is ruled out. (It would and does require Physics, which in turn means using a scientific approach.)

The problem is that we have a myriad of people all claiming various things to support there notions, not all of them are going to be right, some in fact are going to be making it up, others are just going to be delusional and others still are just misinterpreting what has been occurring to them which indeed might have an artificial origin.

In the instance of Mind to Mind telepathy, the current mediums are:
  • Sound
  • Sight
  • Taste
  • Touch
  • Smell

There is the potential for an artificially constructed "6th sense" (albeit an interchangeable vector of potential senses means that it shouldn't really be limited to a number), however it's really just a method of manipulating current senses into inducing Synesthesia.

I believe in the current direction of cybernetics, the integration of mediums like growing tissue to interconnect with implants or radiological manipulation of tissue can use this method to replace missing capacities or enrich a person with new capacities.

With that the latter (Radiology) is therefore a potential medium for communicating, however it requires adding an artificial bridging mechanism (pre-processing/real-time processing) to make sure that the sensory out manipulated at both ends is observable and understood by the observer. (otherwise what point would there actually be)

With that however long exposure to radiology is likely to be damaging, while it is indeed dielectic radiation, it can still increase biological temperatures beyond their operational temperature and possible impede or accelerate cellular generation. (The reason that mobile phones are deemed "safe" is that it's posed that the blood circulation throughout the body will aid in keeping the temperature down from dangerous levels, however I'm not entirely convinced about it being safe in regards to cellular mitosis. Based upon the notion that energy isn't destroyed, it converts form, if it happens to be a form that cells can work then the potential results can have both positive and negative consequences.)
I've posted quite a few critiques from time to time on the way western mental health systems handle their patients and the criteria used to justify their confinement and treatment. But no, it's not true in any western system I'm personally familiar with that you would be locked away for having paranormal beliefs. If that were true, to be consistent they would have to lock away the leaders of every religious or spiritual institution in the west. The typical western mental health system (at least in principle) can only detain you and force treatment on you if you're deemed an imminent threat to yourself or others.

Interesting that you have such a naive view of "western mental health systems".

I was locked away for 24 hours last year based on rumours from ..I have no words to describe how low these people are...who claimed I was hearing voices and had threatened a kindergarden. And the doctor who locked me away didn't even listen to what I had to say.

If Voodoo-curses work every one of those people involved are gonna get it. :mad:
Interesting that you have such a naive view of "western mental health systems".

I was locked away for 24 hours last year based on rumours from ..I have no words to describe how low these people are...who claimed I was hearing voices and had threatened a kindergarden. And the doctor who locked me away didn't even listen to what I had to say.

If Voodoo-curses work every one of those people involved are gonna get it. :mad:

It depends on how far you push the curse . Me some of mine I push relentless like for decades before any results happen
I was locked away for 24 hours last year based on rumours from ..I have no words to describe how low these people are...who claimed I was hearing voices and had threatened a kindergarden. And the doctor who locked me away didn't even listen to what I had to say.

Well I obviously don't know what the details of the situation were or anything about the people involved, so all I can say is that I'm sorry you had a difficult experience with the system. But my assertion is still true- they detained you specifically because there was some perception or claim of a physical threat, whether the claim was reasonable or bullshit. I guess if you have some unconventional beliefs that could contribute to a doctor not trusting you and that wouldn't necessarily be fair, but unconventional beliefs alone are not legally sufficient to detain someone.

If Voodoo-curses work every one of those people involved are gonna get it. :mad:

Well the scientific solution here would be to administer a plague of lawyers. The sad reality is not everyone can afford to conjure such a plague, but you won't see me telling anyone that life and the people in it were ever fair.
Well I obviously don't know what the details of the situation were or anything about the people involved, so all I can say is that I'm sorry you had a difficult experience with the system. But my assertion is still true- they detained you specifically because there was some perception or claim of a physical threat, whether the claim was reasonable or bullshit. I guess if you have some unconventional beliefs that could contribute to a doctor not trusting you and that wouldn't necessarily be fair, but unconventional beliefs alone are not legally sufficient to detain someone.

Well the scientific solution here would be to administer a plague of lawyers. The sad reality is not everyone can afford to conjure such a plague, but you won't see me telling anyone that life and the people in it were ever fair.

Yes, if only I could find one lawyer to begin with, maybe if I win the lottery. I was going to say that even if you do have the money it's not easy to find a lawyer who is willing to take on the case, but then I remembered that money talks.
Yes, if only I could find one lawyer to begin with, maybe if I win the lottery. I was going to say that even if you do have the money it's not easy to find a lawyer who is willing to take on the case, but then I remembered that money talks.

What is it telling you?
Is such transmission instantaneous?

Radiology is not instantaneous. There would be the application of distance at a specific wavelength to travel which takes time(even if it's multiple nodes matricing a target), there is then the processing method to piece together into a viewable or format that can be interacted with for a human to observe, they then have to observe and respond, which then has to be inversely outputted.

