Teen commited suicide live on Internet

i trust the management here implicitly.
only a fool would trust the powerful.
why on earth do you think our government was built from the ground up with transparency and checks and balances in place?

do you really like the idea of being told what you can and can not read?
you accusing the mods here of working for the CIA?
that would be the stupidest thing i have ever herd

Suggest you need to see your shrink again to up your doseage
you accusing the mods here of working for the CIA?
that would be the stupidest thing i have ever herd
i never meant that at all, not even close.
it was an example.

i'm not talking about sciforums, i'm talking about restricting information on the web.
This is not the first time it's happened (In fact I'm wondering if it's the same story just being submitted again 1 year later).

The very real problem is that people in the real world suffer psychological problems, their instabilities aren't necessarily seen by friends and family, they might not of sought counselling over there problems or looking for a way of dealing with depression.

Those people might lead closed lifestyles where their real life friends can be counted on just one hand leading to loneliness and lessening the chances of their psychology ever being discovered.

One thing that usually stops people from committing suicide is self-reasoning, if they commit suicide what did they amount in this world? what did they leave behind? What of the suffering of their families and friends for a loss that they never truly understood the reasons for and it's obvious in loss that friends and family would want to know about their friend or loved one having the problem so they can help (in most cases).

There are people out there that lack compassion, usually immature teenagers and they are the sort of audience that would egg on a suicide online.

However you could put forwards that this doesn't necessarily mean that the internet should be regulated tighter, I mean it's not different than banning people from going into any high building just in case "They are inclined to jump" or ignoring people so they suicide alone with no chance of anyone talking them around, or suicide because the voices in their head told them to do so.

I mean in the example story there is no comment made about the number of individuals that tried to talk the person down, I doubt it was all one way. It would make more sense for websites to have a "Helpful page" for dealing with Support of those that are victimised, suffer depression or suicidal thoughts.

Obviously this is dually noted for future development discussion for this forum.
On the contrary, suicide like yawning has a tendency to influence other people in the same direction. I believe there was a study which showed that disseminating news about suicide in a community, increases the probability of more suicides

It becomes a meme? Seriously?
That's why mental health websites are not always conducive to improving mental health... The massed effect of all the various illnesses tends to drive people towards more desperate actions, because those actions become socially acceptable.
I wouldn't believe it was real.
But don't we have people screaming "jump, jump" in the real world. Why is anyone surprised that faceless anonymous people would join in?
This kind of mentality isn't new. Its why hangings and beheadings used to be social events.
I don't recall opiates and benzos being common scripts for bi-polar.

Bi polar people are infamous for this sort of thing.
Ive never heard of an animal getting off on watching some others die!

Watch tigers, house cats, and Killer whales. They actually kill for pleasure and play wit their food, just like humans do.
Internet Regret

Just as i suspected. What would ?people to be their worst? What a terrible thing. I am not reading it because i do not want to know any more than the title. There are many problems with the internet and society being played out live on it. Teens commit suicide sometimers. But whu do they now want everybody to see it and have a video file fort p[eople to forever watch? Cyber bullying. I was bullied ALOT. gEE, IF they copuld just come into my bedroom and mess with me as well i don't know what i would havve dione. unplug it? read messages from people i knew wanted to mess with me? or would i just delete them or send them without being read to the police? Pornography. The information super highway to hell. What have they done? 1-800-Al queda. people who want to do other people harm just openlyu recruiting people. is it freedom? lack of freedom? trying to get a reaction? where is the destination this is going to bring us to? When i was a kid i was outdoors playing sports and fishing. If the internet existed then it would have sat untouched.
it seems like this kid's dad is projecting a bit to me.

and i don't really see the shock value in this at all. i mean, we all watch ourselves kill ourselves, and each other kill each other every day in little, less abrupt and blatant ways.
Starry Messenger, it is considered bad form to ressurect a thread that is over two years old unless you have something truly special to add.
It sounds like nobody is going to be charged with anything. It is just hard to believe there are such animals out there that would get pleasure out of watching something like that. The poor father....:(

I agree in that i think someone getting their jollies from watching a suicide is appalling. It's immoral on a scale that defies real description.

That being said it is not that surprising to me. Mankind is a race of predators so violent and tenacious we THRIVE in some of the most competitive environments of Earth. We as a society have repressed our primal violent urges, whish is a good thing. We just need outlets for them. For most people it's sports, or AMV. Fopr otthers it's martial arts, hunting, and paitnball. Some people are just wired wrong however and enjoy the kil too much and those are the typer who would watch a suicide and enjoy it.