Talk among yourselves

(Q) said:
Thanks for providing a link that supports my argument. Obviously, you never even read what it was you refered.

Nowhere in that link states anything about atheists turning into born again Christians. I read each persons testimony on that page. Not one was an atheist.

You prove yourself, once again, a complete idiot.

LIAR! The second and third names down refers to atheists (someone with no belief in God) who converted. You are full of shit. You are advertising your ignorance, this IS common knowledge, maybe not to a twit who never leaves his bedroom, but to those who have been out in the real world, yes. Let's see my neighbour of few yrs back, Graham Whithead, he was one. But oh...............that doesn't count does it? has to be someone YOU know!


"From: Ervin Shaw, "Karla Faye Tucker, murderer and Christian: How bad could a cute little thing be?" webpage, posted 2000, in "Christian Testimonies" section of "The Truth . . . What Is It?" website (; viewed 7 November 2005):

Taught by her mother to "roll it right" and stoned from age 8 to her imprisonment in 1983 at age 23, she mainlined heroin at age 10. This cute Houston girl, who considered herself ugly by comparison to her sisters, and Daniel Garrett visited Jerry Lynn Dean with the intent to steal Jerry's motorcycle. Daniel hit Jerry in the head with a hammer, and Karla Faye grabbed a 3-foot pickax and rained blow after blow on Jerry. She later claimed to police that she had an orgasm each time over 20 blows slammed into Jerry. She also killed his friend Deborah Thornton, leaving the ax embedded in her chest. She bragged that the killings proved she, "...could run with the big boys." In 1984, while in prison, along came a former "druggie", Karen Gill, from the Family Life Training Center southwest of Houston. After hearing Karen's story of transformation by accepting Jesus, Karla Faye came forward, accepted Jesus as her lord and savior and proved to become a born-again believer. She worked among prisoners; and, in late 1997 on death row, set to become only the second female subject of the death penalty in Texas since 1863, she said, "I want more time to spread the Gospel." She noted that the huge international media interest in her situation presented, "...a bigger window of opportunity to show the life that Jesus Christ has given to me, a life I want to give back to others." It is said that about 10% of seriously imprisoned persons eventually become "jail house converts"
geeser said:
strangely enough,so was I, lol.
what a coincidence.sorry, you may have been non-religious, deist or agnostic, anti-theist, but certainly not atheist.
There have been many discussions on this forum about what constitutes an atheist, agnostic, deist etc - I have been involved with some of them and do not intend to go through another one now. I can assure that I was and BTW you do not know me so you cant possibly know.... unless you have a belief - faith maybe...

geeser said:
atheism is what you are, before religion has taken hold, nobody who has been atheist from birth or rediscovered it/cleared his head, .

And here you completely contradict what you say above, now I must have been an athiest.... LOL
Light Travelling said:
There have been many discussions on this forum about what constitutes an atheist, agnostic, deist etc - I have been involved with some of them and do not intend to go through another one now. I can assure that I was and BTW you do not know me so you cant possibly know.... unless you have a belief - faith maybe...

And here you completely contradict what you say above, now I must have been an athiest.... LOL

Indeed my sentiments exactly upon reply to geesers preumption to know you!

Theoryofrelativity said:
Contradicting yourself? You said ATHEISTS NEVER convert to theism?

explain 'born again christsians', oh maybe you did with your poor explanation as above, er 'you were never actually atheist to begin with'. How dare you to presume to know this persons nature, thoughts etc? Shit you must be God??????
Its true - thats why it always has more hits than the other sections...... some people take it so seriously though....
That's the way it is Lightravelling, people take this too freaking seriously.

Lets look at how seriously the issue of religion really is:




But hey don't take it seriously, at leat theist are not burning women, killing infedels, and sloughtering thousands because of religion.

Oh! I forgot The Irag war, Never mind. Religion still plays a big part in the killing of opposing view points, religious intolerance, abortion doctors murder, and so on, and on, religious oppresion is still here. I'm with Q We need to eradicate religion from the face of the earth, if we as a human race want to survive, the next millinium.

Godless said:
That's the way it is Lightravelling, people take this too freaking seriously.

Lets look at how seriously the issue of religion really is:




But hey don't take it seriously, at leat theist are not burning women, killing infedels, and sloughtering thousands because of religion.

