Teen commited suicide live on Internet

Nothing surprises me anymore really. I came to the conclusion a while back that I can't stand most ppl I come across.
Father appalled by virtual audience to son's death

This is pretty sad, I can't even imagine if one of my kids did something like this. I can't believe that there are such vile assholes out there that would actually get a kick out of watching someone taking their life. :mad:

Could the website owners have located where this kid lived?

Didn't that happen a while back?

From memory, those who watched and 'egged him on' didn't actually think he seriously intended to kill himself. They simply regarded him as a drama queen out to garner attention and sympathy. When he actually did the deed, viewers stopped 'egging' and started panicking.
Tracking down all the people who egged him on and charging them with manslaughter might be a good start to things.

I think that is absurd.
He took his own life - no one killed him but himself.
If someone kills himself because he was teased in school, would you charge the teasers with manslaughter?

Regardless of whether or not it is depraved to want to watch such a thing, watching it is NOT the same as killing the person.

I watched the video in which Nick Berg was beheaded.
Should I be charged with murder?

What about if someone posts on here that he wants to die - if I see the thread and do not try to talk him out of it, should I be charged with manslaughter?
It makes no sense.
This is stupid, the father is his father, maybe he should take some fucking responsibility? The idea that he is blaming people for bearing witness to his failure as a parent truely irritates the shit out of me.

bah... and so I break my hardass refusal to post at sciforums again... shame on me...
1. This is a sad event. Anyone who feels otherwise is at least partially sociopathic and might want to examine their own mental condition.
2. It seems probable that those 'urging him on' did not take his threat seriously. Many of us might usefully examine our behaviour on the internet and in real life to see if we have been guilty of similar actions.
3. Suicide is the culmination of internal pressures (established by genetics and upbringing) and external pressures. Seeking to blame anyone specific person is foolish in the extreme. To borrow a term from engineering, this is a system problem and such problems can only be solved by a holisitic approach. Reflect on that.
I have dealt with many mentally ill people on the internet and it is very common to find attention seekers. This is a shame because it means that you end up not trusting those in serious need.

I am sure that if the people who watch this event knew the seriousness of it most of them would have acted in a very different manner.

I am also sure that the people who did watch this event will be scared for life.

Was this man reasonable to have committed this act in this manner? Does the responsibility here fall on the parents, who's job it is to care for their children? This man should have felt able (even compelled) to seek his parents comfort and not an anonymous audience who are more than likely other children.
Yeah well, shorty. That is why I am trying to get myself to space, away from it all.

You don't need to go into space to get away from it all.
Just sit hunched up in a cupboard with the light off, that'll do it.


The news reports indicated that people on the forum were generally unsympathetic and egging the person on to do it. I find that hard to believe.
I can see a tiny minority of the people here doing the same. A very tiny minority.
Probably just one actually.
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I have dealt with many mentally ill people on the internet and it is very common to find attention seekers. This is a shame because it means that you end up not trusting those in serious need.

I am sure that if the people who watch this event knew the seriousness of it most of them would have acted in a very different manner.

I am also sure that the people who did watch this event will be scared for life.

Was this man reasonable to have committed this act in this manner? Does the responsibility here fall on the parents, who's job it is to care for their children? This man should have felt able (even compelled) to seek his parents comfort and not an anonymous audience who are more than likely other children.

Alex, as they teach us at uni, what is the harm in giving people that atention?
There is OVIOUSLY a reason someone is threatning suicide, maybe they wont carry it out today, maybe they are trying to find out if anyone cares but either way what is the harm in showing empathy to them? The one apsolute they teach us is that every threat of self harm should be taken seriously, NONE should be ignored
Asguard I totally agree with you and I have been trained on this subject as well. However, most people haven't especially if they are just kids.
The news reports indicated that people on the forum were generally unsympathetic and egging the person on to do it. I find that hard to believe.
I can see a tiny minority of the people here doing the same. A very tiny minority.
Probably just one actually.

Well those who did were probably teenagers themselves. I think less ppl on this forum would do such a thing because the majority of us are older and are more sympathetic because we have kids of our own.

Don't you remember when I think it was Reiku was going through something and talking about killing himself? There were quite a few here who were telling him to do it and were
pretty mean to him.
That suicide should be posted on youtube. Seeing what it's really like from start to finish would be excellent prevention.
Well those who did were probably teenagers themselves. I think less ppl on this forum would do such a thing because the majority of us are older and are more sympathetic because we have kids of our own.

Don't you remember when I think it was Reiku was going through something and talking about killing himself? There were quite a few here who were telling him to do it and were
pretty mean to him.

Yes, I do remember that.
I have always thought that his treatment was harsh.
That suicide should be posted on youtube. Seeing what it's really like from start to finish would be excellent prevention.

On the contrary, suicide like yawning has a tendency to influence other people in the same direction. I believe there was a study which showed that disseminating news about suicide in a community, increases the probability of more suicides
"I think after this incident and probably other incidents that have occurred in the past, they all point to some kind of regulation is necessary," Biggs said.
and there you have it.
the internet is a vast storehouse of information, some of it is little known to the public. the powers that be get nervous when this information is found out by the people.
for example:
the CIA don't like this:

write to your senators people, tell them to keep their paws off the net.

censorship truly does suck.