So such method could take milliseconds or actual seconds depending on how quick the apparatus is and how attentive the observers are.

(You could get a rough idea of the speed of response just by playing an online game against a human opponent elsewhere in the world. Notibly some games it can appear that a person is cheating because they aren't "getting shot", but it's actually down to the distance at which both people are from the server and the algorithm thats used to decide the fate of a person is triggered on a "First come, first served basis". So when you get shot in a duel but you claim you pulled first, you are actually observed a delay and fell foul of it. )
What is it telling you?

I quote:

"If you give me away to a lawyer (or anybody else) he/she/it will do everything you say."

With a snakey voice, so that I can be sure it's lying too.

In reality he/she/it just takes the money and run.

?? You duel a great deal, then?

Quite a bit in regards to Battlefield:Bad Company 2, only first person shooters have always had the problem with latency, I did hope to try and look at dealing with this problem through looking at a method of using non-locality, however it's obviously a fringe subject and since I'm not brimmed with Phd's or more importantly the Finance and Influence that comes from one(or more), I can't push it as far as I would like.
Telepathy , telepathy is possible???

Vinko Rajic can use telepathy.

There is not scientific evidence for telepathy. Why this telepathy madness?
At Edinburgh University, experts conducted controlled experiments to see if telepathy is possible.
Vinko maybe can give evidence for it but why they do not make an experiment with Vinko or Uri Geller?

Why are Schneider's symptoms of the first rank for Schizophrenia exact the same as Vinko's telepathy?
Is CIA's remove viewing project just a bluff because telepath's like Vinko can never find out who actually
is sending to them , also receiver or sender can never localize each other.

I think it is in interests of science and human kind to make some really research on Vinko and Uri.
New "Mad Monk" like Grigori Rasputin can happen again, some pararanormal people are very dangerous.
this is very real, you will have your proof soon. Until then this belongs in the religion forum. God saith unto YOU the Lord returns with clouds, the devil is dead from the earth back to the bottomless pit, and the living angel Michael leads a band of 100 million living angels on earth. The faithful will be delivered the damned be damned, lines are being drawn. The End is near, praise God.
The telepathy is real,
Just read my blog, It's my story life.
[link deleted]

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This is not the place to advertise your blog. Tell us why telepathy is real in your post & create discussion. Linking to an external site likely aids you more than us. Please keep that in mind in your future posts, and if your posts do prove you have something to say, you can link to your blog as a reference. Thanks, and please understand you have 1 post, and I am trying to prevent spam.


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I’m Majid, 31 years old, from Tehran, Iran. I have Msc of computer science in the Artificial Intelligence field. About 9 month ago, I understand people can understand my thoughts. Before this, for 6 month, I have much effort to strengthen my focus hardly. Of course, I didn’t intend to become a telepathist. The life is not easy when you know others can understand your thoughts without your authority.

Brain signal is categorized as ELF (Extremely Low Frequency). The wavelength of ELF waves in air is very long (6000km at 50Hz). Also they can penetrate much deeper than other waves. So, the ELF waves are used to communicate by submarines in the deep of oceans. Although, there were a few number of receiver for the ELF waves in world, because they need too long antenna.

Also some long distance empathy (as a type of telepathic connection) is reported in the world. When a person close to you is in pain or trouble and in cases close to death, you feel that there is something wrong with that person even though that person is far away. This kind of long distance empathy is quite common in parents and spouses.
Thought Transmitter

I don’t have much information about this phenomenon and this phenomenon is act out of my authority. But some of my observations listed below:

People near me, such as my neighbors can understand my thoughts. I don’t know some of them but they can connect me. I don’t know how they can do this.
I guess they can understand my feelings. Also they can watch everything I see. They can listen to whatever I say or I listen. Even, when I touch myself without any thinking, they can understand.
When I watch live broadcast programs on local TV or radio, executors can understand my feelings. Even it’s possible they can understand my thoughts.
I’m not sure about this and it does not confirm it for me until now. But I feel the executers on live satellite channels can also connect me. I guess they sense my feelings.
A helmet was entitled Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB) was claimed can prevent spreading brain signals. But I think this claim is lying. It doesn’t work for me at least.

Thought Receiver

In Past 9 months, another strange phenomenon was occurred for me. I sometimes hear some simple sounds such as ticks. Most of them were located inside of my ears and some of them was from outside. These sounds have harmony by my thoughts. Sometimes, others interfere in the process of my thinking and decision-making. These sounds have one of the most evidence for me that others can understand my thoughts. Nature and method of making these sounds were always unclear and ambiguous to me. Until about 1 month ago, I received more and stronger sounds. Now, I sometimes hear some words, sentences and even music. It seems I am also a receiver of brain signals of other. I have really doubt about this matter. Some of my observations listed below:

Now I hear sounds, words, sentences, even music that has harmony by my thoughts from inside of one of my ears. Sound orientation is done by two ears. But I hear only from one of my ears, sometimes from my left ear and other times from my right ear. I can’t understand how is this possible?
Also, I feel sometimes thoughts, images, and dreams in my brain are not owned by me and others implant them to me. In fact, I guess, I received them from others. This happens especially at night while I want to sleep.
Others have touch telepathy with me. I am sure about this.