Oh! I forgot The Irag war, Never mind. Religion still plays a big part in the killing of opposing view points, religious intolerance, abortion doctors murder, and so on, and on, religious oppresion is still here. I'm with Q We need to eradicate religion from the face of the earth, if we as a human race want to survive, the next millinium.


Obviosuly in your years of experience you have not distinguished the difference between an organized church and a religion... ah well.

Two of those links refer to Christianity, only one religion, and the 3rd refers to some oppression of organized churches... not all of religion.

Sure some religion has its bad apples... who doesnt? That does not show the irrationality or impossiblity or fantasy of religion.

Some governments become corrupt and oppress... does that mean that entire system of government is oppressive? No. Does that mean all governments are oppressive? No.

Reply back when uve seen the difference.
I love the flair of omnipotence these theist have. What a delusional mind, freaking idiots.

Obviosuly in your years of experience you have not distinguished the difference between an organized church and a religion... ah well.

They are both and the same. There's no such thing as a fucking organiced church read your own fucking history. There are about 33000 different sects of christianity, were's the organization when there's so many interpretations to the same freaking idiotic bullshit book?

Two of those links refer to Christianity, only one religion, and the 3rd refers to some oppression of organized churches... not all of religion.

Did you really expected me to list every fucking idiotic mystic bull shit religion? Give me a break! you must be an idiot. There's about 100K types of religion including the new ones made up by idiot L.R.Hubbard. Seems like any freaking nut job can create his/her's religion and get a few dumb ass celebrities to be there spokesperson. :rolleyes:

Some governments become corrupt and oppress... does that mean that entire system of government is oppressive? No. Does that mean all governments are oppressive? No.

Let's leave politics out of it. You want to discuss politics we can go to the forum on politics. Ok!

That's my bit of seperation of church & state

Reply back when uve seen the difference.

Reply back when you get an education!

Godless said:
I love the flair of omnipotence these theist have. What a delusional mind, freaking idiots.

They are both and the same. There's no such thing as a fucking organiced church read your own fucking history. There are about 33000 different sects of christianity, were's the organization when there's so many interpretations to the same freaking idiotic bullshit book?

Did you really expected me to list every fucking idiotic mystic bull shit religion? Give me a break! you must be an idiot. There's about 100K types of religion including the new ones made up by idiot L.R.Hubbard. Seems like any freaking nut job can create his/her's religion and get a few dumb ass celebrities to be there spokesperson. :rolleyes:

Let's leave politics out of it. You want to discuss politics we can go to the forum on politics. Ok!

That's my bit of seperation of church & state

Reply back when you get an education!


you wouldn't be insulting someone now would you Godless? Weren't you whining about that in another thread, poor lickle ickle Godless was being offended by the big bad nasty girly ToR? Godless who never has a bad word to say to anyone.....
light travelling said:
I can assure that I was
you can believe that if you wish thats your perogative, however you are asking every atheist on this planet, to believe you've gone from the rational to the irrational, this does only happen when someone has had some kind of physical or mental trauma, or is a drug user.
light travelling said:
And here you completely contradict what you say above, now I must have been an athiest.... LOL
I also said, "We are all born atheists til our parents or priests abuse us with the religious mind virus, atheism is the natural way of things we are born without any believe in a god."
so saying this, was and is part of a whole statement "atheism is what you are, before religion has taken hold, nobody who has been atheist from birth or rediscovered it/cleared his head, would go back to being religious not without the use of drugs or getting brain damage." therefore not a contradiction just a continuation of the same statement, but is'nt that what the religious do, take bit of whats written or said, piece it together, to read the way they want it, just like they do with the bible.
Theoryofrelativity said:
LIAR! The second and third names down refers to atheists (someone with no belief in God) who converted. You are full of shit.
Willie Aames, never once mentions he was an atheist, being a person who does'nt go to church or openly worship a god does not make him an atheist.
it's seems he's gone from one drug to another, now he's just addicted to god.
Karla Faye Tucker, again it never once mentions she was an atheist, just because she was rolling joints for her mother, does not make her an atheist, it's seems she had gone the way of Aames, one addiction for another.
is'nt it strange that most serial killers or murderers are religious.
and it also seems you believe that anyone down on the luck, must be atheists, and in need of some witnessing, if there using their sense, reason, and intellect, they wont get taken in by the BS, but if their not, then they will welcome you, with open arms.
geeser said:
Willie Aames, never once mentions he was an atheist, being a person who does'nt go to church or openly worship a god does not make him an atheist.
it's seems he's gone from one drug to another, now he's just addicted to god.
Karla Faye Tucker, again it never once mentions she was an atheist, just because she was rolling joints for her mother, does not make her an atheist, it's seems she had gone the way of Aames, one addiction for another.

