Talking about god...

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Look who's talking. :rolleyes:

*sigh* guilty. But it gets a little
here sometimes.
Seperating your "perceptions" from what "is" is a fruitless philosophical endeavor.

"I only percieve the world (nothing exists without me percieving it), therefore I can make what I want of it. And I can force you to believe as I do, since you're just a perception of mine."

Philosophical claptrap.
Seperating your "perceptions" from what "is" is a fruitless philosophical endeavor.

"I only percieve the world (nothing exists without me percieving it), therefore I can make what I want of it. And I can force you to believe as I do, since your just a perception of mine."

Philosophical claptrap.

Yeah, also the basis for reliability, repetition and standardisation/optimisation of experimental protocols and replicability of empirical observations. Standard errors, standard deviations, odds ratios, relative risk measurements, measures and analysis of variance, modelling in studies, experimental designs, power of experiments, confidence intervals, measures of skewness and dispersion.

All a crock of shit, of course. Completely irrelevant.
Yeah, also the basis for repetition and standardisation/optimisation of experimental protocols and replicability of empirical observations. Standard errors, standard deviations, odds ration, relative risk measurements, measures and analysis of variance, modelling in studies, experimental designs, power of experiments, confidence intervals, measures of skewness and dispersion.

All a crock of shit, of course. Completely irrelevant.
And how does my statement regarding the seperation of perception from reality devalue or invalidate any of that?
And how does my statement regarding the seperation of perception from reality devalue or invalidate any of that?

Because that is exactly what the purpose of those scientific processes is. To minimise errors of perception. Which is a requirement in science but not something we do with everything else in life (unless you're OCD)
Because that is exactly what the purpose of those scientific processes is. To minimise errors of perception.
I understand that. But how does that reconcile with your worldview that is based on beliefs as seperate from physical, testable, reality?

Seems pretty dichotomous to me.
I understand that. But how does that reconcile with your worldview that is based on beliefs as seperate from physical, testable, reality?

Seems pretty dichotomous to me.

Only if you think there is only one way of thinking about everything.
Because that is exactly what the purpose of those scientific processes is. To minimise errors of perception. Which is a requirement in science but not something we do with everything else in life (unless you're OCD)

Ah the old added statement trick. Makes arguing difficult.
Only if you think there is only one way of thinking.
No. But beliefs are not "thinking". They are wishes. Not anything representing reality. Unless they are subjected to testing. Then they can be called facts, if they're lucky.

"I believe that electromagnetism propagates in an inverse square way"

Nice belief. Test it.

Guess what? It's a FACT that electromagnetic radiation propagates in an inverse square way!

"I believe in god"

Nice belief. Test it.

"It's my belief so I don't need to test it."

That's fine. Then keep it the fuck out of the public domain, where real decisions have to be made and real peoples lives depend on those decisions.

Look at GWB. You may not like it sam, but he's a compatriot in theism with you. You want to know one reason we're in Iraq? Because god told GWB it was the right thing to do. Doubt it? Look it up.
Look at GWB. You may not like it sam, but he's a compatriot in theism with you. You want to know one reason we're in Iraq? Because god told GWB it was the right thing to do. Doubt it? Look it up.

And you actually believe that? :rolleyes:
Yes... the psychological issues with GWB disturb me... I think he should be removed from power immediately for bringing in religion with politics...
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