Talking about god...

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Disproving the presence of gods is exactly the same as proving their existence from a theists perspective, lip service.

I mean, that's all I've ever heard when it comes to theists claims for the existence of gods.

perhaps the platform of "practice" could add that dynamic element you seem to be lacking
All religions initially shared the same basic teachings, which may be summed up by what we know as the Golden Rule (also known as Ethics of Reciprocity): “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Whether it works in practice is more the problem of the practioners and what they choose to read into the teachings...all of which are bound to be flawed having been written by Man. Despite whatever the Quran says!

Historical evidence allied with any insight into basic human nature tells us that the human species tends to be fundamentally self-centered and greedy so certainly in the past it was an essential to have some foundations...some deeply held social mores. It could be argued that nowadays it has lost its importance and that there is no reason to suspect an atheist from being altruistic than a religious person and I'd agree with that on an individual basis. I'd be less sure on a societal level.

Neuroscientists Jorge Moll and Jordan Grafman experiments conclude that altruism is something that makes people feel good— it lights up a primitive part of the human brain that usually responds to food or sex. Moll and Grafman conclude that altruism is “basic to the brain, hard-wired and pleasurable.”

All Holy texts preach and promote an Ethic of Reciprocity aka the Golden Rule...'Do unto others what you would have them do unto you'. Do people need to be constantly reminded of the fact?

Sadly yes they do!
All Holy texts preach and promote an Ethic of Reciprocity aka the Golden Rule...'Do unto others what you would have them do unto you'. Do people need to be constantly reminded of the fact?

Sadly yes they do!

I don't live my life by "Holy texts" nor do I need to be reminded of cult dogma. Sadly, it is theists who constantly need reminders, like 3 year olds who don't pick up after themselves.

The problem there is that they are reminded of other cult dogma that would have them separate your head from your body, and other such gems of murderous violence.

It must get very confusing at times. :rolleyes:
what can I say?
If you guys keep insisting on using the same arguments it just means the same rebuttals are called for

Necrohippoflagellation, theists love to use it.
Even though the horse has died, they will still abuse it.
If they beat it long enough, they think you must enthuse it.
Necrohippoflagellation, theists can't refuse it."

Necrohippoflagellation, theists love to use it.
Even though the horse has died, they will still abuse it.
If they beat it long enough, they think you must enthuse it.
Necrohippoflagellation, theists can't refuse it."

I think this is the second time you posted this on this thread
Is it past your bedtime or something?
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I started to cull out the off-topic sub-threads & bickering, but the nonsense on both sides of this alleged "debate" quickly reached 107 posts marked. It didn't make any sense at that point to even think of saving this thread.

Let's have logical and intelligent discussions here. Please.
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