According to atheists we are all born atheists, so if these people had no religion and no belief in god which they did not, they WERE by default atheist until they adopted a belief in God. The article clearly confirms they had no such belief till they had belief. So GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT, stop distorting the truth to suit your own little agenda. You just sound pathetic.

geeser said:
you believe that anyone down on the luck, must be atheists, and in need of some witnessing, if there using their sense, reason, and intellect, they wont get taken in by the BS, but if their not, then they will welcome you, with open arms.

I am NOT religious, DO NOT BELIEVE anyone needs saving, have NO CHRISTIAN beliefs, so STOP presuming to know me the way you presume to know everyone else.

geeser said:
I also said, "We are all born atheists ......... atheism is the natural way of things we are born without any believe in a god."

Get off your ridiculous crusade of attempting to state catagorically that under no circumstances atheists ever convert to theism, everyone (most the planets population) converted from athesim to theism because as you atheists like to parrott, we were ALL born atheist.

geeser said:
so saying this, was and is part of a whole statement "atheism is what you are, before religion has taken hold, nobody who has been atheist from birth or rediscovered it/cleared his head, would go back to being religious not

This statement is so fucked up, How does someone born Atheist GO BACK to being religious? How do you go back to being religious unless you were born religious? You said we are born atheist which we are. Hence you cannot go BACK to being religious only forward to it. YOU are making a statement about every person on the planet presuming to know them, you only know what is in your head geeser and that is NOT a lot.

The end.
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According to atheists we are all born atheists, so if these people had no religion and no belief in god which they did not, they WERE by default atheist

Incorrect assumption. Did you know these people? have they told you they were atheist? They could have claimed no religion, but that simply does not make them atheist. Agnostics, humanists, and deists don't have any kind of religion but they are not considered atheists.

I am NOT religious, DO NOT BELIEVE anyone needs saving, have NO CHRISTIAN beliefs, so STOP presuming to know me the way you presume to know everyone else.

So what the hell are you? Confused :rolleyes:

Get off your ridiculous crusade of attempting to state catagorically that under no circumstances atheists ever convert to theism, everyone (most the planets population) converted from athesim to theism because as you atheists like to parrott, we were ALL born atheist.

This analogy would be misunderstood by every theist in the planet. One is born a blank state, tabula raza, therefore no knowledge of god, religion or beliefs in anything. Therefore atheist by default. However do to traditionalism children are "indoctrinated" abusing their little minds to believing in god, religion and traditional values & ethics tought by such religion. So in essence their minds get filled of BS early on.

This statement is so fucked up, How does someone born Atheist GO BACK to being religious?

What is so "fucked up" is your incapitability to understand. Thy a fool nothing more.

Godless said:
So why you here stupid bitch?


To discourse with the intelligent, you are not one, hence no desire to discourse with you, I did inform you before you typed your little reply not to bother did I not?
You Godless are MORE obsessed than anyone I know with god, it is your one defining feature hence your choice of user name. You have nothing else to say. You may have been indoctrinated with god, I wasn't. I was raised among athesits, family and friends all atheists, same still today. Your little fairy story does not apply to me.
You Godless are MORE obsessed than anyone I know with god, it is your one defining feature hence your choice of user name. You have nothing else to say. You may have been indoctrinated with god, I wasn't. I was raised among athesits, family and friends all atheists, same still today. Your little fairy story does not apply to me.

yaws! scratches ass, what ever fool.
Theoryofrelativity said:
LIAR! The second and third names down refers to atheists (someone with no belief in God) who converted.

You're delusional. There is no mention of atheism, you are making that up.

"From: Ervin Shaw, "Karla Faye Tucker, murderer and Christian

Again, no mention of atheism, you are making that up.

And of course, it never occurred to your pea brain that Karla might have been lying about being a born again Christian, to avoid the executioner?
Theoryofrelativity said:
I am NOT religious, DO NOT BELIEVE anyone needs saving, have NO CHRISTIAN beliefs, so STOP presuming to know me the way you presume to know everyone else.

The end.

Yes, you are a theist, you believe in a god.

And if you don't know for sure, start a thread with a poll, state what it is exactly you believe or disbelieve and ask everyone what they think. Simple.