Talk among yourselves

(Q) said:
Yes, you are a theist, you believe in a god.

And if you don't know for sure, start a thread with a poll, state what it is exactly you believe or disbelieve and ask everyone what they think. Simple.

I don't give a shit what everyone else thinks, I am Not theist, end of.

Until you know how I define God, and you do not, then you cannot label me. You have said Einstein wasn't a theist because his definition of God wasn't consistent with theist views, well for all you know my view is Einsteins view. So how am I a Theist and Einstein not?

You are so full of crap Q, go troll elsewhere

and re your poll idea, do you really think that without asking me what my belief is, that anyone can magically know what I am? Are you now telling us Q that sci forums posters are all psychic?
Theoryofrelativity said:
I don't give a shit what everyone else thinks, I am Not theist, end of.

Yes, you are and you'll always be labeled such whether you agree with it or not.

Until you know how I define God, and you do not, then you cannot label me. You have said Einstein wasn't a theist because his definition of God wasn't consistent with theist views, well for all you know my view is Einsteins view. So how am I a Theist and Einstein not?

Then, tell us what your definition is of your god? What's so hard about that?

and re your poll idea, do you really think that without asking me what my belief is, that anyone can magically know what I am? Are you now telling us Q that sci forums posters are all psychic?

Again, you show your inability to synthesize information and are as a child requiring continuous hand-holding lest you run out into traffic.

I stated in my post that you should explain your beliefs or disbeliefs and then place that in a poll - what part of that didn't you comprehend?
(Q) said:
Yes, you are and you'll always be labeled such whether you agree with it or not.

Then, tell us what your definition is of your god? What's so hard about that?

Again, you show your inability to synthesize information and are as a child requiring continuous hand-holding lest you run out into traffic.

I stated in my post that you should explain your beliefs or disbeliefs and then place that in a poll - what part of that didn't you comprehend?

Because I have no interest in anyone knowing what I believe Q, I enjoy you running around chasing your tail, desperate to pigeon hole me. You can't do it can you. If I am theist Einstein was theist, was Einstein theist Q?
Theoryofrelativity said:
Because I have no interest in anyone knowing what I believe Q, I enjoy you running around chasing your tail, desperate to pigeon hole me. You can't do it can you. If I am theist Einstein was theist, was Einstein theist Q?

It is an insult to all members here and to Einstein himself that you would compare yourself to him. If your views are the same as Einsteins, then you are not a theist.
(Q) said:
It is an insult to all members here and to Einstein himself that you would compare yourself to him. If your views are the same as Einsteins, then you are not a theist.

Oh I'm NOT a theist NOW? How is that Q? How did I go from being theist to not being theist when at NO POINT DID YOU EVER KNOW WHAT I DEFINED AS GOD.

Didn't take much to prove what an arse you are did it.
tor said:
So while I do believe in God I am aware that most of the effects of what happens as crunchy again said are about myself, but then my belief in god does not involve a deity its much more a case of 'we are one..we are God' I see all humans as connected and possessing one consciousness. I will refrain from calling it universal consciouness as I have heard that term but not fully read up on it so not sure it fits with my beliei on that score.

Meanwhile I am independant, did not have father figure, but am not atheist, although I do reject religion and my god views are shall we say 'alternative'

Myself I believe in God through personal experience and observation and not in religious contexts.

What I concluded however (as there were still things in my life that could only lead me to believing in something 'more' than we understand) is that my belief in the nature of God was wrong, but I can still have a belief, it has just altered now.

I'm not religious, not remotely, quite the opposite, but I believe in God, not religions definition of God though something else.

By all accounts here, you are a theist.

Einstein said he did not believe in a god, yet it is evident that you do.

You're a theist.
(Q) said:
By all accounts here, you are a theist.

Einstein said he did not believe in a god, yet it is evident that you do.

You're a theist.

Of Einstein:

"Later in life in a speech delivered in Berlin, he gave this illuminating account of himself:

Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my consciousness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has preserved me from feeling isolated. The most beautiful and deepest experience a man can have is the sense of the mysterious. It is the underlying principle of religion as well as all serious endeavour in art and science. He who never had this experience seems to me, if not dead, then at least blind. To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is something that our mind cannot grasp and whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly and as a feeble reflection, this is religiousness. In this sense I am religious. To me it suffices to wonder at these secrets and to attempt humbly to grasp with my mind a mere image of the lofty structure of all that is there." 5

From wikipedia

"Theism is the belief in one or more deities."

Where in my quote does it say I believe God is a deity? Since when is consciousness a deity? Do you believe in consciousness Q? If you do and that is what defines me as theist then it defines you as theist too.
Godless said:
That's the way it is Lightravelling, people take this too freaking seriously.

Lets look at how seriously the issue of religion really is:




But hey don't take it seriously, at leat theist are not burning women, killing infedels, and sloughtering thousands because of religion.

Oh! I forgot The Irag war, Never mind. Religion still plays a big part in the killing of opposing view points, religious intolerance, abortion doctors murder, and so on, and on, religious oppresion is still here. I'm with Q We need to eradicate religion from the face of the earth, if we as a human race want to survive, the next millinium.


The subject me and TOR were commenting on was Sciforum's religion section.... therefore when I said people take 'it' so seriously I obviously meant sciforums, not religion (which is of course a serious subject).