Evidences and Proof

I have some evidences that satisfied me, I’m not mental sick and others can really understand my thoughts:

People know me; build a symbolic language to communicate with me (External feed-backs). They use this language according to my thoughts. These happen every day during 9 month ago
As Mentioned, I receive some sounds, words, and even music which have harmony with my thoughts (Internal feed-backs). These also happen every day during 9 month ago.
The words are not similar to my talking or thinking style. Some words only used in conversation between two persons, not in the internal conversation.
Speaker’s voices are not same as my voice.
If we suppose the sounds aren’t real. But there were external events and symbolic language which people use corresponding to my thoughts.
There are mental patients imagine other can read their thoughts. Most of theses patients improved using AFDB. Because the psychological sense of security is created for them. But it wasn’t has any sense for me.
Previous of past 9 month, I was healthy completely.

Schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations

Many people claimed such as this phenomenon that really has a mental disease such as schizophrenia or auditory hallucinations. I have many symptoms of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder that makes it difficult to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences. I accept there were many likenesses between my claim and the symptoms of schizophrenia. But I still believe not suffering from this disease and I can distinguish between real and unreal easily.

How can I understand this paranormal event is real or I have schizophrenia? I think frequency of occurrence, diversity, clearance and resolution of these events. If I receive ten or one hundred feed-backs corresponding to my thoughts, I have right to doubt. If it occurred more on everyday then I can believe its reality. These feed-backs occurred frequently in each day for me. I have done MRI scan, perfect blood and urine tests, and a psychology test. All of them indicated me normal and healthy. I must empathize again. I really have a strange power.
The Preliminary Theory

I have a preliminary theory about this phenomenon which is concluded from my experiences. There were two types of telepathy. I entitled these two types: distance telepathy and online telepathy.

Distance telepathy: It occurred in near distances. In this type the communication can be done even between two invisible subjects from each other.
Online telepathy: It occurred when one subject is present for another via media. In this type the present subject can act as a receiver. the board of telepathy In this type is much longer than distance telepathy.

The Experiments

I have reached some evidences about possibility of long distances telepathy. However, I am not sure about this. I know watching is important and transmitter should be able to watch receiver lively. I hope that an interested skeptic find to have a test of telepathy using voice and webcam. It’s only a test to check is telepathy possible via webcam in long distances or not? If this test was successful, I think we can participate in the James Randi match and probably could win 1 million dollars.
Help Request

I think this is a rare event can really prove the paranormal and the telepathy existence. Also, this can help researchers to improve your knowledge about telepathy and human brain functionality. On the other side, life under these conditions is really difficult. I need help from scientists and researchers to improve this situation. I need to know is there any way to prevent emission and receiving brain signals? Is there any way for me to return the normal life? Is it possible that I can control this emission and receiving state of brain signals?

I know that this story seems unbelievable. I am ready to any cooperation with the researchers. I am also ready for any test conducted by the researchers to prove the existence of this phenomenon.
Brain signal is categorized as ELF (Extremely Low Frequency).... Although, there were a few number of receiver for the ELF waves in world, because they need too long antenna.
So where's the long antenna in the head?

I know that this story seems unbelievable.
You're right.

It's unbelievable. And nonsense.
So where's the long antenna in the head?

You're right.

It's unbelievable. And nonsense.

That's only a hypothesis. There are some other hypotheses. One of them described in this paper: "A PRIMARY QUANTUM MODEL OF TELEPATHY". It gives a primary quantum theoretical model of telepathy based on the principle of quantum superluminal communication.
Also Vasiliev (1963) devised some interesting tests. He placed the subjects within chambers that were heavily sealed from all forms of electromagnetic radiation. In this test the subjects responded exactly as they had without the shielding, contradicting the results of the other Soviet experimenters. Vasiliev's rigidly controlled experiments showed that there was more to telepathy than electromagnetic waves. A Russian physicist, V. Arkadev, supported Vasiliev's contention by saying that the intensity of the waves that could be spawned by the electric currents in the brain is so low that dissipation occurs very close to the skull. Even though it has been proven that electromagnetic radiation can affect the central nervous system, the electromagnetic waves generated by the electric currents that are constantly surrounding modern men and women are of a much higher intensity than any kind of electromagnetic radiation the brain could muster.

I have done some experiments. Now, I don't think that telepathy be a term of ELF waves. It's most like to quantum model.